Tammy Sytch Explains Supposed “Seizure” Health Scare On Sunday


WWE Hall of Famer Tammy “Sunny” Sytch continues to downplay a health scare she experienced during an autograph signing Sunday in Middletown, New York.
Sytch was signing autographs at the “Wrestling Spectacular 3-D” event at the Middletown Indoor Flea Market when she became ill. An eyewitness account that was reported online labeled the health scare a seizure, but Sytch claimed later that she simply passed out because she had not eaten.

“Sorry to disappoint…. I just got dizzy and passed out .. Hadn’t eaten all day… No stroke, no seizure. Please stop spreading rumors,” she wrote on Twitter Sunday afternoon.

Sytch explained the event further on her personal Facebook account.

She wrote Sunday night, “To clarify the events from this afternoon, I DID NOT have a stroke. My blood sugar levels dropped to a dangerous level b/c I hadn’t eaten in 7 hours or had anything with sugar….. so I passed out. DO NOT believe everything you read or hear…. it’s mostly bulls–t. I am now home, and resting. please DO NOT bombard me with messages, calls, and text messages. I need my rest…. please respect that. Skypes will commence tomorrow night.”

Sytch posted another update this morning, “Update: IM FINE!! dont believe everything you read!! i had low blood sugar and got dizzy and passed out…. Im pre-diabetic…runs in my family…. so not eating or drinking anything since 9am got to me…. all my hospital tests were normal….whoever is starting rumors can suck it.”

She continued, “just updating… eating chinese for lunch… i feel fine, but tired. the person that started the “stroke” rumors has health issues of his own, that Ive NEVER disclosed….. dont believe everything you hear or read…. please. No one knows my health issues but ME!”

The former WWE Diva has been battling a rash of health problems in the past year as she often claims on Facebook to be sick. This has resulted in multiple trips to the hospital this year, even recently.

She wrote on Sept. 10, “Just so u know. Been in the hospital this past week with a nasty skin reaction. It’s finally clearing up. The think I’m allergic to something. But I’ll be fine….. After all… I AM THE TAMINATOR!!!!”

With Sytch only making infrequent appearances at independent wrestling events these days, her main venture involves Skype. She charges fans money to chat with her through the service, which she frequently promotes on her social networking account.

Here is a photo of Sytch taken just prior to her health scare.

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