The WWE Raw Report 12/29/14


Preshow notes…

– Byron Saxton, Booker T and Alex Riley are at WWE Headquarters…

– We’ve got Edge & Christian hosting tonight’s show.

– We get a recap of last week’s Ho-Ho-Hogan edition of Raw.

– The guys discuss the Cena/Lesnar history, and Ambrose vs. Wyatt.

– We also learn that Miz & Sandow defend the Tag Titles against the Usos. Renee Young interviews the Usos in typical U-so Crazy fashion. Booker T talks about Naomi being a distraction and that the Usos need to get focused. They actually spend some time talking about this match, treating it as something important…

– They announce Daniel Bryan will address his future tonight on Raw. We also learn Rollins vs. Reigns for tonight… Both topics are discussed.

WWE Raw Report 12/2/914 from the Verizon Center in Washington D.C

WWE heads back to the home of the old Capital Wrestling from some decades ago…

We get an opening promo on Edge & Christian. And then it’s to the ring for… EDGE & CHRISTIAN, the hosts of tonight’s Raw… Is Tony Chimmel back? Whoever intros them sounds like crap, voice completely cracked when announcing Edge. Christian wants to have the Peep Show, but Edge wants The Cutting Edge… Some comedy banter between the two. They decide to have a “Cutting Edge Peep Show” with Seth Rollins. Edge announces Reigns vs. Rollins, and Christian announces Rusev vs. Ziggler completely naked. Christian goes to far, maybe just Lana naked he says. Daniel Bryan is here, crowd is starting to pick up noise, thankfully. Five Second Pose time… Interrupted by BRRRRRRRRROCK LESNAR…

Paul Heyman talks about how Edge and Christian have health issues, and how Brock could basically kill them. Heyman says E&C’s careers have ended. But Lesnar knows how brittle E&C are, so he wants to break a virgin neck, that of John Cena’s.

Speaking of Cena… OUT COMES JOHN BOY. As Cena enters the ring, Edge & Christian slowly leave. Cena only talks for a moment before he presents a gift to Paul Heyman… Cena goes after Heyman, but Brock charges… Cena scoops Brock up in the AA, but Lesnar escapes and rolls out of the ring. Super coward spot gets him some major heat… Well played sir… Brock taunts Cena with the belt on the floor, Heyman nearly had a heart attack. The heels leave as Cena’s music plays us into commercial…

–Commercial Break–

1. IC Champion Dolph Ziggler vs. US Champion Rusev (w/Lana)

I can’t tell you how often I forget Rusev even has the US Title, that’s how far down they’ve let that belt go. That’s not a discredit to Rusev who makes a perfectly fine champion they’re building up, that’s just the crappy job they’re doing with promoting the belt. Rusev hammers down Ziggler to start, but Dolph breaks a chinlock with a jawbreaker. Ziggler tries the jumping spike DDT but gets thrown off. Dolph still manages to land his standing dropkick, and then connects with the jumping DDT for a 2 count before he head to commercial…

Back from break, Rusev has Ziggler beat down on the apron. Another chinlock by Rusev, Ziggler breaks free with another variation of the jawbreaker. Dolph drops Rusev across the top rope, but Rusev catches a flying body block from Ziggler and throws him over in a fall away, but Ziggler lands on his feet and manages MISSILE DROPKICK off the top for 1…….2…… Rusev kicks out. Rusev tries a big foot but misses and Dolph lands the FAMOUSER!!! 1……..2…………Rusev kicks out again!!!

Ziggler tries a Superkick but Rusev catches his foot and flips him upside down… Damn… Rusev misses a splash in the corner and Ziggler lands the SUPERKICK…1…………2…………Rusev kicks out again. Rusev blocks a Zigzag, blocks a jumping DDT, and then lays Ziggler out and tosses him into the corner post, then stomps Ziggler down in the corner until he gets disqualified… Really? What a lame DQ in 10:10.

After the match, Rusev ties Dolph in the ropes and locks on the Accolade… Referees are out to try and stop to no avail… Then OUT COMES RYBACK… RYBACK hits the ring and lays Rusev out with a Meathook Clothesline… Rusev bails and Ryback celebrates…

I’ve got to be honest, I didn’t care for the past matches these two wrestled each other in, but Ziggler’s getting a push right now which helped both the match flow and believability of the competition… I really enjoyed this match until the abrupt crap finish, but at least they didn’t just bury Ziggz. It’s a TV match so you have to ignore the finish, the match itself was good. Rusev needs guys like these to work with, hides his flaws.

–Commercial Break–

– Ryback is still in the ring to cut a promo… Ryback starts to tell stories about what brought him to the WWE. He talks about his childhood and being in Tough Enough. He talks about being cut, going into depression, ignoring his family, working in a restaurant… WTF is this, they must have seen his interview online earlier today… Ryback talks about getting his life together, returning with Nexus, they acknowledge he was Skip Sheffield. He talks about breaking his leg from his ankle to his knee in 2010. He talks about how lucky he was to be able to return. We go to a video of the first RYBACK run. FEED ME MORE.

Ryback warns Rusev this isn’t USA vs. Russia, it’s big guy vs. big guy and him kicking Rusev’s ass. Ryback eats negativity, he eats negative people, feed him more!

As random as this promo was, and as odd as it is that they did something like this out of nowhere…. I was skeptical at first, but I think this was a good move. It had emotion and character development beyond just a monster. He connected with fans and I think this did more good than not for his personality. It explained his hunger. Pretty cool.

–Commercial Break–

2. Divas Champion Nikki Bella (w/Brie) vs. Natalya (w/Tyson Kidd)

Nattie whoops up on Nikki early and sends her to the floor where TYSON CATCHES NIKKI and holds her. Nattie gets pissed and distracted, Nikki levels her and hits the Rack Attack for the win in 1:07.

Bella wins this non-title match, and they continue this Tyson/Nattie crap. I’m sure Total Divas will be exciting… Insert Sarcasm.

– The Miz & Damien Sandow are backstage, Naomi interrupts and wants to thank the Miz in private for getting her potential gigs in Hollywood. Sandow leaves so they can have a “private convo” in front of the camera… Naomi thanks Miz and wishes him luck against her husband tonight… Damn, what a selfish turd.

–Commercial Break–

3. WWE Tag Team Champions Miz & Damien Sandow vs. The Usos

Miz & Sandow take turns holding up their belts to cheers and boos from the fans. Miz starts per usual and gets the advantage. Naomi watches on from backstage. The Usos take over. Double atomic drop on Miz, Sandow gives himself an Atomic drop in the corner. Uso bumps Miz, so Sandow takes a bump. Miz takes a bump to the floor, and Sandow does the same… Jimmy Uso tries a dive onto Miz but gets stopped and dropped on the top rope. Miz takes over heading into break…

Back from break, Miz teases tagging in Sandow, but doesn’t. Jey Uso makes a hot tag to Jimmy. Samoan drop on Miz, Sandow comes in but gets tossed. Jimmy hits the Shelton Benjamin enzuigiri that knocks Miz outside. Jimmy dives out onto Miz. Jimmy sells an injured knee off the dive, back inside Miz kicks his bum leg and lands the kneeling DDT for 2… Miz tries a Figure Four but it gets blocked and Jimmy hits Whisper in the Wind for 2… Sandow is still down for some reason.

Miz locks in the Figure Four on Jimmy. Uso finally reaches the rope for the break. Miz tries another Figure Four but Jimmy turns it into a weird half crab and arm lock thingy. Sandow comes in to make the save. Sandow tosses Jey Uso, but Jimmy plants him with a soperkick. Miz sneaks in a roll up for 2. Jimmy Uso Superkick to Miz and Jey comes off with the flying splash but MIZ GETS HIS KNEES UP!!! Miz with Skull Crushing Finale on Jey!!! 1……….2…………USO KICKS OUT!!!! Miz misses a tag and goes for another Skull Crushing Finale, but Jey ducks and Jimmy superkicks Miz… Then a DOUBLE SUPERKICK and Jimmy off the top rope with a splash TO WIN THE TITLES in 13:03!!!!

Naomi out to celebrate with the new champs. Fair weather fan.

Crowd was hot for the second half of this… Best stuff Miz has done in a while in the ring. Really wish they’d give Sandow more to do in the actual matches. Still a fun match.

– Jerry Lawler interviews The Usos in the ring. The Usos namedrop JR’s BBQ, lol… Lawler namedrops Johnny Manziel, which gets a loud boo. They won the belts, they played Miz… Not sure how they played Miz, but they do have the belts…

– Video on the Shield’s run on top and their split.

–Commercial Break–

– Cesaro is in the ring, crappy music and all. He says he needs to get a few things off of his chest. He talks about his hot start in 2014, and now the decision makers tell him that he doesn’t connect. He says he doesn’t connect, he delivers. The fans pop. Cesaro doesn’t care about the fans, fancy entrances, he just cares about what he does in the ring. He says nobody can hold a candle to what he does in between “the four ropes”… lol

Cesaro challenges anyone to a fight… BAD NEWS BARRETT accepts…

4. Cesaro vs. Bad News Barrett

Cesaro jumps Barrett to begin things, but BNB takes over with a backbreaker and a Big Boot knocks Cesaro outside. Cesaro returns to offense after he drops BNB across the barricade. Back inside it’s Cesaro with some cross faces and a German Suplex. Barrett comes back and tries a pump handle, but Cesaro counters and lands the CESARO SWING and a half crab. Barrett makes it to the ropes for the break. As the referee pulls Cesaro back, BNB goes to his eyes and lands the Bull Hammer Elbow for the win in maybe 4:00…

Well, this segment started off interesting with the Cesaro promo, and even the Barrett return was fine. But the match, eh.

– Luke Harper promo from the bowels of the arena. He’s an outcast and people are screwed up. Tell me about it.

–Commercial Break–


5. Jack Swagger vs. Luke Harper

Swaggs tries some rasslin on Harper, but Luke just beats him down smash mouth style. Swagger battles back but Harper takes him out with a dropkick for 2. Crowd is dead for this one, nobody is playing to the crowd, and the lack of Zeb and the Wyatt Family has hurt these two. Harper relying on a chinlock doesn’t help matters either. Swagger backdrops Harper outside in slow motion, but plows him over with a stiff clothesline on the floor. WE THE PEOPLE takes us to commercials.

Back from break, Harper with another chinlock. Crowd remains silent. Swagger escapes but runs into a big boot by Luke for 2… Even the announcers are quiet, which makes it seem even worse. Swagger finally makes a run at some offense, a clothesline gets 2. Harper jumps up to avoid a Swagger Bomb, but Jack tackles him down and gets another 2 on Harper. Harper tries a powerbomb, but Swagger counters with the Ankle Lock. Harper escapes and hits Swagger with a Superkick for a near fall… Swagger blocks a back suplex and applies the Ankle Lock again. Harper reaches the ropes for the break. Swagger tries a Swagger Bomb but comes down into the feet of Luke. Harper then unloads with the discus clothesline from hell for the win in 9:45.

– John Cena is in the back with Edge & Christian. Cena and Edge exchange laughs over their feud. Christian brings up Edge slapping around Cena’s father, lol… They get serious for a moment and Cena thanks Edge for everything he did for his career when the two were working one another. Cena admits that most wrestlers are dirty turds and says Edge was one of few that were good human beings. Wow… He thanks edge, they shake and hug and we’re off to Reigns vs. Rollins… Wait, so Rollins is scheduled for an interview AFTER the match? OOOOOkay…

Should be an eventful final hour. We still have the Cutting Edge Peep Show, Daniel Bryan, Ascension, and Rollins vs. Reigns.

–Commercial Break–

Hmm, I’m thinking this means we close the show with Daniel Bryan… I wonder if there’s an angle brewing.

6. Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins (w/Mercury & Noble)

BIG SHOW makes his way down to do commentary. Big Show won’t shut up on commentary, ripping on Reigns. It’s great that he can own his moments to shine, but it’s hard to focus on the match because he’s talking over everything. The match is back and forth early on, but Reigns smashes Seth with a one armed powerbomb, nice. Rollins rolls to the floor to regroup. Reigns connects with the apron dropkick. J&J security distract Reigns outside and Rollins sends Roman into the barricade as we head to commercial…

Back from break, Rollins with the commercial chinlock. Reigns escapes but Rollins drives Roman face first into the middle buckle. Reigns comes back with a better version of the Blue Thunder Bomb than Cena. Rollins comes back with the pele kick for a near fall, and a Superkick while Reigns is on his knees for another near fall… Rollins misses the Curb Stomp and Roman tosses Seth to the apron, but Rollins comes back with an enzuigiri!!! Seth misses something and Reigns lands the SUPERMAN PUNCH… Reigns goes for the spear, but BIG SHOW PULLS HIM OUT OF THE RING… DQ in 16:00…

Show attacks Reigns and dumps the announce table on top of him.

They sell it like Reigns was killed.

–Commercial Break–

– Seth Rollins thanks Big Show for taking out Roman Reigns. We see video from the break with Roman Reigns being helped out, he’s selling a major knee injury from having a table dumped on him. Rollins invites Cena to the Peep Show.

– Bray Wyatt/Dean Ambrose feud video. Odd place to put this. I guess since they’re not on the show tonight they threw this out there to keep the feud going. Next Monday the two meet in an AMBULANCE MATCH.

– Bray Wyatt promo from inside am ambulance. Everything comes full circle, they have reached the point of no return. The Ambulance Match is where their feud comes to an end… Bray says it’s look late for Ambrose. Wyatt says Dean is already dead, and Bray has his soul. Wyatt closes the ambulance doors as the sirens and lights begin and the ambulance pulls away.

– Daniel Bryan in the back talking to R-Truth and the Usos… D-Bry is next.

–Commercial Break–

– Daniel Bryan makes his way out to the ring to address his future in the business, or out of the business… Bryan talks about being labeled a B+ player, but reaching the pinnacle at WrestleMania XXX. He says the fans made his dream come true. He talks about getting married, and losing his dad. He talks about his injury and how the fans take his pain away. He said the doctors don’t have answers. He talked to his friends and Edge about his injury. He builds up an announcement of retirement and the fans chant “NO”. Bryan says there comes a time when he asks to ask if it’s worth it. He says he asked for this time to talk to the fans tonight. Is his career over???…… NO!

That’s not his major announcement… His announcement is… Will he be in the 2015 Royal Rumble?????????????/ YES! YES! YES! YES! The fans chant along with him. Daniel Bryan returns at the Royal Rumble!!!

– The Cutting Edge Peep Show is next… Edge & Christian play the kazoos and sing songs. Miz & Sandow interrupt. Edge has a stunt double puppet. They crack jokes and sing their version of Miz’s song. Miz wants another match NOW against the Usos… Edge grants Miz a match, next, but it’s not against the Usos….

–Commercial Break–

– Cutting Edge Peep Show on Smackdown with Bray & Ambrose.

7.The Ascension vs. The Miz & Damien Sandow

We’re supposed to play stupi as to their opponents but it’s pretty obvious. It’s The Ascension of course. Wow this isn’t translating over to the big time well, they look like low rent Road Warriors out here on the big stage. Crowd is dead for their intro, not helping things. Miz decides to let Sandow handle this one and Damien is attacked and beaten down. This is basically an NXT Ascension squash, as well it should be. They do some of their token stuff and hit the “Fall of Man”, a running Total Elimination, for the win in 1:15.

They stand over a fallen Sandow, but the crowd doesn’t care.

– Renee Young with Rollins again, because we need a pre-promo promo. Rollins invites Brock Lesnar to the ring as well.

–Commercial Break–

– It’s time for the Cutting Edge Peep Show. Their comedy doesn’t really get over. Out first is Seth Rollins with his security in tow. Rollins invites Cena and Lesnar out for a New Year’s Toast. J&J Security are holding the champagne. Rollins says E&C were his heroes growing up, they’re the reason he’s here today. Edge thinks Rollins is condescending. Rollins starts talking about all of his 2014 accolades, winning with the Shield, splitting the Shield, winning MITB, winning a Slammy, and etc… Edge & Christian name a half dozen other stars better than Rollins, including the Dr. of Style Slick. Fun bit, but the fans are aloof… Sad.

The 2014 Seth Rollins will soon be gone, next year there will be a new Seth Rollins. Rollins brings out the Big Show to celebrate with him.

Seth also invites John Cena out for the celebration, but Cena doesn’t come out. Edge says Rollins can’t be E&C because he has no charisma. Rollins says he doesn’t need to be Edge, because he’s better than Edge. Rollins DEMANDS Cena come out here now, he wants something from him. Rollins says Cena is forcing his hand. Rollins than lays Christian out with the briefcase…. Edge gets in Seth’s face, but Big Show steps in, as well as J&J Security.

Big Show holds Edge’s face down on the briefcase as Seth threatens to Curb Stomp and paralyze Edge…. Cena trucks down the ringside but Seth warns him to stay back or he will break Edge’s neck… Seth wants Cena to reinstate the Authority or he will paralyze Edge… Seth says Edge is a husband and a father and he will never hold his child again. Edge gas been laying there for 5 minutes now, this is quickly becoming awkward and in bad taste, even for WWE standards. Meanwhile, Christian is still laid out from a briefcase to the gut shot.

Seth wants the Authority back or he will paralyze Edge now. Cena finally breaks in and says okay. Cena agrees to bring the Authority Back… Already? Blah. Rush job.

Rollins celebrates but he plans to kill Edge anyway. Rollins goes for the curb stomp but Cena spears him… Cena takes out the Security but takes a KO punch from Big Show. CURB STOMP on Cena. Rollins and company stand over the fallen Cena and celebrate the return of the Authority. UGH, 2015 sucks already…

Paul Heyman & Brock Lesnar meet Rollins on the stage. Heyman shakes hands with Seth.

Oh dear God, they’re here… HHH and Stephanie come out with champagne glasses to celebrate their return… BLAH. They really don’t realize how much they WEREN’T missed.

That’s all people.


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