The “OH MY GOD!” Review: MXPW “Maximum Impact” TV For August – November 2004


Maximum Impact 2004-08-06 (Matches taped 2004-06-25 from War Memorial in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla)

Heavyweight: Vacant
TV Champion: “Black Nature Boy” Scoot Andrews
Tag Team: Joey Machete & Shawn Murphy

Ryan O’Reilly vs. Mr Bad Wrench, ref Chuck Hart
Lots of editing here as we briefly see parts of the intros and then are right into the match. The commentary doesn’t come in for about 30 seconds of the match. Bad Wrench wins the award for stupidest name ever. Bad Wrench with early control. O’Reilly comes back and hits the river dance elbow drop for 2. O’Reilly moves on a corner charge and hits a big boot. He takes forever going up top but is still able to land a head butt for the win. 3.52 is shown if I had to guess very little was cut from the beginning.

Dennis Knight is talking to the Blackharts about their cage match coming up later tonight. Knight has the Blackharts locked up in a cage. He says he is going to get the Blackharts ready but they will have to go back into the crate soon.

We see all the finishes from the tournament matches. Bruiser Bradley beating Apolo is not shown so I guess they are officially saying his match with Vampire Warrior was the tournament match.

Norman Smiley says that tonight he is going to get serious and he will do whatever he has to do so he can win the title.

Norman Smiley vs. Chaz, ref Mickie Jay
The commentators tell us that Norman attacked Chaz when Connie Cabral was trying to get words with Chaz smashing his head into a vending machine. They however do NOT show us this! Chaz slowly makes his entrance to the ring holding his ribs. Norman attacks Chaz as soon as he gets in the ring and we get the bell. Smiley goes right after the taped ribs of Chaz. After six minutes of Norman working over the ribs Chaz makes a comeback. Norman though cuts it off and hits a slam and then goes to take off the turnbuckle. The ref tries to stop him Chaz charges and goes for the butt bump but the ref gets pulled in the way. Chaz hits the thingy on Norman but no ref to make the count. Norman pulls out a chain from his tights and gets the three count in 7.25 to become the new MXPW Champion.

New Jack and Hack Meyers cut a promo about the cage match coming up.

Mark Nulty is backstage with Norman Smiley. Smiley says this a very tough tournament but he is happy to come out the winner.

We see highlights off the feud between New Jack and Hack and Blackharts as we prepare for our main event.

Cage Match: New Jack & Hack “Dog” Myers vs. Blackharts (w/ Dennis Knight), ref Bruce Michaels & Chuck Hart
Michaels is in the ring Warren is out. Knight heads to the commentators table. After about 6 minutes of the fight Warlord comes down. Warlord slams the refs head into the cage and then opens the door. Mark Nulty freaks out screaming about how he ripped open the door but it was locked and he really just opened it like a normal person. Warlord picks up a chair and goes after Meyers and Jack. They still want to know how the door got open. Apolo comes down and and now all six men brawl. Hack with a bulldog Jack comes of the top with the 187 for the win in 8.11. Dennis Knight hops in the ring to help his guys out. They continue the beat down for a few minutes and then leave.

Mark Nulty stops Dennis Knight and his guys backstage for a word. Nulty still wants to know how to open an unlocked door. Knight says finally something exciting is happening in MXPW, I couldn’t agree more. Knight says if anyone else wants some they won’t be hard to find.

My thoughts on the show…
Well the Norman heel turn was a nice change of pace sadly we didn’t actually get to see it and the match was painfully bad. The cage match was a fun brawl and I do like the pairing of Knight, Warlord and the Blackharts. Knight has been good on the mic and when he is in the commentators booth.

Maximum Impact 2004-08-13 (Matches taped 2004-08-03 from St. Lucie County Civic Center in Ft. Pierce, Fla)

Heavyweight: Norman Smiley
TV Champion: “Black Nature Boy” Scoot Andrews
Tag Team: Joey Machete & Shawn Murphy

Mark Nulty is joined by a new co-host this week named Vito Denucci. Vito is the former tag team partner of Chris Nelson

Kahagas vs. Johnny Vandal
Kahagas misses a corner charge and Vandal brings him down with a neck breaker for 2. Vandal charges but gets caught in a head and arm snap suplex for 2. Kahagas with a bunch of strikes and he takes down Vandal. Kahagas goes for the inverted suplex cutter but Vandal lands on his feet and hits a rocker dropper. Vandal goes up top but Tag Team Champions Joey Machete and Shawn Murphy show up and attack him. The three men beat on Vandal causing a DQ in 3.47. Crowd was hot for this beat down.

Chaz is backstage and he’s mad and locking for Champion Norman Smiley.

Nulty is backstage and he is with Alex Porteau. Porteau plans on starting at the top of MXPW. He doesn’t know who it is but whoever it is he will take them out.

Aaron Epic vs. Alex Porteau, ref Mickie Jay
After some back forth Epic hits a nice cross body for 2. Epic misses a corner charge and Porteau rolls him up with a school boy to get the victory in 2.54. Porteau had some trouble with the much smaller Epic in this short match.

Nulty is with Steve Madison for a new segment called “One on One with Nulty”. Madison talks about his recovery process as Nulty awkwardly rocks back and forth in his chair.

Casey Thompson is in the ring with Nulty and he has stripped “Black Nature Boy” Scoot Andrews of the TV Title and a new champion will be crowned in a 4 way match featuring Bruiser Bradley, Lex Lovett, Kahagas and 4th yet to be named wrestler.

Mr. Education vs. Sniper
Chaz comes to the commentators table and he is still looking for Norman Smiley. Chaz hits the ring and nails the thingy on Sniper and burning hammer on Mr. Education. No contest at about .40.

Sean Allen, Doc Rivers & Preston James vs. Dennis Knight, Warlord & Blackhart, ref Chuck Hart
Dennis Knight on the mic before the match he runs down the fans and the locker room. Knight says they are going to take apart the locker room. Blackhart starts out with Sean Allen. Blackhart quickly tags out to Knight. Allen backs Knight into the corner and tags James. Knight though with a back breaker and tag to Warlord. Gutwrench power bomb followed by a clothesline for 2. Warlord tags Blackhart and James tags Rivers. The other Blackhart comes down to ringside. Tag to Knight and he hits a neck breaker for 2. The Family have Rivers in the corner and go to work behind the refs back. Warlord and Knight hit a double suplex. Meanwhile The Blackhart on the floor pulls his partner down and throws him into the ring post behind their backs. Knight tags him but then the Blackhart bulldogs him. Rivers covers and gets the win in 5.56. The Blackhart rips off his mask revealing himself to be Hack Meyers! Knight gets the mic and he is not happy.

The Family is backstage and Knight talks about how they ran New Jack and Apolo out of MXPW and they are going to do the same to Hack Meyers.

Nulty and Denucci run down what we saw tonight and they talk about next weeks show which will feature the TV Title match.

My thoughts on the show…
Total pass here the only thing that was of any importance was the ending of the 6 man match but it’s not actually worth watching.

Maximum Impact 2004-10-30 (Matches taped 2004-08-03 from St. Lucie County Civic Center in Ft. Pierce, Fla)

Heavyweight: Norman Smiley
TV Champion: Vacant
Tag Team: Joey Machete & Shawn Murphy

MXPW was off the air for two and half months at this point. I can’t find any information online that explains any reason for this. It also appears that they weren’t running any live events either.

Mark Nulty and Vito Dennuci are sitting in the arena and Hack Meyers shows up. Hack says he is a little down right now. Nulty points out that New Jack and Apolo are both gone from MXPW. Hack says he has to worry about himself and he needs to find someone who is willing watch his back. Nulty wants to know if he can do it alone. Hack says he can take care of business and he’s coming to get the family.

Nick Narcissistic vs. Alex Porteau, ref Mickie Jay
Nick misses a spinning heel kick and Porteau attacks landing a couple of real stiff shots. Porteau throws Nick to the flow and Nick looks pissed. Back in the ring Porteau hits a power bomb and then drives his forearm across the face of Nick while he pins him. Porteau stomps Nick, Nick gets right back up and they stare each other down. Really strange match as Porteau just seemed to shoot on Nick for no reason. Clearly two guys that didn’t want to do business with each other for some reason. Match ran 2.35.

Mark Nulty is back stage with Tag Team Champions Joey Machete and Shawn Murphy with their manager. Nulty asks them about their attack from last week. Machete says they are as violent as ever because that’s how Nicki wants them. Well we finally have a name for their manager.

Nulty is with Preston James and James is looking to win the TV Title tonight in the 4 way match. James ends up by saying “Win, lose or draw I’m going out the champion”. Well no the only way you are coming out champion is if you win.

“Syco” Sean Allen vs. Bobby Hopkins, ref Chuck Hart
Allen with the early advantage, he hits a shitty side slam. Hopkins comes back with a suplex he misses a corner charge. Allen then misses one of his one. Hopkins hits a falling clothesline and gets the win in 3.05

Nulty is in the locker room with Phi Delta Slam as they prepare for their none title match with Joey Machete and Shawn Murphy. Bruno Sassi says they are going to take it to the champs and show that they deserve a title match.

Tag Team Champions Joey Machete & Shawn Murphy (w/ Nicki) vs. Phi Delta Slam
Brother Tilly starts off with Murphy. Tilly chases off Murphy and he bails to the floor to regroup. Machete and Bruno Sassi both tag in. Phi Delta Slam take over on Machete tagging in and out a few times. Murphy able to nail Sassi from behind allowing his team to gain control. Out come the Vandals to taunt Machete and Murphy. Sassi ducks a clothesline hits a flying forearm and both teams tag. Tilly sends Machete into the ropes and the Vandals trip him up. The two teams fight in the aisle and Phi Delta Slam get the victory by count out in 6.42.

Nulty is with Lex Lovett. Lovett says that he is going to win the TV Title tonight because he has all the qualities you think of when you think of Television. Good looks, charisma etc.

Bruiser Bradley vs. Kahagas vs. Preston James vs. Lex Lovett, ref Chuck Hart
Lovett with a float over DDT onto Bradley as James and Kahagas go at it on the floor. Lovett with some elbow that don’t take Bradley down and then Bradley hits him with a big clothesline and they go to the floor. Kahagas gets a 2 count off a northern lights on James. James misses a corner charge and Kahagas hits a shinning wizard. Lovett with a leg lariat on James for 2. Kahagas and James each go for a cross body and they crash together. Bradley misses a charge on Lovett on the floor and hits the ring post. James takes out Lovett and Kahagas. Bradley comes in and clotheslines everyone. Kahagas with a rana that takes he and Bradley over the top rope to the floor. Lovett comes off the turn buckle with a blockbuster on James and he covers and gets the win in 5.05.

Nulty and Dennuci wrap it up.

My thoughts on the show…
I would watch that opening match as it was a disaster and pretty interesting to see. I honestly would have wanted anyone in that TV Title Match to come out with the win besides Lovett. Kahagas has been on a roll his last few matches and Bradley is a big dude that can kick ass. They had always been hyping Lovett so I figured he was going to win but I just don’t like him.

Maximum Impact 2004-11-06 (Matches taped 2004-08-03 from St. Lucie County Civic Center in Ft. Pierce, Fla)

Heavyweight: Norman Smiley
TV Champion: Lex Lovett
Tag Team: Joey Machete & Shawn Murphy

We get a run down of the card which includes a TV Title match and Blackhart teaming with Dennis Knight against Hack Meyers and a partner of his choice.

Tag Team Champion Joey Machete (w/ Shawn Murphy & Nicki) vs. Tommy Vandal (w/ Ricky Vandal)
Before the match starts Casey Thompson comes down to the ring and orders Murphy and Ricky hand cuffed to separate ring posts and he kicks Nicki out to the back. A security guard is staying at ringside with the key. Thompson goes out of his way to say that no one will be getting the key. We’ll see how that goes. Machete with the advantage early on but Vandal comes back hitting a drop kick. Machete though sends Vandal hard into the corner to regain control. Tommy fights back and hits a running boot in the corner to a seated Machete. Joey bails and Nicki tries to come back down. The security guy cuts her off and doesn’t let her down the aisle. Machete gets back in the ring and is arm dragged over. Some how Nicki is now unlocking the handcuffs on Murphy. Murphy slides in the ring and he and Machete go to work on Tommy. Ricky is stuck watching his brother get beat down. Tommy wins by DQ in 6.10 but it doesn’t matter as he is left laying.

Bruiser Bradley vs. Bobby Hopkins, ref Mickie Jay
Two big dudes getting ready to brawl with each other here. Hopkins makes the mistake of turning his back and gets jumped on and they go to the floor. Bradley goes for a suplex but Hopkins blocks it and hits one of his own. Hopkins goes for a corner charge but misses Bradley with a falling clothesline puts his feet on the ropes and gets the 3 count in 2.58. Umm for real that was the same finish that Hopkins used last week minus the feet on the rope.

Mark Nulty is with TV Champion Lex Lovett and Lovett talks about how he has done things in wrestling and has credentials while his opponent Preston James has done nothing.

TV Champion Lex Lovett vs. Preston James, ref Chuck Hart
James fucks up a bump on an arm drag. Seriously is this your first fucking day. Lovett goes after the leg but James gets to the ropes. Snap suplex and Lex floats over into a front face lock. James rolls back through into a pin atempt and gets 2. James with a hip toss and arm drag and he goes for another arm drag but Lovett just moves him arm out of the way and James hits the mat all alone. James though back up and gets a 2 count off a suplex. Lovett with a jaw breaker and leg lariat. James comes back with a full nelson slam. James fires up with some clotheslines and a big powerslam for 2. James goes for another full nelson slam but Lovett fights out sends James to the ropes and hits a running block buster to get the win in 6.16.

Nulty is with Hack Meyers and Meyers says his mystery partner is going to help him take out the Family.

Hack “Dog” Myers & ??? vs. Warlord & Dennis Knight (wi/ Blackhart), ref Mickie Jay
So Dennis Knight subs out Blackhart and puts the Warlord in his place. Hack Meyers comes out and barks around the ring when we hear the familiar music of Chaz. Knight and Chaz start off. Chaz drop toe holds Knight onto the middle rope and then hits the boss man jump on the guy thing. Hack comes in and they double team but Knight gets to his corner. Knight tags Warlord. Warlord drops a big forearm to the back and body slam but then misses an elbow drop. Hack grabs the arm and tags Chaz. Chaz keeps working on the huge arm of Warlord and hits a butt bump in the corner. He goes for another one but Warlord catches him and turns it into a belly to back suplex. Knight tags in and he distracts the ref as Warlord and Blackhart choke Chaz on the ropes. Knight tags right back out to Warlord. Warlord and Knight stay on Chaz. Chaz is able to duck a clothesline from Knight and hit the thingy. Chaz able to tag Hack who comes in and hits a back drop on Knight. Ten punches gets a 2 count. Hack goes for a roll up near the ropes but Blackhart nails him with something and Knight gets the pin in 7.22. The Family puts on a beat down after the match but Chaz and Hack are able to fight them off. Hack gets on the mic and challenges Knight to a lumber jack match next week. Knight says yes but it will not be him in the match but Blackhart instead.

My thoughts on the show…
Three fairly decent matches on todays show. The main event was pretty basic but didn’t suck and furthered the story line. This one may actually be worth checking out.

Unfortunately (?), this would be the last episode of MXPW Maximum Impact. So we would never see where the Hack Meyers and The Family feud would take us or if the Vandals would ever be successful in wrestling away the Tag Team Title from the team of Joey Machete and Shawn Murphy. MXPW seems to have stopped running live shows from when this was taped in August of 2004 until August of the following year. Based on the very limited results I can find they seem to drop all but the Heavyweight Title. Chaz would win the title from Norman Smiley on August 6, 2005 in a lumberjack match in what appears to be MXPW’s return show.


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