The “OH MY GOD!” Review: Major League Wrestling Presents Revolutions 5/9/03


Revolutions 2003-05-09 from Tabu Night Club in Orland, Fla

World: Satoshi Kojima

Ring Announcer Stephen DeAngelis welcomes the crowd to the show. We get a ten bell salute for Miss Elizabeth who just passed away 8 days ago.

Paul London vs. “The New F’N Show” Jerry Lynn

Lynn gets a big pop from the crowd who either doesn’t watch the TV show or don’t care about the storyline since Lynn just turned heel on TV 4 days ago. Joey Styles talks about how Lynn as lost all of his matches in MLW but one. London with a waistlock, standing switch by Lynn and London spins out again and throws Lynn to the mat. Lynn back up with an arm drag. Headlock by London Lynn gets out by grabbing the arm and locking in an arm bar. London reverses it and then hits a Japanese arm drag. They shove each other. Lynn boots London in the stomach and slams him. London kicks off Lynn and hits an arm drag. London with a rana and somersault dropkick. “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels shows up at ringside to talk strategy with Lynn. Back in London goes to throw a punch but the ref grabs his arm to stop it and Lynn attacks London. London flips out of a back drop and lands a leg lariat. Lynn bails to the floor again. London goes for a baseball slide but Lynn moves. London grabs him and throws him back in the ring. London goes to get back in but Daniels grabs his foot and Lynn is able to leg drop him. London reverses a corner whip gets back dropped onto the apron and pushes Lynn back. London hops to the top rope and goes for a crossbody but Lynn ducks. Lynn hits crossface punches and a rib breaker for 2. Lynn is vicious with his attack on London. Body slam and then Lynn locks in a bow and arrow. London tries to fight back and hits the ropes but Lynn gives him a tilt a whirl back breaker. London again fights back but he gets hit with a knee to the stomach and then a leaping tornado DDT by Lynn. Lynn goes for the cover but London is just able to kick out. London able to hit an enziguri and both men are down. London with another somersault drop kick and spinning heel kick. London hits a clothesline and gets 2. London flips out of a suplex and hits a weird neck breaker. London attempts to go up top but Lynn pulls him off into a powerbomb for 2. Lynn sets up the craddle piledriver but London reverses out. He has Lynn set up for something but Lynn reverses that into a TKO for 2. Lynn puts London on the top turnbuckle and goes up with him. London pushes Lynn off and hits a shooting star press but Daniels pulls the ref out of the ring. London with a slingshot dive onto Daniels. London tries to sunset flip back into the ring but Lynn drops on top for a pin attempt. Daniels grabs Lynn’s hands but the ref sees it and kicks them apart. London finishes the sunset flip now and gets the 3 count in 15.12! Joey freaks out. Daniels jumps in the ring and hits London with an STO. Lynn follows it up with the cradle piledriver and then they pose over him.

Fast Eddie vs. Don Juan vs. Masada

These three men are from the Texas Wrestling Academy where Rudy Boy Gonzalez is training them. The winner of this match we get an MLW roster spot. Masada hits a powerslam on Eddie right off the bat for 2. After a nice irish whip spot Masada hits a stroke on Juan and then a northern lights for 2. Don Juan comes back and goes for a springboard moonsault but slips. Don Juan covers Masada anyway and Eddie hits a springboard moonsault onto the cover. Eddie with a head scissor on Juan and Juan goes to the floor. Eddie with an asia moonsault that he almost over shoots. They fight on the floor and Masada comes flying over the top with a somersault plancha. Masada and Juan back in the ring and Juan hits a swinging neckbreaker. Masada goes for a powerbomb and Eddie tries to springboard back into the ring at them but slips and clips Masada’s legs. Juan slams Masada into his knees from the turnbuckle. Juan goes up top but Eddie cuts him off. Super fallaway powerslam by Eddie but Masada breaks up the pin. Masada hits a super DVD on Eddie for the win in 6.26. So ends the cluster fuck that was this match.

Homicide vs. “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels (w/ Jerry Lynn)

Nice fast back and forth action to start. Daniels gets shoulder blocked and rolls out of the ring. Homicide dives through the ropes and then does a flip onto Daniels and it looks really cool. Back in the ring Homicide hits a nasty running front kick to Daniels in the corner. Homicide hits the ropes and Lynn hops up on the apron. Lynn tries to throw a clothesline but Homicide ducks. Homicide goes after Lynn giving Daniels a chance to take control. It doesn’t last long though and Homicide makes a come back and hits a crossbody. Homicide charges but Daniels grabs him and takes him down quickly with an STO. Homicide with a release northern lights after ducking a Daniels clothesline. Lots of action early on in this match. Homicide with a super rana for 2. Homicide misses a top rope head butt. Daniels with a urinagi and top rope moonsault for 2. Homicide goes for the gory special but Daniels flips out of it. Homicide with a clothesline. Lynn jumps up on the apron. Homicide runs Daniels into Lynn and gets a roll up for 2. Daniels goes for a back slide but Homicide breaks out of it hits the ropes and nails a mafia kick for the win in 4.26. Wow that finish came out of no where. This match was on its way to be very good until it abruptly ended. Lynn attacks from behind. Daniels hits a roll of the dice.

Los Maximos are out next and they want to know who laid them out a few weeks ago on TV. They tell who ever did to come out and fight them face to face. The Samoan Island Tribe come out so we get…

Los Maximos vs. The Samoan Island Tribe (Samu & Mana)

One of the Maximos dives out of the ring onto the Tribe. Samu in the ring and the Maximos hit some high flying moves on him while keeping Mana out of the ring. They get Mana in the ring and go for poetry in motion but Mana catches him in the air and slams him on the other. Mana begins a beat down and lands a hanging vertical suplex. Samu slams the other Maximo into the ring post. Mana hits a swinging urinagi and tags out. Samu with a big clothesline. Super belly to back suplex and he throws his opponent to the floor. Mana grabs him and slams him into the ring post. Samu tags in to Mana. Maximo fights back but makes the mistake of not tagging out. He is able to hit a swamton but when he comes off the top a second time he gets caught in a samoan drop. Samu tags back in and he goes for a super belly to back again but gets knocked back down to the mat. Moonsault and Joel tags out. Jose comes in with a drop kick. Jose hits the Samoan’s heads together but that of course doesn’t work. They send him into the ropes and just throw him up in the air when he comes back. Mana with a super samoan drop and he gets the win in 6.53. After the match Mana and Samu continue the beat down.

Michael Shane (w/ Francine) vs. Norman Smiley (w/ Taylor Vaughn)

Smiley is jacked and gets a huge pop. Smiley says he has traveled the world and Francine is the nastiest bitch he has ever seen. I have no clue who Taylor Vaughn is. So after a quick google I find out she played B.B. in the WWF and was also in TNA. Big “Norman” chant from the crowd. Norman cartwheels away from a monkey flip and dances a bit. Norman with a go behind and Shane freaks out because of Norman’s dong. Norman grabs Shane and hits an ocean cyclone suplex. Norman with a big swinging slam. Francine grabs Norman’s foot which allows Shane to hit a spin kick. Norman gets sent into the corner and goes all the way to the floor. Shane does very little during his few minutes on top here. Norman comes back after dodging a top rope elbow. Both men try for a crossbody block and they crash into each other. The girls come in and cat fight. Norman does the big wiggle on Francine. Shane goes for the super kick but Smiley blocks it and puts on the crossface chicken wing. Shane gets free and lands the superkick and gets the win in 10.10.

CM Punk vs. Raven

Raven and Punk have been feuding over in ROH. Joey talks about how Raven has been calling out Vampiro but Vampiro is not there and they have not spoken to him in weeks. Headlock take overs to start. Raven clotheslines Punk to the floor. Back in Punk takes over but misses a charge in the corner. Raven pounds away on Punk but Punk pulls him into the turnbuckle. Punk now stomps away on Raven. Raven back up and he puts Punk in the corner but Punk pokes him in the eye. Raven goes for the DDT but Punk gets away. Punk turns back towards Raven and gets punched down to the mat. Punk with a drop toe hold that sends Raven through the ropes. Punk follows and he beats on Raven on the floor. In the ring Punk hits a belly to back. Punk with a Russian leg sweep for 2. Suplex gets another 2. Back breaker for 2. Inverted atomic drop, neck breaker and shinning knee gets a 2. Punk charges Raven but gets caught by a super kick. Raven is all fired up now. He hits a clothesline, knee to the stomach, knee lift and another clothesline for 2. Raven hits 10 corner punches and then goes for the DDT. Punk hangs onto the ropes and Raven crashes to the mat. Drop kick for two. Again Raven goes for the DDT but Punk trips him up and the hits a slingshot into the turnbuckle. Punk rolls him up for 2. Punk throws Raven into the ropes and goes for a kick. Raven grabs the boot and spins Punk around and then hits the DDT for the win in 10.33.

Fuego Guerrero vs. Ikuto Hidaka

Some really fast back and forth for the first 2 minutes. They go the floor where Fuego gets dropped on the guardrail. Back in the ring Hidaka gets a 2 count after a slingshot splash. Fuego hits a spin kick for 2. Hidaka gets dropped kicked in the corner. Hidaka drop kicks Fuego as he is going for an up and over in the corner. Hidaka hangs Fuego on the ropes and hits a drop kick. After about five minutes Hidaka slows things down and legs in a leg submission. Fuego fights back and both guys are down. Fuego hits a body scissor slam type of move, hard to explain and then a brain buster. Hidaka comes back and hits a super swinging neckbreaker for 2. Hidaka with a tiger bomb for 2. Hidaka goes up top but Fuego knocks him down. Fuego hits a superrana and then the zero gravity splash for the victory in 8.28.

Global Tag Team Crown Tournament Final Match: CW Anderson & Simon Diamond vs. PJ Friedman & “Dr. Death” Steve Williams

Anderson and Diamond attack Friedman in the aisle way with chairs. Williams comes out and fights them off. In the ring Williams hits a double clothesline on Anderson and Diamond. Anderson and Diamond fight back and hit a double downward spiral. The match has become a handicap match as Anderson and Diamond tag in and out. Friedman finally makes his way towards the apron and he his busted open. Suplex by Diamond. Williams tries to fight back but Anderson makes a blind tag and hits a spinebuster for 2. Friedman now up in the corner. Williams fights back and has Diamond and Anderson in the corner. He tags in Friedman and tells him to finish it. Friedman comes in the ring with a chair. Diamond superkicks it into his face, then Anderson does it. Then they hit a double superkick. Diamond covers and gets the titles at 4.14. Williams was not in view of the camera when the pin was made but I’m pretty sure he was just standing next to it. Williams turns on Friedman and stomps and slaps him.

#1 Contenders Match: Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka

Really pumped for this match. Chop fight to start. They shoulder block each other but neither man moves. Tanaka takes Awesome down with a clothesline. Awesome rolls to the apron. Tanaka charges but Awesome comes back in the ring with a slingshot shoulder block for 2. Awesome ducks a clothesline and hits a released german suplex. Clothesline sends Tanaka to the floor. Awesome goes out after him. Tanaka throws Awesome into the guardrail and then hits him with a chair. Tanaka has fans hold up chairs and he slams Awesomes head into them. Tanaka brings it back in the ring and hits a missile drop kick. Awesome slides under a kick and picks up a chair. Three sick chair shots take down Tanaka. He gets up and is leveled with another one. Awesome gets 2 and the chair has a huge dent in it. Awesome hits a sit out awesome bomb but Tanaka kicks out at 2! Fans call for a table. Awesome puts one outside. Awesome comes off the top with a chair shot to the head. Awesome goes for a power bomb to the table. Tanaka slides out of it and goes for one of his own but Awesome picks him up and slams him down. Awesome with a big top rope splash for 2. Awesome goes up again and Tanaka meets him and hits a superplex from the very top. Tanaka stacks some chairs and hits a tornado DDT for 2. Tanaka goes to hit Awesome with a chair but the ref gets in the way. The ref on the ground is calling for the bell. Awesome hits the awesome bomb over the top rope through the table. They announce Awesome as the winner Joey makes it seem like it’s because Tanaka can’t continue but the ref called for the bell before the power bomb. Awesome will challenge for the MLW Title at the next major show.

Mexican Massacre Match: LA Parka vs. Sabu (w/ Cuban Assassin)

So we never really learned what the rules of this match are. I’m guessing now DQ. Parka has a bad ass costume on with spikes and chains on it. Normal Sabu early match mat wrestling. They start punching away at each other and spill to the floor. Triple jump into the crowd. Parka picks up Sabu for a slam and just throws him into the crowd. Parka with a short arm clothesline. Parka with a dive through the ropes. Two count back in the ring. Parka goes up top but misses a senton. Sabu with a springboard leg lariat and then a camel clutch. Parka breaks free and sends Sabu into the corner but he misses a corner charge and hits his shoulder on the ring post. Air Sabu gets 2. Parka gets up and slams Sabu down into a chair and covers for 2. Parka comes off the second rope and again slams Sabu’s face into a chair. Parka throws Sabu to the floor. Parka again dives to the floor and hits Sabu. In the ring Parka gets sent into a corner that a table is set up in and crashes through. Parka comes back and hits a fall away slam. Parka hits the ropes but Assassin trips him up. Sabu with a spring board leg lariat for 2. Sabu stands a table in the ring then hits an Arabian face buster for 2. Sabu accidentally hits Assassin with a baseball slide. Parka hits an enziguri and then a tiger bomb for 2. Assassin brings a chair in the ring and Sabu holds Parka but Parka moves and the chair nails Sabu. Parka with a top rope cross body for 2. Assassin attacks Parka. Triple jump moonsault by Sabu for 2. Sabu puts Parka on the table and begins to climb. Assassin comes in to hold Parka but Parka puts him on the table. Sabu jumps with out looking and puts Assassin through the table. Parka comes off the top rope with a corkscrew body attack for the win in 16.21 and they are even at one a piece. Sabu wants to shake hands after the match but Parka spits on him. Sabu and Assassin attack him and lay him out in the ring.

“King of Old School” Steve Corino vs. Terry Funk

Funk gets the mic and says he is going to wrestle Corino like the fans of Florida know not do ay of this flippy floppy bull shit. Corino leaves the ring as soon as the bell rings. Funk grabs Corino off the apron and pulls him back into the ring and beats on him. Funk throws Corino to the floor. Funk again beats on Corino on the apron. They go to the floor and Corino throws Funk into the entrance stage and Funk is bleeding. Back in the ring and Corino beats on Funk for a bit. Funk fights back and they to the floor again. Funk hits a neckbreaker on the floor. Funk throws a chair into Corino’s face and now he is bleeding all over the place. Back to the entrance area. Corino already has his face hair and chest covered in blood. Corino fights back and hits a piledriver for 2. Another one but again it only gets 2. They go to the floor again where Corino hits a piledriver. Corino rolls Funk in the ring but only gets 2! For some reason there’s a piece of table in the ring. Corino puts it in the coner but Funk hits a stunner for 2. A second gets another 2 count. Corino blocks a piledriver and hits a back drop and then pile drivers Funk through the piece of table. Funk kicks out at 2. Corino sets up a table in the ring puts a chair on top of it and slams Funk’s head into it then goes up top. Funk goes for a superplex but Corino fights him off and locks in a sleeper. Funk hits a super snapmare onto but not through the table. Anderson and Diamond hit the ring. Funk fights them off but Corino hits a superkick. Corino goes for a piledriver but Funk back drops him onto the table. Funk throws a chair at corner and goes for a pile driver of his own. Corino blocks it with a back drop. Again Corino goes for a pile driver but Funk with a back drop. Corino hangs on and rolls Funk up. Funk gets out and wraps up Corino for the win in 17. The Extreme Horsemen attack after the match and send Funk through a table in the corner. Steve Williams makes the save and chases them off with a chair. Horsemen are up on the stage and Corino has a mic. Corino doesn’t care that he lost because beating on Funk was worth it. Williams is now on the list of guys that they will retire. Corino says that he is going to put Funk out of wrestling. Funk response and challenges Corino to a barbed wire match.

My thoughts on the show…
Nice opening match. Homicide and Daniels were on their way to a real nice match when it was cut off short. Samoans get a long squash win. Everything else was pretty good. Looking forward to the third match between Sabu and Parka which I’m sure will happen. Recommendation to check this one out for sure.


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