The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW TV 10/1 & 10/8/96



TV 1996-10-01 (Matches taped When Worlds Collide II 1996-09-14 ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA)

World: Raven
TV: Shane Douglas
Tag Team: Gangstas

Taz (w/ Bill Alfonso & Team Taz) vs. Johnny Smith, ref Paul Richards
Side headlock takeover by Taz, Smith reverses into a head scissor and Taz kicks out. They do the same but switch places. Taz with a hammerlock and takes down Smith for a 1 count. Again same just switched places. Top wrist lock from Smith. Taz bridges and the pushes out of it. Taz slaps Smith and Smith gives one back. Taz punches away on Smith but Smith fires back. Taz charges but Smith with a drop toe hold and then into a side headlock. Smith pushed off but hits a shoulder tackle, hip toss and drop kick. Taz goes to the floor. Taz spends some time on the floor and when he gets back in the ring he hits a shoulder tackle on Smith and a big German suplex that puts Smith on his head and shoulder. Northern lights with a bridge for 2. Taz goes to work on the shoulder of Smith. Smith reverses a waistlock but Taz rolls him over to keep control of the arm and shoulder. Smith goes for a clothesline but again Taz counters and goes to work on the arm. Smith reverses an Irish whip and hits a powerslam for 2. Smith with an ace crusher but Taz gets his foot on the rope. Smith with a German with a bridge for 2. Apparently the 3 minutes that Taz was working over the shoulder did nothing. Smith with a missile drop kick. Smith goes for a clothesline but Taz catches him in a T-bone. Taz locks in the Tazmission and Smith goes out in 9.11. After the match Taz gets the mic and tells Smith that he respects him. They shake hands and Taz turns his attention to Sabu. Taz again calls out Sabu and says he doesn’t respect him. Alfonso wants to know “Who can stop the path of rage?”

We go to Joey and he tells us that Smith was injured in that match and missed a tour with All Japan because of it. Smith wants revenge and will take on Taz in a Submission Match at Ultimate Jeopardy 1996 this Saturday. Joey says Taz is not part of Team Extreme but is trying to spread is own message of Team Taz. Joey talks about how ECW invaded the WWF In Your House PPV. We get “Fan Cam” footage from the PPV, which is footage from the WWF cameras. Making it look totally planned. Sandman, Paul E. Dangerously and Tommy Dreamer were at the PPV. Sandman spit beer in the face of Savio Vega. The next night at Raw Taz jumped the guardrail with a Sabu fears Taz sign.

Back to When Worlds Collide New Jack dumped a bucket of slop onto Patricia and she packed her things up and left ECW. This made Blue Meanie and Stevie Richards so mad that they confronted Jack a few nights ago in Allentown. We see clips of that match and then go to Meanie and Richards cutting a promo as the Public Enemy. They make fun of the fake Razor Ramon and Diesel. Joey Styles makes fun of Vince McMahon. Richards and Meanie make fun of the fake Sting on Nitro. Richards and Meanie say that at Ultimate Jeopardy they are going to bring back someone from the Gangstas past.

Tommy Dreamer, Terry “Bamm Bamm” Gordy & “Dr. Death” Steve Williams (w/ Beulah) vs. “Primetime” Brian Lee & The Eliminators, ref Jim Molineaux
Gordy and Williams hug in the ring as this is the first time they have teamed in three years. This match is clipped. They all go nose to nose and a fight breaks out. We clip ahead to Gordy hitting a clothesline on Saturn and Williams follows it up with a powerslam. Williams gets the other two to jump in the ring and knocks them down. Dreamer tags in and he and Williams hit a double shoulder block on Saturn. Tommy goes up top but gets knocked down. Saturn snap mares Dreamer of the turnbuckle to the mat and tags in Lee. Powerslam by Lee. Dreamer blocks a hip toss and hits a super kick. We jump ahead again and Kronus hits a cartwheel moonsault for 2. Falcons arrow by Saturn followed by a lionsault but Williams breaks up the pin. Double spin kick by the Eliminators. Williams press slams Saturn followed by a flap jack. Kronus with a handspring back elbow in the corner. Cutter by Dreamer on Saturn for 2. Lee breaks up the pin and then chokeslams Dreamer. Gordy now goes after Lee and puts on the Asiatic spike. The Eliminators break it up by hitting total elimination and Saturn pins Gordy. 4.26 is shown and the match is announced as 20.14.

Gordy and Williams join Styles and Gordy says they want to put the Eliminators down. Joey looks to Williams for some words but he just stares into the camera.

With Lance Wright gone to the WWF, Hype Central is now hosted by Joel Gertner. Brian Lee and Raven are with Joey. Lee discusses the stipulations to the Ultimate Jeopardy Match. Pitbull #1 says Shane Douglas is going to pay when they kick is ass. Buh Buh Ray Dudley goes one on one with D-Von Dudley and Buh Buh says it’s time to finish this once and for all.

Shane Douglas is in the locker room of the Pitbull’s gym. Douglas has been there waiting for them to show up all day. Douglas says he’s coming back everyday until he finds them.

“Misirlou” time. Joey hypes Ultimate Jeopardy a bit. This Saturday night Gordy and Williams have signed to take on the Eliminators. We go to Saturn and Kronus. Saturn talks about all the teams they have beaten to prove that they are the best team in the world. They tell Doc and Gordy to bring it on. Back to Joey and he runs down some more of the Ultimate Jeopardy card. We see Spike Dudley’s debut from When Worlds Collide. Buh Buh threw Spike off the Eagle’s Nest onto the stage below into D-Von and Axl Rotten. Back to Joey and he runs down the card for Ultimate Jeopardy one last time.

My thoughts on the show…
Decent opening match but the six-man was clipped like crazy. Not much story advancement, other than the opening match this week you can skip it.

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TV 1996-10-08 (Matches taped Ultimate Jeopardy 1996-10-05 ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA)

World: Raven
TV: Shane Douglas
Tag Team: Gangstas

Stevie Richards and Blue Meanie come out to Public Enemy’s old theme song. They do their PE impression and say that they promised a surprise but the surprise is not there. Richards says they can’t be the PE because Meanie is nowhere near as fat as Johnny Grunge. Richards says they will become tag team champions today and call out Tag Team Champions The Gangstas.

Tag Team Champions The Gangstas vs. Stevie Richards & Blue Meanie, ref Paul Richards
About a minute into the match the Eliminators show up and hit Mustafa, referee Richards, and Meanie with Total Elimination. New Jack tries to fight them off but he gets hit with the finisher also. So I guess no contest?

Opening video.

Joey opens the show and tells us there is some very bad news coming for Stevie Richards. Joey goes over the history of Raven, Tommy Dreamer and Sandman. Joey tells us that Tod Gordon and Paul E. Dangerously were notified that Raven was taking a leave of absence for personal reasons. Tonight Richards takes the place of Raven and defends the title for him.

Hype video package for the upcoming Eliminators versus “Dr. Death” Steve Williams and Terry “Bamm Bamm” Gordy.

JT Smith (w/Sal Bellomo, Little Guido, Devon Storm & Bad Crew) vs. Mikey Whipwreck, ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Everyone jumps on Mikey. Smith tells everyone to leave so he can finish things off. Smith goes for a suplex but Mikey flips out and hits an arm drop followed by a drop kick and into another arm drag. Mikey holds on and turns it into an arm bar. Smith whips Mikey into the ropes but Mikey counters with another arm drag/arm bar. Smith with a knee and Irish whip. Guido trips Mikey and he and Storm celebrate. Mikey dives onto them. Guido and Storm argue as Smith goes for a baseball slide. Mikey moves and Smith kicks his guys. They all argue and Mikey climbs to the top rope and dives onto everybody. Smith punches Mikey back in the ring to take control. Smith hits the Sicilian splash which is his handspring bounce off the ropes splash. He cut out the handspring part and just kind of flipped into the ropes which made it look less lame. Smith goes out side and gets a chair but turns around and Mikey baseball slides it into his face. Mikey slingshots himself onto Smith’s shoulders and hits a rana. Back in the ring Mikey runs off of Smith’s back and dives onto the Bad Crew. Everyone else runs over and they beat him down. Smith tries to get the pin but only uses his finger and Mikey kicks out. Smith charges Mikey in the corner but he gets a boot up and hits a tornado DDT off the second rope. Bad Crew come in and beat on Mikey. Smith goes up top and the Crew whip Mikey in. Mikey ducks a clothesline hits the opposite ropes causing Smith to crotch himself. Mikey crossbody blocks both members of Bad Crew. Guido comes in and Mikey backdrops him. Mikey superkicks Storm and he falls into the ropes knocking Smith down again. Mikey hits a super rana and gets the pin in 7.48. Smith takes a must see bump on this move going face first into the mat. I watched it four times and will most likely give this show thumbs up just for that.

Ultimate Jeopardy Match: Stevie Richards (defending the World Title for Raven) & “Primetime” Brian Lee (w/ Blue Meanie, Super Nova & Lori Fullington) vs. Sandman & Tommy Dreamer (w/ Beulah), ref John Finnegan
Ok so the rules are whoever takes the fall loses something. Richards would lose Raven’s World Title, Lee his hair, Dreamer means Beulah is gone from ECW and the Sandman would get caned ten times. Beulah is looking extra good tonight. Lee and Dreamer start and Lee hits a back body drop. Lee hits the ropes and Beulah grabs his foot. Dreamer charges and hits a clothesline that sends them both to the floor. Richards joins in and Sandman throws himself over the top rope onto Richards. We have a big brawl. Richards gets suplexed through a table. Sandman brings Stevie into the ring and hits a clothesline in the corner. He whips Stevie in again and goes for another clothesline but Stevie moves. Meanie jumps in the ring and hits an avalanche as soon as Sandman hits the buckle. Richards with a steviekick for 2. Lee with a running powerslam on Dreamer. Sandman and Stevie has taken their fight to the floor. Lee leg drops a chair on Dreamer’s face and gets 2. Beulah again grabs Lee’s leg. Primetime grabs her by the hair and headbutts her in the face! Tommy blocks the chokeslam by going low and hits a DDT. Dreamer goes for the cover but Lori jumps in the ring. Lee attacks Dreamer from behind and gets a 2 count. Everyone now to the floor. Dreamer gets thrown off the bleachers through a table. Sandman reverses a piledriver with a back body drop. Lee and Dreamer go to the bathroom. Dreamer is busted open. Tommy hits lee with a chair in the bathroom. Lee is no bloodied. Tommy gets his head slammed through a wall. Sandman hits a somersault leg drop from the apron to the inside of the ring for 2. Dreamer and Lee make their way up to the nest. Meanie and Nova and stacking tables up. Dreamer gets chokeslammed through 4 tables all the way to the floor!!!! Stevie with a school boy for 2. Sandman rips off Lori’s clothes and gets Stevie-kicked from behind. Stevie gets 2. Lori canes Sandman and he grabs her. Stevie with another kick for 2. Stevie gets the can swings it but misses. Sandman hits a DDT and wins the World Title in 14.25! The crowd goes nuts and breaks out into a loud “Sandman” chant. Sandman raises the title above his end as we fade to black.

My thoughts on the show…
Even though I’m not a big Sandman fan, this show gets a thumbs up. After months of chasing, the Sandman finally gets the belt back. Who knows for how long though as I’m sure Raven will question the manner of his victory when he returns. The Dreamer bump was insane also. Definitely check this episode out!


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