The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW @ The Lulu Temple 6/21/96


1996-06-21 at Lulu Temple in Plymouth Meeting, PA

World: Raven
TV: Pitbull 2
Tag Team: Eliminators


“Dangerous” Devon Storm & Damien Kane (w/ Lady Alexandra) vs. Bad Crew ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
This match stems from the last visit to the Lulu Temple on May 31st. Bad Crew attack as their opponents are getting on the apron pull htem in the ring and then dump them to the floor. One of Bad Crew hit a suicide dive on Storm and they both suplex Kane back into the ring. Hart attack clothesline on Storm gets 2. Top rope somersault senton to a standing Storm gets two. A backbreaker second rope leg drop combo gets 2. Charges with a chair to the corner but Storm gets the boots up. Storm sits him in the chair and hits a running clothesline and tags in Kane. Kane slows things down with a couple of low blows and then works the leg. He and Storm hit a double slingshot suplex. Tag made and Storm hits a springboard moonsault and legs in a reverse figure four. Storm and Kane switch as the ref is distracted by the other member of Bad Crew. Kane puts on a half crab. Tag made and Storm hits a double under hook suplex and then tags back out. Kane hits a second rope superplex and Storm hits a moonsault. All four men brawl in the ring with Storm and one of Bad Crew going to the floor. Storm sits Bad crew in a chair gets back in the ring and flips over the top rope onto him. Storm gets in the ring and throws the other member of Bad Crew to the floor and flips onto him. Back in the ring Kane has a pin and gets the win in 7.04.

“Shah” Hack Meyers & Axl Rotten vs. F.B.I. ref John Finnegan
Hack attacks Joel Gertner on the way to the ring throwing him into the rail and hitting him with a chair a few times. These four men know each other well as this is the 4,673rd time they have faced off. Hack and Axl chase the F.B.I. out of the ring with chairs before the ring announcements. The bell rings and the F.B.I. hug. Axl gets on the mic and makes fun of them before liking each toher too much. JT Smith gets the mic after and starts to sing but Axl attacks him. Hack beats on Little Guido. The F.B.I. bails to the floor to regroup. Smith starts with Axl. Axl trash talks Guido the crowd chants “pussy”. Guido tags in but before he locks up he tags right back out. Smith gets a go behind on Axl and Axl screams for Smith to get his woody off of him. The fans chant derogator things to Smith so the F.B.I. start to leave. Axl gets on the mic and gets them to come back to the ring. Smith now in with Meyers and Smith gets a go behind again. Hack freaks out so Smith makes the tag to Guido. Arm back by Hack and a tag to Axl. Gudio gets sent into a corner and Axl hammers away and hits a suplex. Tag to Smith and Hack takes him to the ground and then tags to Axl. Hip toss and arm drag to an arm bar by Axl. Tag to Hack and he comes in with a double axe handle to Smiths arm and then he puts on an arm bar. Axl back in and he goes to work on the arm. Smith starts screaming in pain and for some reason Axl lets go. Always thought the point of an arm bar was to hurt the guys arm. Smith hits a low blow and tags out. Things fall apart and everyone is brawling with the ref trying to pull Hack out of the ring. Smith slams Axl’s leg into the ringpost. Guido goes to work on the knee in the ring. They make an illegal switch and Smith to work on the leg of Axl. Guido back in and he ducks the head on an irish whip and Axl hits him with a dominator. Tag to Hack and he comes in and cleans house. Smith drops a weapon and Hack gets it and nails Smith for the 3 count at 11.52. Hack raises his hand and the ref sees the weapon in his hand. The ref restarts the match. In ECW? For using a weapon? We get a bell to restart the match. Guido hits Hack from behind and Smith covers for the win in an additional .05.

Mikey Whipwreck vs. Tag Team Champion Kronus ref Jim Molineaux
They lock up and Kronus pushes Mikey to the ground a few times. Mikey ducks a roundhouse kick and hits an arm drag, hip toss and drop kick. Kronus rolls to the floor an dMIkey hits a plancha. Back in the ring Mikey comes off the top with a clothelines for 2. Kronus hits a kick that floors Mikey. Kronus has the advantage for about two minutes until he misses and 2nd rope moonsault. Mikey hits two clotheslines on Kronus and a leg drop that gets him 2. Kronus gets whipped to the ropes and comes off with a kick to Mikey’s head. Kronus with a super double under hook suplex and a diving headbutt. They go to the floor and Kronus hits Mikey with a chair. Mikey throws Kronus into the rail and goes to the top turnbuckle. Mikey jumps off the buckle over the corner post onto Kronus. He grabs a chair and uses it a few times. Some fans give Mikey weapons and he uses those too. Sunset flip, back slide and la magistral cradle all get 2. Kronus cuts off Mikey and sends him into the ropes. A tilt a whirl slam gets 2. Kronus slams Mikey hits the ropes and lands a flipping leg drop for the win in 8.19.

World Champion Raven & Stevie Richards (w/ “Primetime” Brian Lee & Blue Meanie) vs. Dudley Boys (w/ Dances With, Chubby & Sign Guy Dudley) ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Richards is dressed like Baron Von Raschke and Meanie like Col Debeers. Buh Buh Ray Dudley and Stevie both get on the mic before the match. Richards talks and Buh Buh messes around by making fun of Raven and juggling donut holes that Chubby gave him behind D-Von Dudley’s back. Buh Buh sits on the ground to tease Raven some more and Stevie kicks him in the face. Raven and Stevie double team as D-Von just stands by and watches. Stevie with a claw that pushes Buh Buh into the croner. Stevie charges with the claw but Buh Buh moves and Stevie gets the claw stuck on the turnbuckle and can’t let go! Buh Buh charges and hits an avalanche and pulls down Stevie’s pants. Raven comes from behind and hits Buh Buh with a DDT. D-Von gets a chair but decides not to use it and instead sets it up in the corner and sits down. Raven and Richards go back to the double team. Buh Buh ducks a double clothesline and hits them both with one of his own. Buh Buh goes over and argues with D-Von and turns into a Steviekick D-Von punches him and Raven school boys him for 2. Buh Buh gets up and Stevie hits another Steviekick Buh Buh turns into a DDT from Raven and is pinned at 3.50. D-Von gets on the mic after the match and yells at Buh Buh for always messing around. They hug and make up but then D-Von hits Buh Buh and the rest of the family with the chair. D-Von gets on the mic again and yells that it’s his family and not Big Dicks. D-Von leaves as Big Dick comes through the crowd. Big Dick helps all the brothers up and hands Buh Buh the mic. Buh Buh tells D-Von that Dick is going to kick his ass. Buh Buh brings two kids into the ring and they dance together.

“Lionheart” Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam ref John Finnegan
They get nose to nose to start off the match. Van Dam slaps Jericho then does a back flip. Jericho slaps Van Dam and doesn’t do a back flip, cause back flipping for no reason at all is stupid. Van Dam hits some action movie style karate moves. Jericho knocks Van Dam to the floor and hits a spring board drop kick as Van Dam gets on the apron. Jericho jumps off the top turnbuckle and stomps on Van Dam’s back as Rob is leaning against the apron. Very cool looking move. Van Dam is on the ground holding his knee. Back in the ring Jericho hits a hanging vertical suplex and VERY lightly kicks Van Dam in the face. Tiger bomb gets a 2 count for Jericho. Jericho starts working on the knee but Van Dam fights back and takes control. Jericho reverses an irish whip Van Dam ducks a clothesline and gets hit with a spin kick. He rolls to the floor and drags Jericho out and throws him into the crowd. Van Dam leaps off the guardrail with a somersault body block and then throws a few chairs at Jericho. Jericho is rolled back into the ring and Van Dam slingshots himself back in with a leg drop. Jericho hits a dragon suplex for 2 after ducking a clothesline. Van Dam gets up and goes right back to work on Jericho choking him in the corner. Corner whip Van Dam goes for a monkey flip but Jericho catches him and puts him on the buckle and hits a super frankensteiner for 2. Body slam and Jericho goes up top and hits a splash for 2.5. Loud chops by Jericho and Van Dam ducks a clothesline, but Jericho is able to hit a suplex. Jericho goes for a lionsault but Van Dam is back up and kicks him on his way down. Van Dam brings a chair into the ring and whips Jericho to a corner. Van Dam rolls with the chair leaves it in the middle of the ring and monkey flips Jericho onto it. Van Dam goes for a power bomb onto the chair but Jericho reverses it into a frankensteiner onto it. Back drop onto the chair and Jericho now just picks it up and hits Van Dam twice in the head. Van Dam pops up and kicks the chair into Jericho’s face. Jericho is hanging his head out of the ring so Van Dam puts the chair on it and leaps over the top rope and leg drops the chair. Van Dam off the top rope with a kick gets the win at 14.06. Van Dam gets the mic and tells Jericho he does respect him but just like he’ll do to Sabu he’s going to break Jericho’s neck. Sabu hits the ring and chase away Van Dam.

Taz & Bill Alfonso vs. Sandman (w/ Missy Hyatt) & Tod Gordon ref Jim Molineaux
I’ve got five bucks that says Sandman’s entrance is longer then the match. Gordon is not with Sandman and Missy and it looks like we are going to get a handicap match instead of the advertised tag match. Alfonso gets on the mic before the match and demands that Gordon show up so he can kick his ass. Gordon sneaks from the crowd and gets in the ring and hits Alfonso with a cane. The ref calls for the bell as Taz stalks after Gordon. Sandman canes Taz from behind and he goes ot the floor. Alfonso is on the apron and Sandman grabs his head and drags him over the rope and drops him on his face. Sandman picks up Gordon and throws him into Alfonso. They go to do the same with Taz but he catches Gordon and slams him down. Taz and Sandman fight now. Taz goes for a german suplex but Gordon grabs Sandman’s leg to stop him from going over. Alfonso pulls Gordon off and throws him out of the ring. Taz gets the Tazmission on. Gordon gets in the ring with a broom and hits Alfonso with it. He hits Taz but it does nothing. Tazmission on Gordon puts him out in a second. Taz goes and locks it in on Sandman. Taz gets up and tells the ref to check them and they are both out at 3.18. Alfonso gets the mic and says he beat them both by himself. Alfonso grabs Missy and chokes her out. Taz now curses at the fans, stomps Sandman and calls out Paul Varelans and Sabu.

TV Champion Pitbull 2 (w/ Francine) vs. Tag Team Champion Saturn ref John Finnegan Falls Count Anywhere Match
Another match that’s a follow up to last months Temple show. If you remember Saturn took a nasty spill on the floor in that one. Saturn with a headlock and Pitbull takes him over with a belly to back suplex. Saturn with some kicks that floor Pitbull and get a 2 count. Back to the headlock Pitbull again goes for the suplex but Saturn flips and lands on his feet and gets a Russian leg sweep. Pitbull kiks out at 2 and hits a press slam and spin wheel kick for 2. Running powerslam for another two. Saturn whipped to the corner but he gets his elbow up on the charge and comes off the second rope with a bulldog. Pitbull powers back and hits a powerbomb for 2. Pitbull gets Saturn in a corner and charges but Saturn gets the boot up twice and gets a 2 count off a victory roll. Saturn gets irish whipped and tries for a moonsault, Pitbull grabs him but Saturn slides off the shoulder and hits a german. This all happened very smoothly and looked real nice. Saturn with a frankensteiner over the ropes and both men spill to the floor. Saturn hits Pitbull with his own chain busting him open and drops him sternum first on the guardrail. Saturn leaps off the top rope into the crowd and gets a 2. Saturn whips the champ into the wall leaving a blood smear. Saturn with a bulldog up on the stage. Saturn throws Pitbull off the stage and dives. Pitbull catches Saturn and tombstones him on the floor. Both men are down and Pitbull covers but only gets 2. They brawl and Saturn gets Pitbull down and gets a 2 count. They go back to ringside and Pitbull is slammed face first into the ring post. Saturn goes for a top rope crossbody back in the ring but Pitbull powerslams him and gets 2. Flap jack by Pitbull gets 2. Saturn kicks Pitbull as he’s coming off the top with a axe handle. Saturn hits a super frankensteiner. Pitbull hits a powerbomb and gets 2. Saturn reverses an irish whip and picks up Pitbull with a samoan drop. Saturn comes off the top with a headbutt and climbs back up. Pitbull gets him off and hits a super fallaway slam for the win at 12.52.

“The Franchise” Shane Douglas vs. Sabu ref John Finnegan
Two of my favorites going at it here. Douglas gets on the mic before the match and calls some fans fat and tells them that their mother sucks. Paul E. Dangerously hits the ring and yells for Sabu to put on his neck brace. Sabu dives at the legs but Douglas avoid him. Sabu fires away at Shane and whips him into the corner buckle. Douglas hits chest first and Sabu follows with a clothesline and springboard moonsault. Sabu whips Douglas into the corner again Douglas comes out and is back body dropped. Sabu Irish whips Douglas and drops his head but Douglas hits a swinging neckbreaker. Shane now with a pile driver . Shane stomps at the back of Sabu’s neck. Neckbreaker by Shane Douglas. Douglas really working over the neck of Sabu. Douglas locks on a headscissor on the ground. Shane drops a knee to the back of the neck and gets a 2 count. Sabu tries to fight back but he just doesn’t have the strength. Douglas with a neck crank and a hangman on Sabu. Shane again with another hangman but Sabu walks up the turnbuckle and flips out. Sabu hits a dropkick and Shane rolls to the floor. Shane picks up a chair and Sabu baseball slids it. Sabu brings the chair in the ring goes to jump off of it but slips. They fight in the crowd Sabu throws Shane into the guardrail. Sabu brings another chair in the ring jumps from it to the top rope and off the top rope on to Shane in the crowd. Back in the ring Sabu hits a body slam and slingshot leg drop. Sabu hits the triple jump moonsault and both men roll on the floor in pain . Sabu covers and gets 2 and then goes for a tombstone Shane reverses and hit his own. The Franchise picks up Sabu and hits another piledriver but Sabu kicks out at 2. Shane goes for a neck breaker but Sabu reverses for one of his own. Sabu puts Shane on the apron and leans him on the second rope face up. Sabu climbs up top and drops a leg Shane kicks out at 2. Sabu drops Shane crotch first on the top rope. Shane crawls to the apron and Sabu pulls him crotch first into the ring post. Sabu sets up a table on the apron a guardrail and puts Shane on it. Sabu sets up a chair in the ring jumps off it to the top rope and then falls off the top rope through the table. Rob Van Dam hits the ring and Shane throws Sabu in. Van Dam puts Sabu on the top rope and hits a fisherman buster. Sabu still somehow kicks out at 2. Shane hits a brain buster but stops the ref from counting 3. Shane says he’s going to break Sabu’s neck. Paul E. comes back to ringside yelling at Shane to stop. Shane puts Sabu on the top rope and is going for a superplex but the ref calls for the bell and stops the match at 13.35. A bunch of refs and wrestlers hit the ring to pull Shane away as he’s still trying to hit the Superplex . They pull Shane away and the EMT’s rush to help Sabu. Alfonso shows up on stage to taunt as Sabu is stretched out.

Tommy Dreamer (w/ Beulah & Kimona Wanalaya) & The Gangstas vs. “Primetime” Brian Lee & The Bruise Brothers ref John “Pee Wee’ Moore, Jim Molineux Falls Count Anywhere Match
They hit the ring and the brawl is on. Dreamer gets suplexed through a table by Lee as the tag teams brawl with each other. Dreamer and Lee go outside where Lee throws Dreamer into a truck. Back inside Dreamer hits Lee with a garbage can. Mustafa and Dreamer both go through a merchandise table as we reach the five-minute mark of this fight. Back in the ring Dreamer hits a double DDT on the Bruise Brothers but Lee immediately hits a devastating looking choke slam. Lee puts three cinder blocks across Dreamer’s body and hits them with a chair getting the win at 6.52. The Gangstas first fight off their opponents to the back and then help Dreamer back to the locker room.

My thoughts on the show
This was a three hour show instead of the usual 2-2.15. I have to say a very enjoyable house show. I usually don’t recommend the fan cams as like I have said before I really think matches need commentary. This particular show however I am going to suggest you watch. Nothing of importance happened of course but some real good matches in the bottom half of the card, the Dudley match told a nice story and as usual you get the nice brawl to close out the show. Remember that coming up next is Hardcore Heaven!


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