The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW “Roadside Mayhem” 5/10/96


The OH MY GOD! Review: ECW Presents “Roadside Mayhem” 1996-05-10 from Bodyslam Arena in Reading, PA

World: Raven
TV: 2 Cold Scorpio
Tag Team: The Eliminators

Dudley Boys (w/ Dances With & Sign Guy Dudley) vs. F.B.I. ref John Finnegan
Buh Buh stutters his name D-Von hits him and grabs the mic. He gives the Dudley commandments to the F.B.I. and fakes them out with a fist. The F.B.I. give D-von the finger and turn to a double clothesline from Buh Buh and bail out. Guido starts out with Buh Buh and wants to shake hands. Buh Buh goes for it and catches the foot when Guido tries to kick him. Atomic drops sends him into Smith. Buh Buh press slams Gudio onto Smith on the floor. The F.B.I starts to leave the arena. Buh Buh gets on the mic and calls them back in. Smith tags in as does D-Von. Dances With throws in a chair for D-Von but the ref gets in and stops him from using it. They lock up a D-Von irish whips Smith and hits a shoulder block and bodyslam. Corner whip and D-Von hits a five arm. Another body slam and an elbow drop. D-Von has a cookie pan and uses it on both Smith and Guido. The F.B.I. get the upper hand by double teaming D-Von but he’s able to tag out to Buh Buh. Buh Buh has a crutch so Smith won’t fight him until he puts it down. F.B.I. again with double teaming to get the advantage and they tag back and forth to keep Buh Buh down as we near the 10-minute mark. Buh Buh ducks a clothesline and runs through Guido but doesn’t have enough strength to follow up. Buh Buh now ducks a clothesline from Smith and runs through him. He breaks something over Guido’s head goes downstairs on Smith and makes the tag. D-Von storms the ring and lays out both members of the F.B.I. Buh Buh tags back in bear hugs Guido and leans him forward. D-Von goes up to the second rope and drops a leg which gets the Dudleys the win in 12.41. After the match the F.B.I. attack the Dudleys. Smith hits the moonsault chairshot on Buh Buh. After the match Smith gets on the mic for a few minutes but I can’t hear a word he’s saying. Buh Buh and D-Von chase them off.

Axl Rotten vs. Taz (w/ Bill Alfonso) ref Jim Molineaux
Mat wrestling to start, Taz gets in some submissions with Axl getting to the ropes each time. Taz blocks a hip toss and lands a tbone suplex. Axl now hits a hip toss and bodyslam as Taz rolls out of the ring. Back in Axl goes to work on Taz in a corner. Taz ducks a running clothesline grabs a waist lock ducks a back elbow and hits a northern lights suplex. Axl back in control goes up top but misses a knee drop which allows Taz to lock in the Tazmission for the win in 4.46

“The Shah” Hack Myers vs. World Champion Raven (w/ Stevie Richards & Blue Meanie) ref John Finnegan
We join the title match in progress as Raven is attacking Hack on the floor with a chair. Back in the ring Raven with a low blow and more chair shots but Hack gets his foot on the rope at 2. Small package by Hack gets 2. Raven right back on the attack with a leg drop. Stevie throws a chair to Raven and he uses it on the back of Myers. Corner whip and Raven charges with the chair but Hack gets the feet up. The Shah with some punches to the champ. Corner whip and he follows it in with an elbow. Hak takes out Richards and Meanie and leg drops Raven who is laying across the bottom rope. Hack goes up top but Raven pulls him off and hits the Evenflow DDT to retain the title. 4.45 of the match was shown. Raven and Richards leave the ring and Meanie sticks around to to try and do more damage but Hack fights him off.

New Jack vs. TV Champion 2 Cold Scorpio ref Jim Molineaux
Being the vile human that he is New Jack spits on the title before the match. They lock up a few times and push each other back into the ropes and clean break. They start to brawl a bit Scorpio hits a clothesline and Jack comes back with a baking sheet. They fight to the floor and Jack uses some more weapons. They brawl into the crowd and it’s Scorpio with the advantage. They fight outside the ring for a few minutes. Back in Scorpio with a low blow and the lights go out. Lights come back and Scorpio keeping Jack grounded. He hits a power bomb and leg drop off the top. Scorpio grabs the baking sheet and hits Jack with it and then misses a moonsault. Jack up now with multiple shots with the baking sheet. Jack comes off the 2nd rope with it and gets a 2 count. Scorpio fights back and hits a splash in the corner. Jack ducks a spin kick and the ref gets hit and goes down. The Eliminators hit the ring and nail Jack with the tag belts. They hit a total elimination and Scorpio gets the win to retain at 10.25. El Puerto Ricano comes to the ring to complain about what happened and he gets attacked. Super Nova comes down now gets totally eliminated. The same goes for Hack Myers. Buh Buh hits the ring and gets the advantage for a bit but turns his back and gets triple superkicked!! and hit with total elimination. New Jacks partner Mustafa who has apparently been sitting in the back watching all this the whole time finally hits the ring but gets hit with total elimination also. The Eliminators go to leave but the Pitbulls hit the aisle and start brawling. Both Pitbulls are bandaged up from being jumped by the Eliminators in Long Island earlier in the week. After a few minutes the Gangstas get back up and join the fight against the champions. After about five minutes the Eliminators decide its time to leave.

“Lionheart” Chris Jericho vs. Mikey Whipwreck ref Jim Molineaux
We join this match in progress as Jericho gives a stiff kick to the back. Jericho hits a hard clothesline and gets a 2 count. Hanging vertical suplex and then he stretches out Whipwrecks arms. Mikey reverses a corner whip and hits a dropkick and goes into an arm bar. Jericho fights back and hits a spinning wheel kick. Mikey goes to the apron and Jericho hits the springboard clothesline to the floor. They fight into the crowd and Jericho uses a chair. Jericho throws about 15 chairs on top of Mikey and waits for him back in the ring. Jericho brings Mikey back inside with a back suplex for 2. A bodyslam and top rope splash gets another 2 count. Corner whip and Jericho follows it in with a clothesline. Another corner whip but he misses a splash and goes over the top to the floor. Mikey planchas to the floor. Back in the ring Mikey hits a missle dropkick for 2. Corner whip by Jericho he charges but Mikey throws him on top and hits a frankensteiner off the rope for two. Irish whip by Jericho, Mikey goes for another one but gets power bombed. Jericho gets a chair and Mikey drop kicks it. Jericho ducks a clothesline and hits a dragon suplex for the win. 10.10 was shown. The two men shake hands and hug after the match.

Damien 666 vs. Sabu ref Jim Molineaux
This match should be a fun mess. Sabu of course dives at the legs and gets kicked in the face. Irish whip he ducks a clothesline and hits a leg larit and bounces himself off the top rope for a moonsault. Leg drop off the top and they go to the floor. Damien brings a chair in the ring and miss and air sabu. Sabu hits one of his own and then three Arabian facefasters. Back to the floor Sabu lands a plancha and both men are down and we just hit the 2 minute mark. Back in the ring and Sabu grabs a chin lock to slow things down and it lasts less then ten seconds before Damien is out and throwing elbows directly into Sabu’s jaw. Corner whip Sabu backdrops Damien but he lands on the apron on his feet. Damien grabs Sabu’s arm and goes to run up the ropes but falls. Sabu thrown to the floor and Damien hits a dive on him. Chairs cookie sheet and other assorted weapons get thrown about. Sabu lays Damien on the second rope and leg drops him from the top rope. Then an arm bar. Damien hits a low blow to swing things in his favor. Sabu reverses a powerbomb attempt into a back drop but Damien reverses that into a sunset flip for 2. Headlock take over by Sabu they fight back up. Sabu goes for a frankensteiner but gets powerbombed instead. Damien takes a chair and chokes Sabu with it. Slam onto the chair and Damien misses a second rope head-butt. Damien goes outside and Sabu hits him with a somersault plancha. Sabu puts Damien on a table and slingshots over the top rope with a leg drop through the table. Both men roll back in the ring and Sabu misses a moonsault. Damien with a fisherman buster for 2. A second one gets another 2 followed by a tornado DDT. Damien goes to the second rope and hits an elbow. He puts a chair on Sabu and goes up top. As he dives Sabu throws the chair at him and hits him in the face. Triple jump frankensteiner by Sabu for the victory in 10.51. Handshake after the match. Then they brawl to the back. That makes no sense.

“The Franchise” Shane Douglas vs. Rob Van Dam ref John Finnegan
Shane on the mic to start but can’t hear what he’s saying. They roll around on the ground a bit to start the match until Shane gets Van Dam in a corner. Snapmare and Shane shoves his fingers up Van Dams nose in a rather gross spot. Rob bails and when he comes back in he gets powered back into a corner. Douglas pokes the eyes and starts hammering away. Corner whip Van Dam gets the boots up as Shane charges. Rob claims the top rope and back flips over Shane and superkicks him. Springboard crossbody gets 2. Rob flips out of a back suplex attempt hits the ropes and gets nailed with a drop kick by Douglas. Rob rolls to the apron and Douglas dropkicks him off to the floor. Douglas picks him up for a suplex but drops him sternum first on the guardrail. In the crowd now they brawl back and forth with both men getting in chair shots. Van Dam clims the side of some steps and moonsaults off of them. After about 3 minutes they make it back to the ring as Shane begs off into a corner. Van Dam whips him out hard and Shane goes down for a 2 count. Van Dam puts a piece of guardrail up in the corner but Shane reverses the whip. Shane places it on the top turnbuckle and suplexes Van Dam onto it. Shane powers Van Dam to the mat with a knuckle lock but Van Dam keeps bridging out of it. Rob crawls out to the apron and climbs the first turnbuckle but Shane knocks him off to the floor. Shane sandwiches Van Dam’s head with two baking sheets. Rob grabs a chair and fights back. Van Dam atomic drops Shane into a chair and runs off the chair onto the apron and pushes off with a back kick. Van Dam goes for a plancha but miss judges the distances so just lands on his feet. He tries to ram Shane into the post but Douglas blocks it picks him up for what looks to be an atomic drop but runs him crotch first into the post. Douglas drops a head butt between the legs. He has set up two chairs in a seated position facing each other and attempts to power bomb Van Dam. Rob blocks it hits an inverted atomic drop and back drop onto the chairs. Chair to the head of Douglas gets a 2 count. Van Dam throws a chair at Shane and kicks it for 2. Fall forward slam and Van Dam places a chair on Shane and hits a split legged moonsault but doesn’t go for the pin. He sets up the chairs how Shane had the earlier, irish whip and ducks the head for a back drop but Shane this time hits the power bomb through the chairs. Shane puts a chair on the top turnbuckle and hot shots Van Dam onto it. Belly to Belly and Scropio hits ringside distracting Douglas enough for Van Dam school by him for the win. I didn’t hear an opening bell but the match last about 15.45. Shane gets on the mic afterwards but again I can not hear. Big “Shane is dead” and “Razor” chants break out which leads to Shane mooning the crowd.

Tommy Dreamer (w/ Kimona Wanalaya) vs. “Primetime” Brian Lee (w/ Stevie Richards & Blue Meanie) ref Jim Molineaux
Stevie gets on the mic and tells us that Lee can not make the match tonight but he has a sub. We cut to Dreamer standing over Meanie when Lee enters the ring and SMASHES Dreamer over the head with what looked like a piece of drywall. Lee hits a clothesline and dumps Tommy to the floor and they make their way into the bathroom. Dreamer quickly gets the upper hand and they fight back into the crowd. Dreamer gets thrown down the bleachers as they brawl back towards ringside. Dreamer whips Lee to the guardrail and they head right back into the crowd. They are using any weapon they can find and make it to the outside of the building at around the 4 minute mark. They fight into the road as cars are changing lanes to avoid them. Into a parking lot and both men go head first into a truck. Back inside the building and finally into the ring at just over 6 minutes. Lee with a chair he comes off the second ropes and hits the ref in the head followed by Dreamer in the back. Lee goes back up but misses a knee drop. Tommy fights back and hits a DDT but there’s no ref to count. People start throwing weapons into the ring and Tommy piles them up and sets up a DDT. The Eliminators hit the ring and pull the two men apart and hit Dremer with total elimination. Lee covers just as the ref wakes up and gets the 3 count in 7.57. Lee hits 3 big boots on Dreamer after the match and we hear the Gangstas music comes on. New Jack and Mustafa hit the ring and all six men begin to brawl in and out of the ring. The brawl last for about six minutes and goes all over the arena before the tape cuts out.

My thoughts on the show,
Thumbs up on this one. I asked for new matches after my last house show review and got a completely fresh card. Everything from the TV Title match down was fun to watch. Van Dam didn’t do 50 random flips for no reason so that was good! Between the hype for Matter of Respect on the last TV show and the way tonight’s main event leads into the six man for that I am super pumped to watch it. Matter of Respect is up next here at the “Oh My GOD!” video review and I can’t wait!


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