The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW Invades Staten Island, NY 11/1/96


1996-11-01 at The Sportsfest in Staten Island, NY

World: Sandman
TV: Shane Douglas
Tag Team: Gangstas

D-Von Dudley & Rick Rage vs. Dudley Boys (w/ Sign Guy Dudley), ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Axl Rotten was scheduled to be D-Von’s partner but isn’t here tonight. D-Von on the mic before the match gets the crowd riled up by trashing talking them and his half brothers. Spike starts with Rick Rage but Rage is too big for him and he gets tossed around. Powerslam gets 2. Tag made to D-Von. Spike with a head scissor and he tags Buh Buh. They brawl nand Buh Buh hits a cutter for 2. D-Von with a low blow and rocker dropper. D-Von goes up top with a chair but Buh Buh cuts him off. Rage distracts Buh Buh and D-Von is able to hit him with the chair. D-Von jumps off the top but Buh Buh drop kicks him gets the chair and nails everyone. D-Von makes the tag to Rage Buh Buh with a bossman slam Spike jumps off of Buh Buh’s shoulders with a splash and gets the win in 5.46. D-Von and Rage attack after the match and take out the Dudleys. Tag Team Champions The Gangstas make the save and a big brawl breaks out. D-Von bails but Big Dick Dudley meets him in the aisle. They brawl now. The Gangstas and Dudleys beat down Rage and then leave.

“Dangerous” Devon Storm vs. Pitbull 2
Originally advertised as Pitbull 2 vs. Doug Furnas. Pitbull hits the ring and Storm attacks right away. To the floor the go. Storm with a somersault plancha out of the ring. In the ring Storm with a side slam and he goes up top and lands a moonsault but Pitbull no sells that and pops right back up. Pitbull with a pressslam and then a clothesline that sends them both out of the ring to the floor. Storm goes for a top rope cross body but gets caught and placed on on the top turnbuckle for a super fall away slam that ends things in 3.39.

Erotic Experience vs. Mikey Whipwreck & Davey Tyler, ref John Finnegan
Tyler will is the future Kid Kash. “Precious” Pat Day starts off with Mikey. A boring chant breaks out 1 minute into the match as Mikey works the arm. A drop kick sends Day to the floor to regroup and Mikey planchas onto both members of the Experience. Tyler and GQ Gorgeous Quartermaine both tag in. Tyler with a drop kick and a double underhook piledriver. GQ looks legit out of it and kicks Tyler and tags out. Day loks in a chin lock and then tags back to GQ. Guess he just needed a minute to clear the cobwebs. GQ back to the chinlock but Tyler gets out with a jaw breaker. Tyler puts GQ aross the second rope and goes to do the boss man jump on the guys back thing. GQ moves and Tyler flies in between the ropes to the floor. Day tags in and hits a gut wrench suplex for 2. GQ tags back in. They hit a double shoulder block. A few tags back and forth from the Experience. GQ hits a powerslam and top rope leg drop. Day tags in and misses a top rope senton. Mikey and GQ tag in and Mikey takes out both opponents. All four men in the ring and Day goes for a power bomb on Tyler but it gets reversed into a rana. Tyler drop kicks Day out of the ring and hits a plancha. Super rana on GQ and Mikey gets the pin in 11.38.

Bill Alfonso (w/ Taz) vs. Tod Gordon, ref Jim Molineaux
They roll around and fight a bit. Gordon gets a cookie pan and blasts Alfonso with it busting him open. Gordon goes for the cover but Taz punches him knocking him out. The ref wants to know what happened and Taz says that he passed out. Alfonso covers and gets the win in 4.10. Taz on the mic talks about how he’s been begging Gordon for a year for a match with Sabu.

2 Cold Scorpio vs. “Dr. Death” Steve Williams, ref John Finnegan
Giant clash of styles here. I fully expect this match to suck. “You sold out” chants at Scorpio. I guess he’s signed with the WWF. Dr. Death’s tights look like a giant adult diaper. Scorpio hits four shoulder blocks only the last one takes Williams down. “Flash Funk” chants ring out. Scorpio goes for a leap frog but Williams catches him and powerslams him for a 2 count. After some submission wrestling they go to the floor and brawl. Back in the ring Scorpio gets a 2 count with a moonsault. He goes back up comes off with a cross body but gets caught and power slammed for 2. Oklahoma Stampede gets 2. Doctor bomb finishes things in 8.13

“The Franchise” Shane Douglas (w/ Francine) vs. Louie Spicolli, ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Mic work from Shane before the match. Spicolli says last time he and Shane wrestled Douglas got lucky and barely won this time he won’t get lucky cause Louie is going home with the title. That pervious match took place on the 9-17 TV show and was pretty good. Spicolli with the early advantage he goes for the DVD but Shane wiggles free and bails out. Back in the ring Shane goes for a belly to belly but it’s blocked. Douglas with a headlock takeover. Spicolli gets out with a belly to back. Louie again goes for the DVD but Shane grabs onto the ref to get out. Clothesline sends him to the floor and Louie follows out with a baseball slide. Francine distracts Spicolli, which allows Shane to post him. Spicolli is bleeding. Suplex by Shane for 2 as Spicolli is now covered in blood. Shane just stomping away on Louie. Spicolli with a school boy for 2. Shane sets up two chairs and power bombs Louie through them but only gets 2. Louie hits a spin buster and now both men are down. Northern lights by Louie gets 2. Back drop and a belly to belly by Louie but Francine distracts the ref so he can’t make the count. Francine now gets some powder and throws it in the eyes of Louie as he goes for the DVD. The ref goes over to check on Louie and he thinks it’s Shane. Louie DVDs the ref and then Shane hits a single arm DDT. Pitbull 2 hits the ring and Shane and Francine bail. For some reason JT Smith, Blue Meanie, Super Nova and the Erotic Experience come to ringside. Pitbull gets Joel Gertner and throws him onto all of those guys. Call this a no contest in just over 13 minutes.

Eliminators vs. Sabu & Rob Van Dam, ref Jim Molineuax
After the introductions we clip to the start of the match. Saturn and Sabu are in the ring after a quick back and forth both teams make a tag. Van Dam hits a really shitty looking karate chop on Kronus. Kronus hits a power slam but Sabu breaks up the pin. Pump handle throw by Kronus. Saturn tags in and hits an axe kick for 2. Van Dam makes a tag. Double drop kick by the Eliminators as Kronus now comes in. Front slam and a 2nd rope moonsault by Kronus. Suplex for 2. Sabu comes back with a springboard leg lariat and makes the tag. Van Dam in with a rolling thunder leg drop and top rope leg drop. Saturn breaks up the pin. Saturn and Sabu now tag in and they go to the floor. Kronus hits a handspring into a moonsault over the ropes and out of the ring. Van Dam then somersaults over the top rope onto everyone. Sabu sets up a table he goes to triple jump Saturn through it but Saturn springboards and clotheslines the chair…? Sabu with a tornado DDT through the table from the apron. Standing moonsault and weak ass forearms by Van Dam to Kronus. Kronus comes back with the handspring back elbow in the corner. Sabu and Saturn tag in. Sabu gets the upper hand and hits an Arabian press then tags Van Dam in. Van Dam with a surf board but Kronus breaks it up. Saturn hits a clothesline then goes up top and lands the elbow drop. Kronus in with a double underhook powerbomb for 2. Saturn in with a nice looking powerslam. Double spin kick by the Eliminators. Kronus gets a 2 count. Double clothesline and both Kronus and Van Dam go down. Each tag. Sabu goes for a springboard move but Van Dam jumps in the ring and hits Saturn. Kronus breaks it up and goes for a pin on Van Dam but Sabu breaks it up. Sabu goes for a triple jump leg drop but can’t keep his balance and falls backwards out of the ring. He gets back in the ring and hits a triple jump moonsault but Saturn breaks it up and hits a falcon’s arrow for 2. Sabut breaks that up. Van Dam hits a kick on Saturn and Sabu a splash but Kronus breaks up the pin now. Super kick on Sabu and they throw him to the floor. Saturn with a pump kick on Van Dam. Sabu comes off the top rope and his both the Eliminators with a DDT. Van Dam and Sabu each go for the cover and the bell rings and we have a time limit draw in 17.59. An interesting time limit for a match to have. The ref decides that the match will get 5 more minutes. Sabu with a rana and Arabian face buster but Saturn gets his foot on the rope. Press slam by Saturn followed by a spring board moonsault. Van Dam with a split legged moonsault onto a chair on Kronus and all four men are down. Fishermen suples by Saturn has Van Dam down for a 2. Saturn has Sabu pinned and Van Dam small packages Kronus the bell rings again as our five minutes has ended after 1.59. Someone needs to get a new watch. The Eliminators refuse to wrestle anymore. Sabu and Van Dam chase them into the back. This match was a pretty big mess.

Steel Cage Match: Raven & “Primetime” Brian Lee (w/ Lori & Tyler Fullington) vs. World Champion Sandman & Tommy Dreamer (w/ Beulah), refs John Finnegan & Jim Molineaux
Blue Meanie, Stevie Richards and Super Nova hits the ringside area and attack Dreamer and Sandman before they get in the ring. They get thrown into the ring but Raven and Dreamer quickly go back out of the cage to the floor. Raven with a DDT on the floor. Back in the ring he and Lee hit a spike piledriver on Sandman. They are making sure Dreamer doesn’t get back in the ring. Lee now goes to the floor to fight with Dreamer. Meanie jumps in the ring and splashes Sandman up against the cage. Sandman is busted wide open. Raven tries to use the cane but Sandman ducks and hits a DDT. Lee goes for a chokeslam but Sandman uses the cane to break out and he hits a DDT on Raven for 2. A golf club comes flying into the ring. Richards comes in to help beat on Sandman but misses a stevie kick that hits Lee. Raven with a DDT for 2. Nova now in the ring. Lori Fullington has the worst voice ever. Dreamer finally makes it back in the ring. The ref gets sandwiched in the corner and smashed by Sandman, Raven and Lee. Lee brings a table into the ring and sets it up. Piledriver on the table by Raven sends Sandman crashing through. Chokeslam by Dreamer on Lee. Dreamer hits a DDT on Raven and puts Sandman on top and the ref wakes up to count the fall. About 10.30 on this one. There was no opening bell so I started timing it once the cage door shut with all four guys in the ring. Dreamer misses his big chance to finally pin Raven here, as it was his move that got the job done. Lee takes out by Dreamer and Sandman after the match and leaves them laying in the ring.

My thoughts on the show…
Really wasn’t a fan of this one as based on performance everything was mostly below average.


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