The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW in Deer Park 6/30/96


1996-06-30 at The Community Center in Deer Park, NY

World: Raven
TV: Chris Jericho
Tag Team: Eliminators

Taz (w/ Bill Alfonso) vs. El Puerto Ricano Pablo Marquez
Big “Fuck you Taz” chant. Very loud crowd right now. Marquez drops kicks Taz in the back right as the bell rings sending him to the floor. Back in and he hits a missile drop kick for 2. Marquez with a sunset flip but Taz kicks out and is quickly up with a clothesline. Snapmare and Taz locks in some submissions. Corner whip but Marquez leaps over Taz as Taz charges. Back the other way and he tries it again but Taz catches his feet and slams him down. Marquez reverses an Irish whip but Taz grabs him in a head and arm suplex. German drops Marquez on his head as the fans chant “Oh my God” and the Tazmission ends it at 2.37. After the match Alfonso gets on the mic and calls out Sabu. Taz points out some girl in the crowd and makes fun of her for being a “fat bitch”. Taz doesn’t give a shit about ECW, Paul E. or any MMA fighter.

Stevie Richards (w/ Bluedust) vs. Mikey Whipwreck ref Jim Molineux
Stevie grabs the mic right after the bell sounds. Stevie points to the same girl Taz made fun of and tells her it’s her fault Bluedust is the type of man he is. Mikey attacks Richards but misses a spin kick. Mikey ducks a clothesline and sends Richards over the top rope with one of his own. Mikey hits a plancha on both Richards and Meanie. Slingshot Mr. Perfect neck snap back into the ring by Mikey. He then runs off of Richards back and somersault planchas onto Meanie on the floor. Top rope cross body to get back in the ring gets a 2 count. Stevie quickly breaks out of a chin lock and goes for a drop kick but Mikey hangs onto the ropes and goes back to the chin lock. Stevie fights out of the chinlock but Mikey hits him low and puts on a headlock on the mat. Every time the girl Taz and Richards made fun of says something the crowd chants “shut the fuck up” at her. It’s happened three times this match and is great. Mikey leaps up onto Stevie’s shoulders and goes for a Frankensteiner but gets powerbombed instead. Stevie stays in control with help from Meanie until Mikey mounts a comeback but misses a top rope splash. Stevie whips Mikey into the ropes ducks his head and gets DDTed. Mikey climbs up to the top turnbuckle but gets Stevie-kicked off and to the floor. Meanie rolls Mikey back in and Richards covers for 2. Meanie gets in the ring and goes up top for the moonsault. Mikey crotches Richards which knocks Meanie down. Mikey hits a superkick and bulldogs Meanie in between Richards legs. Richards and Meanie try double team Mikey. Mikey fights out and rakes Meanie’s eyes so he can’t see. Meanie double underhook powerbombs Richards. Mikey hits a super frankensteiner and gets the win at 12.08.

Buh Buh Ray Dudley & Big Dick Dudley (w/ Sign Guy and Dances With Dudley) vs. F.B.I. ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Well you can probably go back to the last two recaps and figure out how this match is going to go. JT Smith gets on the mic after their ring intro. Smith introduces a new member of the F.B.I. I can’t hear what the name of the guy is but he is huge. Smith bets Buh Buh $440 that he can’t say his name with out stuttering. Buh Buh does and tells Smith not to fuck with the Dudleys and then goes to attack. The F.B.I. hid behind the big man and then attack when the Dudleys turn their backs. The Dudleys quickly get the upper hand and Buh Buh avalanches both men in the corner. The big guy on the F.B.I. attacks Sign Guy and DW with a chair outside. The F.B.I. hit a double suplex on Big Dick. He gets right up but they still manage to whip him into the corner. Dick charges out and clotheslines them both. The big dude comes in and easily power bombs Buh Buh as Big Dick chokeslams both Smith and Little Guido. Dick and the big guy start fighting and brawl into the crowd. This leaves the F.B.I. alone in the ring with Buh Buh until D-Von shows up and lays out the ref and the F.B.I. with a chair causing a DQ at 4.46. D-Von slaps around Buh Buh and yells at him. D-Von lays out Buh Buh and DW with the chair. D-Von leaves through the crowd as Big Dick comes back.

Bluedust vs. Sandman (w/ Missy Hyatt) ref Jim Molineaux
Bluedust does some crappy stuff by Missy so she slaps him. Sandman nails Bluedust with his cane and gets the win in .42

The Franchise” Shane Douglas vs. Pitbull 2 (w/ Francine) ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Lots of history between these two, most recently jast night Shane Douglas helped keep the TV Title away from Pitbull. Pitbull uses his strength and pushes Shane away from a lock up. Shane with a side headlock but Pitbull just pushes him off. That girl gets on Douglas’ case and the fans chant “You fat bitch” at her. Oh man they hate this girl and it’s awesome. Pitbull takes control of the match and they go to the floor. Pitbull drags Shane around the ring slamming him into the guardrail a few times. Back in Pitbull with an irish whip and he press slams Douglas on the rebound. Shane whipped into the corner and Pitbull then with a running powerslam. Shane is sent to a few corners and then locked in a bear hug. Shane gets sent into another corner but gets his foot up on the charge and then hits a running bulldog. Pitbull reverses anirish whip and press slams Shane again. Pitbull charges Shane who is standing against the ropes, but gets back dropped to the floor. Shane with a plancha to the floor. Pitbull sends Shane into the rail and then drops him on the rail. Pitbull gets handed a chair and slams it down across Shane’s back and another one across the head. Shane is busted open as they get back into the ring. Pitbull with an Irish whip, he ducks his head and Shane gets him with a swinging neck breaker. Douglas picks him and has a big vertical suplex but only gets a 2 count. Shane now with a chinlock as Francine screams for him to get out of it. Pitbull fights up and breaks free. He drops a headbutt between the legs of Shane. The two men exchange blows with Pitbull eventually getting Shane into a corner and smashing his head into the turnbuckle. Pitbull hits the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Shane falls to the ground before getting hit. Douglas fights back and gets the ring bell. He starts to climb up top but Francine stops him. They are on the apron now and he kisses her. She slaps him and he slaps her right back. Pitbull charges Shane but gets hit with the ring bell. Douglas gets back in the ring makes the cover puts his feet on the rope for added leverage and gets the win. The time of the match is 11.53. After the match TV Champion Chris Jericho hits the ring. Jericho complains that the feet were on the ropes. Shane goes to punch him but it’s blocked. Jericho spin kicks Shane and Pitbull covers him and the ref counts, even though he never said the match was restarted. Shane kicks Jericho right between the legs and punches the ref. Shane throws Pitbull out of the ring and rams Francine into the turnbuckle. Shane grabs Pitbull and goes to piledriver him but Jericho stops him. Pitbull and Jericho double team Shane until Tag Team Champions The Eliminators come down and take out Pitbull with total elimination. Shane comes off the top with a cross body on Jericho as Kronus holds him up on his shoulders. Saturn then comes off the top with a splash onto Jericho. Pitbull grabs his chain and chases them off.

“Primetime” Brian Lee vs. Dances With Dudley
Our match is joined in progress with Lee taking DW to the floor and into the crowd and out of the building. They just as quickly go inside and back out a different door. Back at ringside DW tries to fight back but Lee is too much for him. In the ring DW ducks a clothesline and lands a dropkick and clothesline. DW goes to the 2nd turnbuckle and comes off with a chop. Back up and he hits a double axe handle. DW goes up one more time but gets caught with a chokeslam. 3.33 is shown and the match time is announced as 3.44 so we only missed .11.

Tag Team Champions Eliminators are in the ring and Saturn is complaining that they are there with no one to fight. Jericho charges the ring and attacks them looking for some payback from before. Jericho gets in a lionsault and a frankensteiner on each. Saturn tries to attack from behind but gets clotheslined. Jericho goes for one on Kronus but he ducks. When Jericho turns around he gets drop kicked by Saturn. Mikey Whipwreck hits the ring and clears ou the Eliminators and we get a bell.

Tag Team Champions Eliminators vs. TV Champion Chris Jericho & Mikey Whipwreck ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Saturn and Jericho start it off. Saturn with a headlock Jericho tries to fight out but gets taken over. Jericho reverses to a head scissor. Saturn gets out and just lays in a few shots to Jericho. Irish whip Jericho comes back and hits a spin kick. Hanging vertical suplex by Jericho and a standing senton. He turns however and gets super kicked. Tag to Mikey but Saturn charges and knocks him off the apron. Kronus and Mikey now in the ring. They lock up and Kronus pushes Mikey off. Arm drag, hip toss and drop kick by Mikey sends Kronus to the floor. Back in the ring Kronus comes out of a headlock with a belly to back suplex. Pump handle German suplex. Saturn comes in and they hit a double clothesline. Saturn beats on Mikey and then throws him into a corner. Mikey runs up to the 2nd turnbuckle and cross bodies Saturn. A dropkick sends Saturn outside the ring and the Eliminators try to regroup. Saturn back in with Jericho now and they tackle each other and start punching away. Jericho gets the advantage and then hits a clothesline. Jericho with a submission but Saturn gets to the ropes. Kronus then comes in and breaks it up. Him and Jericho trade some stiff shots. Jericho puts Saturn up top and climbs up to the top turnbuckle with him and dropkicks Saturn to the floor. Jericho with a plancha. Kronus comes from behind with a chair and Mikey comes off the top onto Kronus. The four men fight on the floor. Jericho puts a chair on Kronus and leaps out of the ring with a splash. Mikey and Saturn now in the ring. Mikey back drops Saturn for 2. Headlock take over slows things down. Mikey gets pushed up into the ropes and super kicked on the way back. Tag to Kronus and they hit a double superkick. Body slam and Kronus comes off the 2nd turnbuckle with a head butt. Mikey whipped in and gets powerslammed. Samoan drop by Kronus and he tags to Saturn. Saturn comes off the top with a big diving headbutt. Jericho comes in to break up the pin. Pump handle fall away slam by Saturn for 2. Irish whip by Saturn and he lands a flying forearm for 2. Tag to Kronus and he hits a tilt a whirl slam at the 13 minute mark. Leg drop misses and Mikey makes the tag. More stiff shots between Jericho and Kronus. Saturn grabs Mikey and holds him but Kronus misses a clothesline and hits Saturn. Saturn gets in the ring and chops the crap out of Jericho then hits a lionsault. Jericho ducks a clothesline and gets a sunset flip. Saturn kicks out and lays Jericho down with a clothesline. Piledriver by Saturn for 2. Saturn with a snapmare and then a chin lock. Kronus tags back in and sends Jericho to the ropes. Jericho gets a waist lock. They go through a series of 2 standing switches, Kronus ducking a back elbow, Jericho landing on his feet on a power bomb attempt by Kronus, Jericho ducking a clothesline and finally hitting a release german suplex. Tag made to Mikey and he comes off the top with a crossbody. Mikey back up top and he leaps of and lands on Kronus and Frankenstieners him. Mikey whips in Kronus ducks his head and gets kicked in it. Kronus makes a tag and then hits Mikey with a rolling firemans slam. Saturn comes right off the top with a splash. Mikey gets a 2 count with a small package. Saturn clotheslines him and press slams him. Saturn misses a moonsault off the top and Jericho gets tagged in. Jericho hits the ring and runs right into a superkick. Saturn with a dr. bomb for 2. Corner whip and Saturn charges but catches Jericho’s boot. Jericho comes off the 2nd buckle with a drop kick he covers and gets 2. Fishermen buster by Jericho and a lionsault but Kronus breaks up the pin. Mikey in with a drop kick that knocks Kronus out of the ring. Jericho power bombs Saturn as Mikey hits him with a top rope clothesline while he’s at the top of the bomb. Saturn kicks out at 2. Mikey puts Saturn on the buckle and goes up with him. Kronus hits Jerich, who is standing on a different top turnbuckle, with a chair knocking him to the floor. Kronus drops Jericho on the guardrail while in the ring Saturn pushes Mikey to the mat. Mikey goes for a tornado DDT but Saturn reverses with an inverted atomic drop. Total elimination gets the win for the champs at 20.19. They go for it again but Jericho pushes Mikey out of the way and he takes the total elimination. The Gangstas music starts and they hit the ring. A brawl is on! New Jack takes Kronus up to a stage and piledrivers him off it through a table on the floor!! And the fight still continues! These two teams aren’t going to stop feuding until one team is dead. Kronus slams Jack through a table. Mustafa as been all over Saturn. Running powerslam by Mustafa on Saturn and Jack comes off the top with 187 onto him. Kronus gets the same combo now. The Eliminators bail out of the ring and run to the back. A huge 5 minute brawl after an amazing match. Jack gets on the mic and says he doesn’t care how far he has to travel he’ll do it just to beat there ass. New Jack spits on that girl in the crowd. AND SHE LOVES IT!

World Champion Raven (w/ Stevie Richards, Bluedust, Lori & Tyler Fullington) vs. Tommy Dreamer (w/ Beulah & Kimona Wanalaya) ref Jim Molineaux
So I don’t get why every time Tommy fights Brian Lee he charges the ring to start the fight but when he fights Raven he calmly walks to the ring. He HATES Raven personally, Lee just beat him up a bunch of times. Wouldn’t you want at Raven more then Lee? Only Dreamer’s 2nd title match against Raven. The bell rings and Stevie gets on the mic and wants to say something to Sandman. He wants to know how it feels for his son to worship Raven. Superkick to the back of Dreamers head and Raven hits a DDT for 2. Meanie misses the Meanie-sault and Raven with another DDT. The girls attack Meanie and get throw to the locker room. Ummm, Stevie and Meanie stay? Piledriver by Raven for 2. Nothing makes sense about this match to me!!!! Dreamer gets throw to the floor and his cut from last night opens up. Dreamer throws Raven into the guardrail twice. Nintendo to the balls as they brawl into the crowd and out of the building. Back inside Raven takes over and elbow drops Tommy through a table. They fight on the floor some more and we are at the 8 minute mark as they get into the ring. Tommy leans a table in the corner and throws Raven through it. A fan throws a chair to Dreamer. He charges Raven in the corner. Raven misses and Dreamer hits the chair. Raven picks it up and charges but Dreamer moves and the ref gets hit. A new ref comes down, Dreamer picks up a chair charges but now Raven moves and the new ref goes down. Dreamer with a DDT as the first ref gets up and counts 2. Raven hits a belly to back pin. Both refs count and argue over what they think just happened. Dreamer and Raven DDT the refs. Buh Buh Ray comes to the ring and says he’s going to ref the match. Dreamer piledrivers Raven and gets a 2 but Stevie boots Dudley in the face. DDT on Richards. Raven with a DDT on Dreamer. D-Von is at ringside now. He hits Dreamer with a chair and Molineaux, the original ref makes the count and Raven wins at 11.12. Tyler comes in the ring and lays into Dreamer with the cane. He’s hit him at least 20 times. Sandman hits the ring canes Stevie and Bluedust. Raven drops to his knees and pulls Tyler in front of him. Buh Buh chases off D-Von. Sandman asks Tyler to come to him and Tyler hits him 3 times and then Raven DDTs him. Tyler hits his father some more and then Raven and the Fullingtons all do Raven’s post and leave. Dreamer and Sandman argue in the ring for some reason and threaten to hit each other with weapons. WTF is going on! Since when did these two not like each other?!? They slowly back away after a few minutes of starring at each other and leave the ring. A fan in the aisle hands Sandman a beer. Sandman takes it but then hands it right back and disgustedly says “it’s warm” haha drunk.

Shane Douglas is in the locker room getting patched up from his match earlier. He says that people always said he couldn’t get extreme. Douglas is trash talks Pitbull and Jericho. The medic keeps telling Shane that he has to go to the hospital. Shane tells him to call the hospital and let them know he’s on his way so he doesn’t have to wait behind some welfare recipient. HA! He trash talks some more and that’s it.

My thoughts on the show
WOW! I gotta say I loved this show. Between the super hot crowd that spent tons of time making fun of a fan, some new match ups, and the awesome tag title match, I’m super happy with this show. As you probably know by now I love Taz, Stevie and Douglas, and they kicked ass tonight. The tag team title match was easily one of the top matches of the year so far in ECW. A really good main event AND a back stage interview on a handheld show. This show is very recommended. (Disclaimer!: This is the first show I recapped where I was drunk. I might not actually think it’s this good) 🙂


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