The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW In Burlington, Mass. 10/12/96


1996-10-12 at Sports One in Burlington, MA

World: Sandman
TV: Shane Douglas
Tag Team: Gangstas

We get footage of Tommy Dreamer at the merch table before the show talking to some fans. He’s asked what the next insane bump he plans on taking is and he tells the fans that he is trying to get a scaffold match with the ring full of tables set up but Tod and Paul won’t let it happen.

Tag Team Champions Gangstas vs. Samoan Gangsta Party, ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
New Jack pins Sammy the Silk with the 187 chair shot. 2.22 of the match is here. There is a point in the action where the screen goes blue for a few seconds and it appears to cut forward in the match but it’s hard to tell since it’s just a giant fight.

JT Smith (w/ Little Guido) vs. Louie Spicolli, ref Paul Richard
Spicolli all over Smith to start and he send him to the floor after a few drop kicks and clothesline. Guido stops Louie from getting back in the ring by holding his foot allowing Smith to gain the advantage. Smith with the handspring moonsault for 2. Spicolli ducks a clothesline and hits a german for 2 but can’t follow up on it. Smith hits two spin kicks. Spicolli reverses an irish whip and hits a spin buster for 2. Guido trips up Spicolli and Smith back on top. Spicolli reverses a corner whip. Smith tries to go up and over but Louie catches him and nails the DVD for the win in 5.41. The crowd of course goes wild.

Dudley Boys (w/ Sign Guy Dudley) vs. Erotic Experience, ref Jim Molineaux
Well I expect this match to be the same as their previous two encounters. “Precious” Pat Day talks to Joel Gertner and then Gertner tells us that for the protection of the face of GQ Gorgeous Quartermaine he will now be covering his face with a mask. Oh no! I just checked and the other two matches these guys had each lasted like 15 minutes. I really don’t want to watch this for that long. They lock up and Buh Buh pushes Day to the ground. Day hides in the corner so Buh Buh can’t get to him. They lock up again and we get the same thing. Day tags out. GQ charges and gets tackled twice. GQ crawls into the corner and asks for time out. The crowd chants for Spike. Spike tags in hits a hip toss and drop kick on both man and they bail to the floor. Back in the ring Spike with a snap mare and he rakes the eyes with his boots. Buh Buh tags in and comes off the top with an axe handle to the arm. Buh Buh with a neckbreaker and a cutter for 2. Spike tags in and goes for 3 different types of roll ups getting 2 each time. GQ reverses a corner whip and Spike hits chest first. Day chokes Spike from the apron behind the refs back. Day tags in and hits a dropkick off an irish whip. Day goes for a back drop but Spike gets a sunset flip for 2. Day up quickly and he nails Spike with a clothesline. GQ tags back in and they hit a double spinning back kick. Spike goes for a leapfrog but gets caught mid air and powerslammed for 2. GQ with a top rope leg drop for 2. Double clothesline attempt by the Experience but Spike ducks and hits them both with a drop kick. Buh Buh tags in and cleans house on his opponents. Buh Buh with an avalanche in the corner onto GQ. Then he press slams Spike and throws him into Day for a 2 count. GQ breaks up the pin but then gets nailed with a bossman slam. Day now breaks that pin up. Buh Buh ducks a double clothesline then drops to the ground so Spike so run off him and clothesline the other two. Buh Buh hits a double clothesline of his own. They bail to the floor so Buh Buh throws Spike onto them. Buh Buh hits a power bomb onto Day. Buh Buh sits on the top rope and Spike climbs to his shoulders and splashes off them for the win in .39 I copy and pasted most of this from the previous match. Buh Buh added the neckbreaker and cutter into the match. And the Experience did a double spin kick instead of a double shoulder block every other spot was EXACTLY the same. D-Von attacks after the match with a chair. Big Dick Dudley makes the save and chokeslams the Experience and D-Von bails when it’s his turn. Buh Buh dives over the ropes onto all of them. So next time this match happens I’m just going to give you guys the time of the fall. You can come back to this recap and read about the match if you want since it won’t be any different. Not awful but tired of seeing this. Glad they trimmed down on the rest spots.

Bill Alfonso vs. Tod Gordon, ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Alfonso jumps Gordon as his way to the ring. They fight, Alfonso bleeds. Alfonso wins in 3.22 after Taz comes down and punches Gordon. Mikey comes in fights Taz and tells the ref what happened. Wait it’s ECW why does it matter how he won?

Tag Team Champion Kronus vs. Pitbull #2, ref Paul Richards
Kronus jumps Pitbull as he slides into the ring and puts him down with a clothesline. Pitbull goes to the floor and Kronus planchas down onto him. Kronus sends Pitbull into the guardrail and charges. Pitbull back drops him into the crowd. Quickly back to ringside and into the ring after each man takes a few chair shots. Kronus with a powerslam for 2. Somersault leg drop but Pitbull no sells it and hits a clothesline. Pitbull hits a spin kick in the corner. Kronus comes back and hits the handspring elbow and then comes off the second rope. Pitbull catches him with en elbow in the stomach and then hits a super fall away slam for a quick win in 5.03. Kronus attacks after the match and TV Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas and Francine come down to the ring to help out. Shane hits Pitbull with the belt busting him open. They hit a spike piledriver on the belt trying to injure the next of Pitbull. Unexpected finish there. Pretty boring match. Fans boo Pitbull.

Too Cold Scorpio vs. Doug Furnas, ref Jim Molineaux
Very little happens for the first five minutes of the match. Furnas with some arm work and then he misses a corner charge and falls out of the ring. Scorpio follows. Back in the ring Scorpio with a power bomb and he goes up top and hits a leg drop for 2. Scorp with a belly to back and leg drop. Scorpio sends Furnas into the corner and charges but Furnas comes out with a clothesline. Power slam and an overhead belly to belly each get 2 counts for Furnas. Furnas goes for a rana but Scorpio power bombs him out of it for 2. Scorpio goes up top and hits a splash for 2. Moonsault for 2. Furnas ducks a spin kick and throws Scorp in a german that flips him all the way over to his stomach. Superplex is blocked, Scorpio with a super front suplex and he comes off the top with a knee to the chest of Furnas. Tombstone is followed by a 450 splash for the win in 10.31. I wanted to like this but it was pretty terrible.

“Dangerous” Devon Storm vs. Johnny Smith (w/ TV Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas & Francine), ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Shane gets on the mic before the match. He has an injured hand and can’t wrestle so Smith is doing it for him. Douglas jaws with a fan at ringside and all of security joins him. Smith out wrestles Storm for the first two minutes. Crowd is all over Shane for not wrestling tonight. Storm now fucks up on a head scissor and lands on his head. Then Smith trips on him. Smith suplexes Storm from the apron to the floor. Nice looking swinging neckbreaker back in the ring. Smith works over the arm with a few submissions. Storm makes a come back and hits a suplex and somersault dive to the floor. He sits Smith in a chair and jumps off the apron with a diving clothesline. Storm with a super rana for 2. Smith hits a powerslam for 2 then comes off the top rope with a missle drop kick followed by a clothesline for 2. Piledriver gets 2. Storm comes back with a spring board leg lariat but then he misses a top rope moonsault. Smith hits the tiger bomb to finish it off in 13.01. Douglas shakes Smith’s hand but then punches him. Shane whips Smith into the ropes and Francine was standing on the apron and fucking eats it. This was clearly not a planned spot. Pitbull attacks Douglas to make the save. Douglas is busted open with the belt. Some wrestlers come from the locker room to break them up. Buh Buh Ray Dudley catches a back elbow by accident and his bleeding from the nose right away. He looks very glass eyed. Aside from the two blown spots it was decent. Could have cut out some of the arm submissions as that ate up a lot of time. Fun brawl at the end with the pull apart and Francine nearly dying.

Taz (w/ Bill Alfonso & Team Taz) vs. Mikey Whipwreck, ref Jim Molineaux
Taz hits the ring but Mikey takes him down with a hip toss and rop kick. Taz goes to the floor Mikey follows with a plancha. Back in the ring Mikey goes for a clothesline but Taz hits a tbone to take over. Taz is pissed because Mikey stuck his nose in Alfonso’s business earlier. Mikey hits a second rope drop kick after taking a few minutes of punishment. Mikey hits a bulldog and then dives onto Team Taz. Mikey misses a top rope splash onto Taz. Taz hits a nice looking wheel barrel slam and then locks in the tazmission. Mikey quickly submits and the match is over in 5.13.

Perry Saturn vs. Sabu, ref Paul Richards
Arm drags to start both men go for a drop kick at the same time. They shake hands and the crowd approves. Sabu flips out of a back drop attempt and spin kicks Saturn to the floor. Baseball slide follows that sends Saturn into the crowd. Sabu with a triple jump dive into the crowd. They brawl a bit and Sabu sets up a table and tries to do a triple jump to put Saturn through it but he slips on the chair plus the table falls off the apron. Saturn misses a right hand by about 5 feet. They set up another table but this time Saturn launches himself back into the ring and meets Sabu mid air with an elbow. He crotches Sabu on the top rope and then springboards with a clothesline sending both men crashing to the floor. Saturn wont let Sabu back in the ring so Sabu gets a chair and nails him with it. Triple jump leg drop for 2. Saturn with a german with a bridge for 2 and he locks in a camel clutch as the crowd chants for a table. Northern lights but Sabu sneaks out at 2. Saturn hits a flacons arrow then goes up top for a splash but that only gets 2. Sabu comes back with a springboard moonsault for 2. Saturn quickly cuts him off and gets a fishermens suplex for 2. After a superkick Saturn again goes up top. This time he comes off with a real nice looking leg drop and again Sabu kicks out. Sabu crotches Saturn on the top rope and climbs the turnbuckle but Saturn falls off. Sabu goes up top but Saturn slams him off. Saturn going up a third time now and he lands his elbow for 2. Saturn goes to the apron and tries to suplex Sabu out of the ring through the table. Sabu blocks it and hits a tornado DDT from the apron through the table on the floor! Back in the ring Saturn hits a top rope drop kick for 2. Sabu with a rana. Triple jump standing moonsault for 2. Saturn tries to come back but Sabu reverses a corner whip and then hits a bulldog and the triple jump moonsault to get the victory in 15.57. They shake hands and hug after a hard fought match. That was fun with some nice spots in it.

Tommy Dreamer & World Champion Sandman (w/ Beulah) vs. “Primetime” Brian Lee & Stevie Richards (w/ Blue Meanie & Super Nova), ref Jim Molineaux & Paul Richards

Lee is limping and taking a lot of time stretching out his legs while Sandman and Dreamer make their entrance. Lee and Richards jump Sandman and knock Dreamer off the apron and the fight is on. Sandman pairs off with Sandman and Lee with Dreamer. They brawl all over the place. At the end Lee hits a chokeslam on Dreamer and then goes for another one. Dreamer with a small package gets the win in 9.31. After the match Dreamer and Sandman get beat down until Terry “Bamm Bamm” Gordy makes the save. Beulah DDTs Meanie.

My thoughts on the show…
Recommended show. The brawls were fun and a real good match between Saturn and Sabu to check out.


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