The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW Hostile City Showdown ’94, Plus ECW TV 6/21 & 6/28/94


TV 1994-06-21 (Matches taped 1994-06-03 at Farmer’s Market in Montgomeryville, Pa)

Heavyweight: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: Mikey Whipwreck
Tag: Public Enemy

We get some thoughts from on who they think is going to win the Sabu Cactus Jack match.

Opening video.

Tazmaniac vs. Rockin’ Rebel, ref John Finnegan
Taz attacks before there is even a ref in the ring. After about 30 seconds the ref comes out and calls for the bell. Rebel hits a clothesline and back elbow. Rebel goes up top but Taz cuts him off and hits a super belly to belly for the win in 1.05. Jason and Pitbull hit the ring and go after Taz. Taz manages to fight everyone off as he stands tall in the ring.

“Ironman” Tommy Cairo and Peaches are backstage. Cairo talks about how he’s gotten his ass kicked with the cane lately but he can take it cause he’s a man. He feels like less of a man though for letting Peaches get canned. Some highlights from When World Collides. Woman says she wants her money. Sandman says he has beaten Cairo up over and over again but Cairo still won’t pay up. Woman says they should lock up the house and his car or better yet put a chastity belt on Peaches. HAHA NICE!

Jason is with Pitbull and Rebel. Jason says Taz must be thinking about Jason a lot because he is always trying to get his hands on him. Pitbull takes on TV Champion Mikey Whipwreck tonight and says he will win the title for a second time. Rebel says he will be at ringside to make sure Taz doesn’t interfere. Video packages of Pitbull and Mikey air. HAHA it ends with a title card that reads “The Rematch of the Century (well, not really!). That’s great that they make fun of themselves like that.

Mr. Hughes vs. Chad Austin, ref Jim Molineaux
Before the action really gets started we go to some pre-recorded comments from Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas and Hughes. Douglas says that he pays Hughes good money to keep dirty wrestlers hands off him. Hughes says that same thing. Back to the ring and Hughes hits a side walk slam for the win. .21 seconds was shown.

Simply the Best Shane Douglas video package.

Short promos from Paul E. Dangerously and Cactus Jack hyping the match this Friday. Tod Gordon says that he has told the refs to give the wrestlers even more leeway when it comes to the rules so that we have a definitive winner.

TV Champion Mikey Whipwreck vs. Pitbull (w/ Jason & Rockin’ Rebel), ref Jim Molineaux
“Run Mikey Run!” is your chant for the match. Pitbull takes it right to the floor and sends Mikey to the guard rail nails him with a chair and press slams him through a table! Back in the ring Pitbull beats on Mikey. I’m sure this will happen until he gets DQed. Commercial break. Back from break and Pitbull beats on Mikey a bit more. Pitbull locks in a full nelson and the ref calls for the bell in 5.02 giving Pitbull the win and title. Pitbull doesn’t let go of the hold and the ref reverses the decision and Mikey retains the title.

Jason, Pitbull and Rebel are backstage again and Jason talks about how he used to be a hopeful just like Mikey but no ref or wrestlers ever helped him like they help Mikey. Rebel says this Friday he is going to hit Mikey with a clothesline and pin him and not mess around. Pitbull talks about how he is going to take out Taz again.

Tag Team Champions Public Enemy vs. Joel Hartgood & Dino Sendoff, ref Jim Molineaux
Hartgood and Sendoff just run out of the ring and into the locker room. PE come back out getting beat up by the Bad Breed. Back in the ring PE fight back and use the belts to bloody the Rotten brothers. “Flyboy” Rocco Roc says they are coming after the Funks this Friday night.

PE are now outside and they are talking about how last year they were homeless. Roc says that someone came to the they and offered them money to take out Funk and they had to take it because there is no way they are going back to sleep on the streets.

Paul E is backstage and Sabu is being held back by 911 and another handler. Paul E hypes the match coming up saying Sabu is the craziest man in wrestling. Cactus Jack also hypes this Friday’s main event!

My thoughts on the show…
Good show to lead us into Hostile City Showdown. All the right things were highlighted to get across exactly what we should expect this coming Friday.


Hostile City Showdown 1994-06-24 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa

Heavyweight: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: Mikey Whipwreck
Tag: Public Enemy

Joey Styles is back!!! Thank god!

Tommy Dreamer vs. Hack Meyers, ref Jim Molineaux
Long boring match with Meyers in control but not doing much. Dreamer eventually reverses a corner whip and comes off the top with a splash for the pin in 6.49.

Chad Austin vs. Don E Allen, ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
The “911” chant starts right away and he hits the ring!!!!! 911 grabs Moore and chokeslams him. Allen and Austin go after him. There they go. He grabs the ref again but Tod Gordon comes out and shoves Paul E Dangerously to the mat. 911 grabs Gordon and hits him a chokeslam!! Gordon gets another one. They both look like shit and kinda kill the crowd a bit. Dreamer comes out and checks on Gordon and goes after 911. Big mistake as he goes up and down.

Dog Collar Match: Pitbull (w/ Jason) vs. Tazmaniac, ref John Finnegan
Taz its the ring but Jason and Pitbull clothesline him with the chain. Pitbull puts the collar on Taz and then brings him to the floor where the brawl. Back in the ring Pitbull hits 3 buckles and when he goes for the 4th Taz yanks on the chain super hard and Pitbulls head snaps back. Pitbull with a belly to belly for 2. Apparently you can pin in the this match to. Taz with a tbone for 2. Pitbull drags Taz by the chain and hits 3 corners Taz hits the corners right behind Pitbull. At the 4th buckle Taz grabs Pitbull and nails a half nelson suplex for 3 in 7.42. After the match someone hits the ring and goes after Taz. It’s Pitbull 2 making his debut in ECW! The Pitbulls beat down Taz and hang him with the chain!

Heavyweight Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas & Mr. Hughes vs. Bruise Brothers, ref Jim Molineaux
They brawl a bit and then Shane ends up in the ring with one of the Harris brothers. Shane hits a belly to belly and then Hughes comes in. All 4 money then start to brawl. Hughes with a sidewalk slam but the ref is on the outside with Douglas. The Harris brother breaks away from Shane and goes and stomps on Hughes. Hughes rolls over and gets cover and pinned? 8.39. What the fuck was that finish? After the match Hughes gets on the mic and talks shit to about the Bruise Brothers.

Singapore Cane on a Pole Match: Sandman (w/ Woman) vs. “Ironman” Tommy Cairo (w/ Peaches), ref John Finnegan
Cairo with a belly to back early on and a spin kick that sends Sandman to the floor. Cairo drops an elbow and then hits a flying body attack off the top rope. Cairo goes for the cover but you have to get the cane to win. Idiot. Sandman takes over and leg drops Cairo through a table. Sandman goes after the cane but gets super belly to bellied to the mat. Cairo with a DDT. Woman goes under the ring and hands Sandman a second cane. Sandman nails Cairo and gets DQed. Sandman continues to nail Cairo. Peaches comes in and gets shoved down to the mat. Peaches covers Cairo and Woman hits her with the cane. Cairo is bleeding from his arm from all the cane shots. “Pay your bills” chant starts up.

We go back and see the history of why this match is happening.

Tag Team Champions Public Enemy vs. Funk Brothers, ref Jim Molineaux
Nice ovation for the Funks. Joey expects a classic wrestling match. This is non title. Terry Funk starts off with “Flyboy” Rocco Roc. I always thought PE was a joke until I started doing these reviews and then realized that they were a pretty serious tag team that just acted silly at times in promos. Roc asks for Dory and he tags in and nails Rocco with a forearm. Grunge wants a piece of Dory now so he tags in. Dory nails Grunge with a forearm. Terry tags in and gets a head lock on Grunge. The Funks switch in and out Terry hits a power bomb on Grunge! They go to the floor where Grunge tries to get the upper hand but Terry no sells some punches. Roc takes a chair to the head. PE throw some chairs at the Funks but the Funks block them and use them on PE. PE finally able to use the chairs to gain the advantage as we come up on 8 minutes. PE turns the match into a brawl. Roc tries to fly out of the ring but Dory moves and he nails Grunge. Dory busts open Roc and Grunge bloodies Terry on the floor. Paul E Dangerously and 911 come to ringside. 911 chokeslams the ref and then Paul E counts a 3 for PE. Terry comes back in the ring and the fight rages on. Grunge now bustard open. Terry, 911 and Roc are up in the eagle’s nest. Funk ties up Roc’s legs and throws him over the ledge hanging him upside down. Holy shit it looked like he was going to fall for a second there. Grunge saves Roc with a chair and the Funks leave to big cheers. Things broke down at like 13 and a half minutes and the brawl went on for a few more after that.

TV Champion Mikey Whipwreck vs. Rockin’ Rebel (w/ Jason), ref Jim Molineaux
Wait why is the ref that just got a 911 chokeslam back already? Rebel attacks Mikey before the bell. Rebel with a clothesline, pile driver and spin buster but he doesn’t cover. Hey remember on the last TV when he said he was going to hit one move and then pin him…. Side slam by Rebel. Jason trips up Mikey and then gets on the apron to argue with the ref. Mikey gets sent into the rope leap frogs Rebel and nails Jason. Joey says this is Mikey’s first ever offensive maneuver and he may be correct. Rebel grabs Mikey and Jason goes to him him with a chair. Mikey moves and it nails Rebel. Mikey attacks Jason and gets in a few shots until Rebel attacks again. Tazmaniac makes the save but is quickly over come with the Pitbulls hit the ring. Jason and his men spend a few minutes beating down Taz and leave him laying in the ring. Official ruling of the match is Mikey wins by DQ.

Sabu (w/ Paul E. Danerously & 911) vs. Cactus Jack, ref John Finnegan
Sabu with three straight kicks to the back of Jack’s head. Sabu with a mice looking belly to back suplex. Spin kick sends Jack to the floor and Sabu runs towards him and goes for a dive but Jack runs out of the way. Sabu puts on the breaks and stops himself. Sabu now goes to the floor and gets a chair. Sabu goes back in the ring and this time he hits a dive. Back in the ring and Sabu with air sabu. Cactus really taking a beating for the first few minutes here. Sabu goes for it again but Jack knocks Sabu out of the air. Cactus with a clothesline sending them over the top to the floor. Cactus now gets his hands on a chair and nails Sabu. Jack with the elbow from the apron. Back in the ring Cactus goes up top but misses a somersault senton. Sabu with a springboard leg drop for 2. Cacuts goes for a suplex and Jack slips behind and grabs a waist lock. Sabu runs towards the ropes and they spill to the floor. Sabu puts Cactus on a table and climbs the guardrail and comes off with a leg drop putting them through the table. Sabu charges Cactus but gets a stun gun on the rail. Cactus with a belly to back on the floor. Sabu with a springboard moonsault into the crowd to put Cactus through a table. Cactus though up first and they go back into the ring and Cactus almost gets a 3. I’m now thinking Sabu missed with that moonsault. Cactus drives Sabu into a corner and then charges at Sabu. Paul E has jumped up on the apron and he nails Jack with his phone just as Jack crashes into Sabu. They both fall to the mat with Sabu landing on top and getting the pin in 12.43. 911 goes after Jack but Jack is able to fight him off and breaks his skull with a chair shot! 911 goes down!!! Seriously that was a nasty sounding shot. Mr. Hughes comes out and goes after Jack. Why is he helping Sabu and Paul E? Shane Douglas comes out and pulls Hughes back. The Bruise Brothers are out now and they go after Hughes and Shane. Sabu dives on everyone. Cactus and Sabu brawl through the crowd and back into the ring. Sabu breaks a bottle on Cactus’ head!! “That’s assault….anywhere else” nice one Joey. Sabu throws Cactus through a table and then comes off the top with a moonsault. Jack pops up and suplexes the table onto Sabu.

We go backstage to after the show and Cactus talks about who the WCW Tag Team Title is very dear to him. He then spits on the title and throws it down! Jack says he doesn’t care about the title because he came to ECW and gave his greatest performance but still lost. Cactus says he’s going to eliminate the competition. Cactus is tired of being a family friendly wrestler and his contract with WCW doesn’t mean anything to him because it’s time Mrs. Foley’s little boy comes home. BANG BANG!

Paul E says that he has never seen a man get beat up the way Cactus got beat up still get up and smile. Paul E says Sabu has finally met his match. Sabu won nothing tonight because Cactus is still breathing. Cactus will still be able to make money for WCW when he shows up on their next PPV. Paul E says Sabu’s now in ECW not to win a title but to destroy Cactus Jack.

My thoughts on the show…
Pretty bad show here. Most of the matches stunk. The stuff with Taz and Jason’s guys after the two matches was pretty good. 911 always gets thumbs up from me. Our two biggest matches of the night were the main event and the Funk Brothers/PE. The tag match did not deliver. Dory no sold just about everything and it was overall pretty slow. The aftermath was pretty good though. Main event was a real good brawl with it not being to over to top crazy and having a fair amount of in ring action. The promos at the end were excellent. Main event is a worthwhile watch but no real need to bother with the whole thing.


TV 1994-06-28 (Matches taped 1994-06-26 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa)

Heavyweight: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: Mikey Whipwreck
Tag: Public Enemy

Last Friday night Terry Funk hung “Flyboy” Rocco Roc by his feet from the Eagle’s Nest!

Opening video.

Dory Funk Jr. & Terry Funk vs. Hack Meyers & Steve Richards, ref John Finnegan
Ugh Joey is not back on TV yet. The audio for the home video was probably added at a later date some Joey should be back soon. Funk and Hack start off. Hack sends Funk into the corner but Dory rushes over and lays across them to block Terry from hitting the buckle. Both teams tag. Dory nails Richards with three uppercut forearms. Double underhook by Dory gets only a 1 count. Terry tags him and chops the shit out of Richards. Terry throws Richards into the corner and allows him to tag. Terry throws Hack out of the ring and Dory nails him with a chair. Dory tags in and hits a double underhook on Hack. Terry comes in and gets slammed a few times and in comes Richards and he nails a super kick. Followed by a second for 2. Terry is bleeding Funk comes back and nails a pile driver. Terry and Dory tag back and forth like six times and trade side headlocks. They really wrench it on. Dory with a side headlock take down and he pins Richards after 8.24. Interesting finish and went much longer than I expected.

We go right to some highlights of the Funks taking on Tag Team Champions Public Enemy from Hostile City Showdown. PE are in the South Bronx. Rocco Roc talks about being hung by the neck..ummm feet you mean. On July 16th PE tells us that they have the Funk brothers in a Barbed Wire Match. Johnny Grunge hypes the match and looks into the wrong camera the whole time. Good promo though.

Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas is with Mr. Hughes. Douglas hypes their cage match with the Bruise Brothers later on tonight. Douglas says he took away the Bruise Brothers greatest asset of brawling outside the ring and gave himself the advantage by making the match happen in the ring. Hughes cuts a good promo talking about the whooping he’s going to give the Bruise Brothers. Although I’m not so sure I can take him as a threat anymore after watching him can defeated with a gentle kick to the back of the head. The Harris’ talk about how they are going to beat up Hughes and Douglas.

Already signed to July 16th is the Barbed Wire Match, Douglas defends against Sabu and Sandman takes on “Ironman” Tommy Cairo in a Dueling Cane Match in which both men start the match with a cane in hand.

Highlights videos of Sabu and Chad Austin air. They face each other next week.

Sandman and Woman caned the crap out of Cairo and Peaches at Hostile City Showdown and we see the ending of that segment. Sandman and Woman tell Cairo that his bills are due.

Cage Match: Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas & Mr. Hughes vs. Bruise Brothers, refs Jim Molineaux & John Finnegan
Shane cuts a similar promo from before just shorter. Bruise Brothers hit the ring and they brawl for a bit but then things calm down and it becomes a regular tag match. Pinfall or the legal man in the ring escapes. Douglas starts in the ring but does not fair well and gets hit with a belly to back suplex and we go to break. Back from break and Shane is still being beat on by both Harris brothers. Douglas finally able to break away long enough to tag Hughes. Hughes comes in and hits a drop kick. Hughes and Douglas back and forth beat on Harris and he is busted wide open. We go to a break and when we come back Shane is bleeding but hits a belly to belly. Paul E. Dangerously joins in on commentary. Hughes and Douglas again tagging back and forth and they are all over the Harris. Harris goes low on Hughes and tags. I notice that this Harris is bleeding also. This means that the last break must have cut a lot out as Shane was bleeding and the Harris brothers had tagged and that one also got busted open. Harris comes in but is quickly stopped and Douglas and Hughes take back over. Douglas with a DDT. Paul E has been ranting for this whole time about how Willie “Scoop” Watts is terrible and how everyone is going to turn off the TV so no one will show up on July 16th cause they won’t know about it. Paul E is so great he must have said July 16th about 100 times. That date is now drilled into my head so I will surely remember when the next show is. Bruise Brothers in control now and Shane tries to crawl away. Big boot to Shane and he falls through the door and onto the floor getting the win for his team. 18.20 of the match was shown.

We end with a very short portion of the Paul E promo from Hostile City Showdown and then we get the whole Cactus Jack one.

My thoughts on the show…
I liked this weeks episode. The cage match dragged just a bit though. Looks like the July 16th show is going to be a bunch of rematches from the last card.


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