The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW Heatwave ’94. Plus ECW TV 7/5 & 7/12/94


TV 1994-07-05 (Matches taped 1994-06-17 at Farmer’s Market in Montgomeryville, Pa & 1994-06-26 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa)

Heavyweight: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: Mikey Whipwreck
Tag: Public Enemy

We open up with clips from the Funks Public Enemy feud to hype their barbed wire match. It includes an in ring interview by the Funks that I believe is from after the match at the TV taping from the 26th. Terry says that he probably doesn’t have too many matches left in him.

Tag Team Champions Public Enemy vs. Phi Delta Slam, ref John Finnegan
“Flyboy” Rocco Roc starts off. PDS are comprised of Big Tilly and Bruno Sassi. They are from Florida and would later appear with TNA. I’m not sure who is who because by the time they got to TNA they had both gained a bunch of weight and Willie “Scoop” Watts is an awful commentator and doesn’t tell us who they are. Basic tag match with nothing much going on but a nice surprise nonetheless. PE get the advantage and actually work a wrestling match match. After about 9 minutes PDS make the tag and the match spills to the ouside as PE gets beat on with chairs. PE regains the advantage but Roc misses a dive through a table. Back in the ring Johnny Grunge with a side slam followed by a reverse DDT. Roc finishes things off with the drive by for the win in 11.32.

Added to the July 16th Arena show is TV Champion Mikey Whipwreck against Chad Austin and Pitbulls take on Tazmaniac and a mystery partner.

“Ironman” Tommy Cairo says every time he gets close to the singapore cane Sandman gets it right before him. Cairo lights a cigarette for Peaches and she says it’s always been Cairo that lights her fire. We then see clips of the many times Cairo has been caned including….

911 (w/ Paul E Dangerously) vs. “Ironman” Tommy Cairo ref Jim Molineaux (1994-06-17)
Sandman sneaks in the ring before the match starts canes Cairo who stumbles forward into a chokeslam. Ref calls for the bell and makes the 3 count.

Sandman and Woman hype dueling canes. Sandman asks if Cairo has had enough and why he won’t just pay his bill.

Hype videos for Sabu versus Chad Austin later tonight and Tazmaniac against “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka next week!

TV Champion Mikey Whipwreck vs. Pitbull 2 (w/ Jason & Pitbull 1), ref Jim Molineuax
Press slam sends Mikey crashing to the mat. Double under hook power bomb. Mikey ducks a clothesline and goes for a cross body but he gets caught and hit with two back breakers. Pitbull 2 with another press slam and he drops Mikey on the top rope and Mikey bounces to the floor. Pretty nasty looking. Jason and Pitbull 1 get in some shots. Mikey ducks a clothesline and nail Jason off the apron. Pitbull 1 comes in and attacks giving Mikey another DQ win in 4.08. The Pitbulls and Jason continue the attack after the match. Tazmaniac attempts to make the save but the three on one proves to be too much.

Paul E Dangerously is in the locker room and he cuts an extended promo to hype the July 16th match where his man Sabu tries to get the gold from Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas.

Sabu (w/ Paul E. Dangerously & 911) vs. Chad Austin, ref Jim Molineaux
Sabu gets let loose and hits the ring and picks Chad up and goes for what I think he wanted to be a michinoku driver but just made it a sick looking piledriver instead. Austin sent into the corner and he takes a Flair bump to the apron. Sabu with a sunset flip power bomb to the floor! Austin put on a table and Sabu flies from the ring putting Austin through the table. Paul E holds a chair over the face of Austin and Sabu with a slingshot leg drop into the ring for the win in 2.22.

After a commercial break Sabu is strapped back to his stretcher and they are preparing to leave when Mr. Hughes and Shane Douglas come to the ring the main event. There is a stare down but no one comes to blows.

Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas (w/ Mr. Hughes) vs. Tommy Dreamer, ref John Finnegan
Hughes attacks Dreamer as he gets into the ring and Shane nails the ref right after the bell. Hughes hits a sidewalk slam as another ref calls for the bell as Dreamer wins by DQ in .24. Shane and Hughes continue the beatdown as Douglas hits a belly to belly. Shane gets a mic and says no one has beaten him 4 years. Douglas tells Sabu that he is good but not the man that Shane is. Shane wants Sabu to come down to the ring now.

My thoughts on the show…
Real good show today. A decent “wrestling” match from PE and everything from the Paul E interview on down was a good watch. Check this one out.


TV 1994-07-12 (Matches taped 1994-06-26 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa)

Heavyweight: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: Mikey Whipwreck
Tag: Public Enemy

Same opening video package as last week but this one features a promo by Tag Team Champions Public Enemy. PE talk about how they are going to massacre the Funk brothers this Saturday.

We see Pitbull 2 make his debut at Hostile City Showdown. Jason and Pitbull 1 bad mouth Tazmaniac. We next see a bunch of highlights from last weeks episode. Wow what a way to kill 11 minutes.

Tazmaniac vs. “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka (w/ Hunter Q Robbins), ref Jim Molineaux
Joey Styles is back!!!!!!!! I’m so excited and Joey still kinda sucked at this point I’m just thrilled that Watts is gone. I fully expect them to bark at each other at some point in the match. Joey talks about how Tazmaniac is like a young Snuka in style. Joey really over hypes this saying it’s like a student and teacher, father and son. They back each other into corners but break clean each time. Taz doesn’t act like a wild man. They play up the respect factor as neither man wants to really go after the other. Snuka and Robbins talk strategy. Snuka finally goes on the attack after 5 minutes. Taz reverses an irish whip and Robbins pulls down the ropes while not looking thinking it’s Taz. and Snuka trips. Taz with a northern lights for 3 in 5.23. Robbins yells at Snuka calling him monkey boy. Snuka goes to nail Robbins but Taz stops him just as the Pitbulls hit the ring and go after Taz. Why did he stop him? Snuka and Robbins go to leave but Snuka keeps trying to go back. Robbins pulls him back each time. Taz fights back and cleans house and then a few other guys from the back hit the ring and Tazmaniac beats them up to. Hack Myers gets belly to bellied on the floor.

Sandman and Woman telling TV Champion Mikey Whipwreck it’s for him to pay his bill.

TV Champion Mikey Whipwreck vs. Sandman (w/ Woman), ref John Finnegan
Sandman of course dominates nailing a few suplexes and throwing Mikey outside the ring so Woman can get in some shots. Sandman goes up top and hits a few elbows. Woman gets on the apron as Sandman goes for a third one. “Ironman” Tommy Cairo comes down and nails Sandman with a cane. Mikey pulls himself up on Cairo and Tommy nails him. The ref sees it this time and calls for the bell giving Mikey the win by DQ in 4.08. Cairo continues the attack on Sandman nailing him a few more times.

Tag Team Champions Public Enemy are arriving at the earlier today. They are crying about how they need someone for tonight because they are in a 6 man tag match. They bump into Hack Myers who is very drunk and make him an honorary member of PE for their match against the Funks and Tommy Dreamer.

Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas and Mr. Hughes call out Sabu and 911. Douglas then goes on to also call out WWF Champion Bret Hart and WCW Champion Ric Flair.

Chad Austin comes to the ring looking rather pissed off. Austin comes out and says that last week everyone cheered for Sabu and calls the fans scum bags. Jason and Rockin’ Rebel make there way to the ring. Austin says he has a present for Rebel and lays down. Austin tells Rebel to pin him. Rebel covers and gets the three.

Woman is backstage with Sandman and she says she can’t stand anything about “Ironman” Tommy Cairo. Sandman tells Cairo to pay him to his house, cars and wife as he smacks himself in the head with the singapore cane cutting himself open.

Paul E Dangerously talks about how Vince McMahon is on trial and is doing the same things on his program that Verne Gange did in 1922. Paul E says that the future of wrestling is hardcore and the most hardcore wrestler out there is Sabu. This Saturday night Paul E says Sabu becomes ECW Champion.

Tag Team Champions Public Enemy & Hack Meyers vs. Funk Brothers & Tommy Dreamer, ref Jim Molineaux
“Flyboy” Rocco Roc attacks Dory Funk in the aisle from behind with a chair. Dreamer gets nailed also. Terry Funk hits the ring and goes after everyone. Dory gets up and joins the fight now. It’s an all out brawl with all six men fighting all over the place. Dreamer hits a bulldog on a chair and gets the win in 2.35. “Franchise” Shane Douglas hits the ring and goes after Dreamer. Locker room empties to pull them apart. Mr. Hughes and 911 go nose to nose in the middle of the ring. All hell breaks loose and Dreamer and Douglas are back at it. Sabu hits the ring and climbs to the top and nails Shane with a spin kick. Terry Funk comes back to ring side and starts throwing chairs. Everyone pairs off with their opponent for this Saturday’s big Arena card as a huge brawl breaks out.

My thoughts on the show…
Awesome brawl to end the shows a great way to lead us into the Arena on Saturday. Expect to see Snuka as Tazmaniac’s mystery partner after what happened at the beginning of the show. Overall some good hype for Saturday.


Heatwave 1994-07-16 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa

Heavyweight: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: Mikey Whipwreck
Tag: Public Enemy

Bad Breed vs. Rockin’ Rebel & Hack Meyers, ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
For some reason when Rebel tags in he gets a huge ovation. Rebel poses and the Ian Rotten taunts him by mimicking Rebel. Nice back and forth between the two teams and they each make a few tags in and out. Rebel and Hack take over. Rebel gets a 2 off a swinging neck breaker on Axl Rotten. Hack tags in and just beats away on Axl. They make an illegal switch and the fans are actually able to convince the ref that they tagged. Axl gets the boot up on a corner charge and comes off the middle turnbuckle with a clothesline and tags. Ian with a nice northern lights with a bridge for 2. Rebel ducks a line and hits one of his own then tags back to Hack. Hack goes for a back body drop but Ian drops him with a double arm DDT and tags. Axl comes in a house of fire taking out Rebel and hitting Hack with an inverted atomic drop. Tag to Ian and he comes off the top with a bulldog and covers for the 3 in 9.43. Rebel and Hack argue then hug but Rebel turns on Hack with a clothesline which the fans love. They fight to the back.

TV Champion Mikey Whipwreck vs. Chad Austin (w/ Jason), ref Jim Molineaux
Austin fresh off a heel turn a few days ago. Mikey goes for a leap frog but gets caught and slammed. Austin with a hard clothesline floors Mikey. Back in Austin misses a corner charge and stumbles to the floor. Mikey goes after him and chases Austin around the ring. Austin slides back in and stomps Mikey and hits a sick looking brain buster but then pulls up Mikey. Mikey comes back and goes to work on the arm. Mikey ducks his head for a back body drop but Austin nails him with a power bomb. Austin again picks up Mikey after a 2. Austin goes for another but Mikey reverses with a frankensteiner that gets 2. Austin goes for an axe handle off the top but Mikey punches him in the gut and hits the Mr. Perfect neck snap for 2. Austin goes for a frankensteiner now but Mikey drops down with a power bomb. Mikey comes off the top with a cross body for 2. Austin quickly up and he charges Mikey and throws him to the floor and Jason suplexes him on a table. Austin with a slingshot suplex and a leg drop off the top rope to win the TV Title in 9.14. Austin gets on the mic and tells the fans that when they cheer for him he has to let them down. Austin pulls brass knuckles out of his boots and tells the ref that he had to use them to when the match. The ref reverses the decision and gives the belt back to Mikey. Jason and Austin attack Mikey and Jason hits Mikey with a particularly sick looking piledriver on the belt. Joey explains that Austin hates the fans so much that he didn’t want them to enjoy seeing a title change. Ehh I guess that makes sense. Pretty fun match with a whacky ending.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Steve Richards (w/ Angel), ref John Finnegan
Dreamer all over Richards to start hitting a suplex and beating on Richards. Fans getting behind Dreamer a bit as he punches away on Richards. They go to the floor and Dreamer gets sent into the guard rail. Richards charges and gets lifted and hot shot on the rail. Back in the ring Dreamer with a swinging neck breaker. Dreamer with a whip to the corner and he charges but gets caught with a super kick. Inverted atomic drop and a second super kick by Richards. Standing drop kick. Angel gets in on the action and chokes Dreamer on the bottom rope. Dreamer comes back hitting a belly to belly and leg drop for 2. Double clothesline puts both men down momentarily. Dreamer back up with a body slam but then he misses a splash. Richards comes of the top with a fist drop for 2 and then calls out that he’s going for another one. Dreamer however gets up and catches Richards in the Dreamweaver sleeper hold for the win in 7.46. Dreamer on the mic afterwards and says he doesn’t care who wins the title tonight but he wants Heavyweight Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas and calls him a piece of shit. Douglas and Mr. Hughes comes to the ring and Hughes answers the challenge.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Mr. Hughes (w/ Shane Douglas), ref John Finnegan
Joey says Dreamer just wrestled a grueling 20 minute match. Gotta love those wrestling clocks. Hughes stomps away on Dreamer. Dreamer goes low twice. Dreamer ducks a clothesline and locks in the sleeper. Hughes pushes him off to the ropes. Douglas nails Dreamer with a chair and he stumbles into the side walk slam and Hughes picks up the win in 2.58. Douglas gets on the mic and calls Angel into the ring. Douglas and Hughes continue to stomp on Dreamer. Douglas says Hughes will be at his side to take care of 911 but he needs Angel to take care of Paul E Dangerously. Douglas cause on to talk about how he is the further of wrestling and not Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan or Bret Hart.

Pitbulls (w/ Jason) vs. Tazmaniac & ??? (Sabu), ref John Finnegan
Tod Gordon comes out and says he is postponing the match because Taz’s partner isn’t here. The Pitbulls don’t want to wait and attack Taz beating him down and whipping him with their chains. Mr. Hughes, Chad Austin and Rockin’ Rebel come to the ring and stop a few guys from coming to the ring. 911 finally makes his way down the aisle and comes face to face with Hughes. They come to blows and 911 goes after Austin and Rebel. Hughes comes from behind with a chair and lays out 911. The fight continues on in the ring. This is a giant mess. Sabu hits the ring and we finally get a bell and partner for Taz. Crowd is going crazy for Sabu. Taz throws Pitbull 2 over the top rope with a belly to belly then hits Pitbull 1 with a half nelson suplex for the win in .52.

Dueling Canes Match: Sandman (w/ Woman) vs. “Ironman” Tommy Cairo (w/ Peaches), ref Jim Molineaux
They fuck around for what feels like forever. Then Sandman almost immediately bails to the floor. Really not much to recap here. They beat the shit out of each other with canes. Sandman blades his arm. They stand around and trade brutal shots to the head. Both men go down and Peaches gets in and grabs a cane and goes after Woman. She swings it back but it nails the ref. Sandman grabs Peaches and Cairo goes after Woman to cane her. Sandman saves her and nails Cairo a few times then pins him for the win in 7.24. Sandman says that Cairo has paid his bill signifying the end of this feud, as he whacks him one more.

Heavyweight Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas (w/ Mr. Hughes & Angel) vs. Sabu (w/ Paul E Dangerously & 911), ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Sabu escapes from 911 in the locker room and literally runs through a wall on his way to the ring. This should be a good one. Paul E on the mic before the match real quick proclaims Sabu to be the future of wrestling. Douglas in control early on comes off the top with a axehandle. Some back and forth between the two ends with Sabu getting a 2 count off a roll up. Shane with a vertical suplex and into a head scissor. After locking the head scissor on for a few minutes Shane hits a back breaker and then goes into a camel clutch. Sabu gets out but gets nailed with a clothesline. Sabu ducks a second attempt and hits a power bomb for 2. They go to the floor where Douglas gets nailed in the skull with a chair. Sabu sits him in a chair and then dives out of the ring onto him. Back in the ring Sabu nails Douglas with the chair and goes for air sabu but Douglas moves out of the way. Douglas picks Sabu up and drops him into the chair then hits a slingshot splash for 2. Sabu spiked down with a pile driver but he kicks out at 2. Sabu gets whipped in but leaps off the middle rope and hits a spin kick. Sabu goes to the apron and goes for a slingshot 450 but Douglas moves! That looked awesome. Douglas gets 2 and goes into a chin lock. Sabu breaks out and goes for a rana but Douglas turns it into a power bomb. Top rope elbow drop by Shane and into a half crab. Shane turns into an STF. 911 and Hughes on the apron arguing. Sabu goes low and then comes off the top with a spin kick. Douglas goes to the floor. Sabu somersaults off the apron onto Sabu. Sabu throws a chair at Shane and nails him in the face. Douglas sent all the way into the crowd and Sabu jumps off the guard rail onto Shane. Shane fights back and nails Sabu with a chair. Sabu sent into the guard rail. Sabu blocks a suplex and crotches Shane on the guard rail. 911 gets a table for Sabu and then the lights go out. We clip back into the ring and Sabu has on a chin lock. Shane breaks out and sends Sabu into the corner but misses a charge that Shane to the floor. Sabu leans Shane on the table that is up against the guard rail. Sabu goes to the apron and goes for an asai moonsault. Shane moves and the table doesn’t break and Sabu lands head first on the floor! The ref takes about 5 minutes to count to 10 and Shane is declared the winner in 19.30. Paul E. jumps in the ring and makes the foolish decision to nail Hughes in the back of the head with his phone. Hughes nails Paul E. 911 gets in the ring and chokeslams the ref and Shane! Hughes nails 911 a few times but then gets grabbed and chokeslammed down. Angel comes from behind and nails 911 he grabs her and gives her a chokeslam has the crowd goes wild. Very good match.

Barbed Wire Match: Tag Team Champions Public Enemy vs. Funk Brothers, ref Jim Molineaux
PE hid up in the Eagle’s Nest until Terry gets on the mic and calls them cowards. Some punches and slams to start. “Flyboy” Rocco Roc gets sent to the wire but slides under it to the floor. They all go to the floor and brawl as the crowd chants for blood. Back in the ring Roc puts Terry on the wire but then misses a charge. Back to the floor they all go. Terry nails Johnny Grunge with a wooden chair as Dory hits Roc with his boot. PE are both bleeding. Back in the ring both Funk brothers get busted open. Terry calls for a chair and about 50 of them get thrown into the ring. Terry with a pile driver on Grunge. The ring announcers yells at the fans to not throw any more chairs. Terry leaves and he, Dory and Roc fight to the outside. Screen goes black for about 30 seconds. Dory chases Roc back to the ring with a garbage can and beats the shit out of him with it and nails the ref also. Grunge gets wire cutters from the ref and nails Dory with them. Terry makes it back to the ring and gets beat on my Roc. Grunge cuts the wire and they wrap it al around funk and nail him with a chair. John Finnegan comes to ring side and makes the 3 count. PE retain in 12.53. Dory nails them with a few chairs and Terry tries to get out of the wire but is stuck. The Funks pick up the chairs and bury PE in them. The Funks continue to beat on PE. Both teams hear cheers from the fans as we close with an ECW chant.

My thoughts on the show…
A much much better show than I expected. All three title matches were good. The Heavyweight being my favorite of the three as well as favorite match of the night. Just about everything else was watchable. 911 and Sabu were over huge. This show is worth checking out.


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