Fighting Spirit Review: Pro Wrestling WAVE V-Paradise in July 2014


Dates: May and June, 2014
Location: Various
Announced Attendance: Various

Another new promotion! I’m on a roll. Pro Wrestling WAVE doesn’t have the biggest roster so they use a lot of wrestlers from other Joshi promotions or freelancers. So even if you have never seen Wave before, you have likely seen these wrestlers before at some point. This DVD highlights the Catch The Wave Tournament which is a long round robin tournament with three different blocks. Here is the full card (many of the matches are clipped):

May 21st, 2014
– Catch The Wave 2014 Young Block: Fairy Nipponbashi vs. Kaho Kobayashi
– Catch The Wave 2014 Tsuyayaka Block: Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Sawako Shimono
– Catch The Wave 2014 Tsuyayaka Block: Hikaru Shida vs. Moeka Haruhi
– Catch The Wave 2014 Adeyaka Block: Sakura Hirota vs. Yumi Ohka

June 5th, 2014
– Catch The Wave 2014 Young Block: Rina Yamashita vs. Risa Sera

June 11th, 2014
– Catch The Wave 2014 Tsuyayaka Block: Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Mio Shirai
– Catch The Wave 2014 Tsuyayaka Block: Hikaru Shida vs. Mika Iida

June 15th, 2014
– Catch The Wave 2014 Adeyaka Block: Sakura Hirota vs. Tomoka Nakagawa
– Catch The Wave 2014 Tsuyayaka Block: Misaki Ohata vs. Sawako Shimono
– Catch The Wave 2014 Adeyaka Block: Yumi Ohka vs. Yuu Yamagata

June 11th, 2014
– Cherry and Shu Shibutani vs. Rina Yamashita and Sumire Natsu

June 15th, 2014
– Kana, Hikaru Shida, Cherry, and Hibiscus Mii vs. Mayumi Ozaki, Ayako Hamada, Ranmaru, and Fairy Nipponbashi

As I mentioned a lot of these are clipped but none are just ‘highlights’ so we should get enough of the action to get a good feel for it.

May 21st, 2014

Fairy Nipponbashi vs. Kaho Kobayashi
This match is part of the Catch The Wave 2014 Tournament.  They circle each other to start, tie-up, wristlock by Kobayashi but Nipponbashi reverses it.  Hammerlock by Kobayashi, reversed by Nipponbashi but Kobayashi hits a side headlock takedown.  They trade trips with neither woman getting the advantage, and they return to their feet.  Tie-up, side headlock by Kobayashi, Nipponbashi Irish whips out of it but Kobayashi hits a shoulderblock.  Kobayashi goes off the ropes but Nipponbashi hits an armdrag, kick by Nipponbashi, Irish whip to the corner, but it is reversed and Kobayashi hits a dropkick.  Irish whip by Kobayashi and she hits a second dropkick.  Scoop slam by Kobayashi and she hits a senton.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Kobayashi goes off the ropes and dropkicks Nipponbashi in the back.  Cover, but it gets another two.  Kobayashi picks up Nipponbashi, Irish whip, but Nipponbashi dropkicks Kobayashi in the knee.  Dropkick to the chest by Nipponbashi, cover, but it gets a two count.  Nipponbashi picks up Kobayashi and she hits a scoop slam.  Nipponbashi goes off the ropes and hits a face crusher.  A second one by Nipponbashi, she picks up Kobayashi and hits a suplex.  Cover, but Kobayashi gets a shoulder up.  Elbow by Kobayashi but Nipponbashi returns fire and they trade shots.  Nipponbashi goes off the ropes but Kobayashi catches him with a dropkick.  Vertical suplex by Kobayashi, she goes up to the top turnbuckle but Nipponbashi moves when Kobayashi jumps off and rolls her up for a two count.  School boy by Nipponbashi, but it gets a two as well.  Backslide by Nipponbashi, but again she can’t get the three.  Another roll-up by Nipponbashi but Kobayashi gets a shoulder up.  Elbow to the arm by Kobayashi and she dropkicks Nipponbashi.  Kobayashi goes off the ropes and dropkicks Nipponbashi, and she hits a second dropkick.  Cover, but it only gets a two count.  Kobayashi goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick.  She picks up Nipponbashi and hits a bridged vertical suplex, but Nipponbashi gets a shoulder up.  Kobayashi goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a seated senton, and she picks up the three count.  Your winner:  Kaho Kobayashi

Match Thoughts:   A bit clipped and a really basic match, but that is what you’d expect from two young wrestlers.  There were lots and lots of dropkicks, since that is a Joshi staple that even the beginners know.  Not a bad way to start things off but nothing memorable.  Score:  5.0

Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Sawako Shimono
This match is part of the Catch The Wave 2014 Tournament.  Shimono attacks Matsumoto from behind to start the match, Irish whip by Shimono and she hits a body avalanche.  Matsumoto fires back with one of her own, she goes off the ropes but can’t knock down Shimono with a shoulderblock.  Shimono goes off the ropes and hits a shoulderblock, and Shimono hits a lariat in the corner.  Knee by Shimono in the other corner, she picks up Matsumoto but Matsumoto hits a judo throw.  Side headlock by Matsumoto, Shimono Irish whips out of it but Matsumoto shoulderblocks her down.  Irish whip by Matsumoto and she delivers a dropkick.  Matsumoto picks up Shimono, snapmare, and Matsumoto hits a kneedrop.  Another double kneedrop by Matsumoto, she goes off the ropes but Shimono catches her with a body block.  Shimono charges Matsumoto in the corner but Matsumoto moves, Matsumoto drapes Shimono in the corner over the second rope and hits a running knee to Shimono’s ribs.  Matsumoto goes up to the second turnbuckle but Shimono gets her feet up when she goes for the reverse splash.  Seated senton by Shimono, cover, but it gets a two count.  Shimono picks up Matsumoto and hits a Samoan Drop.  Shimono goes up to the top turnbuckle but Matsumoto has recovered and knocks Shimono out of the ring. Matsumoto goes out after her but Shimono back bodydrops her onto the floor.  Running seated senton by Shimono, she then goes up a few rows in the stands and hits another seated senton.  Back in the ring, Shimono throws Matsumoto to the mat before going up to the top turnbuckle, hitting a diving seated senton.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Shimono picks up Matsumoto and tries to put her on her shoulders, she gets her up but Matsumoto rolls up Shimono for a two count.  Matsumoto keeps a hold of Shimono’s legs and go for a crab hold, but Shimono gets into the ropes.  Matsumoto picks up Shimono and tries to pick her up but Shimono elbows out of it.  Shimono and Matsumoto trade elbows, Shimono goes for a suplex but Matsumoto reverses it into a front suplex.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Matsumoto goes up to the second turnbuckle but Shimono gets up, catches her when she goes for the reverse splash and hits a sitdown slam for a two count.  Both wrestlers slowly get up, lariats by Shimono and another cover, but Matsumoto kicks out at one.  Lariat by Matsumoto but she also only gets a one count.  Both wrestlers lariat each other and Shimono hits an inside cradle for a two count.  Shimono picks up Matsumoto but Matsumoto gets away, Matsumoto goes for a powerbomb but Shimono blocks it.  Elbow by Matsumoto, cover, but Shimono gets a shoulder up.  Matsumoto picks up Shimono and hits a backdrop suplex, cover, and she picks up the three count.  Your winner:  Hiroyo Matsumoto

Match Thoughts:   I think they clipped out all of the slower parts (if there were any) as this was pretty much just constant action from start to finish.  Shimono’s seated senton based offense was fun and she really looked good here, I hadn’t seen a lot of Shimono but I was impressed.  Overall hard to get a good grasp of the match since so much was cut out but it was entertaining as it was presented if not a little chaotic.  Score:  6.5

Hikaru Shida vs. Moeka Haruhi
This match is part of the Catch The Wave 2014 Tournament.  Tie-up, Shida pushes Haruhi into the ropes, side headlock by Haruhi but Shida gets out of it.  Shida goes off the ropes but Haruhi avoids her dropkick.  Irish whip by Shida to the corner, Haruhi avoids her charge and goes for a slam but Shida hits her own scoop slam.  Shida goes for a kick but Haruhi ducks it.  Back up they trade elbows, Irish whip by Shida and she delivers a hip attack.  Shida goes for a kick but again Haruhi ducks it, and Haruhi hits a hurricanrana.  Haruhi goes up to the second turnbuckle and hits a doublestomp to Shida’s back.  Northern Lights Suplex by Haruhi but it gets a two count.  Haruhi goes up to the second turnbuckle and hits a doublestomp to Shida’s back.  She goes up to the second turnbuckle and does a second one, she then goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits one more.  Back up goes Haruhi but Shida has finally recovered and joins her.  Superplex by Shida, but Haruhi recovers and goes back up top.  Haruhi delivers a superplex, she goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a diving doublestomp.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Haruhi picks up Shida but Shida knees her off, Shida goes for a suplex but Haruhi blocks it.  Enzigieri by Shida and they trade elbows on their knees.  Back up, elbows by Shida and she hits a jumping knee.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Shida kicks Haruhi twice in the head, cover, but again it gets two.  Shida goes off the ropes, but Haruhi ducks the kick and rolls up Shida for a two count.  Backslide by Haruhi with a bridge, but Shida barely gets a shoulder up.  Haruhi picks up Shida and goes for a suplex but Shida hits a step-up enzigieri.  Falcon arrow by Shida, but it only gets a two count.  Shida goes off the ropes and hits a running knee, cover, and she picks up the three count.  Your winner:  Hikaru Shida

Match Thoughts:   I’m not going to pretend that I don’t enjoy Shida matches mostly because I find her particularly attractive.  At least I am honest.  As for the match it was decent but they didn’t seem to really click.  Some repeated spots even though it was slightly clipped, and it wasn’t as smooth as I am used to seeing from the usually very on point Joshi wrestlers in Wave.  So a mixed bag, but you know, Shida.  Score:  5.5

Sakura Hirota vs. Yumi Ohka
This match is part of the Catch The Wave 2014 Tournament.  Ohka boots Hirota as soon as the match starts and goes for a cover, but Hirota reverses the roll-up for a two count.  They take turns trying pin attempts until Ohka hits a wheelbarrow suplex.  Heel drop by Ohka, cover, but it gets a two count.  Ohka goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a diving crossbody, but Hirota rolls through it for a two count.  Hirota applies a keylock but Ohka gets a foot on the ropes.  Hirota picks up Ohka and hits a jawbreaker, roll-up by Hirota but it gets a two count.  Hirota applies an armbar but Ohka quickly gets a foot on the ropes.  Hirota picks up Ohka and slaps her before hitting a half nelson suplex hold for a two count.  Hirota picks up Ohka but Ohka snaps off a brainbuster.  Elbows by Hirota but Ohka elbows her back, Ohka goes off the ropes but Hirota ducks the boot and slaps Ohka.  Hirota goes off the ropes and rolls up Ohka again for a two count.  Fujiwara armbar by Hirota but Ohka rolls out of it and kicks Hirota in the face.  Ohka picks up Hirota and goes for a tiger suplex but Hirota blocks it, but Ohka hits a slam followed by a heel drop for a two count cover.  Ohka picks up Hirota and hits a powerbomb, cover, but it gets a two.  Ohka picks up Hirota, she goes off the ropes but Hirota ducks the kick.  Ohka rolls through it and kicks Hirota, she picks her up but Hirota sneaks in an inside cradle for a two count.  Hirota goes through a hurricanrana but Ohka rolls through it, Ohka gets Hirota on her shoulders but Hirota hits a hurricanrana for a two count.  Hirota goes off the ropes but Ohka levels her with a big boot, cover, and she picks up the three count.  Your winner:  Yumi Ohka

Match Thoughts:   I didn’t think this match was very good at all and disappointing since it was the main event of the show.  Hirota seemed to only think she could win by a roll-up or sneak pin (which is possibly true) and it dragged down the match.  They just never got into a groove, it wasn’t a fluid match, and then it had a very sudden ending with little build.  I know Ohka is capable of more, this just didn’t really work for me.  Score:  3.5

June 5th, 2014

Rina Yamashita vs. Risa Sera
This match is part of the Catch The Wave 2014 Tournament.  They circle each other to start, tie-up, side headlock by Sera, Yamashita Irish whips out of it and they run into each other.  Yamashita goes off the ropes but can’t knock Sera over, she does it again and finally sends Sera off her feet.  Yamashita picks up Sera and elbows her into the corner before throwing her to the mat by her hair.  Sera chokes Yamashita in the corner with her boot, she picks her up, Irish whip by Sera and she hits a running back elbow.  Scoop slam by Sera onto her knee, she goes off the ropes and hits a double knee drop.  A second double knee drop by Sera and a third.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Sera picks up Yamashita and she hits a scoop slam.  Crab hold by Sera but Yamashita gets to the ropes.  Sera and Yamashita trade elbows, Sera goes off the ropes but Yamashita catches her with a lariat.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Irish whip by Yamashita to the corner and she hits a lariat.  Yamashita goes off the ropes but Sera rolls her up and hits a dropkick.  Sera picks up Yamashita and hits a behind the back slam for a two count cover.  Sera picks up Yamashita, she puts Yamashita on her shoulders but Yamashita gets out of it and they trade pin attempts.  Sera applies a stretch submission hold but Yamashita gets a foot on the ropes.  Sera picks up Yamashita, she puts her on her shoulders and hits a TKO.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Yamashita grabs Sera and hits a backdrop suplex, and they trade elbows.  Yamashita picks up Sera and they continue trading strikes, Yamashita goes off the ropes and she hits a lariat.  Cover, but it barely gets a two count.  Elbows by Sera, she goes off the ropes and she delivers a dropkick.  Cover, but again it gets two.  Sera picks up Yamashita and they trade elbows, inside cradle by Sera but it gets a two count.  Elbows by Sera, she goes off the ropes and delivers a dropkick.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  The bell rings as Sera gets up, and the match is a Time Limit Draw.

Match Thoughts:  This match was from a smaller show on the tour, which is one reason why it was the only match on that card that was on the DVD.  But it wasn’t a bad match at all, a bit basic but it picked up some at the end.  With it being a draw there were a lot of quick pins at the end (it was only a ten minute time limit), but neither were really hurt so it definitely had that ‘draw’ feel even though it was the main event of the show.  Nothing excited but fundamentally sound.  Score:  5.5

June 11th, 2014

Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Mio Shirai
This match is part of the Catch The Wave 2014 Tournament.  Shirai goes off the ropes but Matsumoto avoids her kick, but Shirai hits a headscissors.  Shirai charges Matsumoto but Matsumoto snaps Shirai’s neck on the top rope.  Shirai chokes Matsumoto through the ropes, Matsumoto falls out of the ring and Shirai sails out onto her with a tope suicida.  Back in the ring, Shirai picks up Matsumoto in the corner and goes for a Tornado DDT but Matsumoto blocks it and rams Shirai into the corner.  Matsumoto charges Shirai but Shirai applies a choke over the top rope.  Matsumoto gets out of it and puts Shirai on her shoulders, but Shirai slides off and hits an enzigieri.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Shirai picks up Matsumoto but Matsumoto hits a backdrop suplex.  Matsumoto picks up Shirai and throws her down by her hair.  Matsumoto drags Shirai, snapmare, and Matsumoto hits a double kneedrop.  Matsumoto hits a second one, she picks up Shirai but Shirai elbows her off.  They trade elbow strikes which Matsumoto gets the better of, she picks up Shirai and hits a backbreaker.  Crab hold by Matsumoto but Shirai gets a hand on the bottom rope.  Matsumoto stomps Shirai in the back, she goes off the ropes but Shirai drop toeholds Matsumoto into the second rope and goes for a Tiger Feint Kick, but Matsumoto catches her and slams Shirai in the corner.  Running knee by Matsumoto in the corner, she goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a double knee reverse splash.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Matsumoto picks up Shirai and goes for a powerbomb, but Shirai wiggles out of it.  Knees by Matsumoto, Irish whip, reversed, Shirai jumps on Matsumoto’s shoulders and hits a boot.  Shirai goes off the ropes but Matsumoto hits a back elbow for a two count cover.  Matsumoto picks up Shirai and gets her on her shoulders, but Matsumoto applies a modified cobra twist.  Roll-up by Shirai, but it gets a two count.  Hurricanrana by Shirai, but it also gets a two count.  Shirai gets on Matsumoto’s shoulders and goes for a hurricanrana, but Matsumoto catches her and hits a sitdown powerbomb.  Cover, and she picks up the three count.  Your winner:  Hiroyo Matsumoto

Match Thoughts:   Well these two were just non-stop, the cardio of some of these wrestlers is astounding.  I loved the energy and they worked extremely fluidly together, my only complaint is that it was just really back and forth.  I don’t know if any wrestler had more than 20 seconds on offense before the other wrestler took over, there really weren’t any ‘control segments’ so to speak, just them both taking turns doing moves to each other.  So there wasn’t a lot of substance, but it was fun to watch.  Score:  7.0

Hikaru Shida vs. Mika Iida
This match is part of the Catch The Wave 2014 Tournament.  Iida grabs Shida’s arm to start the match but Shida gets away and boots Iida in the face.  Iida goes for Shida’s arm again and gets her to the mat, but Shida gets into the ropes to force a break.  Iida charges Shida but Shida drop toeholds her onto the second rope and hits a double knee strike to the back.  Shida picks up Iida and she hits a backbreaker.  Irish whip by Shida, reversed, but Iida hits a Russian leg sweep.  Iida applies a submission hold but Shida gets into the ropes.  Iida goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Iida goes up to the top turnbuckle but Shida recovers and joins Iida up top.  Elbows by Shida but Iida grabs her arm and snaps it over the top rope.  Shida charges Iida but Iida pulls the top rope down, sending Shida out of the ring.  Iida slams Shida’s arm in the ring post and takes her up into the stands.  Iida applies an Octopus Hold up in the stands and then hits an armbreaker.  They get back into the ring but Shida throws Iida into the ropes and stomps her down, kicking Iida out of the ring.  Shida goes out after her and clubs Iida in the back before throwing her into some chairs.  Back in the ring, Shida drags Iida up to the top turnbuckle and hits a superplex.  Uppercuts by Iida, she goes off the ropes but Shida delivers a dropkick.  Iida picks up Shida and hits a fisherman suplex hold for a two count.  Iida applies an armbar but Shida gets a foot on the ropes.  Iida picks up Shida and hits a pair of armbreakers, but Shida whips off a hurricanrana.  Roll-up by Iida, but it gets a two count.  Inside cradle by Iida but it gets a two count as well, as did the La Magistral.  Iida goes for a backslide but Shida blocks it.  Roll-up by Iida, but Shida gets a shoulder up.  Iida goes off the ropes but Shida catches her with a jumping knee and a kick to the face.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Shida picks up Iida and hits a Falcon Arrow.  Cover, but it only gets two.  Shida picks up Iida and goes for a slam but Iida rolls her up for a two count.  They trade pin attempts with no luck, and Iida applies a cross armbreaker.  Shida powerbombs out of the hold and then knees Iida hard in the face.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Shida picks up Iida but Iida sneaks in a school boy for a two count.  Iida hits a fisherman suplex hold, but Shida kicks out.  Elbows by Shida and goes for a suplex, but Iida blocks it and hits a Falcon Arrow.  Cover, but it only gets a two count.  Shida goes off the ropes but the bell rings, and the match is a Time Limit Draw.

Match Thoughts:  Another entertaining match, even though some of the clippings hurt the flow of the match.  I understand why these are clipped of course, they have a lot to show in two hours, but it’s a shame that we aren’t getting more of these matches.  What they showed was really good however, Iida did a good job working on the arm while trying to sneak in cradles, while Shida’s knees were on point.  Good overall, just incomplete.  Score:  6.0

June 15th, 2014

Sakura Hirota vs. Tomoka Nakagawa
This match is part of the Catch The Wave 2014 Tournament.  They circle each other to start, waistlock by Hirota, reversed by Nakagawa but Hirota reverses it back.  Side headlock by Nakagawa but Hirota rolls her up for a two count.  Back up they lock knuckles, elbows by Hirota and she goes for Nakagawa’s arm, but Nakagawa gets a foot in the ropes.  Stomps by Hirota, Irish whip and Hirota slams Nakagawa’s arm into the mat.  Dropkick by Hirota but Nakagawa fires back with her own dropkick.  Irish whip by Nakagawa and she hits an elbow in the corner followed by a dropkick.  Cover by Nakagawa but it gets a two count.  Nakagawa picks up Hirota and goes for a suplex, Hirota gets out of it but Nakagawa hits an enzigieri.  Fisherman suplex hold by Nakagawa but it gets a two count.  Hirota quickly applies a stretch hold but Nakagawa gets to the ropes again.  Hirota grabs Nakagawa and clubs her in the back, La Magistral by Hirota but it gets a two count.  Nakagawa goes for a running kick but Hirota ducks and rolls her up for a two count.  They trade pin attempts with no luck, Nakagawa picks up Hirota, Irish whip to the corner but Hirota applies an armbar.  Cross armbreaker by Hirota but Nakagawa gets to the ropes.  Hirota picks up Nakagawa and chops Nakagawa in the face, and Hirota hits a half nelson suplex hold for a two count.  Hirota goes off the ropes, Nakagawa tries to roll her up but Hirota rolls through it for a two count.  Nakagawa kicks Hirota in the head, slaps by Hirota but Nakagawa rolls up Hirota for the three count.  Your winner:  Tomoka Nakagawa

Match Thoughts:  The problem with this tournament with such a short time limit is that the bulk of the match is just pin attempts.  Which makes sense from a storyline perspective, but it doesn’t make the match itself overly entertaining to watch.  The wrestlers both looked fine here, it was just disjointed and short.  Score:  5.0

Misaki Ohata vs. Sawako Shimono
This match is part of the Catch The Wave 2014 Tournament.  Shimono tries to attack Ohata from behind to start the match, but Ohata moves and rolls her up for a two count.  Backslide by Ohata but it gets a two count as well.  Ohata goes off the ropes but Shimono ducks the crossbody attempt, she goes for a seated senton but Ohata moves and misses a dropkick.  Seated senton by Shimono, but it gets a two count.  Shimono picks up Ohata and hits a Samoan Drop, she throws Ohata into the corner and hits a jumping knee.  Shimono grabs Ohata and puts her on her back but Ohata slides away.  Irish whip by Shimono and she hits a body block.  Seated senton by Shimono, she goes off the ropes and hits a second one.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Ohata chokes Shimono and slams her head against the mat.  Ohata applies a modified camel clutch before releasing the hold and hitting a curb stomp.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Ohata stomps on Shimono, she picks her up but Shimono pushes Ohata away.  Shimono and Ohata trade elbows, Ohata goes off the ropes and goes for a crossbody, but Shimono catches her and hits a swinging side slam.  Ohata picks up Shimono and hits a tornado DDT, cover, but it gets a two count.  Ohata goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick.  Ohata goes up top again but Shimono recovers and joins her.  Elbows by Shimono but Ohata slides down and hits a powerbomb.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Ohata goes up to the top turnbuckle again and hits a diving body press.  Cover, but Shimono gets a shoulder up.  Ohata picks up Shimono but Shimono elbows her off.  Elbow by Shimono and she hits a Samoan Drop.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Shimono goes up to the top turnbuckle but Ohata rolls out of the way of the diving seated senton.  Waistlock by Ohata and she hits a release German suplex.  Running crossbody by Ohata, cover, but it gets a two count.  Ohata picks up Shimono and hits a German suplex hold, but Shimono barely gets a shoulder up in time.  Ohata goes off the ropes and goes for a crucifix, but Shimono blocks it and hits a lariat.  Shimono picks up Ohata and hits a front sitdown slam, cover, but it only gets two.  Shimono goes off the ropes but Ohata hits a crucifix pin for a two count.  Fisherman suplex by Ohata, cover, but it gets a two count.  Ohata picks up Shimono, slaps by Ohata and she hits a flip crucifix bomb for the three count cover.  Your winner:  Misaki Ohata

Match Thoughts:   I didn’t enjoy this one as much as the last Shimono match.  For such a short match, they repeated a lot of the same spots and they just went back and forth trading moves with little real substance.  There were a few good spots here and there, just for a short match it was a bit too repetitive for my liking.  Score:  5.5

Yumi Ohka vs. Yuu Yamagata
This match is part of the Catch The Wave 2014 Tournament.  They circle each other to start, wristlock by Yamagata but Ohka rolls out of it.  Yamagata gets Ohka to the mat and they jockey for position, but Yamagata gets into the ropes to force a break.  Kick to the stomach by Yamagata, Irish whip, reversed, and Yamagata delivers a dropkick.  Yamagata picks up Ohka and elbows her in the back of the head.  Stomp by Yamagata, she picks up Ohka and hits a scoop slam followed by a knee drop out of the corner.  Ohka is back up and elbows Yamagata, and they trade blows.  Backdrop suplex by Ohka and she hits a big boot in the corner.  Ohka charges Yamagata but Yamagata moves out of the way and hits a backstabber.  Facelock by Yamagata but Ohka quickly gets to the ropes.  Yamagata charges Ohka but Ohka drops her on the top rope.  Stomp by Ohka and she applies a stretch submission hold.  Running boot by Ohka, she goes out to the apron and kicks Yamagata again.  Ohka goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a diving crossbody for a two count.  Crossface by Yamagata but Ohka gets into the ropes.  Yamagata goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Yamagata picks up Ohka, kick to the face by Ohka but Yamagata kicks her back.  Yamagata charges Ohka but Ohka hits a chokebomb, she picks up Yamagata but Yamagata comes back with a Falcon Arrow.  Both wrestlers slowly get up and they trade elbows, Yamagata hits a backstabber followed by a swinging kick.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Yamagata picks up Ohka but Ohka gets away and hits the Killswitch.  Heel drop by Ohka, she goes off the ropes but Yamagata snaps off a hurricanrana for a two count.  Kick to the head by Yamagata but Ohka ducks a kick and hits a tiger suplex.  Ohka goes off the ropes and delivers a hard boot to the face, cover, but Yamagata barely gets a shoulder up.  Ohka goes off the ropes again, but Yamagata avoids the attack and kicks Ohka in the head.  Yamagata goes off the ropes but Ohka catches her with a big boot and picks up the three count.

Match Thoughts:  The issue with matches like these, that are more concentrated on the time limit than the content, is that selling just goes out the window.  For example, Ohka hits the Killswitch and then a heel drop, but Yamagata immediately recovers and takes back over on offense.  It was just them trading big moves with no attempt to make any of the moves really matter.   They were crisp, I will certainly give them that, I just hated the layout.  Score:  4.5

June 11th, 2014

Cherry and Shu Shibutani vs. Rina Yamashita and Sumire Natsu
Shibutani and Natsu start things off.  They lock knuckles, kick by Natsu and she elbows Shibutani against the ropes.  Irish whip by Natsu, reversed, and Natsu delivers a dropkick.  Waistlock by Shibutani, reversed by Natsu but Yamashita hits Shibutani from the apron and Natsu rolls up Shibutani for a two count.  Natsu goes off the ropes but Shibutani ducks the crossbody.  Snapmare by Shibutani, Irish whip from the corner and Shibutani hits a running elbow strike.  Scoop slam by Shibutani and she hits a running doublestomp.  Another slam by Shibutani, cover, but it gets a two count.  Shibutani applies a camel clutch before slamming Natsu into the corner.  Elbows by Shibutani, Irish whip, but Natsu kicks Shibutani when she charges in and hits a sunset flip for a two count.  Crossbody by Natsu and she makes the tag to Yamashita.  Yamashita shoulderblocks Shibutani and Cherry, Yamashita throws Shibutani into the corner and then throws Cherry into Shibutani.  Lariat by Yamashita to Shibutani and she shoulderblocks Cherry out of the ring.  Yamashita picks up Shibutani and goes for a suplex, but Shibutani elbows out of it.  Elbow by Yamashita but Shibutani ducks one and applies the cobra twist.  Yamashita hiptosses out of it, she picks up Shibutani, Irish whip to the corner but Shibutani jumps up to the second turnbuckle and hits a dropkick.  DDT by Shibutani and she tags in Cherry.  Jumping lariat by Cherry, she picks up Yamashita  and goes for a reverse STO but Yamashita blocks it.  Cherry and Yamashita trade shoves, and Cherry slams Yamashita to the mat.  Cherry goes off the ropes but Yamashita hits a shoulderblock.  Waistlock by Cherry, reversed by Yamashita, Natsu comes in but she hits Yamashita by accident.  Shibutani comes in as well and they apply Scorpion Deathlocks to Natsu and Yamashita.  Cherry stomps on Yamashita in the back, she goes off the ropes but Yamashita rolls her up for a two count.  Yamashita goes off the ropes and hits a shoulderblock, cover, but it gets a two count.  Yamashita picks up Cherry and tags in Natsu.  Natsu hits a dropkick in the corner and Yamashita follows with a lariat.  Scoop slam by Natsu to Cherry, cover, but it gets a two count.  Natsu applies a dragon sleeper with a body scissors to Cherry, but Shibutani breaks it up.  Cherry hits a reverse DDT on Natsu, then Shibutani hits a missile dropkick.  Cherry goes up top and hits her own missile dropkick, cover on Natsu but Yamashita breaks it up.  Yamashita and Shibutani Irish whip Yamashita but Natsu hits a crossbody on both of them.  Double lariat by Yamashita, she picks up Cherry and hits a backdrop suplex.  Natsu runs in and hits the Oklahoma Roll on Cherry, cover with a bridge but it gets a two count.  Natsu picks up Cherry but Cherry blocks the lariat and chops Natsu to the mat.  Cover by Cherry but Natsu reverses it into her own cover for a two count.  Natsu picks up Cherry and goes off the ropes, Shibutani kicks Natsu in the stomach and hits a DDT.  Cherry chops Natsu, cover, Yamashita goes to break it up but Cherry moves and Yamashita hits an elbow drop on Natsu by accident.  Shibutani picks up Natsu and hits a scoop slam, while Cherry goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a senton bomb.  Cover by Cherry, and she picks up the three count.  Your winners:  Cherry and Shu Shibutani

Match Thoughts:  I am surprised they opted to show this match as it was just the opener on the event it was on while some tournament matches weren’t shown at all.  This was a perfectly fine match and would work as an opener, but was oddly placed towards the end of the DVD even though it was a pretty basic match.  I thought Cherry was going to kill herself with the senton bomb but apparently she didn’t so that’s good, and in general everything was executed well in the match.  Solid but overall unspectacular, although it was a nice change of pace after all the tournament matches.  Score:  5.5

June 15th, 2014

Kana, Shida, Cherry, and Hibiscus Mii vs. Ozaki, Hamada, Ranmaru, and Fairy Nipponbashi
Ranmaru and Mii start things off.  They have a chat for a bit, while Cherry runs in and tries to dropkick Hamada.  Hamada and Cherry go at it while Ranmaru and Mii continue their conversation by the corner.  Big kick by Hamada to Cherry, she charges her but they trade trips before Cherry poses in the corner with Ranmaru and Mii.  Kana and Nipponbashi now square off, tie-up, Nipponbashi rolls Kana to the mat twice and a third time, trips by Nipponbashi and both wrestlers return to their feet.  Kana kicks Nipponbashi in the leg and then does it a second time, sending Nipponbashi to one knee.  Nipponbashi gets back up  and Kana kicks her in the leg again.  Kana picks up Nipponbashi, Irish whip, reversed, and Nipponbashi flings Kana to the mat with her wand.  A melee breaks out with all eight wrestlers, but they soon retreat back to their own corners.  Mii and Ozaki end up squaring off, elbows by Mii but Ozaki absorbs the blows.  Mii goes off the ropes but Ozaki goes down to the ground as all the other wrestlers come in and they dance around the ring.  No, I don’t know what is going on in this match, don’t ask me.  Once they are done, Cherry and Shida throw Ranmaru into the ropes but she puts her hand up and everyone freezes.  Ozaki walks in the ring and they all talk for a bit, as I wonder why I am doing play by play for this match.  Ranmaru eventually gets Ozaki to leave the ring as Kana comes in, Nipponbashi and Ranmaru Irish whip Kana and Ranmaru hits a body press.  Nipponbashi skips over Ranmaru and Kana instead of hitting her own body press, and Kana gets back up while Mii also comes in the ring.  Hamada comes in and lies down on the mat, Kana goes off the ropes and Mii drop toeholds her onto Hamada.  Mii tries to do the same but Kana drop toeholds her too early so she just eats the mat.  Shida and Hamada end up in the ring, stomps by Shida but Hamada elbows her back and they trade blows.  Enzigieri by Shida to Hamada but Hamada hits a brainbuster and kicks Shida in the back.  Hamada picks up Shida but Shida hits a vertical suplex and stomps Hamada.  Shida picks up Hamada and goes for a suplex but Hamada lands on her feet.  Shida ducks Hamada’s heel kick and hits the Falcon Arrow, cover, but it is broken up.  Shida sits Hamada up but Nipponbashi uses her wand to send all her opponents flying to the mat.  Hamada and Ranmaru come in but Nipponbashi throws them to the mat as well.  Ozaki finally comes in, and she falls down as well when Nipponbashi uses the wand.  Nipponbashi gives Ozaki the wand so she can try, and all the wrestlers’ line up for her.  But when Ozaki waves the wand, nothing happens, which makes her mad so she hits everyone with it instead.  Ranmaru holds Mii for Ozaki, and Ozaki hits her in the chest with the wand.  Ranmaru holds Mii again but this time Shida trips Ozaki from the floor.  Kana hits a high kick on Mii by accident, Ranmaru comes in the ring as does Nipponbashi, and Nipponbashi kicks Mii in the side of the head.  Cover by Nipponbashi and she picks up the three count.  Your winners:  Ozaki, Hamada, Ranmaru, and Fairy Nipponbashi

Match Thoughts:  I won’t insult your intelligence by pretending I know what was going on this match.  I did not.  Some things I got, such as Ozaki not really being as ‘into’ the comedy stuff and Kana being adorable, but beyond that not a whole hell of a lot happened.  Shida and Hamada for about a minute in the middle were having a real match, but then it disintegrated again.  I prefer my comedy matches when I am in on the joke, and Wave fans (are there any of those in the US?) may be in stitches, but for me it was just so-so with only a couple memorable spots.  Score:  4.5

Final Thoughts:

Best Match: Hiroyo Matsumoto vs. Mio Shirai. Shirai is a real pro and I was sad she only had one match on this event, but she delivered in the one she had. This was just a non-stop affair, they didn’t go the route that others took in just trying quick pins over and over but instead concentrated on trying to hurt each other. While I wish there was a bit more selling I can’t deny that it was a very entertaining back and forth battle between these two veterans.

MVP:   Hiroyo Matsumoto. Even though I don’t think Matsumoto is one of my top three wrestlers on this card, she stood out the most on this DVD. She was in both of the matches that I enjoyed the most and looked really good. She brings a lot of excitement to her matches and for better or worse her matches are pretty much always entertaining.

Overall: The nicest thing I can say about this card is that there weren’t any terrible matches and only a couple I felt were below average. But the tournament format here really hurt the matches. With the low time limit, most of what was shown in some of the matches was just trading pin attempts, which sometimes looked ok but other times looked forced and not terribly fluid. The wrestlers weren’t really able to go out there and do there thing since they were restricted by the tournament setting. Also almost all the matches were clipped, so it was hard to get into some of them. Overall there was some good stuff here as many of the wrestlers on this card are top notch, it was more the format and squeezing so many matches on one DVD that hurt the quality of it.

Grade:  C-


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