St. Louis Wrestling Results: 1982



(Credit for the following results go to numerous sources, including, but not limited to, Larry Matysik, Jim Zordani, and various news clippings)

St. Louis Wrestling Results 1982

Promoting the Area of: St. Louis, MO
Affiliation: NWA
Promoter: Sam Muchnick


1/1/82 – “Sam Muchnick’s Farewell as Promoter” @ The Checkerdome
NWA Champion Ric Flair won 2/3 falls over Dusty Rhodes. Gene Kiniski, special referee.
Dick the Bruiser won the Missouri title by beating champion Ken Patera
David Von Erich and Rufus R. Jones Double DQ against Harley Race and Greg Valentine
Dewey Robertson defeated Von Raschke
Crusher Blackwell won a handicap tag match over Butch Reed and Ox Baker by pinning Baker
Pat O’Connor defeated Bob Sweetan
Wendi Richter and Joyce Grable defeated Sandy Partlow and Early Dawn. 1-Grable beat Partlow. 2-Partlow defeated Grable. 3-Richter defeated Dawn.
Bulldog Bob Brown and Jerry Brown were both counted out outside the ring
(This show was a sellout of 19,819 – An All-Time St. Louis attendance record)

1/3/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Eddie Gilbert defeated Roy Rogers
The handicap tag bout sending Crusher Blackwell against Tom Malley and Dewey Robertson was ruled no contest when Robertson and Blackwell were both counted out outside the ring
Bruce Reed won two straight falls over David Price
A special insert with highlights from the Checkerdome card from 1/1/82 was aired

1/10/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Roger Kirby draw with Eddie Gilbert
Dewey Robertson defeated Charlie Pullins
Joyce Grable defeated Sandy Partlow
Bulldog Bob Brown draw with Bob Sweetan. Sweetan won the first fall, Brown won the second, and time expired.

1/17/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Sandy Partlow defeated Wendi Richter
Gene Kiniski, Dewey Robertson, and Bulldog Brown against Bob Sweetan, Roger Kirby, and Charlie Pullins was ruled no contest for fighting outside the ring
Eddie Gilbert draw with Rufus R. Jones
Early Dawn defeated Joyce Grable via DQ

1/22/82 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 8450)
Harley Race defeated David Von Erich
Kerry Von Erich defeated Dick Murdoch via DQ
Dick the Bruiser and Gene Kiniski defeated Sgt. Slaughter and Roger Kirby (sub for Patera) when Bruiser pinned Slaughter
Dewey Robertson defeated Kerry Brown (sub for Blackwell)
Rufus R. Jones defeated Gene Lewis
Roger Kirby draw Bulldog Bob Brown
Spike Huber and Eddie Gilbert defeated Jerry Brown and Ron McFarlane. 1-Huber beat Brown. 2-Brown defeated Huber. 3-Gilbert defeated McFarlane.
(Crusher Blackwell and Ken Patera were trapped in Minneapolis by a blizzard)

1/24/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Charlie Pullins
Gene Kiniski defeated Bob Sweetan
Roger Kirby draw Rufus R. Jones
Joyce Grable and Wendi Richter defeated Early Dawn and Sandy Partlow. 1-Grable beat Dawn. 2-Richter defeated Partlow.

1/31/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Terry Scholl
Crusher Blackwell defeated Billy Taylor
Gene Kiniski won two straight falls over Bobby Van.
Dewey Robertson and Eddie Gilbert went to a draw with Roger Kirby and Jerry Valiant (previously known as Guy Mitchell). 1-Kirby defeated Gilbert. 2-Robertson defeated Kirby. Time expired.

2/5/82 – Kiel Auditorium
For only the second time in St. Louis history (the first during the 1950s when a labor dispute closed the building), a card was cancelled. Two snow storms hit the metropolitan area 1/31 (the worst in 70 years) and 2/3, paralyzing the town, and more snow was forecast for 2/5.

2/7/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Jerry Valiant draw with Dewey Robertson
Gene Kiniski defeated Terry Scholl
Eddie Gilbert and Bulldog Bob Brown won Jerry Brown and Gene Lewis via DQ
Crusher Blackwell won two straight falls over Chuck Kelly

2/14/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Roger Kirby defeated Billy Taylor
Gene Kiniski defeated Gene Lewis
Crusher Blackwell defeated Terry Scholl
Jerry Valiant and Jerry Brown draw with Dewey Robertson and Eddie Gilbert

2/19/82 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 11,093 sellout)
Dick the Bruiser won an 18-man Wrestle Royal, outlasting in order out Bob Brown, Ricky Romero, Greg Valentine, Von Raschke, Gene Lewis, Spike Huber and Roger Kirby together, Dick Murdoch, Bobo Brazil, Jerry Brown, Kerry Von Erich, Terry Funk, Jerry Valiant, Dewey Robertson, Andre the Giant and Crusher Blackwell together, and Ken Patera.
Andre the Giant and Terry Funk (sub for Dusty Rhodes) was ruled a Double DQ against Harley Race and Crusher Blackwell
Missouri champion Dick the Bruiser defeated Greg Valentine
Ken Patera defeated Bobo Brazil
Gene Kiniski defeated Von Raschke
Dewey Robertson defeated Dick Murdoch via DQ
Kerry Von Erich defeated Gene Lewis
Spike Huber draw with Roger Kirby
Jerry Brown and Jerry Valiant defeated Ricky Romero and Bulldog Bob Brown. 1-Valiant defeated Bob Brown. 2-Romero defeated Jerry Brown. 3-Jerry Brown defeated Romero.

2/21/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Eddie Gilbert defeated Billy Howard
Dick the Bruiser and Spike Huber defeated Ken Patera and Pat Kelly when Bruiser pinned Kelly
Crusher Blackwell defeated Max Blue
Roger Kirby and Jerry Valiant defeated Bulldog Bob Brown and Ray Hernandez. 1-Valiant defeated Hernandez and time expired with no more falls.

2/28/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Mike Kelly and Billy Howard draw with Eddie Gilbert and Spike Huber
Ken Patera defeated Ray Hernandez
Dick the Bruiser defeated Pat Kelly
Roger Kirby, Jerry Valiant, and Jerry Brown defeated Dewey Robertson, Max Blue, and Bulldog Bob Brown when Jerry Brown defeated Blue for the only fall.

3/7/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Roger Kirby draw Eddie Gilbert
Dewey Robertson defeated Jerry Brown via DQ
Jerry Valiant and Bulldog Bob Brown were both counted out outside the ring
Mike and Pat Kelly defeated Max Blue and Ray Hernandez when Mike defeated Blue

3/12/82 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 6888)
Missouri Champion Dick the Bruiser won 2/3 falls over Ken Patera. After they split the first two falls, Patera was DQ’ed in the third fall.
Harley Race defeated Kerry Von Erich
Terry Funk and Dewey Robertson won a tag elimination bout sending those two and Rufus R. Jones against Roger Kirby, Jerry Valiant, and Jerry Brown. 1-Jones beat Valiant. 2-Kirby defeated Jones. 3-Funk defeated Kirby. 4-Robertson defeated Brown.
Gene Lewis draw Bulldog Bob Brown
Superfly, w/Sir Oliver Humperdink, defeated Eddie Gilbert
Ricky and Mark Romero defeated Ray Hernandez and Billy Howard. 1-Mark beat Howard. 2-Hernandez defeated Mark. 3-Ricky defeated Howard.

3/14/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ray Hernandez defeated Gil Gurerro
Gene Kiniski defeated Greg Lake
Kerry Von Erich defeated David Price
Dick the Bruiser defeated Juan Zapata two straight falls

3/21/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ray Hernandez defeated Dennis Upton
Dick the Bruiser defeated Max Blue
Kerry Von Erich defeated Juan Zapata
Spike Huber and Mark Romero defeated Gil Gurerro and Ken Wayne. 1-Huber beat Wayne. 2-Romero defeated Gurerro.

3/26/82 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 10,272)
NWA Champion Ric Flair won 2/3 falls over Dick the Bruiser. After each won a fall, Flair pinned Bruiser after referee Sonny Myers was knocked down and missed Bruiser apparently pinning Flair.
Gene Kiniski and Dewey Robertson defeated Ken Patera and Crusher Blackwell via DQ
Terry Funk defeated Mark Romero (sub for Jack Brisco)
Rufus R. Jones defeated Jerry Brown
Roger Kirby defeated Kerry Von Erich via count out
Superfly defeated Ricky Romero
Bulldog Bob Brown and Steve Regal defeated Gene Lewis and Jerry Valiant. 1-Regal won via DQ. 2-Regal pinned Valiant.

3/28/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Mark Romero defeated David Price
Gene Kiniski won a handicap tag bout over Dennis Upton and Gil Gurerro
Ray Hernandez defeated Greg Lake
Spike Huber won two straight falls over Ken Wayne

4/4/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
A special “best of” review of the past year was telecast

4/11/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Mark Romero draw Roger Kirby
Dewey Robertson and Steve Regal defeated Crusher Blackwell and Max Blue when Robertson pinned Blue
Gene Kiniski defeated Jerry Valiant
Superfly, with manager Sir Oliver Humperdink, and Jerry Brown defeated Ricky Romero and Art Crews. 1-Superfly defeated Romero and time expired with no more falls

4/16/82 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 8024)
Missouri Champion Dick the Bruiser defeated Crusher Blackwell via DQ
Ken Patera defeated Dewey Robertson
Gene Kiniski and Rufus R. Jones defeated Sgt. Slaughter and Superfly when Kiniski pinned Superfly
Kerry Von Erich defeated Jerry Brown
Roger Kirby draw Steve Regal
Mark Romero defeated Ray Hernandez
Bulldog Bob Brown and Art Crews defeated Gene Lewis and Ron McFarlane. 1-Brown beat Lewis. 2-McFarlane defeated Crews. 3-Crews defeated Lewis.

4/18/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Jerry Brown defeated Art Crews
Crusher Blackwell defeated Gene Lewis
Gene Kiniski defeated Max Blue
Roger Kirby and Jerry Valiant draw Mark Romero and Bulldog Bob Brown. Valiant and Romero traded falls before time expired.

4/25/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Mark Romero draw Steve Regal.
Gene Kiniski won a tag elimination bout sending Kiniski, Art Crews and Ricky Romero against Roger Kirby, Gene Lewis and Max Blue. 1-Romero defeated Blue. 2-Lewis beat Romero. 3-Kirby defeated Crews. 4-Kiniski defeated Lewis. 5-Kiniski defeated Kirby.
Jerry Brown and Bulldog Bob Brown were both knocked out and counted out.
Dewey Robertson defeated Jerry Valiant, winning the only fall within curfew

4/30/82 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 9775)
NWA Champion Ric Flair defeated Gene Kiniski 2/3 falls. Kiniski won the first fall, but Flair won the second with the figure four leglock and Kiniski could not answer the bell for the third fall due to a knee injury.
Missouri Champion Dick the Bruiser defeated Harley Race, who was counted out outside the ring
Ken Patera and Crusher Blackwell defeated Dewey Robertson and Rufus R. Jones when Blackwell pinned Jones
Kelly Kiniski defeated Jerry Brown
Sabrina and Princess Victoria defeated Joyce Grable and Wendi Richter. 1-Sabrina beat Richter. 2-Richter defeated Sabrina. 3-Victoria defeated Grable.
Michael Hayes (The Freebird) defeated Ron McFarlane
Steve Regal draw Roger Kirby

5/2/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Steve Regal defeated Gil Gurerro
Ken Patera defeated Max Blue
David Von Erich defeated Joe Kirkland
Spike Huber and Dewey Robertson defeated Jose Elisia and David Price. 1-Robertson beat Elisia. 2-Robertson defeated beat Elisia again.

5/9/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Dewey Robertson defeated Max Blue
Ken Patera defeated David Von Erich, who was counted out on the ring apron while holding Patera in the Iron Claw and less than one minute was left in the time limit
Rufus R. Jones defeated Joe Kirkland
Steve Regal and Art Crews defeated David Price and Gil Gurerro when Regal defeated Price

5/14/82 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 10,119)
Andre the Giant and Dick the Bruiser defeated Dick Murdoch and Crusher Blackwell. 1-Murdoch defeated Bruiser. 2-Andre defeated Blackwell via DQ. 3-Bruiser beat Murdoch.
Dewey Robertson defeated Ray Hernandez (sub for Jack Brisco)
David and Kerry Von Erich defeated Ken Patera and Roger Kirby when Kerry beat Kirby
Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Superfly via DQ
Ray Hernandez defeated Art Crews
Jerry Brown draw Mark Romero

5/16/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Spike Huber defeated Jose Elisia
Ken Patera defeated Art Crews
Dewey Robertson defeated David Price
Rufus R. Jones and Steve Regal defeated Joe Kirkland and Max Blue. 1-Regal beat Blue. 2-Jones defeated Kirkland.

5/23/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Mark Romero draw Roger Kirby
Dick the Bruiser and Bulldog Bob Brown defeated NWA Champion Ric Flair and Jerry Brown when Flair was counted out outside the ring after a piledriver on the floor by Bruiser
Dewey Robertson defeated Ron McFarlane
Kerry Von Erich and Rufus R. Jones defeated Ray Hernandez and Joe Kirkland when Kerry defeated Kirkland

5/30/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Mike George defeated Ray Hernandez via DQ
NWA Champion Ric Flair defeated David Price
Dick the Bruiser defeated Joe Kirkland
Art Crews and Kerry Von Erich drew with Ken Patera and Ron McFarlane. 1-McFarlane beat Crews. 2-Crews defeated McFarlane.

6/6/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ken Patera defeated Joe Kirkland
NWA Champion Ric Flair defeated Art Crews, after which Dick the Bruiser stole Flair’s robe and belt and paraded around the ring
Dick the Bruiser defeated Ray Hernandez
Mike George, Dewey Robertson and Rufus R. Jones defeated Roger Kirby, David Price and Jerry Brown when Jones defeated Price

6/12/82 – Checkerdome (Attendance: 19,027)
NWA Champion Ric Flair won 2/3 falls over Dick the Bruiser
The bout sending Dusty Rhodes and Ted DiBiase against Harley Race and Dick Murdoch ended with both teams DQ
Dory Funk Jr. defeated Dewey Robertson
King Kong Brody defeated Bob Sweetan
David and Kerry Von Erich defeated Ken Patera and Crusher Blackwell when David pinned Patera after Blackwell hit Patera
Rufus R. Jones defeated Superfly, who was announced as Ray Candy though he left without unmasking
Mark Romero defeated Kabuki (formerly Takachiho) via DQ
Mike George draw Roger Kirby

Out-of-town shows were telecast from 6/13/82 through 6/27/82

7/4/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Kerry Von Erich defeated Al Snow
The bout sending NWA Champion Ric Flair and Crusher Blackwell against Ken Patera and Dory Funk Jr. ended when Flair and Funk were both counted out outside the ring
Roger Kirby defeated Ben Patrick
Hercules (Ray) Hernandez and Jim Lancaster defeated Koko Lewis and Mike George (This was the first match Ray ever used the name “Hercules”) when Lancaster defeated Lewis

7/11/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Dory Funk Jr. defeated Charlie Pullins
Ken Patera defeated Ben Patrick
Crusher Blackwell defeated Al Snow
Hercules Hernandez, Jim Lancaster and Roger Kirby defeated Koko Lewis, Mike George and Kerry Von Erich when Hernandez defeated Lewis
Blackwell made a “slam challenge” to Patera which ended in a brawl between the two of them

7/16/82 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 6668)
Dory Funk Jr. defeated Gene Kiniski
Crusher Blackwell defeated Ken Patera
Missouri Champion Dick the Bruiser defeated Sgt. Slaughter
Dewey Robertson won a tag elimination ending Dewey, Spike Huber and Rufus R. Jones against Roger Kirby, Von Raschke and Hercules Hernandez. 1-Huber defeated Kirby. 2-Hernandez defeated Huber. 3-Jones and Hernandez were Double DQd. 4-Robertson beat Raschke.
Manny Fernandez draw Mike George
Mark Romero and Art Crews defeated Abdullah (NOT the Butcher, but instead Jack Kruger) and Buzz Tyler. 1-Tyler defeated Crews. 2-Romero defeated Abdullah via DQ. 3-Romero pinned Abdullah.

7/18/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Hercules Hernandez defeated Al Snow
Crusher Blackwell won a handicap tag over Ben Patrick and Charlie Pullins by pinning Patrick
Mike George defeated Jim Lancaster
Repeated action from earlier shows due to tape problem…Victoria and Sabrina over Richter and Grable

7/25/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Spike Huber defeated David Price
Dory Funk Jr. won two straight falls over Joe Kirkland
Crusher Blackwell defeated Bruce Dean
Dick the Bruiser defeated Max Blue

8/1/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Crusher Blackwell defeated David Price
Dory Funk Jr. defeated Bruce Dean
Dick the Bruiser defeated Joe Kirkland
Mark Romero and Spike Huber defeated Max Blue and Hercules Hernandez when Romero pinned Blue

8/6/82 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7125)
NWA Champion Ric Flair won 2/3 falls over Dory Funk Jr.
Crusher Blackwell and Harley Race versus Dick the Bruiser and Dewey Robertson ended in a double DQ
Dusty Rhodes defeated Von Raschke
Bout sending Rufus R. Jones and Mark Romero against Hercules Hernandez and Roger Kirby ended with Romero and Hernandez both counted out outside the ring Mike George draw Kim Duk
Manny Fernandez defeated The Great Tio
Buzz Tyler defeated Tapu

8/8/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Spike Huber defeated Joe Kirkland
Dick the Bruiser defeated David Price
Mark Romero draw Hercules Hernandez
Dewey Robertson defeated Bruce Dean

8/15/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Roger Kirby and Buzz Tyler were both counted out outside the ring
Dick the Bruiser defeated Tapu
Rufus R. Jones and Mike George draw Kim Duk and Hercules Hernandez
Mark Romero defeated Jack Kruger

8/22/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Dewey Robertson draw Hercules Hernandez
Mark Romero defeated Tapu
Dick the Bruiser defeated The Great Tio
Manny Fernandez, Buzz Tyler and Rufus R. Jones defeated Jack Kruger, Roger Kirby and Kim Duk when Fernandez pinned Kruger

8/27/82 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 4328)
Dick the Bruiser kept the Missouri title against Harley Race. 1 & 2 – Both lost a fall for hitting each other with chairs. 3-Both disqualified again for hitting each other with chairs in 45 seconds. Bruiser continued hitting Race with a chair.
Dusty Rhodes defeated Greg Valentine (sub for John Studd)
Dewey Robertson defeated Roger Kirby
Hercules Hernandez and Kim Duk draw Omar Atlas and Mark Romero
Manny Fernandez defeated Tapu
Mike George defeated The Great Tio
Spike Huber and Buzz Tyler defeated Tom Andrews and Jim Lancaster. 1-Huber beat Andrews. 2-Andrews defeated Huber. 3-Tyler defeated Lancaster.
Numerous subs involving KC office on undercard

8/29/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Mike George and Manny Fernandez defeated Tapu and The Great Tio when Fernandez pinned Tapu
Kim Duk draw Mark Romero
Rufus R. Jones defeated Jack Kruger
Buzz Tyler and Dewey Robertson defeated Roger Kirby and Hercules Hernandez via DQ

9/5/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Dewey Robertson defeated Ben Patrick
Mark Romero defeated Harley Race via DQ and Race then got into battle with The Bruiser
Dick the Bruiser defeated Jim Lancaster
Omar Atlas and Manny Fernandez draw Hercules Hernandez and Kim Duk

9/12/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase” (late night Saturday showing is dropped, only Sunday at 11 a.m.
from here on)
Dewey Robertson defeated Jim Lancaster
Harley Race defeated Al Snow
Dick the Bruiser won a handicap tag bout over The Great Tio and Ben Patrick
Tag elimination sending Kim Duk, Hercules Hernandez and Tapu against Manny Fernandez, Mike George and Mark Romero ended as a draw. 1-Romero defeated Tapu. 2-Hernandez and Fernandez were both counted out outside the ring. Curfew time expired with no more falls.

9/17/82 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 9561)
Steel Cage No DQ Match: Harley Race won the Missouri title by beating Dick the Bruiser
Crusher Blackwell defeated Dewey Robertson
Mark Romero and Bobo Brazil won via DQ over Hercules Hernandez and Kim Duk
Bruce Reed defeated Roger Kirby
Manny Fernandez draw Ivan Koloff
Omar Atlas defeated Gary Royal
Buzz Tyler and Mike George won two straight falls over Tapu and The Great Tio. 1-Tyler defeated Tio. 2-George defeated Tio.

9/19/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Mark Romero defeated Jim Lancaster
Harley Race defeated Omar Atlas
Manny Fernandez defeated Tapu
Kim Duk and Hercules Hernandez defeated Al Snow and Mike George when Duk pinned Snow

9/26/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Dewey Robertson defeated Gil Gurerro
Crusher Blackwell defeated Charlie Miller
Harley Race defeated Jack Hawk
Kim Duk and Hercules Hernandez against Mark Romero and Bulldog Bob Brown ended with both sides DQ

10/3/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Hercules Hernandez draw Mark Romero
Harley Race defeated Charlie Miller
Crusher Blackwell won a handicap tag bout over Gil Gurerro and Jack Hawk
Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Kim Duk via DQ

10/8/82 – Checkerdome (Attendance: 17,002)
Harley Race defeated NWA Champion Ric Flair by winning the only fall within the one hour limit, so Flair retained the title despite losing the decision because the challenger failed to win two falls. Race won the only fall at 50:11.
Andre the Giant and Crusher Blackwell were both counted out outside the ring by special referee Leo Nomellini
Ken Patera, Hercules Hernandez and Kim Duk defeated Dusty Rhodes, Dewey Robertson and Bruce Reed via DQ for Rhodes throwing Patera over the top rope
Hulk Hogan won a handicap tag bout over Greg Valentine and The Great Tio by pinning Tio
Mark Romero defeated Roger Kirby
Manny Fernandez defeated Von Raschke
Bulldog Bob Brown and Buzz Tyler draw Mike George and Rufus R. Jones. 1-Brown beat Jones. 2-George defeated Brown. 3-time limit expired.

10/10/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Charlie Miller
Hercules Hernandez won 2/3 falls over Mark Romero.
Kim Duk draw Dewey Robertson

10/17/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Hercules Hernandez draw Rufus R. Jones
Ken Patera defeated Tim Brewer
Bruce Reed and Mark Romero defeated Harley Race and Bob Pence when Reed beat Pence
Crusher Blackwell defeated Tom Brewer two straight falls

10/22/82 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 3499)
Ken Patera defeated Crusher Blackwell
Hulk Hogan and Dick the Bruiser defeated Dewey Robertson and Greg Valentine when Hogan defeated Robertson
Bruce Reed defeated Kim Duk
Hercules Hernandez and Buzz Tyler were both counted out outside the ring
Ivan Koloff defeated Mike George
Manny Fernandez defeated Terry Gordy
Mark Romero and Terry Orndorff defeated Roger Kirby and Crusher Ayala. 1-Orndorff beat Kirby. 2-Kirby defeated Orndorff. 3-Romero defeated Ayala via DQ

10/24/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Crusher Blackwell defeated Tim Brewer
Ken Patera and Hercules Hernandez defeated Rufus R. Jones and Art Crews when Patera defeated Crews. NWA Champion Ric Flair was a guest commentator during the bout and got into a verbal dispute with Patera.
Harley Race defeated Tom Brewer
Mark Romero defeated Bob Pence

10/31/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Hercules Hernandez defeated Tim Brewer
Harley Race defeated Art Crews
Dewey Robertson draw Mark Romero
Little Coco and Little Eagle draw Bobo Johnson and Billy the Kid. 1-Coco defeated Kid. 2-Johnson defeated Eagle. Time expired

11/5/82 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 4113)
Bruce Reed (now billed as Butch) defeated Missouri Champion Harley Race, but Race kept the title because he lost via DQ
Ivan Koloff and Greg Valentine defeated Dick the Bruiser and Mark Romero when Koloff defeated Romero
Crusher Blackwell defeated Buzz Tyler
Dewey Robertson and Hercules Hernandez defeated Omar Atlas and Manny Fernandez when Hernandez defeated Atlas
Spike Huber defeated Kim Duk
Crusher Ayala and Bulldog Bob Brown were both counted out outside the ring
Mike George draw Roger Kirby

11/7/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Crusher Ayala defeated Ben Patrick
Ken Patera defeated Jim Lancaster
Crusher Blackwell defeated Greg Lake
Omar Atlas draw Roger Kirby. Each won one fall within curfew.

11/14/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Terry Orndorff defeated Charlie Reid
Ken Patera defeated Omar Atlas
Crusher Blackwell and Crusher Ayala defeated Rock Ragland and Bulldog Bob Brown when Blackwell defeated Ragland
Art Crews defeated Greg Lake

11/19/82 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 6328)
NWA Champion Ric Flair won 2/3 falls over Ken Patera
Butch Reed defeated Ivan Koloff
Dick the Bruiser and Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Hercules Hernandez and Dewey Robertson via DQ
King Kong Brody defeated Mark Romero
Peggy Lee defeated Sabrina
Crusher Ayala defeated Omar Atlas
Spike Huber and Manny Fernandez defeated Gary Royal and Roger Kirby. 1-Kirby beat Fernandez. 2-Huber defeated Kirby. 3-Fernandez defeated Royal.

11/21/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Jim Lancaster defeated Al Snow
Crusher Ayala defeated Art Crews
Terry Orndorff draw Roger Kirby
Crusher Ayala won a 10-man Wrestle Royal outlasting in order out Ben Patrick, Charlie Reid, Greg Lake, Al Snow, Art Crews, Terry Orndorff and Roger Kirby together, Omar Atlas and Jim Lancaster.

11/28/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
King Kong Brody defeated Jimmy Doo
Butch Reed and Crusher Blackwell draw. Each won one fall within the 20-minute limit.
Hercules Hernandez defeated Max Blue two straight falls

12/3/82 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 5521)
Dick the Bruiser and Butch Reed defeated NWA Champion Ric Flair and Crusher Blackwell. 1-Blackwell defeated Bruiser. 2-Bruiser defeated Flair. 3-Reed beat Blackwell.
Kerry Von Erich defeated Hercules Hernandez
Ivan Koloff draw Ken Patera
Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Dewey Robertson
Cowboy Bob Orton defeated Art Crews
Crusher Ayala and Roger Kirby defeated Manny Fernandez and Mike George when Ayala defeated George
Buzz Tyler defeated Jerry Brown via DQ

12/5/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Crusher Blackwell defeated Art Crews
King Kong Brody defeated Max Blue
Butch Reed defeated Bruce Dean
Bulldog Bob Brown and Sabrina draw Hercules Hernandez and Peggy Lee. 1-Sabrina beat Lee. 2-Lee defeated Sabrina. Curfew expired during third fall
Sam Muchnick announced his resignation as consultant to the St. Louis Wrestling Club

12/12/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bulldog Bob Brown draw Hercules Hernandez
King Kong Brody defeated Bruce Dean
Butch Reed and Rock Ragland defeated Crusher Blackwell and Max Blue when Reed pinned Blue
Sabrina defeated Peggy Lee with only fall in curfew

12/19/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Cowboy Bob Orton defeated Bruce Dean
Kerry Von Erich defeated Billy Griffin
Bobby Duncum defeated Art Crews
Bennie Ramirez defeated Jimmy Doo
Ric Flair and Butch Reed did an amateur wrestling workout with Curtis Dean and Tom Andrews that ended in a battle between Flair and Reed.

12/26/82 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Kerry Von Erich defeated Art Crews
Ric Flair defeated Curtis Dean
Butch Reed defeated Bennie Ramirez
Bobby Duncum and Cowboy Bob Orton defeated Tom Andrews and Bulldog Bob Brown when Orton defeated Andrews


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