St. Louis Wrestling Results: 1970



(Credit for the following results go to numerous sources, including, but not limited to, Larry Matysik, Jim Zordani, and various news clippings)

St. Louis Wrestling Results 1970

Promoting the Area of: St. Louis, MO
Affiliation: NWA
Promoter: Sam Muchnick


1/3/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Roger Kirby draw Frank Hester
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. won two straight falls over Joe Tomasso
Wilbur Snyder won two straight falls over Mike Rolinsky

1/9/70 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 11,434 sellout)
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Dick the Bruiser. Bruiser took the first fall and appeared to have a three count on Funk for a second straight fall before referee Joe Schoenberger saw Bruiser using the ropes. The referee reversed the decision and disqualified Bruiser for the second fall. Bruiser went berserk, punched Schoenberger, hit Funk with a chair and was then DQ for the third fall and the match. Afterward, Athletic Commissioner Eddie Davidson suspended Bruiser indefinitely.
Wilbur Snyder and Dewey Robertson won a handicap match over Von Raschke. First Raschke defeated Robertson, but Snyder then defeated Raschke.
Waldo Von Erich, Bob Geigel and Blackjack Lanza, w/Bobby Heenan, won over Ernie Ladd, Tommy Martin and Lou Thesz when Lanza defeated Martin Pat O’Connor defeated Luke Graham
Crimson Knight defeated Ronnie Etchison
Frank Hester defeated Mike Rolinsky
Thor Hagen defeated The Viking

1/10/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Bob Geigel defeated Ronnie Paul
Wilbur Snyder defeated Bill Russell
Von Raschke defeated Jose Betancourt
Tommy Martin and Frank Hester defeated Roger Kirby and Mike Rolinsky when Martin defeated Rolinsky

1/17/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Von Raschke defeated Bill Christian
Wilbur Snyder defeated Luke Graham
Blackjack Lanza, w/Bobby Heenan, and Crimson Knight defeated Terry Martin and Pat O’Connor when Knight defeated Martin
Lou Thesz defeated K.O. Cox
Von Raschke punched Wilbur Snyder during an interview with the two

1/23/70 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 6354)
Pat O’Connor defeated Waldo Von Erich
Von Raschke defeated Wilbur Snyder
Jack Brisco and Blackjack Lanza, w/Bobby Heenan, ended in a drawdraw
Crimson Knight and Bob Geigel defeated Reggie Parks and Tommy Martin when Knight defeated Parks
Roger Kirby defeated Terry Martin
Frank Hester defeated Kinji Kimura
Dee Davis and Jean Antone defeated Betty Niccoli and Patty O’Hara. 1-O’Hara beat Antone. 2-Antone defeated O’Hara. 3-Davis defeated Nicoli.

1/24/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
K.O. Cox defeated Terry Martin
Crimson Knight draw Lou Thesz
Blackjack Lanza, w/Bobby Heenan, defeated Bill Christian
Luke Graham draw Dewey Robertson

1/31/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Bob Geigel defeated Don Drummer
Pat O’Connor defeated Joe Turko
A tag elimination bout ended in a draw with Jack Brisco, Crimson Knight and Von Raschke. Brisco was with NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. and Tommy Martin, while Roger Kirby was with Knight and Raschke. 1-Brisco defeated Kirby. 2-Knight beat Martin. 3-Raschke defeated Funk. The 20-minute limit expired during the next fall with Brisco against Knight and Raschke.

2/6/70 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 6669)
Blackjack Lanza, w/Bobby Heenan, defeated Jack Brisco 2/3 falls when Brisco could not continue in the third fall. Brisco took the first fall in only 50 seconds before Lanza won the second with a piledriver. His neck injured, Brisco tried to continue the final fall, but after a few minutes referee Joe Schoenberger stopped the bout.
Crimson Knight draw Pat O’Connor
Bob Geigel won a Wrestle Royal over in order out Angelo Poffo, Dewey Robertson, Moose Cholak and Tommy Martin
Wilbur Snyder defeated Ernie Bemis
Roger Kirby defeated Luis Martinez
Ronnie Etchison and Frank Hester defeated Rick Renaldo and Joe Tomasso. 1-Renaldo beat Etchison. 2-Etchison defeated Renaldo. 3-Hester defeated Tomasso.

2/7/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Crimson Knight defeated Don Drummer
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Killer Cox
Von Raschke defeated Bob Sabre
Jack Brisco defeated Joe Turko

2/15/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Crimson Knight no decision Tommy Martin
Von Raschke defeated Dewey Robertson
Pat O’Connor defeated Rick Renaldo
Roger Kirby draw Chief Little Bear

2/20/70 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 11,055)
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Von Raschke 2/3 falls. Whipper Billy Watson was special referee.
Dick the Bruiser (his suspension ended) and Ernie Ladd Double DQ against Bob Geigel and Blackjack Lanza, w/Bobby Heenan
Pat O’Connor defeated Dick Murdoch
Jack Brisco defeated Roger Kirby
Crimson Knight defeated Guy Mitchell
Lars Anderson and Angelo Poffo defeated Tommy Martin and Thor Hagen. 1-Anderson defeated Martin. 2-Martin defeated Poffo. 3-Anderson defeated Hagen.

2/21/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Dewey Robertson defeated Joe Tomasso
Crimson Knight defeated Steve Thomason
Tommy Martin and Chief Little Bear defeated Rick Renaldo and Roger Kirby. 1-Renaldo defeated Bear. 2-Martin defeated Kirby. 3-Bear defeated Renaldo.

2/28/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Jack Brisco defeated Rick Renaldo
Bob Geigel defeated Guy Mitchell
Crimson Knight defeated Rex Allen
Thor Hagen defeated Sugi Sito

3/6/70 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 9615)
Ernie Ladd defeated Bob Geigel
Dick the Bruiser double DQ Crimson Knight
Pat O’Connor won a tag elimination bout which sent O’Connor, Jack Brisco and Dewey Robertson against Lars Anderson, Bobby Heenan and Blackjack Lanza. 1-Anderson beat Robertson. 2-Brisco defeated Anderson. 2-Lanza defeated Brisco. 4-O’Connor defeated Lanza.
5-O’Connor defeated Heenan.
Von Raschke defeated Joe Blanchard
Roger Kirby defeated Jack Pesek
Tommy Martin defeated Rick Renaldo

3/7/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Crimson Knight defeated Thor Hagen
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. draw Pat O’Connor, each man winning one fall within the 30-minute limit
Jack Brisco and Tommy Martin defeated Lars Anderson and Bob Geigel via DQ

3/14/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Joe Blanchard defeated Joe Tomasso
Von Raschke won two straight falls over Jack Pesek
Jack Brisco draw Lars Anderson, each man winning one fall within curfew limit

3/20/70 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 9206)
Pat O’Connor defeated Von Raschke
Wilbur Snyder and Jack Brisco won a handicap match over Blackjack Lanza, with Bobby Heenan. Snyder went the entire 30-minute limit with Lanza, so Lanza had to forfeit the decision and Brisco never entered the ring. By order of Sam Muchnick, Bob Windham and Buddy Smith sat with Heenan to keep Heenan from interfering.
Crimson Knight defeated Bob Windham (later to be billed as Blackjack Mulligan)
Dick the Bruiser defeated Buddy Smith (later to be referee Eddie Smith)
Ernie Ladd and Dewey Robertson defeated Moose Cholak and Lars Anderson. 1-Ladd beat Anderson. 2-Anderson defeated Robertson. 3-Robertson defeated Cholak.
Roger Kirby and Tommy Martin draw
Ronnie Etchison defeated Angelo Poffo via DQ
Betty Niccoli and Jessica Rogers defeated Linda Klein and Barbara Galento. 1-Rogers beat Galento. 2-Galento defeated Rogers. 3-Niccoli defeated Klein.

3/21/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Lars Anderson defeated Dale Mann
Pat O’Connor defeated Joe Blanchard
Crimson Knight defeated Bill Eskew
Jack Brisco defeated Kinji Kimura

3/28/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Von Raschke defeated Bob Turnbull
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Bob Windham
Pat O’Connor defeated Roger Kirby
Lars Anderson draw Gino Caruso

4/3/70 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 11,581 sellout)
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Pat O’Connor, Funk winning the only fall (at 54:20) scored within the one-hour limit
Wilbur Snyder, Jack Brisco and Ernie Ladd defeated Crimson Knight, Lars Anderson and Blackjack Lanza, w/Bobby Heenan, when Snyder defeated Anderson
Moose Cholak defeated Jim Valen
Von Raschke defeated Tommy Martin
Angelo Poffo draw Dewey Robertson
Ronnie Etchison and Luis Martinez defeated Kinji Kimura and Killer Cox. 1-Etchison beat Cox. 2-Martinez defeated Kimura.

4/4/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Lars Anderson defeated Buddy Smith
Von Raschke defeated Gino Caruso
Jack Brisco and Tommy Martin defeated Killer Cox and Crimson Knight. 1-Cox beat Martin. 2-Brisco won via DQ. 3-Brisco defeated Cox. (My memory fails, but this is likely Karl Kox, or Herb/Tony Gerwig, as the weight and home are listed as the same for all these names)

4/11/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Jim Valen defeated Johnny Kace
Pat O’Connor won a Wrestle Royal over in order out Angelo Poffo, Jack Brisco, Black Jack Lanza, Wilbur Snyder and Lars Anderson
Crimson Knight defeated Jose Acosta

4/17/70 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 10,618)
Gene Kiniski defeated Pat O’Connor, who was counted out outside the ring
Wilbur Snyder won a Wrestle Royal over in order out K.O. Cox, Bobby Brunnell, Billy Howard, Bob Windham, Ernie Ladd and Killer Kowalski and Black Jack Lanza all together, Jack Brisco, Lars Anderson, Tommy Martin and Bobby Heenan
Dick the Bruiser defeated Billy Howard
Ernie Ladd and Killer Kowalski draw
Blackjack Lanza defeated Bob Windham (later billed as Blackjack Mulligan)
Von Raschke and Wilbur Snyder draw
Jack Brisco defeated K.O. Cox
Lars Anderson defeated Bobby Brunnell
Tommy Martin defeated Bobby Heenan via DQ

4/18/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Lars Anderson defeated Bob Kappel
Blackjack Lanza and Von Raschke defeated Jim Valen and Wilbur Snyder. 1-Lanza beat Valen. 2-Snyder defeated Raschke. 3-Raschke defeated Valen.
Jack Brisco defeated Angelo Poffo

4/25/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Tommy Martin defeated Bill Russell
Gene Kiniski defeated Bobby Brunnell
Von Raschke defeated Bob Windham
Jack Brisco and Killer Kowalski draw

5/2/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Betty Niccoli defeated Fran Gravette
Gene Kiniski and Von Raschke defeated Tommy Martin and Gino Caruso. 1-Kiniski beat Martin. 2-Raschke defeated Caruso.
K.O. Cox defeated Billy Howard

5/8/70 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 6577)
Gene Kiniski and Blackjack Lanza, w/Bobby Heenan, defeated NWA Champion
Dory Funk Jr. and Wilbur Snyder. 1-Snyder defeated Lanza. 2-Kiniski defeated Snyder. 3-Lanza defeated Funk.
Jack Brisco draw Pat O’Connor
Ernie Ladd double DQ Von Raschke
Lars Anderson defeated Joe Blanchard
Betty Niccoli defeated Jean Antone
Rick Renaldo and Angelo Poffo defeated Ronnie Etchison and Cal Pullins. 1-Etchison beat Poffo. 2-Poffo defeated Pullins. 3-Renaldo defeated Etchison.

5/9/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Lars Anderson defeated Bobby Brunnell
Killer Kowalski defeated Bob Windham
Gene Kiniski defeated Thor Hagen
Jack Brisco defeated K.O. Cox

5/16/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Pat O’Connor defeated John Higgins
The Crimson Knights defeated NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. and Dory Funk Sr. 1-Junior defeated Knight #2. 2-Knight #2 defeated Senior. 3-The Funks were DQ for pulling the mask off Knight #2, who turned out to be Gene Kiniski. Earlier, Sam Muchnick had announced that Junior would defend the title against Crimson Knight 6/12. After the bout, Kiniski claimed he was the Knight who had signed to face the champion. In an interview with Kiniski and the still masked Knight, who was the original Knight, Knight agreed to give Kiniski the crack at the title as long as Kiniski agreed to give the Knight the first crack at Kiniski if he defeated Funk. Muchnick then agreed to Kiniski versus Funk.
Jack Brisco defeated Bill Crabtree two straight falls

5/23/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Jack Brisco draw Crimson Knight
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Pedro Amessa
Gene Kiniski defeated Johnny Carr
Dory Funk Sr. defeated Bill Crabtree

5/30/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Sugi Soto defeated Bob Sabre
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Tamayo Sato
Von Raschke defeated Bobby Van
Cal Pullins defeated Don Drummer

6/6/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Tape problems kept Angelo Poffo beating John Bollas from airing; it was replaced by an out-of-town match between Roger Kirby and Tommy Martin.
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. won two straight falls over Sugi Soto
Von Raschke defeated Jose Betancourt
Johnny Kace and Cal Pullins draw

6/12/70 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 10,344)
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Gene Kiniski 2/3 falls. Whipper Billy Watson was special referee.
Crimson Knight, Von Raschke and Blackjack Lanza, w/Bobby Heenan, won over Dewey Robertson, Wilbur Snyder and Pat O’Connor. 1-Lanza defeated O’Connor. 2-O’Connor defeated Lanza. 3-Knight defeated Robertson.
Dick the Bruiser defeated Lou Klein
Luis Martinez defeated Lars Anderson via DQ
Dory Funk Sr. defeated Johnny Kace
Cal Pullins draw Angelo Poffo
Out-of-town wrestling shows were aired from 6/13/70 through 7/25/70

8/1/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Angelo Poffo defeated Jerry Vickers
Killer Kowalski and Von Raschke defeated Luis Martinez and Pat O’Connor. 1-Kowalski defeated Martinez. 2-Kowalski defeated O’Connor via DQ.
The Viking defeated Ken Hudson

8/8/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Luis Martinez defeated Juan Gacia
Pat O’Connor defeated Boris Kosloff
Killer Kowalski defeated The Viking
Von Raschke defeated Jerry Vickers

8/15/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Roger Kirby and Steve Bolus draw
Rufus R. Jones defeated Oki Shikina
Dick the Bruiser defeated Dale Mann
Pat O’Connor defeated Bill Russell

8/21/70 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 10,580)
Pat O’Connor defeated Killer Kowalski in a Texas Death Match
Dick the Bruiser won a tag elimination match sending Bruiser, Jack Brisco and Dewey Robertson against Bob Geigel, Crimson Knight and Lars Anderson. 1-Geigel beat Robertson. 2-Knight and Brisco were both counted out outside the ring. 3-Bruiser defeated Geigel. 4-Bruiser defeated Anderson.
Rufus R. Jones defeated Brutus
Wilbur Snyder draw Tarzan Tyler
Angelo Poffo and Moose Cholak defeated Frankie Hart and Guy Mitchell. 1-Poffo beat Mitchell. 2-Mitchell defeated Poffo. 3-Cholak defeated Hart.

8/22/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Rufus R. Jones defeated Boris Kosloff
Dick the Bruiser defeated Angelo Pofo
Roger Kirby and Oki Shikina defeated Freddie Rogers and Steve Bolus. 1-Shikina beat Rogers. 2-Kirby defeated Rogers.

8/29/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Von Raschke and Rufus R. Jones draw
Crimson Knight defeated Frankie Hart
Dick the Bruiser defeated Guy Mitchell
Pat O’Connor defeated John Fogarty

9/5/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Jack Brisco defeated Pepe Lopez
Dick the Bruiser defeated Jim Valen
Crimson Knight and Von Raschke defeated Rufus R. Jones and Guy Mitchell. 1-Knight beat Mitchell. 2-Raschke defeated Mitchell.

9/11/70 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 9807)
Dick the Bruiser defeated Blackjack Lanza 2/3 falls. Bobby Heenan was allowed to tag in and out of the ring, but had any falls been made involving Heenan, they would have been charged to Lanza.
Rufus R. Jones and Pat O’Connor draw Crimson Knight and Von Raschke
Jack Brisco defeated Tarzan Tyler
Bob Geigel defeated Guy Mitchell
Harley Race defeated Luis Martinez
The Viking and Roger Kirby defeated Steve Bolus and Chief Little Bear. 1-Viking beat Bolus. 2-Bolus defeated Viking. 3-Kirby defeated Bear.

9/12/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Dick the Bruiser defeated Frankie Hart
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Bennie Ramirez
Von Raschke defeated John Fogarty
Rufus R. Jones defeated Pepe Lopez

9/19/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Luis Martinez draw Pancho Ramirez
Dick the Bruiser defeated Bobby Burns
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Kato Gordo
Von Raschke draw Jack Brisco
Dory Funk Sr. served as color commentator from the start of the show. After Bruiser’s match, Dick did an interview with Senior and produced an egg with the face of Dory Jr. drawn on it. Bruiser then smashed the egg, but Senior grabbed the shell and rubbed it in Bruiser’s face, opening a cut. Bruiser went berserk and battered Senior. Junior ran to the ring and jumped Bruiser until Pat O’Connor and the referees restored order.

9/26/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Eddie Graham defeated Tito Kopa
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Pancho Ramirez
Dick the Bruiser defeated Luis Martinez
Rufus R. Jones defeated Tony Russo

10/2/70 – The Arena (Attendance: 12,051)
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. won 2/3 falls over Dick the Bruiser, taking the third fall when Bruiser submitted to the spinning toehold. Pat O’Connor, special referee.
Jack Brisco, Wilbur Snyder and Rufus R. Jones defeated Moose Cholak, Crimson Knight and Von Raschke when Brisco defeated Cholak
Dewey Robertson and Bob Geigel draw
Terry Funk defeated Bob “Ox” Baker
Betty Niccoli defeated Kay Noble
Dory Funk Sr. and Luis Martinez defeated Don Kent and Angelo Poffo. 1-Poffo beat Martinez. 2-Martinez defeated Poffo. 3-Funk defeated Kent.

10/3/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Dory Funk Sr. defeated Boris Kosloff
Jack Brisco and Eddie Graham defeated Tito Kopa and Tony Russo when Brisco beat Russo
Von Raschke defeated Bobby Burns
Rufus R. Jones defeated Kato Gordo

10/10/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Dewey Robertson defeated Bob Baker
Jack Brisco and Luis Martinez draw Crimson Knight and Rock Hunter. 1-Knight beat Martinez. 2-Brisco defeated Hunter. The 30-minute limit expired with no more falls, although Brisco did yank off Knight’s mask only to find that he had a second mask underneath.
Von Raschke defeated Bobby Van

10/16/70 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 6139)
Crimson Knight defeated Jack Brisco
Blackjack Lanza, w/Bobby Heenan, and Von Raschke draw Rufus R. Jones and Pat O’Connor. 1-Lanza defeated Jones. 2-Jones defeated Lanza. The 30-minute limit expired with no more falls.
Bob Geigel defeated Reggie Parks
Cowboy Lang defeated Mighty Atom
Thunderbolt Patterson defeated Billy Howard
Moose Cholak and Rock Hunter defeated Tex McKenzie and Dewey Robertson. 1-Hunter defeated Robertson. 2-Robertson defeated Hunter. 3-Cholak defeated McKenzie.

10/17/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Von Raschke defeated Bob Sabre
Crimson Knight defeated Dewey Robertson
Jack Brisco defeated Kato Gordo
Rufus R. Jones defeated Bob Baker

10/24/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Dewey Robertson draw Bennie Ramirez
Von Raschke defeated Billy Howard
Rufus R. Jones defeated Johnny Kace
Crimson Knight defeated Ronnie Paul

10/31/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Crimson Knight defeated Dale Mann
Pat O’Connor and Rufus R. Jones defeated Bennie Ramirez and Angelo Poffo. 1-O’Connor won via DQ. 2-O’Connor defeated Ramirez
Von Raschke defeated Jim Alexi

11/6/70 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 9289)
Rufus R. Jones defeated Blackjack Lanza, w/Bobby Heenan, via DQ
Von Raschke defeated Pat O’Connor
Wilbur Snyder, Dick the Bruiser and Jack Brisco defeated Rock Hunter, Bob Geigel and Moose Cholak. 1-Snyder defeated Hunter. 2-Geigel defeated Snyder. 3-Brisco defeated Cholak.
Hans Schmidt defeated Dewey Robertson
Thunderbolt Patterson defeated Billy Spears
Angelo Poffo defeated Luis Martinez

11/7/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Jack Brisco defeated Johnny Kace
Crimson Knight defeated Billy Howard
Rufus R. Jones and Dewey Robertson defeated Von Raschke and Angelo Poffo. 1-Robertson defeated Poffo. 2-Raschke defeated Robertson. 3-Jones defeated Poffo.

11/14/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Hans Schmidt defeated Billy Spears
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Rock Hunter
Crimson Knight defeated Ricky Hamilton
Wee Willie Wilson defeated Mighty Atom

11/20/70 – The Arena (Attendance: 12,515)
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. won 2/3 falls over Crimson Knight, who unmasked as Big Bill Miller
Pat O’Connor and Rufus R. Jones defeated Blackjack Lanza, w/Bobby Heenan, and Thunderbolt Patterson when O’Connor defeated Patterson
Von Raschke double DQ Dick the Bruiser
Jack Brisco defeated Hans Schmidt
Lord Littlebrook and Wee Willie Wilson defeated Cowboy Bradley and Mighty Atom. 1-Bradley defeated Littlebrook. 2-Wilson defeated Atom. 3-Littlebrook defeated Bradley.
Luis Martinez defeated Bennie Ramirez
Steve Bolus and Angelo Poffo draw
Boxing great Jersey Joe Walcott was a special referee on the card

11/21/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Eddie Graham and Hans Schmidt draw
Von Raschke defeated Buddy Fuller
Jack Brisco defeated Ricky Hamilton
Rock Hunter defeated Billy Spears

11/28/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Jack Brisco defeated Bill Russell
Pat O’Connor won a Wrestle Royal over in order out Big Bill Miller, Billy Spears, Bob Kappel, Angelo Poffo and Hans Schmidt
Von Raschke defeated Ronnie Paul

12/4/70 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 9902)
Jack Brisco won a 16-man Wrestle Royal by defeating Big Bill Miller. After everyone else was eliminated over the top rope, the final two entrants met one fall to a finish, The order out was Al Costello, The Viking, Cato Gordo, Don Kent, Jack Pesek, Luis Martinez, Angelo Poffo, Dick the Bruiser and Von Raschke, Dewey Robertson, Moose Cholak, Pat O’Connor, Wilbur Snyder and Hans Schmidt.
Dick the Bruiser defeated Moose Cholak
Big Bill Miller defeated Jack Pesek
Wilbur Snyder and Dewey Robertson draw Hans Schmidt and Von Raschke
Rufus R. Jones defeated Cato Gordo
Jack Brisco defeated Billy Howard
Luis Martinez defeated Don Kent

12/5/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Angelo Poffo defeated Ricky Hamilton
Jack Brisco defeated Billy Spears
Von Raschke and Hans Schmidt defeated Pat O’Connor and Bob Kappel. Schmidt won the only fall within the 20-minute limit over Kappel, who was injured and replaced by Jack Brisco for the remainder of the time

12/12/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Hans Schmidt defeated Billy Howard
Jack Brisco defeated Tony Russo
Von Raschke defeated Jack Pesek
Betty Niccoli defeated Jean Antone

12/19/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Jack Pesek defeated Cato Gordo
Chief Little Bear draw Hans Schmidt
Jack Brisco defeated Roy Klein
Rock Hunter defeated Tony Russo

12/26/70 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Bob Geigel defeated Bobby Whitlock
NWA Champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Killer Cox
Pat O’Connor defeated Bennie Ramirez
Aired a tape from Florida of Pat O’Connor working out with Jack Brisco and showing Brisco a way to counter the spinning toehold of Dory Funk Jr.


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