WWE News: RVD Returning “Soon”, Vince McMahon Comments on Punk Situation, And More


– When asked on Twitter when he would be returning to WWE, Rob Van Dam stated on Twitter, “Soon. But not today.”.

– Vince McMahon made WWE’s first public comments on CM Punk’s status with the company at today’s conference call with company investors. An investor asked about Punk’s status and Vince acknowledged he’s one of the company’s biggest performers and said: “He’s taking a sabbatical, let’s just put it that way.”

– Blackberry now has a WWE Channel, which you can access at C0018227B.

– WWE has announced Randy Orton defending the WWE Title against Sheamus for the April 27 house show in Peoria, IL That is of course if Orton is still WWE Champion when that show happens.

– According to the LA Times, WWE has retained Chris Bevilacqua to negotiate its new TV rights deal. Bevilacqua is responsible for the formation of College Sports TV and has negotiated TV deals for several college conferences. WWE has made it clear for the past year that they are looking for a substantial increase in their TV rights fees, and now that their exclusive negotiating period with NBC Universal is over, they are now looking for offers on the open market. As a reminder, RAW and SmackDown will stay on USA and SyFy through September 30th. NBC Universal has the right to match any offer WWE receives.

– WWE Hall of Famer Roddy Piper posted the following on his Twitter account on wanting a match at WrestleMania 30. “#WWE put Piper in WMXXX! He promises, the fans will love it! Or is “What’s good for biz” just a line a writer made for you!”

– WWE.com has now started promoting Chris Jericho’s Talk is Jericho podcast, in addition to promoting Stone Cold Steve Austin’s podcast on RAW for the last several weeks. After seeing Jericho and Austin launch their own shows, WWE is now looking to exploit the podcast business. A few weeks ago they launched their own PodcastOne.com show 30 years of WrestleMania, hosted by Renee Young.

– Alexander Rusev may change his finisher from the Camel Clutch to the sidewalk slam.

– WWE was looking to bring the NXT program back to traditional TV in September of 2013. There was reportedly no real interest in the show from networks, so the decision was then made to make the show a WWE Network exclusive in the US.

– Celebrity-gossip website TMZ made a tasteless comment on their Facebook page when promoting the article on their website about the passing of former WWE Superstar Big Daddy V. They wrote the following: “Obviously, the weight loss came too late … or it was too much too quickly. R.I.P.”

– Zack Ryder is featured on the latest WWE Inbox, as seen above. In the episode, Ryder said that if he could have anyone as his leading lady in a WWE Studios project, it would be Renee Young. He also said that he hasn’t forgiven Eve for turning on him at WrestleMania, because his WrestleMania moment is being kicked in the cojones.

– The original Sin Cara (Luis Urive) will be debuting for Mexico’s AAA promotion this weekend in a Rey de Reyes qualifying match in Mexico City. Cara will compete in a four-way with Psycho Clown, Psicosis and AAA Champion El Texano Jr. There are some questions as to why he would continue to use that name because it’s now associated with him being a failure in WWE. He can’t go back to the Mistico name because CMLL owns it and has given it to another wrestler. WWE believes it owns the Sin Cara name but Urive insists he owns the rights to the name.


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