WWE Employee Argues With Matt Hardy’s Wife On Social Media, Accuses Of Illegal Hacking


WWE seamstress Julie Youngberg, who has been working with the company since 2009 and is the wife of Shannon Moore, has been involved in a spat with Reby Sky – the wife of Matt Hardy – on social media recently. Youngberg had reportedly been hacked recently, and accused a couple from “Cameron, NC” of being responsible, writing on Facebook:

“So great news. The police came over the other day who are working on my case of the person/people who are hacking me, stalking me, making up horrible lies, slander, etc and are trying to break up the beautiful marriage Shannon and I have. Funny enough the cops traced the emails back to a town none other than Cameron NC!!! Hmmm…lol, Just a little more time before they crack the false name the acct was opened under but they are working on it. Let’s just say what comes around goes around and sorry assholes Shannon and I love each other way too much to let psychopaths like you with nothing better to do with your lives or time than to try and ruin ours. Your pathetic and sad excuses for human beings. If I were you right now I’d be extremely nervous for the outcome.”

The feud got really personal when Youngberg insinuated that the Hardys newborn baby is not Matt’s:

Model @WWE employee; racist who thinks insinuating that my child is 1/2 black is the worst “insult” she can give

Reby called out Youngberg for her comments and accused her of having an extra-marital affair:

Hey @WWE! Your employees have too much time on their hands; they’re busy creating paranoid, racist delusions. Oh & fucking Justin Gabriel

Why is someone so openly racist working for @WWE? @AnJewelsBrand insinuating that my child is 1/2 black is the worst “insult” she can give?

Youngberg posted the following message last night on Twitter regarding her comments being racist:

“For all u people who think I said something racist lol….what I said was “my hackers wife”….according to our police investigation of being harassed 4 the passed 6 years, those emails have been now discovered to have come from Caneron NC….so unless u are the hackers wife there’s no reason to have an issue.”


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