WWC Superestrellas 1/11/14


WWC Superestrellas Results for 1/11/14

Ricky Santana vs Invader #1.  Match jip with both guys brawling on the floor.  Match got back in the ring and their was a ref bump.  Carlito ran in and used a backstabber on Santana.  Invader covered him for the pin.  Match was ok.  Santana still moves pretty good.

Chicano/Xix Xavant vs Sons of Samoa for the WWC Tag Team Championship.  Match started with Manu locking in a chinlock on Xavant.  Xavant escaped with a chinbreaker.  Xavant hit a ddt and made the hot tag to Chicano.  Chicano cleaned house on both SOS.  Eventually all 4 guys were in the ring.  Chicano used a superkick on Manu and went to the top rope and dove off with a senton bomb for the pin.  New Tag Team Champions!  After the match Thunder & Lightning came out and attacked the new champs and left them laying.

Ray Gonzalez vs Carlito.  Match started with Carlito dominating and Ray was busted wide open!  Match spilled to the floor with both guys brawling.  Once the match got back in the ring, Ray started kicking Carlitos leg.  Ray locked in the figure four leglock.  Invader #1 ran in and they double on Gonzalez.  Carlito was holding Ray, Invader went for his heart punch but Ray moved and Carlito took the punch.  Ray lowblowed Invader and pinned Carlito.  Best match on the show.

End of the show were just promos building up the show next weekend.



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