WrestleMania 31 Weather Update, WWE Creative News, The Rock, Latest Undertaker Photo


– In an update on WrestleMania 31 weather, forecasts for WrestleMania Sunday are now available and The Weather Channel is calling for a high of 79, a low of 54, partly cloudy and a 0% chance of rain.

– Ring of Honor veteran Jimmy Jacobs worked indie events for AIW in Ohio and AAW in Illinois this weekend. He wrestled in farewell matches and gave a farewell speech after Friday’s AIW event in Cleveland. As noted, Jacobs is heading to WWE for a job with the creative team, likely starting with NXT.

– The Rock has done a lot of media for Fast 7 this past week and one of the hot topics with non-wrestling media was his Rock Bottom to actor Jason Statham in a fight scene. Rock tweeted the following on the scene today:

Me and Statham wanted a fight that “stole the movie”. No weapons.. just air and opportunity. #RockBottom #Furious7 pic.twitter.com/8Z35ka98IG
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) March 22, 2015


Below is a recent photo of The Undertaker, posted by his wife Michelle McCool on Instagram:

Days like today make me love him even more….best husband, daddy & friend I could ever ask for! #allmine ?? #hubsandme #blessed #meanttopostyesterday

A photo posted by Michelle McCool-Calaway (@mimicalacool) on


Here is another one of ‘Taker at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando:

This is f–king awesome!!!! #wwe #undertaker #wrestlemania #march29 #deadman #WM31 #prowrestling #orlando #houston #astros

A photo posted by Orlando Ordaz (@orlandoordaz


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