What Roddy Piper Said That Caused Kevin Nash To Lash Out


As noted earlier on the site, Kevin Nash blasted “Rowdy” Roddy Piper on Twitter last night, calling him a “deranged old fool” that he “b-tch slapped to the floor” when they were in WCW. He then told Piper that he would appear on his podcast and will wait for his response.

On Piper’s most recent podcast, Piper noted that while he stood and clapped for Mr. T when he came out at the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony earlier this month, there was one wrestler he didn’t stand for because he felt it would be hypocritical.

On the first episode of his new podcast on Podcast One, Piper talked about “getting into it” with Nash in WCW. Piper said that Nash “lies,” and told a story about working a tag match with Nash on the other team. Piper said that Nash’s group was trying to run “rough shot,” and said that they felt that they knew the business better than the establishment running the company. Piper admitted that they had a horrible match, and said that Nash didn’t know how to work, although he may be a “good basketball player… maybe.”

Piper talked about being pissed off in the dressing room after the match, and said that Ric Flair and Eric Bischoff were in the room. Piper said that Nash barged in and yelled, “You think you’re running things around here?!!” Piper said that he then charged at Nash, leg dived him and then threw him out of his dressing room.

Piper said that people were then pulling Nash away down the hall as Nash was yelling, “I’ll see you in Moline!,” which was the site of the next WCW pay-per-view where Nash was working with Piper. Piper said that he was talking to Brad Rheingans, who said that Nash didn’t want to fight, because if he did, “why wait for Moline?”

Piper then added that Nash would later claim that Piper went after his bad knee. Piper noted that he didn’t know that Nash had a bad knee, but if he did, he would have went after it. Piper then said that it was always very difficult with Nash.


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