Triple H And Vince McMahon’s Salary, How Much Did Stephanie Make Last Year?


The Stamford Advocate published an article this week with financial data from a Proxy Statement that was released this week. They noted that after stock awards, three WWE executives actually made more than Vince McMahon. Chief Financial and Strategy Officer George Barrios received $4.5 million, Executive Producer Kevin Dunn received $4.8 million and Chief revenue and Marketing Officer Michelle Wilson received $4.5 million. Vince McMahon received $3.3 million, while Paul “Triple H” Levesque was paid $3.1 million as Executive Vice President of Talent, Live Events and Creative. Barrios, 50, has been with the company since 2008 while Dunn, 55, has been with the company since 1984. Wilson, 50, has been with WWE since 2008.

Below are their base salaries for 2016, as well as for 2014 and 2015. Note that this is just their base salary, and doesn’t include and stock awards or bonuses that will be awarded:

Name 2014 2015 2016
Vincent K. McMahon $1,184,500 $1,250,000 $1,325,000
Kevin Dunn $825,000 $866,250 $909,560
George A. Barrios $700,000 $728,000 $764,400
Michelle D. Wilson $700,000 $735,000 $771,750
Paul “Triple H” Levesque $550,000 $577,500 $606,375

It was also noted in the document that Stephanie McMahon’s total compensation for 2015 was approximately $1,738,950, which included her compensation as a performer and as an executive for the company. As reported earlier, it also stated that Shane McMahon “will receive in excess of $120,000” as a performer for the company, although “no agreement has been reached at this time.”


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