TNA Impact Results 6/17/15


Credit: Sharon Glencross

TNA shows a tribute to Dusty Rhodes. Very, very classy from them. Some footage of Dusty’s TNA run is featured. An Angle/EC3 video then airs.

Mike Tenay is in the ring for the official contract signing. Carter comes out first. Tyrus as well. Angle then comes down. Man, the crowd really hater EC3. Josh Matthews tells us the two men will face on the July 1st Impact. Carter says that Angle’s beaten everyone, from legends to immortals to cerebral assassins. But what all those guys had in common is that they’d been beaten. Carter points out that he never has. Carter signs. Angle admits that true, but says when he faces Carter, he’ll fall like everyone else and it will haunt Carter forever. Angle signs the contract and then tells Carter that tonight he’ll face Lashley in a warm up bout. Lashley comes out.

We get a video of the Wolves/Dirty heels feud. Low ki vs. Tigre Uno vs. Grado will face off for the X division title next week.

Bobby Roode comes out and says Aries had a MOTY candidate with Angle last week and isn’t cleared to wrestle. He says the dirty heels can wrestle whenever they want. The wolves challenge him to a singles match. Roode says no then agrees if it’s on his terms. He says whoever gets to pick the stipulation for the fourth match in the Woves/Dirty Heels Best of Five Series. They agree and Eddie steps up for the match.

Bobby Roode vs. Eddie Edwards

Roode and Edwards walked around each other for a bit, then Roode attacks with a barrage of moves, including a kneelift and several punches. Eddie pulls off a really cool suicide dive. He continues to go after Roode with chops on the outside. Crowd is strongly behind Edwards here. Eddie rolls Roode back into the ring. Roode fights backs with stomps but Eddie manages to pull off a shining wizard for the two count. Roode gets the advantage back with a knee drop and punches. Roode puts him in a chinlock. Roode goes for a corner lariat but Edwards counters with his own lariat. Davey tries to get the crowd behind his partner. Edwards tries to fight back but Roode just puts the chinlock in even tighter. Eddie fights back with a headbutt. The two brawl in the ring for a while Eddie gets a backpack stunner for the two count. He goes up top but Roode catches him and hits a spinebuster for the two count. Roode goes for the chair but is distracted by Davey at ringside and misses. Edwards gets a roll up for the win.

Winner: Eddie Edwards

Davey announces the next match will be Full Metal Mayhem.

A video for Bobby Lashley airs.

Jeremy Borash is looking for Bram’s next opponent for an interview. Joseph Park appears. Park says he lost his teeth, his legal business and his spot on the TNA roster. He also mentions he invested money in tout. OK, that is hilarious. Joseph says he heard what Bram was saying last week and he says this is shot to get back in the ring and back in Impact wrestling.

Drew Galloway cuts a short promo about the important of showing your Impact.

Bram vs. Joseph Park

Bram starts out dominating, throwing Park all over the ring. He rolls out to get a chair but Park fights back. Bram slides out and grabs a table from under the ring. He goes after Joseph with a kendo stick but Joseph grabs it and hits him with several vicious shots instead. He hits a chokeslam but only manages to get a two. Joseph goes to put him through the table but Bram counters with a lariat and sends him through it with a spear.

Winner: Bram

Taryn Terrell cuts a promo. She announces that Kong and Brooke will go against Marti and Jade in a double or nothing bout. If they win, they’ll get title shots. If they lose, neither will get a shot at her belt again.

A promo for the KO division airs.

Awesome Kong and Brooke vs. Marti and Jade

Brooke and Marti fight on the floor while Kong goes after Jade. When the bell finally rings, Marti and Jade go after Brooke as Taryn Terrell calls the shots at ringside. Brooke tries to fight back as Jade nails a Roll ‘n Slice for a two. Marti and Jade double team Brooke in the corner, pulling her hair and choking her. Marti goes for a suplex and gets the two. Jade misses a dive and Brooke manages to crawl to Kong in the corner for the tag. Kong runs wild on both Jade and Marti, She hits suplexes on both while the fans go crazy. Brooke spears Jade while Kong hits the chokeslam on Marti. Brooke with a Samoan elbowdrop on Marti from Kong to get the pin.

Winners: Brooke and Awesome Kong

We get a recap video of the Eric Young/Chris Melendez feud. Melendez is coming out next.

Christy Hemme introduces Melendez. He gets on the mic. He says he lost his leg but he still wanted so much to be a wrestler. He thanks Bully Ray and Devon. Melendez says Eric Young has disrespected the flag, the uniform and the country with his actions. He vows to crush Young. Eric Young comes out.

Young says he doesn’t care if Melendez is a war hero. He doesn’t care about the fans. All he cares about is himself. Young says he is a General in pro wrestling and Melendez is a nobody. He wonders if Melendez can really perform against an elite performer like himself. Melendez admits it’s a lot to overcome but he will. He tells Young he will see him next week. They have a stare down and Young continues to threaten Melendez.

Jessie Godderz vs. DJZ

A very short match, DJZ went after Godderz right away, but Godderz managed to get the Adonis Crab for the victory.

Winner: Godderz

Afterwards Godderz continues to brutalize DJZ. He gets on the mic and says he was the reason the BroMan’s ever succeeded. He says Robbie was busy with The Amazing Race and DJZ was performing in dive bars. He puts his hands on DJZ’s throat and picks him up, but Robbie storms in to make the save. He hits some Lou Thesz punches and brawls with Robbie.

We get a recap video of the Mickie James angle. Magnus is out next.

Magnus gets on the mic and demands to see Storm. He vows to “crack heads” until Storm comes down to the ring. He threatens Dixie Carter, Bob Ryder and John Gabornick, saying they won’t get Impact back until he gets his hands on Storm. Storm eventually comes out. He says Magnus is the real bad guy here. He says Magnus was jealous of how well he got along with Mickie. Storm brings up Magnus hiring a camera crew to follow Mickie around. Storm brings out the carriage and calls Mickie and Magnus sorry excuses for people. Magnus brawls with him on the stage while security guards drag him away. Storm rolls the baby carriage off the ramp. It turns out to have a doll in it. Good segment.

EC3 video airs.

Ethan Carter III vs Bobby Lashley

Carter is a bit evasive, but Lashley manages to get his hands on him and starts pummeling him into the corner. The ref breaks them up. Lashley goes for the dominator but ECIII gets out it. Lashley nails him with a clothesline. Lashely continues to hit Carter with a barrage of shots to the head and shoulders. At ringside, Tyrus tries to distract Lashey as Carter goes up top for a dropkick. Carter snap suplexes Lashley on the floor and rolls him back in for the two count. ECIII goes for the chinlock. Lashley battles back, but Carter nails a dropkick for the two count. Carter tells Tyrus to get him a chair. He obliges. The ref tries to stop this as Carter puts the chair in the ropes. Ethan punches Lashley but Lashley fights back with a powerslam but only gets a two. Carter avoids a spear in the corner sends Lashley flying into the chair but only gets a two. Lashley gets the spear but the ref is down. Brian Hebner runs in and tries to count, so Tyrus attacks him. Another ref comes down and Tyrus attacks him too, so Lashley spears him! Earl recovers. Carter hits him with a chair and hits the one percenter for the win.

Winner: Ethan Carter III

Tyrus holds up Ethan’s hand to end this edition of Impact.


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