Ring Of Honor Results 6/17/15


Credit: Sean Ross Sapp

Tonight’s show features matches from the NJPW/ROH joint shows, as well as a contract signing between Jay Briscoe and Jay Lethal.

Also, don’t forget to join us this Friday for our ROH Best in the World live viewing party!

Decade (w/BJ Whitmer) vs. War Machine

Whitmer gets on the mic and cuts his whole deal where he has Colby Corino wrestle for him. Steve Corino sounds much more worried this time around. Rowe doesn’t want to fight Colby and begs him to let Whitmer fight. Hanson gets tagged in and immediately slams Corino. Rowe absolutely kills Corino with a backbreaker, gutbuster and a powerbomb. Page won’t tag Corino, and War Machine finishes him off with the backdrop/legdrop.

Winners: War Machine via pinfall

Steve Corino threatens BJ Whitmer after the match.

– Cedric Alexander comes out and calls out Moose, and says he wants to end the streak.

Moose (w/ Veda Scott & Stokely Hathaway) vs. Cedric Alexander

Moose lands a bodyslam, but misses a splash early as Alexander rolls out of the ring. Moose gets posted, but ends up back in the ring where he dropkicks Alexander off the top rope down to the arena floor as we go to a commercial break.

We come back to Alexander hitting a tornado DDT that can’t get the job done. Moose comes back with a big clothesline for two. Both men trade strikes, but Moose gets caught up on the top rope where he’s dropkicked repeatedly, to the tune of about six times. Moose catches him with a spear out of nowhere but can’t capitalize.

Veda Scott tries to toss Moose a foreign object, but he won’t use it. Cedric grabs the weapon and uses it and pins Moose. Well that was anticlimactic.

Winner: Cedric Alexander via pinfall

Stokely consoles Moose, as he’s lost just days before his number one contender’s match. Moose’s streak is over. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it when I read the spoilers last month, and still not sure how it’ll work out.

ACH & Matt Sydal vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tetsuya Naito

No Code of Honor adhered to, as both teams trade holds as we lead to our first commercial break. We come back to Naito with ACH in a chinlock before hitting him with a couple of dropkicks and playing to the crowd.

ACH catches Naito with a big double foot stomp to the back and tags out to Sydal who has his way with a seated senton and a huracanrana to Naito. Tanahashi tries to butt in and gets heel kicked before Naito eats Frankensteiner for two. Sydal goes for a standing moonsault, but gets caught in midair with a Tanahashi German Suplex.

ACH comes in and kicks Tanahashi over and over before hitting a lariat for a two count. A kick/German Suplex also gets two, but Tanahashi locks on the Texas Cloverleaf. Sydal breaks it up, but misses an Asai moonsault on the NJPW guys. ACH crashes and burns outside to give them the advantage. Shooting Star on Tanahashi gets two as Naito breaks it up. Tanahashi hits a Slingblade on ACH, followed by a High Fly Flow for the win.

Winner: Hiroshi Tanahashi & Tetsuya Naito via pinfall (High Fly Flow)

– Jay Lethal and Truth Martini are out for the contract signing, as are Jay and Mark Briscoe. Nigel McGuinness is in the ring and says both titles are on the line in a one-fall, sixty minute time limit match. McGuinness calls it the biggest match in ROH history.

Lethal says the only reason he doesn’t beat up Briscoe now is because he wants to prove he’s the best in ROH this Friday. Briscoe says when he’s done with Lethal, he’ll have to go back to being Black Machismo. The two get face-to-face to end the show.


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