Spoilers: WWE Main Event Results 3/1/16


– Thanks to Paul Ash (@pash30) and the band Koskee for the following WWE Main Event spoilers from tonight’s tapings in Atlanta, Georgia:

* Paige, Natalya and Brie Bella vs. Summer Rae, Tamina Snuka and Naomi is first. Lana comes out mid-match to watch. Brie makes Naomi tap out with the Yes Lock. Brie holds the ropes and invites Lana in

* Ryback is shown backstage walking

* The Social Outcasts cut a promo in the ring

* Ryback defeated Heath Slater with Shellshocked

* The Lucha Dragons defeated The Ascension

* Stardust cuts a promo on the big screen

* Stardust defeated Zack Ryder with The Queen’s Crossbow


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