Spoilers: WWE Main Event Results for 1-29-14



Spoilers for WWE Main Event to be aired on ION TV 1-29-14
(Taped 1-28-14 from Toledo, OH)

Announcers are Alex Riley & Tom Phillips

* Alberto Del Rio defeated R-Truth following a flying double stomp in the corner.

– Tamina Snuka, Alicia Fox and Aksana are arguing backstage when Natalya and The Bella Twins walk up. Natalya vs. Tamina is made. They insult Natalya and Natalya fires back, calling Tamina a “sir.”

* Natalya defeated Tamina Snuka. AJ Lee on commentary. Tamina dominated most of the match but Natalya ducked a superkick and rolled Tamina up for the win. After the match, AJ and Tamina beat Natalya down until Cameron and Naomi made the save.

* Big E Langston and The Usos defeated 3MB.


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