Complete Smackdown Spoilers for 1-17-14


WWE Smackdown Tapings for 1-17-14 Taped 1-14-14 from the DCU Center in Worcester, Massachusetts.

– The Miz joins Michael Cole & JBL for commentary. Doesn’t that sound appetizing?

* Non-Title: WWE Tag Champions Cody Rhodes & Goldust vs. The New Age Outlaws. Your typical match to behin, until Vickie Guerrero shows up and starts babbling about the Royal Rumble for no reason. Vickie talks about how it’s friend on friend, and brother against brother. Cody becomes distracted and Billy Gunn rolls up Rhodes for the pin. Kind of a lame finish but I assume this is going somewhere.

– CM Punk backstage, calls out all three members of the Shield for tonight!

– In the ring, Paul Heyman cuts a promo on the Big Show, stating that he’s not afraid of Show because Lesnar won’t let Show do anything to Paul. Heyman announces that Lesnar will be at Raw next week. Paul runs down the Big Show until Show comes down to ringside. Heyman takes off running to get far away from Show. Big Show then shows footage of him tossing Lesnar from Raw last week and says that next week on Raw he’s going to KO Brock Lesnar!

* For some reason, Eva Marie ring announces the next match but the funny thing is the audio goes out on her half way in. I don’t know if this is supposed to be part of a Total Divas storyline or what. Anyway we have a rematch from Raw of Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio. Mysterio cuts a promo and mentions Batista but Del Rio attacks him to start the match. Lots of back and forth. Del Rio works on Rey’s knee. Rey hits 619 but Del Rio blocks the splash with his knees. Mysterio blocks a kick and rolls Del Rio up for the win. After the match, Del Rio beats Rey down. Del Rio locks Rey in the cross armbreaker and won’t let up until the referee breaks it.

* Naomi vs. Tamina Snuka. Cameron and AJ Lee are at ringside. Cameron attacks AJ at ringside and beats her down. Naomi gets the win after a springboard flip off the ropes.

– The Wyatt Family make their way out as fans chant for Daniel Bryan. Bray says he wanted to grow up like his father but he was never good enough so he was cast out of his fathers kingdom to walk among the sheep. Bray says he was destined for greater things. He crawled out of the hole and Sister Abigail saved him. She sang sweet songs to him and he became enthralled with her. As he laid there on RAW, Bray realized he needed to sacrifice himself to be reborn and become the creature he wants to be. Bray says he gave Bryan a chance to walk with the reapers but now he will burn. Great promo.

– CM Punk is back with Renee Young. He says he’s calling out The Shield AND The New Age Outlaws, all five of them. She asks if that’s career suicide and he says it’s a gift for The Authority to do what they want.

* The Bella Twins announce the next match, now I’m really assuming this is for Total Divas. How worthless. Anyway, we have Fandango vs. Intercontinental Champion Big E Langston. A nothing match. Lagnston wins with the Big Ending.

– Promo: Batista Returns next Monday Night

– Ultimate Warrior Hall of Fame Video

– Backstage Interview with the Shield discussing CM Punk

* Aksana is our next Diva to play ring announcer. The Usos vs. The Real Americans (Swagger & Cesaro) . Zeb Colter is out with his boys, so at least they didn’t write him out. Zeb’s in a wheelchair courtesy of the Big Show on Raw. The Usos are taped up to sell the Cage match from Raw. Zeb cuts a promo. Match was OK. Usos get the win as expected.

– Up next, CM Punk heads to the ring to call out the Shield & The N.A.O!


– Punk says unlike The Authority, he isn’t a coward. Punk runs down Triple H, saying he hides behind his wife. The Shield’s music hits and they come through the crowd. The New Age Outlaws come from the ramp. They all surround the ring. Kane’s pyro goes off and out he comes. He tells everyone to stand down. Kane says Punk’s anger is misplaced and The Authority wants him to main event WrestleMania, that’s why he’s in the Royal Rumble. Kane gives his word that his new directive is to make sure Punk has the respect he deserves. Kane leaves but Punk calls him back and insults him. Kane says “get ’em boys” and Punk is beat down. Kane chokeslams Punk and stands over him before heading to the back and ending the show.  Wow, talk about the total opposite of the Raw ending. How lame.

That’s it ladies and gents, til next time.


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