John Cena Return Update, Hulk Hogan Wants To Return To WWE


– This should come as no surprise, but Hollywood Life reports that a source revealed to them that Hulk Hogan would love to return to WWE now that his lawsuit with Gawker is over, at least unless they decide to appeal.

“Hulk Hogan is beyond pleased with the results and is looking to get his life back in order,” the source told Hollywood Life. “And he would love his job back with the WWE.”

Hogan has not worked for WWE since last July when he was terminated after racist comments were released from one of his secret sex tapes, although Hogan-related content returned to the WWE Network last fall. He has often stated in media interviews that he would like to return to WWE.

– Alfred Konuwa has an article at Forbes about a Hogan return to WWE being “as inevitable as it does uncertain.” He wrote:

“There’s no telling where Hogan goes from here, but if he is entitled to such a lofty sum, he won’t need to peddle and dilute his namesake to any platform. Hogan’s ability to somehow ride off into the sunset allows him to remove himself from the public eye entirely, which will ultimately give him leverage if WWE ever broaches the idea of a comeback.”

– Below is the latest update from John Cena as he trains for a return to the ring:


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