Jim Ross Thinks Alberto Del Rio Babyface Turn Is Coming Soon


WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has posted his latest blog over at his official website, where he offers up a bold prediction about the recently returned Alberto Del Rio.

“I see ADR turning on the villain Zeb Colter some time soon and becoming the Hispanic fan favorite that WWE desperately needs. It’s unfortunate that Alberto wasn’t able to keep his commitments to Mexico’s AAA after rejoining WWE. That’s never a good situation. No one wins in this particular situation,” Ross said in his blog.

Del Rio and Coulter were thrown together with little to no solid explanation or reason given by WWE. Last night, Coulter’s former associate Jack Swagger appeared and asked about the pairing.

Despite being portrayed as a heel, Del Rio has received babyface reactions in several of his appearances. If Ross’ prediction comes true, WWE will have the Latino star they’ve sought for so long.


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