Brock Lesnar Returns to Raw, TONIGHT!!!


With New Year’s Eve falling on a Tuesday this year, the WWE Smackdown tapings scheduled to air on January 3rd, 2014 were moved back to Sunday, December 29th. With Smackdown being taped early, it was discovered that Brock Lesnar is slated to make his official return to the WWE tonight on Monday Night Raw.

Spoiler Alert:  During the weekend Smackdown Tapings, not only did Big E. Langston reveal the outcome of his IC Title match against Fandango at Raw by wearing the championship belt at the taping, but he also cut a promo that eluded to Brock Lesnar taking out Mark Henry at tonight’s Raw event.

Furthermore, it’s reported that the “Lesnar returning to MMA” rumors were done in order to build up hype in time for his return to TV.

It looks like the Beast is back, and rumors are that Paul Heyman is back with him!

Say something stupid, now!


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