Bad News Barrett Talks Injury, Kofi Kingston Shares A Rock Story


– Kofi Kingston and others participated in the closing of the 2014 Special Olympics in New Jersey this past week. WWE’s Community website has an interview up with Games Chairman and CEO TJ Nelligan about their partnership and more at this link. He told a story about The Rock meeting one athlete:

At WrestleMania at the MetLife Stadium when we announced the partnership, an athlete named Ashley Weber was talking to me about three hours before the show saying, “I just want to meet The Rock.” And here comes The Rock walking toward her behind her back. I looked up and said, “You really want to meet The Rock?” He tapped her on the shoulder and she was in shock. She put her hand out to shake his hand, and he said, “Oh no, we don’t shake hands here. We hug.” And she wouldn’t let go.”

– WWE Intercontinental Champion Bad News Barrett tweeted the following early this morning after suffering a shoulder injury at the SmackDown tapings
“Thanks for the tweets. Shoulder is beat up, but it’s not the end of the world. Getting X-rays tomorrow, I’ll know more then. #BNB”

– John Cena tweeted the following about this Sunday’s WWE Money In the Bank:
“Good to c a lot of opinions about Sundays big event, good to c lots of critics back in the fold. Criticism is a sure sign you’re doin well.”


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