Alex Riley Upset About Being Pulled From The Royal Rumble, Tweets Frustration


Alex Riley, who was pulled from the WWE Royal Rumble pre-show and scheduled for the Rumble main event until changes were made, continues to express frustration and use his “#RileyWalks” hashtag on Twitter. Riley has also been re-tweeting messages from fans about how he should be in the Rumble and about how WWE should push him. Below are some of his recent tweets, the first being made after RAW on Monday:

* I know the super natural is something that isn’t supposed to happen but it does happen @RobZombie @wwe

* Very soon you will see a man put his life on the line for what he loves #RileyWalks
Don’t ever try and tell me who I am .

* I fight for my life everyday, and would have it no other way #rileywalks who walks with me

* Can u go thru more pain than me?,, we will soon see #RileyWalks

* Thank u, all of U for switching my thoughts to gasoline #RileyWalks #FreeRiley


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