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Fighting Spirit Review: Tenryu Project on 9/2/14


Date:  September 2nd, 2014
Location:  Tokyo Shin-Kiba 1st Ring in Tokyo, Japan
Announced Attendance:  Unknown

When an event isn’t even listed on cagematch, you know it’s obscure.  This is an interesting card as it has a number of people I’ve never heard of, but it also has Arashi, Tenryu, Inoue, and Fuji whom I am naturally quite familiar with.  The first match I couldn’t find any listing for so I had to actually *shudder* do research to find out who some of them were.  So it’s an odd combination of unknown indy wrestlers and past their prime well-known wrestlers.  Only five matches, this is what we have:

– Hide Kubota and Yasu Kubota vs. NOSAWA Rongai and Winger
– Arashi and Ryuichi Kawakami vs. Fugo Fugo Yumeji and Dragon JOKER
– Genichiro Tenryu and Kazuki Hashimoto vs. TARU and Kengo
– GENTARO and Kabuki vs. Ryuichi Kawakami and Masao Inoue
– Kuga and Dragon JOKER vs. Ricky Fuji and Classic Kid

I have no idea who many of these wrestlers are.  This probably won’t be very good but let’s give it a whirl.

Hide Kubota and Yasu Kubota vs. NOSAWA Rongai and Winger

Hide and NOSAWA start things off.  They circle each other to start, tie-up, waistlock by NOSAWA reversed into a wristlock by Hide but NOSAWA reverses it into a hammerlock.  Hide reverses it back again, side headlock by Hide and he takes NOSAWA to the mat.  Headscissors by NOSAWA, Hide gets out of it and goes for NOSAWA’s ankle before dropping an elbow onto NOSAWA’s knee.  Hide keeps on the kneelock and then applies a stretch hold, but NOSAWA gets out of it.  Takedown by NOSAWA and he applies a leg submission hold and he then applies a butterfly lock. Snapmare by NOSAWA and he rolls up Hide for a two count.  NOSAWA and Hide lock knuckles, NOSAWA gets out of it and applies a wristlock, side headlock by NOSAWA, Hide Irish whips out of it but NOSAWA hits a shoulderblock.  Cover, but Hide rolls out of the ring.  He gets back into the ring, wristlock by NOSAWA but Hide reverses it into a hammerlock.  NOSAWA drives Hide back into the corner and Hide tags in Yasu.  Wristlock by NOSAWA to Yasu and he tags in Winger.  Wristlock by Winger and Winger applies a hammerlock but Yasu gets out of it and applies a kneelock.  Winger kicks out of it and both men return to their feet, tie-up, side headlock by Yasu, Winger Irish whips out of it but Yasu hits a shoulderblock.  Armdrag by Winger and he hits a second one.  Armbar by Winger and he throws Yasu into the corner before tagging in NOSAWA.  NOSAWA stomps down Yasu in the corner, he picks him up and hits a series of punches.  Cover, but it gets a one count.  NOSAWA tags in Winger, Winger picks up Yasu and rakes him in the eyes.  Winger tags in NOSAWA, NOSAWA picks up Yasu, snapmare and NOSAWA kicks Yasu in the back of the head.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  NOSAWA picks up Yasu, Irish whip, and Yasu dropkicks NOSAWA in the knee.  Yasu picks up NOSAWA and he tosses him out of the ring, but he quickly gets back in.  Yasu tags in Hide, and Hide jumps down onto NOSAWA’s leg.  Hide steps on NOSAWA’s leg and tags Yasu back in.

Yasu and Hide both yank on NOSAWA’s legs, Yasu picks up NOSAWA and puts his leg up in the corner.  Yasu stomps NOSAWA in the knee and he applies a single leg crab hold.  NOSAWA eventually makes it to the ropes, kick to the leg by Yasu but NOSAWA comes back with chops.  Yasu tags in Hide, Hide picks up NOSAWA and he hits a kneebreaker.  Hide applies a leg submission and then tags in Yasu.  Yasu yanks back on NOSAWA’s leg, he picks up NOSAWA and stomps down on his leg.  Yasu picks up NOSAWA but NOSAWA hits a superkick.  Yasu stops NOSAWA from making the tag and tags Hide back in, and Hide elbows NOSAWA in the leg.  Hide tags in Yasu and Yasu kicks NOSAWA in the leg.  Irish whip by Yasu but NOSAWA kicks him and hits a back bodydrop.  NOSAWA tags in Winger, and Winger punches Yasu into the corner and then punches Hide off the apron.  Irish whip by Winger and he hits a dropkick to Yasu.  Winger throws Yasu into the corner, Irish whip, reversed, Winger kicks Yasu back and then kicks him again.  Kick by Yasu but Winger hits a side Russian leg sweep.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Winger goes off the ropes but Yasu hits an atomic drop.  Yasu tags in Hide, Hide clubs Winger in the back and drives Winger into the corner.  Lariat by Hide and he hits a dropkick.  Hide covers Winger, but it gets a two count.  Hide picks up Winger and he hits a scoop slam.  Hide goes up to the top turnbuckle but Winger recovers and throws Hide off the top turnbuckle onto the mat.  NOSAWA comes in the ring, double Irish whip and they hit a double flapjack.  Winger applies a camel clutch to Hide while NOSAWA holds back Yasu, but Yasu manages to break it up.  Yasu picks up Winger, double Irish whip to the corner and both hit running strikes on Winger.  Hide and Yasu hit an assisted leg drop off the second turnbuckle to Winger, cover by Hide but it gets a two count.  Hide goes up to the top turnbuckle and he hits a diving senton.  Cover, NOSAWA breaks it up.  Hide waits for Winger to get up, he goes off the ropes but Winger blocks the lariat.  Inside cradle by Winger and he picks up the three count.  Your winners:  NOSAWA Rongai and Winger

Match Thoughts:  Odd to see a NOSAWA tag match without MAZADA right there with them.  This match I guess you could say was fundamentally sound but dull.  It was the basic tag formula of isolate one wrestler and beat him down for a while, he makes the hot tag, etc. which is a perfectly fine formula, just not incredibly inventive.  The leg work wasn’t terribly interesting, and all of these guys are getting on the ‘old’ side so it didn’t go at a fast pace.  That being said it was a nearly 20 minute match that went pretty smoothly and they tagged in and out enough that it never felt like it dragged even though it was slow paced.  An acceptable but forgettable opener.  Score:  5.0

Arashi and Ryuichi Kawakami vs. Fugo Fugo Yumeji and Dragon JOKER

Kawakami and JOKER start things off.  Tie-up, Kawakami pushes JOKER into the ropes and he gives a clean break.  Tie-up, Kawakami pushes JOKER into the ropes, they switch positions and JOKER gives a clean break as well.  Hammerlock by Kawakami, reversed by JOKER, side headlock by JOKER and he hits a takedown.  Kawakami quickly gets out of it and they return to their feet and Kawakami pushes JOKER down before tagging in Arashi.  Kawakami lets JOKER go, JOKER and Arashi tie-up, Arashi pushes JOKER into the ropes and he gives a clean break.  Hammerlock by Arashi but Kawakami gets to the corner and tags in Yumeji.  Arashi pushes Yumeji into the corner and he gives a clean break.  Tie-up, side headlock by Arashi, he pushes Yumeji into the corner, Yumeji Irish whips out of it but Arashi shoulderblocks Yumeji down.  Scoop slam by Arashi, he picks up Yumeji and he clubs Yumeji in the back.  Slaps by Arashi and he chops Yumeji in the corner.  Arashi tags in Kawakami and Kawakami throws Yumeji into the corner.  Front headlock by Kawakami but Yumeji gets out of it and Yumeji applies a wristlock.  Yumeji chops Kawakami in the chest and Kawakami chops Yumeji back.  Wristlock by Yumeji and he hits Kawakami in the arm.  Headbutt to the arm by Yumeji and he headbutts Kawakami again before tagging in JOKER.  JOKER jumps off the top turnbuckle with a kneedrop to Kawakami, and JOKER hits an armbreaker.  Elbow to the arm by JOKER, JOKER picks up Kawakami and punches him in the arm.  JOKER tags in Yumeji and Yumeji hits an armdrag to Kawakami.

Armbar by Yumeji to Kawakami, Arashi goes in the ring and kicks Yumeji in the head.  This helps Kawakami gets a foot on the ropes, Yumeji clubs Kawakami in the arm and he tags in JOKER.  Double Irish whip to Kawakami and they hit a double chop.  JOKER elbow drops Kawakami and JOKER applies a reverse chinlock to Kawakami.  JOKER applies an armbar but Kawakami gets a foot on the ropes.  JOKER picks up Kawakami and tags in Yumeji.  Elbow to the arm by Yumeji and he headbutts Kawakami.  Kawakami and Yumeji trade chops, Kawakami goes for a suplex but Yumeji blocks it.  Headbutt to the arm by Yumeji, he goes off the ropes but Kawakami catches him with a back bodydrop.  Kawakami manages to tag in Arashi, Arashi chops Yumeji in the head, Irish whip, and Arashi hits a lariat.  DDT by Arashi but Yumeji isn’t affected, they get back up and Arashi chops Yumeji in the head.  Scoop slam by Arashi, he goes off the ropes and kicks Yumeji in the back of the head.  Arashi applies a crossface but JOKER runs in the ring and dropkicks Arashi.  Kawakami tags in JOKER, JOKER goes off the ropes and hits a heel kick but Arashi doesn’t go down.  Dropkick by JOKER, he goes out to the apron and hits a swandive dropkick.  JOKER goes out to the apron again and hits a swandive body press, JOKER goes off the ropes again but Arashi levels him with a lariat.  JOKER goes off the ropes but Arashi trips JOKER, cover, but it gets a two count.  Arashi picks up JOKER and plants him with a powerbomb, cover, and he gets the three count.  Your winners:  Arashi and Ryuichi Kawakami

Match Thoughts:  I know that Yumeji is a veteran too, but it takes balls to no-sell a DDT from Arashi.  I can imagine if a young wrestler did that his head would have been caved in.  Arashi was never a small dude but he has more of a gut now, not that it really mattered as he was just the veteran muscle in this match.  The younger guys did the bulk of the work here with the vets coming in to throw headbutts and elbows, the arm work on Kawakami was actually really good as they did mix up how they were attacking it.  Headbutts to the arm are always fun, I dunno how effective it is but I’d rather see that then lots of armbars.  A solid structure, clean from start to finish, and not long enough to get boring.  So overall I’d say it was a successful match even if it was a bit slow. Score:  6.5

Genichiro Tenryu and Kazuki Hashimoto vs. TARU and Kengo

The Voodoo Murderers attack their opponents before the bell rings, and the fight is taken outside of the ring.  They brawl around the ring, Hashimoto regains the advantage and tosses Kengo in the ring.  Kengo and Hashimoto trade elbows, back kick by Hashimoto and he tags in Tenryu.  Tenryu slaps Kengo in the face, Kengo elbows him back but Tenryu hits another hard slap.  Elbows by Kengo but Tenryu punches him, elbow drop by Tenryu but TARU runs in and attacks Tenryu.  Eye rake by TARU, and Kengo stomps on Tenryu.  Elbows by Kengo but Tenryu gets back up and hits a series of punches.  Tenryu throws Kengo in the corner, chops by Tenryu and he kicks Kengo out of the ring.  Kengo gets back in after a moment, elbow by Kengo but Tenryu slaps Kengo into the corner.  More slaps by Tenryu and chops and he tags in Hashimoto.  Snapmare by Hashimoto and he kicks Kengo in the back.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Single leg crab hold by Hashimoto but TARU comes in and breaks it up.  Hashimoto goes for a kick but Kengo catches it and Hashimoto’s leg is hit from the floor.  Elbow drop to the leg by Kengo and he then tags in TARU.  TARU picks up Hashimoto, snapmare, and TARU kicks Hashimoto in the leg.  TARU picks up Hashimoto and he throws Hashimoto out of the ring.  Hashimoto is attacked at ringside until he is finally slid back into the ring, TARU puts Hashimoto’s leg in the ropes and stomps on it.  Hashimoto fights back but TARU kicks him in the leg.  TARU kicks Hashimoto in the leg again and TARU tags in Kengo.  Kengo picks up Hashimoto, snapmare, and Kengo kicks Hashimoto in the back.  Cover, but it gets a one count.  Reverse chinlock by Kengo and he rakes Hashimoto in the eyes.  TARU comes in, double Irish whip to Hashimoto and TARU hits a scissors kick.  Cover by Kengo but it gets a two count.

Kengo picks up Hashimoto and throws him into the corner before tagging in TARU.  TARU picks up Hashimoto, snapmare, and TARU kicks Hashimoto in the back.  Punches by TARU, he goes off the ropes and TARU hits a lariat.  Hashimoto doesn’t go down, TARU goes off the ropes again but Hashimoto hits a jumping lariat.  Hashimoto tags in Tenryu, Tenryu punches TARU in the face and chops him into the corner.  Irish whip by Tenryu and he chops TARU again.  Tenryu picks up TARU and he hits a vertical suplex.  Cover, but it gets a one count.  Tenryu and TARU both slowly get up but TARU hits a low blow.  TARU tags in Kengo, and Kengo kicks Tenryu in the chest.  Kneedrop to the groin by Kengo, and he hits a series of mounted elbows.  Cover by Kengo, but it gets a two count.  Kengo picks up Tenryu and goes for a suplex, but Tenryu blocks it.  Tenryu applies an armbar but TARU breaks it up.  Tenryu hits a DDT on Kengo and he tags in Hashimoto.  Hashimoto picks up Kengo, Irish whip to the corner and Hashimoto hits a jumping kick.  Vertical suplex by Hashimoto, cover, but it gets a two count.  Hashimoto picks up Kengo and hits a few elbows, he goes off the ropes but is tripped from the floor.  Dropkick by Kengo and he hits a backdrop suplex.  Kengo goes up to the second turnbuckle and hits a diving doublestomp.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Kengo goes up to the top turnbuckle but Hashimoto gets his knees up when he goes for the diving body press.  PK by Hashimoto, cover, but TARU breaks it up.  Tenryu comes in the ring but so does YASSHI, Tenryu takes care of him and he chops Kengo in the chest.  Hashimoto elbows Kengo and they trade shots, Hashimoto throws Kengo to Tenryu and Tenryu hits a lariat.  Hashimoto kicks Kengo in the side of the head, he picks him up and hits a brainbuster.  Cover, and he picks up the three count.  Your winners:  Genichiro Tenryu and Kazuki Hashimoto

Match Thoughts:  I am assuming that Tenryu wrestles now just for fun, he can’t be making any money doing this.  Anyway since the Voodoo Murderers are an indy act at this point it was nice to see them again, they haven’t really changed.  Like the last match the young guys did the bulk of the work but Tenryu and TARU still got their shots in.   There wasn’t much of a structure as the Voodoo Murderers were cheating too much but it is fun to see real heels every now and then.  A solid match, Tenryu didn’t do a lot but he’s old, he did enough that if you got this event just to see him you shouldn’t go home disappointed.  Score:  6.0

GENTARO and Kabuki vs. Ryuichi Kawakami and Masao Inoue

GENTARO and Inoue start things off.  They circle each other to start, tie-up, Inoue pushes GENTARO into the ropes and he gives a clean break.  Tie-up, GENTARO takes Inoue down to the mat with a side headlock, Inoue struggles back to his feet and GENTARO tags in Kabuki.  Kabuki and Inoue tie-up, wristlock by Inoue, reversed by Kabuki but Inoue gets into the ropes.  Kick by Inoue and he clubs Kabuki in the back, and Inoue tags in Kawakami.  Kawakami kicks Kabuki in the stomach and he elbows Kabuki, but Kabuki hits him back and they trade chops.  Kick by Kabuki and he elbows Kawakami in the back of the head.  Armlock by Kabuki and he tags in GENTARO.  GENTARO applies an armbar and gets Kawakami down to the mat.  GENTARO clubs Kawakami in the arm, wristlock by GENTARO and he pushes Kawakami into the corner.  Armdrag by GENTARO and he goes for a cross armbreaker but Kawakami blocks it.  Leg drop to the arm by GENTARO, he picks up Kawakami and tags in Kabuki.  Kabuki elbows Kawakami in the back of the head and he applies the armbar, he then twists Kawakami’s arm in the top rope.  Kabuki tags in GENTARO, and GENTARO applies an armbar to Kawakami.  Kawakami puts GENTARO up on his shoulders but GENTARO gets away and applies an armbar.  Inoue quickly breaks it up, and Inoue clubs Kawakami in the arm.  Wristlock by GENTARO to Kawakami and he hits a vertical suplex.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  GENTARO picks up Kawakami but Kawakami blocks the suplex attempt and hits a vertical suplex of his own.

Kawakami tags in Inoue, and Inoue rakes GENTARO in the eyes.  Irish whip by Inoue and he hits a lariat in the corner.  Multiple lariats by Inoue in the corner and he hits a cobra clutch leg sweep.  Inoue waits for GENTARO to get up and he hits a lariat.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Inoue picks up GENTARO and tries to get him on his shoulders, but GENTARO blocks it and applies a sleeper.  GENTARO gets a bodyscissors on with the sleeper, GENTARO releases the hold and covers Inoue but it gets a two count.  GENTARO tags in Kabuki, double Irish whip to Inoue and they hit a double chop.  Kabuki picks up Inoue, and Kabuki kicks Inoue in the chest.  More kicks by Kabuki, he picks up Inoue and hits a snapmare.  Kick to the back by Kabuki, he goes off the ropes and dropkicks Inoue.  Kabuki clutches Inoue’s throat, he picks him up and sends Inoue to the mat by his throat.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Kabuki picks up Inoue, Irish whip to the corner, reversed, and Kabuki delivers a superkick.  Inoue comes back with a lariat and he tags in Kawakami.  Kawakami elbows Kabuki into the corner, chops by Kawakami, Irish whip, and Kawakami hits a running elbow.  Inoue comes in the ring, Inoue picks up Kabuki and they throw Kabuki into the corner.  Lariat by Inoue and Kawakami hits a jumping elbow.  Double vertical suplex to Kabuki and Kawakami applies a single leg crab hold.  Kabuki makes it to the ropes to force a break, back up Kawakami hits a hard elbow, cover, but it gets a two count.  Kawakami goes off the ropes and hits another hard elbow, cover, but GENTARO breaks it up.  Inoue throws GENTARO out of the ring, Kawakami picks up Kabuki but Kabuki gets away, waistlock by Kabuki but Kawakami reverses it.  Inoue goes for a lariat on Kabuki but Kabuki ducks, and Inoue lariats Kawakami on accident.  Kabuki rolls up Kawakami, but it gets a two count.  GENTARO grabs Kawakami and he hits a backdrop suplex.  Kabuki waits for Kawakami to get up, he goes off the ropes and delivers a lariat.  Cover, but it gets a two count. Kabuki goes off the ropes and hits another lariat, cover, and Kabuki picks up the three count.  Your winners:  GENTARO and Kabuki

Match Thoughts:  It should be noted this is not the Great Kabuki, but likely Kabuki Kid.  And poor Kawakami, his arm is still hurt from the last match but here he is again in another match, him and Dragon JOKER in the next match both had double duty.  Anyway this was fine, all the matches on this card are shockingly similar. All are tag matches about the same length with a mixture of veterans and younger wrestlers.  Like the others this had a wrestler targeted, in this case more Kawakami again, only difference is that in this match the targeted wrestler did end up getting pinned.  None of these wrestlers are great but all were solid enough, and it’s really nice to see GENTARO wrestling again and looking really healthy.  So just for that I won’t give it too low of a mark but there wasn’t much to it.  Score:  5.5

Kuga and Dragon JOKER vs. Ricky Fuji and Classic Kid

Dragon JOKER and Classic Kid start things off.  Tie-up, waistlock by Dragon JOKER, reversed by Classic Kid, wristlock by Dragon JOKER but Classic Kid reverses it.  Leglock by Dragon JOKER, but Classic Kid rolls him up for a two count.  Back up, tie-up, side headlock takedown by Classic Kid but Dragon JOKER gets out of it.  Side headlock by Classic Kid, Dragon JOKER Irish whips out of it but Classic Kid shoulderblocks him down.  Classic Kid goes off the ropes but Dragon JOKER hits an armdrag, he goes for a kick but Classic Kid ducks it and rolls up Dragon JOKER for a two count.  Classic Kid tags in Fuji while Dragon JOKER tags in Kuga.  Tie-up, Fuji pushes Kuga into the ropes and he gives a clean break.  Kuga and Fuji trade chops to the chest, but Kuga rakes Fuji in the eyes.  Kuga goes off the ropes but Fuji hits an elbow, Fuji goes off the ropes but Kuga throws Fuji out of the ring.  Dragon JOKER comes in the ring, and Kuga back bodydrops Kuga out of the ring and onto Fuji.  Dragon JOKER slides Fuji back in, cover by Kuga but it gets a two count.  Chops by Kuga in the corner and he tags in Dragon JOKER.  Dragon JOKER stomps on Fuji and chokes him in the corner with his knee.  Dragon JOKER applies a leglock to Fuji but Fuji reverses it into a cross armbreaker.  Dragon JOKER quickly gets to the ropes, and Fuji elbows Dragon JOKER in the arm before tagging in Classic Kid.  Classic Kid applies a hammerlock to Dragon JOKER but Dragon JOKER gets a foot in the ropes.  Classic Kid and Dragon JOKER lock knuckles, Classic Kid gets Dragon JOKER to the mat and puts his knee into Dragon JOKER’s arm.  Dragon JOKER gets into the ropes again and Classic Kid gives a clean break.  Back up they tie-up, Dragon JOKER pushes Classic Kid into the corner and tags in Kuga.  Double Irish whip to Classic Kid and they hit a double shoulderblock.  Kuga rakes Classic Kid in the eyes, he grabs Classic Kid and clubs him in the back.  Snapmare by Kuga and he kicks Classic Kid in the back before putting his boot onto Classic Kid’s face.  Kuga tags in Dragon JOKER, Dragon JOKER covers Classic Kid but it gets a two count.  Side headlock by Dragon JOKER to Classic Kid but Classic Kid gets out of it and pushes Dragon JOKER to the mat.  Wristlock by Classic Kid and he tags in Fuji.  Fuji and Classic Kid both sit down on Dragon JOKER’s arms, Fuji picks up Dragon JOKER and applies a wristlock.  Elbow to the arm by Fuji and he knees Dragon JOKER in the arm.  Fuji tags in Classic Kid, and Classic Kid kicks Dragon JOKER in the arm.  Elbow to the arm by Classic Kid and he applies a wristlock.

Classic Kid tags in Fuji, and Fuji applies a wristlock.  Fuji twists Dragon JOKER’s arm in the top rope and elbows it, Dragon JOKER elbows him back but Fuji rakes Dragon JOKER in the eyes.  Fuji hits a scoop slam on Dragon JOKER and hits a kneedrop.  Cover by Fuji but it gets a two count.  Fuji picks up Dragon JOKER and tags in Classic Kid.  Dragon JOKER elbows Classic Kid and Classic Kid elbows him back and they trade shots.  Kick to the head by Classic Kid, cover, but it gets a two count.  Classic Kid picks up Dragon JOKER and he hits a scoop slam.  Elbow drop by Classic Kid, cover, but it gets two.  Classic Kid picks up Dragon JOKER and he tags in Fuji.  Fuji grabs Dragon JOKER and hits a delayed vertical suplex, cover, but it gets a two.  Fuji picks up Dragon JOKER, he gets him onto his shoulders but Dragon JOKER slides off his back, Fuji goes off the ropes but Dragon JOKER hits a spinning heel kick.  Dragon JOKER tags in Kuga, Kuga spits water into both Fuji and Classic Kid’s faces, he then hits a hiptoss on Fuji followed by a monkey flip onto Classic Kid.  Kuga dumps Classic Kid out of the ring, he grabs Fuji and goes for a Tiger Driver but Fuji gets out of it.  Bulldog off the side ropes by Kuga and he tags in Dragon JOKER.  Dragon JOKER picks up Fuji and hits a series of elbows followed by a DDT.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Dragon JOKER goes off the ropes, kick by Fuji and he hits a rolling fireman’s carry slam.  Fuji tags in Classic Kid, Classic Kid goes off the ropes and hits an elbow smash.  Classic Kid picks up Dragon JOKER and hits a vertical suplex, cover, but it gets a two count.  Classic Kid picks up Dragon JOKER and hits a backdrop suplex, cover, but again it gets two.  Fuji comes in, double Irish whip to Dragon JOKER to the corner and both hit jumping elbows.  Fuji drops Dragon JOKER with a butterfly suplex, and Classic Kid comes off the top with a diving headbutt.  Cover, but Kuga breaks it up.  Fuji and Classic Kid try to throw Kuga and Dragon JOKER into each other, it is reversed, but Fuji and Classic Kid swing around each other before hitting elbows onto their opponents.  They grab Dragon JOKER and hit a double vertical suplex, stomps by Classic Kid and Fuji, they both go off the ropes but Fuji grabs Fuji from the floor.  Classic Kid picks up Dragon JOKER and hits a death valley driver, cover, but it gets a two count.  Classic Kid goes off the ropes but Kuga hits him with a chair from the floor.  Back up, strike combination by Dragon JOKER and he hits a Falcon Arrow.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Kick to the back of the head by Dragon JOKER, he goes off the ropes and nails a swinging leg kick.  Cover by Dragon JOKER and he picks up the three count.  Your winners:  Kuga and Dragon JOKER

Match Thoughts:  Even though the structure fell apart a bit it was still a decent match.  The arm work here was less exciting than in the past matches (and less interesting), but the bigger issue is that it was just cast aside.  Once Dragon JOKER is tagged back in, there is no more arm work and he didn’t sell it, so that was just wasted time.  My favorite part of this match is that Dragon JOKER was playing fair with clean breaks, while his partner is spitting water at people and using chairs.  Dragon JOKER clearly didn’t mind the cheating but he wasn’t actively participating, I’m always amused when two partners work together but use such different styles.  This one had a bit more high flying as the wrestlers were younger which set it apart a bit, I just wish the arm work hadn’t been first dull and then quickly forgotten.  Score:  6.0

Final Thoughts:

Best Match: Arashi and Ryuichi Kawakami vs. Fugo Fugo Yumeji and Dragon JOKER. A lot of these matches were really similar, but this one set itself apart a bit.  The arm work on Kawakami was really good and I enjoyed the interactions between Arashi and Yumeji.  They let the younger wrestlers control things with the older wrestlers coming in for fun spots every now and then.  Nothing that will set the world on fire but a really solid match.

MVP:   Dragon JOKER.  I wanted to pick one of the wrestlers that pulled double duty since they left the bigger impression, and Dragon JOKER was just a more exciting and memorable wrestler.  Sadly I could find no information on him, not even on some Japanese sites I go to so I have no idea his backstory, but he is obviously trained as over two matches (which he was the main wrestler on his team) he didn’t have any noticeable mistakes.  I may never see him again, but for this one card I was impressed.

Overall:  I have to compliment the event as there weren’t really any bad matches.  One of the reasons for this is the matches all had a veteran wrestler (or two, or three) that helped control the match.  They may be older but they haven’t forgotten how to structure a match and it led to less miscommunications.  On the other hand, almost every match was structured the same and very few deviated from that, so unless the work was particular good (such as in the Arashi match) they all kinda blended together by the end.  If the event had a standout match or something I could give it an honest recommendation, as it is it certainly isn’t bad but for a five match card it didn’t do enough to put it over the hump.

Grade: C-


Randy Orton Confirmed For WWE Studios Sequel


Source: Variety

According to a report today by Variety, WWE Studios will be producing a sequel to the 2007 film “The Condemned,” which starred “Stone Cold” Steve Austin.

Randy Orton stars in the latest installment, which is called “The Condemned 2: Desert Prey.” Lionsgate will again co-produce and distribute the film, which begins production in New Mexico later this year.

“We are excited to be reteaming with the WWE on ‘The Condemned 2,’ after such a positive experience on the original film,” said Lionsgate co-chief operating officer and motion picture group president Steve Beeks. “The combination of their brand marketing capabilities, creativity and deep lineup of dynamic onscreen talent result in a powerful partnership.”

According to the article, the film “follows a former bounty hunter who finds himself on the run as part of a revamped Condemned tournament, in which convicts are forced to fight each other to the death as part of a game that’s broadcast to the public.”

Roel Reine (“Death Race: Inferno,” “The Scorpion 3?) will direct the actioner from a script by Alan McElroy (“The Marine 4?). Orton reunites with Reine on “The Condemned” sequel after having previously worked together on “12 Rounds 2: Reloaded.”

How CM Punk Spent His Birthday Last Night, Took Photos With Fans, More


– Coming off the heels of a wrestling fan claiming online he had a negative encounter with CM Punk at a Chicago Blackhawks game on Oct. 15, the former WWE Superstar happily posed for photos with fans in the United Center concourse area Sunday night (which was his 36th birthday).

Here is Punk having ice cream with two fans he follows on Twitter, and also posing with a couple.

View image on Twitter

– The official YouTube account of Nerdist posted this video Monday of former WWE Superstar CM Punk leading a group of fans through “The Walking Dead Escape” at San Diego International Comic-Con at Petco Park in July.


Mick Foley Defends HIAC Main Event Finish


– Mick Foley wrote the following on Facebook about the ending to last night’s Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose match at Hell In a Cell:

“THINK OF THE PROMOS! Don’t let the bizarre ending to #HellInACell get you down. It was a great PPV…and just think of the promos! I think this is the type of thing that will bring out the best in both men.”

WWE Hell In A Cell Results 10/27/14


WWE ‘Hell In A Cell 2014’ Results

* Kickoff Match: Mark Henry squashed Bo Dallas with the World’s Strongest Slam in under a minute.

Full PPV Results – Credit to Marc Middleton

2 of 3 Falls Match for the WWE Intercontinental Title: Cesaro vs. Dolph Ziggler (c)

We go right to the ring and out comes WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler. Cesaro is out next. We see the Spanish announce team at ringside. The bell rings and they go at it, trading holds. Cesaro takes it to the mat with a headlock. Cesaro drops Ziggler with a shoulder and keeps him on the mat. They trade several pin attempts. Ziggler misses a neckbreaker and a dropkick. Cesaro goes for the Swing but Ziggler rolls him up for 2. Cesaro drops Ziggler over the top rope and does the Cesaro Swing for a pop. Cesaro with a 2 count. Ziggler comes right back with a roll up for the 3 count.

First Fall: Dolph Ziggler

Cesaro comes right back with a stomp and strikes. The referee splits them up and we start the second match. Cesaro with a big running uppercut in the corner for a 2 count. Cesaro slams Ziggler but misses an elbow drop off the second rope. Cesaro drops Ziggler with a right hand for a 1 count. Cesaro with more strikes now. Ziggler fights to his feet but gets caught with a big slam. Cesaro sells an arm injury. Cesaro with another stomp and a 2 count. Cesaro keeps up the offense but can’t get a pin. Cesaro goes for a suplex from the apron but Ziggler drops the arm over the top. Ziggler fights back in and gets a sleeper hold locked in. Cesaro finally climbs up with Ziggler still in a hold. Cesaro turns it into a huge superplex for a close 2 count. Cesaro misses in the corner but kicks out of a Fame-asser. Cesaro catches Ziggler in mid-air and hits a huge uppercut for another close 2 count. Ziggler with a roll up for 2. More counters. Cesaro with a big backbreaker and a 2 count. Ziggler blocks the Neutralizer and nails a superkick followed by the Zig Zag for the win.

Winner in 2 straight falls: Dolph Ziggler

– Randy Orton walks in on Stephanie McMahon, Triple H and Kane backstage. He’s looking for Seth Rollins for what happened on RAW. Stephanie tells Orton he should focus on tonight’s opportunity. Triple H says Rollins is exactly like Orton and what we saw on RAW was two alpha males trying to prove who’s dominant. Triple H tells Orton to focus on finishing Cena tonight.

Nikki Bella vs. Brie Bella
We go to the ring and out first comes Nikki Bella. The loser of this one will have to be the assistant to the winner for 30 days, or leave WWE. Brie gets a “yes!” chant going on her way to the ring. Eden is announcing this match. Back and forth to start the match. Brie with a dropkick and a 2 count. Brie misses in the corner but Nikki runs into an elbow. Brie gets on Nikki’s shoulders but gets slammed back to the mat. Nikki slams Brie’s head into the mat for a 2 count. Nikki blocks a shot and slams Brie’s face into her knee for a 2 count. Nikki keeps control as fans chant for JBL. Brie lands on her feet and hits the facebuster for a 2 count. Brie comes back and hits the dropkick, then the running knee to the face. Brie charges again but Nikki rolls out of the ring. Brie runs the ropes and dives out onto Nikki. They come back in and Brie goes to the top. Brie nails a missile dropkick for a close 2 count. Nikki turns it around coming out of the corner and hits the Rack Attack for a close 2 count. Brie goes for the Yes Lock but Nikki manages to get to the bottom rope. Nikki drops Brie with a big forearm to the face. Nikki hits the Rack Attack again for the win.

Winner: Nikki Bella

– After the match, Nikki makes her exit and we go to commercials.

WWE Tag Team Titles: The Usos vs. Stardust and Goldust
We go to the ring and out first comes The Usos. WWE Tag Team Champions Stardust and Goldust are out next. Stardust starts off with Jimmy Uso and takes him down first. Stardust talks some trash and gets slapped around. Jey Uso and keeps control. Goldust still tags in but Uso gets the upperhand. Jimmy tags in for some double teaming and a 2 count. Stardust makes the tag and unloads on Uso. Stardust brings it back in the ring and tags in Goldust for some double teaming. Uso looks to make a comeback but Goldust hits the powerslam for a 2 count. Stardust comes back in and keeps Uso down. Stardust and Goldust keep making tags. Goldust finally runs into an uppercut and gets dumped to the floor by Jimmy. Jey finally gets the tag and dives out onto Goldust. Stardust gets tossed out. Jey leaps onto him also. Jey brings Goldust in and goes to the top for a big crossbody and a 2 count. Uso with a Samoan Drop and another 2 count. Uso hits the Rikishi splash and another 2 count. Uso takes out Stardust but Goldust nails a spinebuster for a close 2 count. Goldust with big chops in the corner. Uso ducks the back elbow off the second rope. Goldust eats a superkick for another 2 count. The Usos both end up climbing up corners with their opponents. They both nail superplexes and everyone is down. Stardust gets in a cheap shot, allowing Goldust to hit his finisher for the win.

Winners: Stardust and Goldust

– We get a Susan G. Komen video. Byron Saxton is at ringside with the survivor from the video and the Komen President, who thanks WWE.

Hell In a Cell: Randy Orton vs. John Cena
We see Hell In a Cell being lowered over the ring and get more commercials. The winner of this match will get a future WWE World Heavyweight Title shot. Randy Orton makes his way to the Cell first. John Cena is out next to a mixed reaction. The bell rings and they go at it. Orton drops Cena with an elbow and sends him to the floor. Orton tries for a face first show into the steps but it’s blocked. Orton blocks a shot into the steel wall. Orton goes after Cena but Cena blocks another shot into the steel. Orton works Cena over and sends him into the steel wall. Orton rolls Cena in the ring and covers for a 2 count. Orton goes out and brings a steel chair in the ring. Cena blocks it and hits a fisherman suplex. Orton blocks a chair shot and goes back to work on Cena. Orton stomps now. Orton brings the chair back in and hits Cena in the gut with it. Orton with a chair shot over the back for a 2 count. Orton keeps control and wedges the chair in the corner. Orton blocks an Attitude Adjustment and drops Cena with a DDT for a 2 count. Orton follows to the floor and rubs Cena’s face into the Cell. Orton brings it back in for a 2 count. Orton keeps control and hits a big clothesline for 2. Orton with a hard whip into the corner and another pin attempt. Orton keeps control and hits clotheslines in the corner for another pin attempt. Orton launches Cena into the Cell wall. Orton brings it back in the ring for another 2 count. Cena finally makes a comeback with his usual moves and some fans boo. Orton stops the Five Knuckle Shuffle and nails a powerslam for a 2 count.

Orton goes for the second rope draping DDT but Cena back drops him to the floor. Cena follows and rams Orton into the Cell a few times. Orton fights out of a hold and sends Cena crotch first into the ring post. Orton turns that into a backbreaker on the floor. Orton brings it back in but Cena kicks out. Orton launches Cena into the Cell wall again. Cena counters the next whip and sends Cena into the steel. Cena tosses Orton into the wall again. Cena grabs a table from under the ring and pushes it in the ring. Orton comes back in. Cena goes for an AA through the table but it’s blocked. Orton with a standing dropkick for 2. Orton sends Cena int the chair that was wedged in the corner. 2 count for Orton. Cena starts to make a comeback but Orton hits a big RKO out of nowhere for a 2 count.

Orton whips Cena hard into the table in the corner. Orton with another 2 count. Orton brings half of the steel steps in the ring. Orton readies for a RKO on the steel steps but Cena blocks it. Cena slams Orton on the steps and hits a Five Knuckle Shuffle on top of them. Cena goes for an AA but Orton slides out and nails a low blow. Cena ends up countering and applying the STF. Orton makes it to the bottom rope but that doesn’t force a break in the Cell. Orton finally breaks it with a cheap shot. Orton slides to the floor. Cena picks up the steel steps and launches them out of the ring. Orton moves just in time and misses the steps. Cena charges and Orton sends him into the Cell wall. Orton rolls Cena back in the ring and tells him to get up. Cena gets right up with an AA for a close 2 count.

Cena goes for another AA and apparently nails it but we see that Orton countered it into an inverted RKO. Orton with a 2 count. Cena hits an AA for a close 2 count. Cena goes for a top rope leg drop on the table but Orton cuts him off. Orton climbs up for a big move through the table but Cena counters. Cena ends up hitting a super AA through the table for the win.

Winner and New #1 Contender: John Cena

– After the match, Cena celebrates as the Cell is raised. We see Paul Heyman looking on from the panel. Cena celebrates and greets a few fans at ringside before making his exit.

– Backstage segment with Big Show warming up. Mark Henry enters and gives him some words of encouragement.

WWE United States Title Match: The Miz vs. Sheamus (c)
We go to the ring and out comes The Miz with Damien Sandow. WWE United States Champion Sheamus is out next. Back and forth to start. Sheamus takes control and hits the forearms on the chest. They end up on the floor and Miz accidentally drops Sandow. Miz kicks Sheamus off the apron and brings him back in for more offense. Miz with a knee to the throat in the corner now. Miz keeps Sheamus grounded. Sandow later provides distraction, allowing Miz to hit a Skull Crushing Finale for a close win. The end comes when Sheamus hits a Brogue Kick out of nowhere for the win.

Winner: Sheamus

– After the match, Sandow rolls in and lays beside Miz. Sheamus drops and shakes Miz’s hand to see if Sandow will do the same thing and he does. Sheamus makes them do the YMCA dance before dropping Miz with a Brogue Kick.

– We see Brie Bella loading up Nikki’s car backstage. Nikki walks up and asks for her smoothie she wanted Brie to make her. Nikki pours it over Brie’s head and tells her to go make another one, then bring it to the hotel. Nikki drives off and leaves Brie with smoothie all over her.

– We get a video for Rusev vs. Big Show.

Rusev vs. Big Show
We go to the ring and out comes Rusev with Lana. Lana goes to speak and a big USA chant starts. Lana tells everyone to shut up. Lana cuts a promo and is interrupted by Big Show. The bell rings and Show goes to work on Rusev. Rusev takes out Show’s leg and goes to work on him. Show tries to fight back but Rusev drops him with a big suplex. Rusev goes back to work on Show’s leg. Rusev stomps on the back twice and goes for The Accolade but Show counters. Show turns that into a submission on Rusev’s knee. Rusev finally gets to the bottom rope and breaks it. Show calls for a knockout punch but Rusev ducks it. Show drops him with a shoulder and a forearm. Show with splashes in the corner and a big spear. Mark Henry makes his way down to ringside. Show goes for a chokeslam but Rusev fights Show off and beats him down. Show catches Rusev and chokeslams him for a 2 count. Rusev ends up down on the floor. Henry approaches him but backs off. Show comes out and rolls Rusev back in. Henry cheers Show on. Show enters the ring and Rusev nails a big kick to the jaw. Henry gets on the apron and Rusev kicks him to the floor. Rusev with another big kick to Show. The third takes him down. Rusev applies The Accolade on Big Show for the win.

Winner: Rusev

– After the match, Rusev celebrates with Lana as the Russian flag drops down over the ring. They leave with a flag in hand as Henry and trainers check on Show in the ring.

– Backstage segment with Dean Ambrose talking about how bad he’s going to beat Seth Rollins. He says they’re both going to burn in hell.

WWE Divas Title Match: Paige vs. AJ Lee (c)
We go to the ring and out comes WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee. Paige and Alicia Fox are out next. They lock up and go at it. AJ with a nice clothesline and a roll up. AJ Keeps control with another roll up. AJ skips around with a hand of hair now. AJ drops Paige with a heel kick. Paige goes to the floor for a breather. Alicia gets involved on the floor but goes down. The distraction helps out next time as Paige takes over. Paige swings AJ’s head into the barrier. Paige goes back in the ring and skips around to taunt AJ. Paige with headbutts now. Paige keeps control until AJ fights out of the corner and makes a comeback. AJ with a clothesline in the corner and a neckbreaker. Paige cuts her off and drops her. AJ comes back again with a kick to the jaw. AJ with a tornado DDT and a 2 count. AJ counters a move and turns it into a submission but Paige skips around with AJ in her arms and hits a fallaway slam. AJ rolls to the floor to avoid a pin. Paige whips her into the barrier. Paige stands on the barrier for what looks like a suplex but AJ fights with her and takes her leg out. Paige falls and her head hits the barrier. Alicia helps Paige back in the ring before the 10 count. AJ immediately applies the Black Widow for the win.

Winner: AJ Lee

– After the match, Paige still isn’t sure what happened. Alicia yells at AJ. Paige looks confused and drops Alicia. Paige leaves on her own and says she hates Alicia.

– We see the Cell lowering and get a look at tonight’s main event.

Hell In a Cell: Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose
We go to the Cell and out first comes Dean Ambrose. He’s got a stick of some sort on his back. He brings a bunch of chairs and other weapons out from under the ring and throws them in. Ambrose goes back outside of the Cell and says we’re all going to die tonight. Ambrose starts climbing the Cell. Ambrose reaches the top and gets a pop. Ambrose takes out his kendo stick and is ready to fight. Ambrose gets the crowd hype from the top of the Cell. Seth Rollins is out next with Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury.

Rollins enters the Cell and yells up at Ambrose to come down. Rollins argues with his security and says he’s going up top. Rollins climbs up a few steps but jumps back down to boos. Rollins tells Mercury and Noble to go up and get Ambrose. Noble and Mercury surround Ambrose on top of the Cell. Ambrose hits them with kendo stick shots. Rollins has climbed up now. Rollins and Ambrose go at it on top of the Cell. Mercury and Noble pull Ambrose down, allowing Rollins to beat on him with the kendo stick.

Rollins tells them to throw Ambrose off but he fights back and takes back control. Rollins tries to escape but Ambrose stops him. Rollins climbs down while Ambrose is hitting Mercury. Ambrose climbs down and meets Rollins on the side of the Cell. Ambrose and Rollins trade shots now. They both fall from about half way up the Cell, at the same time and go through both announce tables. Fans chant “this is awesome” as trainers come out to check on both men.

They’ve brought out a stretcher for Ambrose. Rollins has been loaded on a stretcher now. They have a neck brace on Ambrose. Ambrose ends up getting off his stretcher and attacking the medics pushing Rollins’ stretcher up the ramp. Ambrose drags Rollins back to the Cell and throws him into it. Ambrose brings Rollins inside the Cell and yells at the referees to lock it. Ambrose rolls Rollins in the ring and has tape. Ambrose sits in a chair and taunts Rollins. Ambrose unloads on Rollins with a chair. Ambrose dropkicks Rollins from the apron into the wall of the Cell. Ambrose stands a table up and tries to put Rollins through it but it’s blocked. They come back in but Rollins gets thrown out. Ambrose dives out and nails Rollins.

Rollins finally turns it around and slams Ambrose on a stack of chairs. Rollins lays a table from the apron to the floor. Rollins goes to suplex Ambrose through the table but it’s blocked. Rollins ends up laying on the table. Ambrose jumps from the second rope with an elbow, putting Rollins through the table. Kane ends up appearing and spraying Ambrose with a fire extinguisher from outside of the Cell. This allows Rollins to run and powerbomb through a table that was stood up on the floor. Rollins rolls Ambrose back in and nails a Curb Stomp for a close 2 count. Rollins unloads with the chair now. Rollins positions the briefcase under Ambrose’s head. Ambrose blocks. Rollins blocks Dirty Deeds with a kick. Ambrose with a big clothesline. Ambrose nails Rollins with the case and covers for a 2 count. Ambrose pulls 2 cinderblocks from under the ring. Ambrose brings them in and puts Rollins’ head on top of them. Ambrose goes to put Rollins away but the lights go out. We hear what sounds like Bray Wyatt chanting something. The arena lights up with cell phone lights now. We see the Wyatt Family lantern in the middle of the ring with smoke coming out of it. Ambrose approaches and Wyatt appears, running him over. The lights go back out. A spotlight shines and we see Bray Wyatt upside down in the corner. Wyatt lays out Ambrose and sits there on his knees. Rollins crawls over and covers Ambrose for the win.

Winner: Seth Rollins

– Wyatt sits there as Rollins looks shocked. Rollins exits the Cell with Mercury and Noble as Wyatt still sits on his knees beside Ambrose. Wyatt lifts Ambrose again and drops him with Sister Abigail. Wyatt poses on his knees as fans boo. Wyatt looks up and laughs as Hell In a Cell goes off the air.

WWE Issues Statement On Domestic Abuse Policy


Coming off the heels of the National Football League’s highly-publicized domestic abuse issues this season, WWE recently established their own policy on domestic violence.

WWE executive Stephanie McMahon revealed the policy during an interview with Yahoo! Sports this week, stating, “We have a zero tolerance policy for domestic abuse. Upon arrest for such misconduct, our Superstars are immediately suspended and should there be a conviction, that Superstar or Diva would be terminated.”

Her statement is reflected in WWE’s “Talent Programs and Policies” document on the corporate website, which also includes child abuse and sexual assault under the new zero tolerance policy.

“WWE has zero tolerance for matters involving domestic violence, child abuse and sexual assault. Upon arrest for such misconduct, a WWE talent will be immediately suspended. Upon conviction for such misconduct, a WWE talent will be immediately terminated,” the policy reads.

“WWE’s ability to fine, suspend or terminate a WWE talent will not be, however, limited or compromised in any manner in the event incontrovertible evidence of such illegal misconduct is presented to WWE. Section 9.13(a) of the WWE booking contract, commonly known as the ‘morals clause,’ provides WWE with broad discretion and authority to act under such circumstances.

NFL player Ray Rice was arrested and subsequently indicted for third-degree aggravated assault on March 27, 2014, relating to an incident where he punched his then-fiancée (now wife) in the face. The blow knocked her unconscious. The incident became a prominent controversy after TMZ.com released a video of the encounter, which led to an NFL policy change regarding how it handles domestic violence cases. Rice’s contract was terminated by the Baltimore Ravens on September 8, 2014, following the release of an additional video of the incident. According to WWE in a statement sent to The Washington Post, the ordeal is a major reason for the policy change.

“We have watched and learned from what has unfolded in the NFL, and we felt it was important to establish a zero tolerance policy for domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse,” the statement reads. The company says the policy will apply to all WWE corporate employees, as well, and not just those in the ring.

“We are in the midst of updating our employee code of conduct to reflect the same zero tolerance policy,” WWE said.

In the article, Marissa Payne cites WWE’s gory history with domestic violence, feeling that it may have come several years too late. She notes Chris Benoit murdering his wife and child before killing himself in June 2007. In 2003, wife Nancy filed for divorce, citing the marriage as “irrevocably broken” and alleging “cruel treatment.” She later dropped the suit, as well as a restraining order filed on her husband.

Payne also mentions “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, who was accused of domestic abuse against his ex-wife and former WWE performer Debra Marshall in 2002. In 2007, after the Benoit tragedy, Marshall stated to Sean Hannity on Fox News that there was a “code of silence” in WWE in regards to domestic violence issues.

Marshall told Hannity she would show up to WWE venues with bruises and nobody said anything.

“They’re not going to rat on the top money-maker in wrestling,” Marshall said. “And everyone else knew this was going on, but no one’s going to stop it, because Steve would make millions of dollars for Vince [McMahon].”

UFC 179 ‘Aldo vs. Mendes 2’ Results 10/25/14



* Tony Martin defeats Fabricio Camoes via submission (Double Wristlock/Kimura)at 4:16 of Round 1

* Gilbert Burns defeats Christos Giagos via submission (Armbar) at 4:57 of Round 1


* Andre Fili defeats Felipe Arantes via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

* Wilson Reis defeats Scott Jorgensen via Submission (Arm Triangle Choke) at 3:28 of Round 1

* Yan Cabral defeats Naoyuki Kotani via submission (Rear-Naked Choke) at 3:06 of Round 2

* Neil Magny defeats William Macario via TKO (Ground & pound strikes) at 2:40 of Round 3


* Beneil Dariush defeats Carlos Diego Ferreira via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

* Darren Elkins defeats Lucas Martins via split decision (30-27, 30-27 Elkins, 30-27 Martins)

* Fabio Maldonado defeats Hans Stringer via TKO (Ground and pound Strikes) at 4:06 of Round 2

* Phil Davis defeats Glover Teixeira via unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

* Jose Aldo (c) retains the UFC Featherweight Championship over Chad Mendes (#1 Featherweight) via unanimous decision (49-46, 49-46, 49-46)

Updated: WWE Dropping Elimination Chamber PPV


Original Post, followed by update below…

According to Reddit user MetsFan4Ever, a former WWE employee who has broken several WWE stories in the past, WWE is planning to drop the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. He wrote the following on Friday:

“Word going around backstage this past Tuesday at the SmackDown tapings are that the WWE Elimination Chamber pay-per-view will be no more. The early lead names going around to replace the Elimination Chamber name will be either WWE Fast Lane or WWE Fast Track.”

“The reason is because there is only one WWE / World Champion right now. So they want to stay with the Rumble winner receiving the shot and have no Chamber even with the title holder in the match.”

He noted that he expects the Elimination Chamber match to be kept around as a match for certain pay-per-views that call for it.


Dave Meltzer confirmed the report as legitimate this evening on the F4WOnline.com message board, saying the February pay-per-view event will be called WWE Fast Lane—no venue or date has been announced for the show.

Meltzer added that an Elimination Chamber Match may still be held in 2015, but not in February.

The Elimination Chamber pay-per-view event was created in 2010, with its inaugural event taking place on February 21, 2010, replacing No Way Out.

