Mike DiBiase Arrested After Standoff with Amarillo SWAT


Mike DiBiase, the oldest son of the “Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase, was arrested this morning following a 12-hour standoff with police in Amarillo, TX.

According to APD, the incident began at 11:12 Wednesday night after officers received information that a man wanted for a parole violation was in the 3900 block of northwest 12th. APD said the suspect was reportedly inside the building where several business are located and was seen by an employee attempting to break through a wall between businesses. APD attempted to make contact with the suspect however attempts were unsuccessful as officers learned the suspect may have access to weapons inside the building. Knowing the escalated danger of the situation, SWAT and APD negotiators were brought in to assist with the situation. APD also mobilized a remote control robot to make its way through the building in an attempt to locate the subject.”

He was eventually arrested after a SWAT team entered the building around 5:10 AM local time this morning and used chemical agents in an attempt to force him out of the building. Amarillo police found Dibiase hiding under a large stack of cardboard shipping boxes inside a building on the 3900 block of northwest 12th street.

Sgt. Brent Barbee with The Amarillo Police Department explained why the standoff lasted so long.

“This was probably one of the most difficult building searches I have ever seen the guys on the swat team take on, just from my point of view. It was a large building that was subdivided into smaller areas, there were small offices that had false roofs inside, there were a large number of boxes and shipping containers, there was a lot of furniture, there were small rooms.”

Dibiase was booked on an original conviction stemming from a tampering with/destruction of evidence charge and a charge of hindering apprehension.

The suspects father, Ted DiBiase, tweeted the following. “Please pray for my oldest son Mike. He’s been arrested again and is in jail. Pray that God would break his pride and he would grow up.”


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