St. Louis Wrestling Results: 1966



(Credit for the following results go to numerous sources, including, but not limited to, Larry Matysik, Jim Zordani, and various news clippings)

St. Louis Wrestling Results 1966

Promoting the Area of: St. Louis, MO
Affiliation: NWA
Promoter: Sam Muchnick


1/1/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Joe Tangaro defeated Jerry Miller
Ray Gordon defeated Johnny Kace
Cowboy Bob Ellis won 2/3 falls over Hercules Graham
Gene Kiniski defeated Angelo Poffo
Bulldog Henning draw Lorenzo Parente

1/7/66 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 11,612)
Gene Kiniski won the NWA championship by beating Lou Thesz. 1-Thesz won with a series of drop kicks in 18:08. 2-Kiniski won via DQ. Thesz was stunned by a back breaker from Kiniski, after Kiniski caught Thesz in mid-air when Thesz tried a flying head scissors. Trying to fight Kiniski off following the back breaker, Thesz lifted him and flipped him backwards over the top rope. Referee Joe Schoenberger called for the DQ at 4:28. 3-Kiniski won after three back breakers in 1:17.
Johnny Powers and Bobby Managoff defeated Hercules Graham and Dick the Bruiser. 1-Bruiser defeated Managoff. 2-Managoff defeated Bruiser. 3-Powers defeated Graham.
Wilbur Snyder defeated Moose Cholak
Fritz Von Erich won a handicap tag bout over Ray Gordon and Cowboy Bob Ellis by beating Gordon
Bulldog Henning draw Joe Tangaro
Angelo Poffo defeated Johnny Long

1/8/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Joe Tangaro defeated Jim Wehba via DQ
Angelo Poffo draw Johnny Kace
Ray Gordon defeated Jim Wehba (sub for Moose Cholak, who missed flight to St. Louis)
Bulldog Henning and Hercules Graham draw Sonny Myers and Johnny Weaver. 1-Graham defeated Weaver. 2-Myers defeated Graham. 25-minute limit expired during third fall.

1/15/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Joe Tomasso defeated Bob Boyer
Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Pedro Mesa
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski defeated Chief Little Bear
Fritz Von Erich defeated Victor Rivera
Sonny Myers defeated Don DeSoto

1/21/66 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 6185)
Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Fritz Von Erich
Dick the Bruiser defeated Johnny Powers
Pat O’Connor defeated Bulldog Henning
Bobby Managoff draw Moose Cholak
Dory Funk Jr. and Joe Tangaro defeated Joe Tomasso and Johnny Kace. 1-Kace beat Tangaro. 2-Tangaro defeated Tomasso. 3-Jr. defeated Kace.
Ken Hollis defeated Jim Wehba

1/22/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Johnny Kace defeated Jerry Miller
Alex Perez draw Don DeSoto
Bobby Managoff defeated Tamayo Sato
Dick the Bruiser defeated Ken Hollis
Bulldog Henning double DQ Moose Cholak

1/29/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ken Hollis draw Alex Perez
Victor Rivera defeated Johnny Long
Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated The Viking
Dory Funk Jr. won two straight falls over Frank Martinez
Pedro Mesa draw Guy Mitchell

2/4/66 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 9454)
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski won two straight falls over Cowboy Bob Ellis. Kiniski won the first fall with several back breakers and Ellis could not continue in the second fall. (Before the bout, Fritz Von Erich and Wilbur Snyder both came to the ring to challenge the winner and ended up fighting each other.
Fritz Von Erich and Moose Cholak defeated Bobby Managoff and Johnny Powers when Cholak defeated Managoff
Wilbur Snyder defeated Alex Perez
Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk defeated Dick the Bruiser and Bulldog Henning. 1-Terry defeated Henning. The 30-minute limit expired without another fall. This was Terry’s St. Louis debut.
Betty Nicoli defeated Jean Antone
Ken Hollis defeated Gus Kalas

2/5/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
The Viking defeated Victor Rivera
Danny Dusek defeated Greg Peterson
Sonny Myers defeated Pedro Zapata
Bulldog Henning won 2/3 falls over Don DeSoto
Gus Kalas defeated Tarzan Baxter

2/12/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Wilbur Snyder defeated Tor Kamata
Fritz Von Erich defeated Duane Peale
Dick the Bruiser defeated Gus Kalas
Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk defeated Danny Dusek and Joe Tomasso. 1-Terry beat Dusek. 2-Jr. defeated Tomasso.

2/18/66 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 8340)
Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Moose Cholak (Von Erich jumped Ellis before the match and there was brief skirmish.)
Fritz Von Erich defeated Wilbur Snyder
Dick the Bruiser, Dan Plechas and Bulldog Henning defeated Dory Funk Sr., Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk. 1-Sr. defeated Plechas. 2-Bruiser defeated Jr. 3-Bruiser defeated Sr. via DQ
Bobby Managoff defeated Tor Kamata
Sonny Myers defeated Johnny Kace
Cowboy Bradley and Irish Jackie defeated Tiny Tim and Sky Low Low. 1-Bradley beat Tim. 2-Jackie bet Low Low.
Ken Hollis defeated Joe Tomasso

2/19/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Cowboy Bradley defeated Sky Low Low
Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Johnny Kace
Fritz Von Erich defeated Charlie Laye
Ernie Ladd defeated Dan Plechas
Bulldog Henning won 2/3 falls over Duane Peale

2/26/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bulldog Henning defeated Charlie Laye
Sonny Myers defeated Jack Brisco
Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Tamayo Sato
Johnny Powers no contest Dick the Bruiser. Powers and Bruiser each won one fall
before both men DQ in third fall.
Bulldog Henning draw Ken Hollis

3/4/66 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 11,895 sellout)
Fritz Von Erich defeated Cowboy Bob Ellis
Dory Funk Sr. was awarded a Texas Death Match on a reversed decision over Dick the Bruiser. Special referee Bobby Bruns had given Bruiser the victory when Sr. could not go on, but Bruiser continued to defeated Sr. after the bell. Thus, Bruns changed the decision. (In later publicity, Muchnick explained that Bruns had been wrong since it was a Death Match and that Bruiser should have gotten the victory but been suspended by the Athletic Commission.)
Ernie Ladd and Johnny Powers defeated Moose Cholak and Bulldog Henning. 1-Powers won via DQ. 2-Powers defeated Cholak after a Ladd drop kick on Cholak.
Dory Funk Jr. defeated The Viking
Dan Plechas draw Terry Funk
Joe Tangaro defeated Alex Perez
Angelo Poffo defeated Corsica Joe

3/5/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Mario Milano defeated Tarzan Baxter
Bulldog Henning draw Bobby Managoff
Johnny Powers defeated Sonny Myers
Moose Cholak defeated Guy Mitchell
Johnny Kace defeated Tamayo Sato via DQ

3/12/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Joe Tangaro defeated Victor Rivera
Johnny Powers defeated Corsica Joe
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski defeated Thor Hagen (Before the bout, Fritz Von Erich came to the ring and challenged Kiniski – but they were kept separated.)
Moose Cholak and Fritz Von Erich defeated Ken Hollis and Angelo Poffo. 1-Cholak beat Hollis. 2-Von Erich defeated Poffo.

3/18/66 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 10,617)
Lou Thesz defeated Johnny Powers
Ernie Ladd defeated Moose Cholak
Pat O’Connor and Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Great Goliath and The Crusher. 1-Crusher defeated Ellis. 2-Ellis defeated Crusher. 3-O’Connor beat Goliath via DQ.
Bulldog Henning draw Dory Funk Jr.
Sonny Myers defeated Alex Perez
Dan Plechas defeated Victor Rivera
Mario Milano defeated Danny Dusek

3/19/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Tamayo Sato draw Guy Mitchell
Mario Milano defeated Jim Wehba
Fritz Von Erich defeated Gene Anderson
Dick the Bruiser defeated Joe Tangaro
Joe Tomasso defeated Charlie Laye

3/26/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Doug Lindsay defeated Bob Hamby
Bulldog Henning defeated Victor Rivera
Dan Plechas defeated Chief Little Bear
Great Goliath double DQ Ernie Ladd
Dory Funk Jr. won 2/3 falls over The Viking

4/1/66 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 12,844 sellout)
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski defeated Fritz Von Erich 2/3 falls. Kiniski won the first fall by DQ, Von Erich won the second and Kiniski pinned Von Erich to win the third.
Ernie Ladd and Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Great Goliath and Moose Cholak. 1-Goliath defeated Ladd. 2-Ladd defeated Goliath. 3-Ellis defeated Cholak.
Johnny Powers draw Pat O’Connor
Dick the Bruiser defeated Sonny Myers
Dory Funk Jr. defeated Taro Myaki
Joe Tangaro defeated Hercules Graham via DQ
Guy Mitchell draw The Viking

4/2/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Guy Mitchell and Joe Tangaro defeated Joe Tomasso and Tamaya Sato. 1-Tomasso beat Mitchell. 2-Tangaro defeated Tomasso. 3-Mitchell defeated Sato.
Gene Anderson defeated Kenny Mack
Mario Milano draw Hercules Graham. Each won one fall in the 30-minute limit.

4/9/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Victor Rivera draw Corsica Joe
Joe Tangaro defeated Johnny Carr
Dory Funk Sr. won two straight falls over Don Lortie
Ernie Ladd defeated Steve Stanlee
Hercules Graham defeated Victor Rivera

4/15/66 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 9859)
Ernie Ladd defeated Great Goliath, who was unmasked as Moose Evans
Dick the Bruiser defeated Dory Funk Sr.
Pat O’Connor and Bobby Managoff defeated Johnny Powers and Fritz Von Erich. 1-Managoff won via DQ. 2-O’Connor defeated Powers, leading to a scuffle between Von Erich and Powers.
Moose Cholak draw Cowboy Bob Ellis
Kathy O’Brien defeated Jean Lane with Cora Combs as special referee
Bulldog Henning defeated Joe Blanchard
Mario Milano defeated Dan Plechas

4/16/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Don Lortie defeated Victor Rivera
Joe Tangaro defeated Tamaya Sato via DQ
Moose Cholak won 2/3 falls over Steve Stanlee
Bulldog Henning won 2/3 falls over Ken Hollis

4/23/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Johnny Kace draw Joe Tangaro
Kathy O’Brien defeated Cora Combs
Verne Gagne defeated Corsica Joe
Pat O’Connor defeated Joe Blanchard
Ernie Ladd defeated Bulldog Henning

4/30/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Dan Plechas defeated Corsica Joe
Joe Blanchard defeated Johnny Kace
Bulldog Henning defeated Duane Peale
Pat O’Connor and Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Steve Stanlee and Moose Cholak. 1-Cholak defeated Ellis. 2-Ellis defeated Cholak. 3-O’Connor defeated Stanlee.

5/6/66 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 11,850 sellout)
Lou Thesz and Pat O’Connor defeated NWA Champion Gene Kiniski and Dick the Bruiser. 1-Kiniski defeated O’Connor. 2-O’Connor defeated Bruiser via DQ. 3-Thesz beat Kiniski.
Ernie Ladd draw Fritz Von Erich
Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Bulldog Henning
Mario Milano defeated Moose Cholak via DQ
Terry Funk defeated The Viking
Angelo Poffo defeated Johnny Kace

5/7/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bob Geigel defeated Bobby Hart
Mario Milano defeated Johnny Kace
The Destroyer draw Angelo Poffo. Each man won one fall with the 30-minute limit.
Pat O’Connor won two straight falls over Don Lortie

5/14/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Thor Hagen draw Moose Cholak
Luis Martinez defeated Joe Tomasso
Angelo Poffo won two straight falls over Ivan Volkoff
Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Jim Wehba
Guy Mitchell double knock out Johnny Kace.

5/21/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Thor Hagen defeated Charlie Laye
Guy Mitchell defeated Duane Peale
Lou Thesz defeated Angelo Poffo
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski defeated Luis Martinez
Dick the Bruiser won two straight falls over Harry Morgan
Kiniski and Thesz officially signed for their June 3 match

5/28/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Luis Martinez defeated Johnny Kace
Joe Tomasso draw Ron Reed
Dick the Bruiser defeated Thor Hagen
Sonny Myers and Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Moose Cholak and The Viking. 1-Viking beat Myers. 2-Myers defeated Cholak. 3-Ellis defeated Viking.

6/3/66 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 11,804 sellout)
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski and Lou Thesz went to a draw, each winning one fall within the one hour limit
Ernie Ladd, Cowboy Bob Ellis and Pat O’Connor defeated Fritz Von Erich, Dick the Bruiser and Moose Evans when Ellis defeated Evans
Mario Milano defeated Ivan Volkoff
Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk defeated Moose Cholak and Dan Plechas. 1-Plechas beat Terry. 2-Terry defeated Cholak via DQ. 3-Jr. defeated Plechas.
Sonny Myers and Joe Blanchard ruled no contest when Blanchard was injured and Myers refused the victory
Joe Tomasso defeated Thor Hagen

6/4/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Luis Martinez defeated Tamayo Sato
Guy Mitchell defeated Ivan Volkoff
Luke Graham draw Sonny Myers, each winning one fall with the 30-minute limit
Bob Geigel defeated Harry Morgan
The Viking defeated Rocky Starr

6/11/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Joe Tomasso defeated Rocky Starr
Ron Reed defeated Dan Plechas via DQ
Pat O’Connor won two straight falls over Boris Nicoli
Luis Martinez defeated Raymond Zavalza
Sonny Myers defeated Johnny Kace

6/18/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Guy Mitchell defeated Boris Nicoli
Ron Reed defeated Raymond Zavalza
Sonny Myers, Pat O’Connor and Angelo Poffo defeated Joe Tomasso, Moose Cholak and Dan Plechas. 1-Plechas defeated Poffo. 2-Myers defeated Plechas. 3-O’Connor beat Tomasso.
Dick the Bruiser defeated Luis Martinez

6/25/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Lorenzo Parente defeated Johnny Kace
Paul Vachon draw Joe Tangaro
Sonny Myers won two straight falls over Chuck Carbo
Jerry Kozak won 2/3 falls over Joe Tomasso

7/2/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Timothy Geohagen defeated Tamayo Sato
Joe Tangaro defeated Tarzan Baxter
The Crusher (Reggie Lisowski) defeated Jerry Kozak
Sonny Myers defeated Alex Perez
Paul Vachon draw Lorenzo Parente

7/9/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Jerry Kozak draw Johnny Kace
Lorenzo Parente defeated Alex Perez via DQ
The Crusher defeated Timothy Geohagen
Pat O’Connor and Sonny Myers defeated Moose Cholak and Paul Vachon. 1-Cholak beat Myers. 2-O’Connor defeated Cholak via DQ. 3-Myers defeated Vachon.

7/16/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bob Geigel defeated Duane Peale
Joe Tangaro defeated Corsica Joe
Fritz Von Erich no contest Dory Funk Jr. 1-Von Erich won when Funk lost his temper, went berserk and was DQ’ed. There never was a second fall since the two continued battling during the rest period, thus referee Milo Occhi ruled the match no contest. Help including other wrestlers was needed to restore order when Von Erich and Funk had a pull-apart brawl.
Sonny Myers won 2/3 falls over Jack Vansky

7/23/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Johnny Kace defeated Bobby Hart
Moose Cholak defeated Joe Wolfe
Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Herb Larson
The Crusher defeated Joe Tangaro
Dan Plechas draw Lorenzo Parente

7/30/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Angelo Poffo defeated Jack Vansky
The Viking draw Timothy Geohagen
Dory Funk Jr. won two straight falls over Johnny Long
Cowboy Bob Ellis and Sonny Myers defeated Jack Donovan and Moose Cholak. 1-Myers won via DQ. 2-Donovan defeated Myers. 3-Ellis defeated Donovan.

8/6/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Johnny Kace defeated Mike York
Lorenzo Parente defeated Corsica Joe
Sonny Myers won two straight falls over Eric Von Braunner
The Crusher won two straight falls over Thor Hagen

8/13/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Joe Tangaro defeated Tommy Phillips via DQ
Luis Martinez defeated Johnny Kace
Dory Funk Jr. won two straight falls over Jerry Dean
Fritz Von Erich defeated Jose Betancourt
Bob Clark draw Cowboy Bob Ellis

8/20/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Jose Bertancourt draw Angelo Poffo
Hercules Graham defeated Luis Martinez
Sonny Myers won 2/3 falls over Jack Donovan
Moose Cholak won a handicap match over Guy Mitchell and Jose Betancourt, first beating Mitchell and then beating Betancourt.

8/20/66 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 12,205 sellout)
Lou Thesz defeated The Crusher
Dory Funk Jr. defeated Fritz Von Erich in only 5:50 when Fritz began to argue with Dory Sr. at ringside and was hit from behind by a drop kick from Jr. just as Sr. reached under the ropes and tripped Von Erich.
Pat O’Connor and Bobby Managoff defeated Moose Evans and Moose Cholak. 1-Evans defeated Managoff. 2-O’Connor defeated Cholak. 3-Managoff defeated Evans.
Hercules Graham won a handicap match over Sonny Myers and Whipper Billy Watson. 1-Graham defeated Myers. 2-Graham defeated Watson via DQ.
Dory Funk Sr. draw Bob Geigel
Eddie Graham defeated Tommy Phillips
Joe Tangaro defeated The Viking
Betty Nicoli defeated Mae Goodson
Angelo Poffo defeated Tamayo Sato

8/27/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bobby Managoff draw Moose Cholak
Dory Funk Jr. won two straight falls over Roger Kirby
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski defeated Sonny Myers
Mitsu Arakawa and Hercules Graham defeated Angelo Poffo and Luis Martinez. 1-Arakawa defeated Martinez. 2-Martinez defeated Arakawa via DQ. 3-Graham defeated Poffo.

9/3/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Thor Hagen defeated Johnny Kace
Luis Martinez draw Timothy Geohagen
The Viking won 2/3 falls over Angelo Poffo
Hercules Graham defeated Joe Wolfe
Lorenzo Parente defeated Danny Dusek

9/10/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Luis Martinez defeated Joe Tomasso
Angelo Poffo defeated Steve Stanlee
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski defeated Chris Markoff
Hercules Graham won two straight falls over Don Acosta
Jack Donovan double knock out Thor Hagen

9/16/66 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 10,995)
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski defeated Dory Funk Jr. Funk won the first fall and Kiniski took the second with back breakers after Funk missed a flying tackle, flew from the ring and crashed into the press table. Referee Joe Schoenberger refused to allow the injured Funk to continue in the third fall.
Cowboy Bob Ellis and Johnny Valentine defeated Moose Cholak and Johnny Powers. 1-Powers defeated Valentine. 2-Valentine defeated Powers. 3-Ellis defeated Cholak.
Fritz Von Erich won a handicap match over Terry Funk and Dory Funk Sr. 1-Von Erich defeated Sr. 2-Von Erich won via DQ when both Funks attacked him.
Sonny Myers draw Hercules Graham
Bob Geigel defeated Timothy Geohagen
Lorenzo Parente defeated The Mongol
The Viking defeated Thor Hagen

9/17/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Jack Donovan defeated Dick Murdoch
Johnny Powers defeated Jerry Timmons
Wilbur Snyder defeated Jim Wehba
Dick the Bruiser and Hercules Graham no contest Johnny Valentine and Lorenzo Parente. 1-Graham defeated Parente. 2-Valentine, after Bruiser accidentally punched Graham, pinned Graham. 3-Bruiser and Graham ended up in a pull-apart brawl, thus the referee threw out the match.

9/24/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Jack Donovan draw Luis Martinez
Wilbur Snyder defeated Mitsu Arakawa via DQ
Dick the Bruiser defeated Timothy Geohagen
Hercules Graham defeated Angelo Poffo
The Viking draw Bobby Managoff

10/1/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Mitsu Arakawa defeated Marvin Marlin
Luke Graham draw Lorenzo Parente
Terry Funk defeated The Alaskan
The Crusher won 2/3 falls over Chuck Conley. Each man was awarded a fall in a double DQ before Crusher won third fall.
Sonny Myers defeated Jim Wehba
Lorenzo Parente draw Mitsu Arakawa

10/7/66 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 9410)
Dory Funk Jr. and Terry Funk won 2/3 falls over Fritz Von Erich and The Crusher. 1-Crusher defeated Terry. 2-Terry defeated Crusher. 3-Dory defeated Fritz via DQ. The referee had stopped the bout and given the decision to Fritz, who had Dory in the Iron Claw, but when Von Erich refused to release the hold, he was DQ’ed.
Dick the Bruiser won a Texas Death Match over Hercules Graham
Pat O’Connor defeated Johnny Powers
Wilbur Snyder defeated Mitsu Arakawa
Sweet Daddy Siki defeated Dan Plechas
Chris Markoff defeated Luis Martinez
Angelo Poffo draw Jack Donovan

10/8/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Joe Tomasso defeated Don Acosta
Joe Tangaro defeated Steve Stanlee
Chris Markoff draw Luke Graham. Each won one fall before the 30-minute limit expired.
Mitsu Arakawa and Jack Donovan defeated Lorenzo Parente and Luis Martinez. 1-Parente defeated Arakawa. 2-Arakawa defeated Parente. 3-Donovan defeated Martinez.

10/15/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
The Viking defeated Dick Murdoch
Ronnie Etchison defeated Phil Brummett
Pat O’Connor defeated Luke Graham
The Crusher defeated Gus Kalas
Don Acosta draw Lorenzo Parente

10/22/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Johnny Kace defeated Bobby Hart
Wilbur Snyder defeated Tor Kamata
Pat O’Connor won two straight falls over Pedro Zapata
Waldo Von Erich won two straight falls over Luis Martinez. Waldo took the first fall with a blitzkrieg, where he held onto Martinez’s head and jumped from the top rope into Martinez’s neck and back. Martinez could not continue the second fall. Athletic Commissioner Charles Pian came to ringside and banned the move, calling it a leap off the top rope.
Ronnie Etchison defeated Joe Tomasso

10/28/66 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7408)
Dick the Bruiser defeated Pat O’Connor
Wilbur Snyder defeated The Crusher via DQ
Waldo Von Erich defeated Ronnie Etchison
Dory Funk Jr. defeated Chris Markoff
Sweet Daddy Siki defeated Luke Graham
Moose Cholak defeated Gus Kalas
Lorenzo Parente and Joe Tangaro defeated Dan Plechas and Mitsu Arakawa. 1-Tangaro won via DQ. 2-Parente defeated Plechas.
Timothy Geohagen defeated Johnny Kace

10/29/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Thor Hagen draw Johnny Kace
Jessica Rogers defeated Dianna Lynn
Lorenzo Parente won 2/3 falls over Pedro Zapata
Luke Graham and Moose Cholak defeated Ronnie Etchison and Jose Betancourt. 1-Graham defeated Etchison. 2-Etchison defeated Graham. 3-Cholak defeated Betancourt.

11/5/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Jack Donovan defeated Luis Martinez
Sweet Daddy Siki defeated Steve Stanlee
Waldo Von Erich defeated Angelo Poffo
Dick the Bruiser defeated Lorenzo Parente. NWA Champion Gene Kiniski was doing color commentary with George Abel during the match. At one point, Bruiser was knocked from the ring and, on the floor, began arguing with Kiniski. Bruiser decked Kiniski, picked up the announcer’s table and slammed it on the champion.
Luke Graham draw Ronnie Etchison

11/11/66 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7352)
Waldo Von Erich and Moose Cholak won a handicap match over Lou Thesz. First, Thesz pinned Cholak but went the remainder of the 30-minute limit with Waldo and had to forfeit the decision.
Fritz Von Erich defeated Dory Funk Jr.
Terry Funk and Joe Tangaro defeated Dick the Bruiser and Bulldog Henning. 1-Bruiser beat Tangaro. 2-Funk won via DQ. 3-Tangaro defeated Henning.
Sweet Daddy Siki double DQ Hercules Graham
Dianna Lynn and Cora Combs won two straight falls over Mae Goodson and Jessica Rogers. 1-Combs defeated Goodson. 2-Lynn defeated Rogers.
Toru Tanaka (later billed as Professor Tanaka) draw Ronnie Etchison

11/12/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Joe Tomasso draw Timothy Geohagen
Hercules Graham defeated Tarzan Baxter
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski defeated Ronnie Etchison
Dick the Bruiser defeated Rickey Hunter
Bulldog Henning draw Thor Hagen

11/19/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Timothy Geohagen defeated Luke Graham
Rickey Hunter draw Toru Tanaka
Ronnie Etchison won 2/3 falls over Tor Kamata
Hercules Graham, Bulldog Henning and The Crusher defeated Thor Hagen, Lorenzo Parente and Dory Funk Jr. 1-Henning defeated Parente. 2-Hagen defeated Henning. 3-Graham beat Hagen.

11/25/66 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 11,892 sellout)
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski defeated Dick the Bruiser 2/3 falls
Lou Thesz defeated Hercules Graham
Waldo Von Erich and The Crusher defeated Terry Funk and Dory Funk Jr. 1-Crusher defeated Dory. 2-Dory defeated Crusher. 3-Waldo defeated Terry.
Wilbur Snyder defeated Chris Markoff
Dory Funk Sr. defeated Joe Tomasso
Bulldog Henning defeated Ronnie Etchison
Lorenzo Parente defeated Jose Betancourt

11/26/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Rickey Hunter defeated Luke Graham via DQ
Sweet Daddy Siki defeated Bulldog Henning
Waldo Von Erich defeated Timothy Geohagen
The Crusher defeated Ronnie Etchison
Hercules Graham draw Dory Funk Jr.

12/3/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Thor Hagen defeated Joe Tomasso
Bulldog Henning defeated Dick Murdoch
Lou Thesz defeated Jack Donovan
Hercules Graham defeated Bob Atlas
Mitsu Arakawa defeated Tarzan Baxter

12/9/66 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7939)
Lou Thesz defeated Waldo Von Erich
Fritz Von Erich defeated Sweet Daddy Siki
Pat O’Connor and Johnny Valentine defeated The Crusher and Dick the Bruiser. 1-Crusher defeated Valentine. 2-Valentine defeated Crusher. 3-O’Connor won via DQ.
Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Bulldog Henning
Moose Cholak defeated Steve Stanlee
Johnny Kace draw Angelo Poffo

12/10/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Dick Murdoch draw Johnny Kace
Hercules Graham defeated Ronnie Etchison
Lou Thesz defeated Mitsu Arakawa
Bulldog Henning and Jack Donovan defeated Angelo Poffo and Thor Hagen. 1-Henning defeated Poffo. 2-Hagen defeated Henning. 3-Donovan defeated Hagen.

12/17/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Lorenzo Parente defeated Johnny Kace
Hercules Graham defeated Bronco Jack Kelly
Pat O’Connor defeated The Viking
Johnny Valentine defeated Chin Lee
Joe Tomasso double DQ Steve Stanlee

12/24/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Joe Tangaro defeated Johnny Kace
Sonny Myers defeated Mitsu Arakawa
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski defeated Lorenzo Parente
Wilbur Snyder won two straight falls over Bob Baker (later to be Ox Baker)
Official signing for Kiniski vs. Thesz on 1/6/67, and then Thesz clinic with Sonny Myers, Rocky Ford and Joe Tangaro

12/31/66 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Jack Lanza (later to be Black Jack Lanza) defeated Joe Tomasso
Penny Banner defeated Cora Combs
Moose Cholak defeated Bronco Kelly
Bulldog Henning and Joe Tomasso defeated Herb Larson and Sonny Myers. 1-Henning beat Myers. 2-Myers defeated Henning. 3-Tomasso defeated Larson.


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