Triple H And Darren Young Comment On Survivor Series Terror Threat


As noted, hactivist group Anonymous uncovered information today about other upcoming attacks planned by ISIS, which included this Sunday’s Survivor Series pay-per-view at the Philips Arena in Atlanta, GA. NBC and TMZ Sports have articles about the FBI taking the threat seriously as we reported earlier, although the FBI stated that they do not have “specific or credible information of an attack at this time.”

Triple H also posted a tweet about the threat, which was the statement that WWE sent us earlier:

.@WWE Survivor Series is currently scheduled as planned while we investigate reports with authorities.
— Triple H (@TripleH) November 21, 2015

Darren Young also commented on the story, urging fans to act if they see something suspicious:

I’m sure you’ve heard the news about our safety. As a nation, let’s look out for each other. If you see something suspicious, say something.
— nodaysoff D-Young (@DarrenYoungWWE) November 21, 2015


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