The WWE Raw Report 2/10/14 (Orton vs. Cena, Bryan & Kane, The Shield & The Wyatts)


WWE Monday Night RAW Report for 2/10/14 from the sold out Staples Center in Los Angeles, CA

– Raw kicks off with a silent opening dedicated to Frank Bullock, one of WWE’s longtime ringside audio production guys. RIP Frank, 1957 -2014

– Betty White is introduced. With the Big Show on her arm, Betty comes out to the stage to take in the applause. She receives a warm welcome, but it looks like she’s starting to need a little help getting around.

– Cue HHH & Stephanie. Oh yeah, HHH’s music hits as he cuts off Betty’s spotlight. It’s hard to determine if this is gimmick HHH, or if he just enjoys getting cheap heat and being an asshole. Anyway, HHH & Steph come to the ring, they talk about Bryan beating Orton and how they’d reconsider Bryan as the face of the WWE, along with the rest of the Chamber opponents.

Out comes Orton. Randy apologizes to the Authority. He says he doesn’t just want to be champion, he wants to be the face of the company. Talk shows, cereal boxes, etc… Randy says he’s the heart and soul of WWE.

Daniel Bryan joins in the “fun”. Bryan’s beard looks extra goaty this week. Bryan says Randy isn’t the heart & soul, he’s another body part entirely.

Stephanie interrupts the two and informs them that NOBODY can interrupt the Authority ever again without making an appointment with the Director of Operations, Kane. Bryan reminds the Authority that Kane failed his mission last week, and Daniel beat Orton. Daniel then asks for a match with Kane, TONGIHT!

Stephanie informs Bryan that Kane is taking a one week leave of absence for his actions last week.

Orton sucks up to the Authority and tells Bryan to kiss the ground they walk on, and be honored to be in the ring with them. Bryan brings up a time when Orton handcuffed HHH to the ropes and kissed Stephanie. Orton cuts him off and wants to punt his head. HHH declines Randy’s offer and instead decides to give Bryan the night off due to his “agitated state”, and that’s what’s best for business.

The fans & Bryan chant “NO!”. That sucked. That entire segment sucked.

-Commercial Break-

We’re 20 minutes into the show and so far all we’ve established is that the most over guy in the company isn’t working tonight, at least storyline wise. That should get the numbers up…

And now it’s time for our token 6-Man of the week.

1. Cody Rhodes, Goldust & Rey Mysterio vs. The Wyatt Family. Another 6-Man kicks off the show again this week. Mysterio is out first, followed by Cody & Goldust who barely get an entrance before the lights go out and the Wyatts intro promo airs. The fans pop big for “We’re Here”. Rowan & Cody start off. The faces have control, as Michael Cole’s “sources” claim that Rowan wears the sheep mask to keep calm. JBL has a laugh at Cole’s “sources”. Harper tags in, tossed to the floor, nice spot by Mysterio as he does a belly slide in the ring to the outside and hits a splash on Harper on the floor. the baby faces are in complete control as me take a commercial break.

Back from break, the Wyatts are now in control of Goldust. Goldy counters Rowan with a back spring elbow and lowers the top rope as Rowan charges. Rowan takes the tumble to the floor and Goldust reaches for a tag, but Harper manages to tag in. Goldust catches Harper with the snap powerslam and finally makes the hot tag to Rey Rey. Mysterio is all over Harper with a flying seated senton, a tornado DDT, and a 619! Wyatt yanks Rey to the floor, but Cody dives onto Bray. Rowan lays out Cody into the barricade. Mysterio goes for the 619 on Harper again, but Wyatt slides in and Rey runs right into a SICK LOOKING Sister Abigail. Great finish spot. The Wyatts win in 11:00. Not a bad match, plenty of talent involved, but nothing special either. The finish was slick though.

– Bray cuts a promo after the match on the Shield. He says they are no different than anyone else, they will follow the buzzards.

-Commercial Break-

– We’re treated to a video from the Royal Rumble match highlighting Roman Reigns and his 12 eliminations. He eliminated El Torito? Doesn’t that only count as 1/2 an elimination? They’re really building this guy up.

– We cut to Renee Young standing by with the Shield. The Shield talk about the Wyatts & Elimination Chamber. Renee asks Dean about not defending the U.S. Heavyweight Championship in quite a while. Ambrose says it takes a lot of paper work to put together a title match. Roman Reigns speaks up and asks Ambrose what type of champion does he want to be. Dean responds by offering an OPEN CHALLENGE to anyone tonight. Ambrose says he will defend his U.S. Title against whomever accepts the challenge, tonight on Raw… HMMMMMM… Let the buzz start…

– WWE Divas with Betty White. They pimp her “Off Their Rocker” TV show. The New Age Outlaws interrupt, they have heard that somebody plans to prank Betty White and they want to protect her. Road Dogg then invites Betty White to follow them for a cup of tea. Gee, I wonder where this is going…

– As if they haven’t squeezed enough into this segment, Santino & #EMMA make their way to ringside for the next match after the break.

-Commercial Break-

2. Santino Marella (w/Emma) vs. Fandango (w/Summer Rae). JBL chants start up. Here comes the MIZ again. Miz jumps on commentary, he calls Fandango “Twinkle Toes”, and says that Santino’s act is older than Betty White. Miz sarcastically calls this match “AWESOME”, and leaves. Boy that’s really getting over. Fandango basically squashes Santino, hitting the flying legdrop to end things in 2:30, tops.

– The newest member of the WWE broadcast team, Byron Saxton, is waiting backstage with Sheamus. Byron brings up that Sheamus will team up with Christian tonight, even though they’ll meet each other as part of the Elimination Chamber. Sheamus discusses his past with Christian, but he isn’t worried. The two will team up to take on the Real Americans, NEXT!

-Commercial Break-

– A pre-recorded Christian promo airs. He’s sporting a shiner and discusses being the next “face of WWE”. Christian doesn’t know about being the face, but he is a former 2 time champion and plans to win the WWE Title at the Chamber.

– Before the next match, Zeb Colter gets on the mic. Cesaro is the next to promise to be the next WWE Champion. “WE THE PEOPLE!”

3. Sheamus & Christian vs. Jack Swagger & Antonio Cesaro (w/Zeb Colter). The announcers continue to make a big deal about Cesaro advancing to the Chamber and Swagger losing. Then, Colter makes Cesaro start the match and Swagger sit out. Huge “We the People” chant begins. The Real Americans are mad over. Some good STIFF exchanges between Sheamus & Cesaro. Sheamus blasts Cesaro with a top rope shoulder block, but the Americans manage to run a distraction and Antonio boots Sheamus to the floor. Big “CESARO” chants as we go to break.

Back from break, the action continues. Christian’s in the ring, Cesaro escapes a Killswitch and tosses Christian high in the air. Christian comes down right into a stiff European Uppercut!!! Some good action follows by the Americans. Cesaro Swing as the fans count along. 10 Revolutions and Christian tumbles to the floor for the count of 9. Back inside, more double team work from the Real Americans. Swagger launches Cesaro into the corner but Christian moves. Christian sends Swagger to the floor and makes the hot tag to Sheamus, fella. Sheamus positions Swagger between the ropes and pounds the shit out of Jack’s chest. Sheamus goes for the BROGUE KICK< but Cesaro hits a flying European Uppercut. Sheamus grabs Cesaro for 10 clubs, but Swagger attacks Sheamus from behind and applies the Patriot Lock. Christian dives off the top rope onto Swagger to break up the hold. Then Christian nails Cesaro with a Tornado DDT from the apron to the floor. Sheamus hits the BROGUE KICK on Swagger and gets the win in 15:00.

Zeb Colter doesn’t look happy with Swaggger.

– Renee Young with John Cena. John talks about CHANGE, and all the new faces in WWE. Cena says tonight is about the future. Tonight he closes the book on his feud with Orton. Cena warns the Wyatts, the Shield, Bryan, Cesaro, etc… That they will have to go through him to be the future of the company.

-Commercial Break-

– It’s WWE “30 Second Fury” with Batista. Lots of Batista Bombs in 30 seconds. And now it’s time for the one time “Showoff”…

4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Alberto Del Rio. I guess Dolph is back being billed from Hollywood, Florida this week. Ziggler barely makes it to ringside before his music is cut off and Alberto Del Rio makes his way down. Ziggler looks pissed, lol. Either it’s part of their current disgruntled angle, or that was just a shitty thing to do. Quick action, Del Rio tries for a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, but Dolph lands on his feet and hits the Fame-Asser. “Let’s go Ziggler” chant. And just that fast, Del Rio drops Ziggler to his feet and lands a superkick to his face for the win in 1:45. DISGUSTING. Absolutely, DISGUSTING.

After the match, Del Rio comes back and applie the cross armbreaker, and damn near fucks it up and breaks Ziggler’s elbow putting it on.

HERE COMES BATISTA, SPEAR ON DEL RIO! Crowd booing the shit out of Batista as he throws Del Rio through the ring steps and BATISTA BOMB THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE on Del Rio. Now that a tables broken, the fans are a little nicer to Batista. As officials check on Del Rio, Batista threatens to smash him with a TV monitor. I get what they’re doing here, if they want Batista to be cheered, he’s going to have to have an edge. I just don’t know how long they can keep this up.

– A shitty WWE Network Commercial airs with the Bella Twins pretending to be Flight Attendants. I think we all know why these girls have jobs.

– Who will be the next to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame? We find out… NEXT!

-Commercial Break-

Batista is walking backstage when he’s stopped by HHH. Trips says he can’t have Batista going off on people. Things have changed, this is a publicly traded company now. Wasn’t it before when Batista was here? HHH wants what’s best for business. Batista says Del Rio IS his business. HHH gives Batista a match with Del Rio at Elimination Chamber. Batista says things have changed around here.

And the next inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame, Class of 2014 is…..


Guess Stacy Keibler fell through, eh?

– The Outlaws are having tea with Betty White. It’s Road Dogg’s “special blend”. Betty hasn’t taken a drink yet. Gunn gets her attention while the Dogg spikes her tea. These guys return and win the titles to become a comedy act? Betty switches their teacups around when the Outlaws leave the room for a moment. Gunn drinks the tainted tea. Wow, they’re really getting all they can out of Betty.

We’re almost 2 hours in and I don’t know that ANYTHING productive has happened yet. I’ll keep waiting for Dean Ambrose’s open challenge.

-Commercial Break-

5. Ryback & Curtis Axel vs. The Usos. The New Age Outlaws on commentary. Cole questions the Outlaws on why they refuse to give the Usos a title shot. Road Dogg says they’re only one team in the WWE, and the Usos are too inexperienced. Billy Gunn begins to get sick during the commentary (remember the tea). Road Dogg does the talking, saying anything he can to put down the Usos. LOUD Goldberg chants for Ryback. Ryback puts Jimmy Uso on the top rope for a back suplex, but Jimmy knocks Ryback off. Hot tag to Jey. Axel comes in and takes his father’s back flip bump after being kicked in the back of the leg. Samoan Drop on Axel, Ryback knockewd off the apron. Jey superkicks Axel down. Jey goes flying over the top rope and makes the tag to Jimmy at the same time he hits a flying dive on Ryback outside. Jimmy off the top with the flying splash on Axel for the win in 4:00.

After the match, Billy Gunn grabs his ass and rushes to the bathroom. Really? Toilet jokes? And THAT is how the segment ends. Seriously.

-Commercial Break-

It’s time for Dean Ambrose’s open challenge. He promised to defend his U.S. Title against anyone in the back… Let’s hope it’s something good…

OHHH, and it’s MARK HENRY…

Wait a minute, wasn’t he already scheduled to return? What was he going to do if this match hadn’t came along?

6. U.S. Heavyweight Champion Dean Ambrose vs. Mark Henry. The Shield are actually laughing at Ambrose. Dean goes right after the recently injured arm of Henry. Henry battles back and tosses Ambrose from corner to corner. Dean removes the arm brace on Henry. Amrbose goes after the exposed arm of Henry, but Mark tosses him to the outside as we go to break.

Back from break, Ambrose has taken over on Henry’s arm. Dean goes up top but gets slammed off. Henry comes back with a running powerslam. Ambrose battles back and goes for his reverse DDT finisher, but Mark shoves him off and hits the WORLD’S STRONGEST SLAM!!!! 1…….2……….ROLLINS BREAK IT UP!!! Ambrose is DQ’ed after 7:00. Well that was worth it.

Henry fights off Rollins on the floor, but takes a SPEAR from Reigns outside. The Shield leave Henry laying, and Ambrose has them to thank for retaining his title.

The lights go out… THE WYATTS ARE HERE!!! The Shield waits at ringside as the Wyatts enter. The fans clap along to the Wyatts eerie music. The Shield climb back over the barricade and stand outside the opposite end of the ring from the Wyatts. Neither team says anything, they just stare each other down. Loud “YES” chants as The Shield climb up on the apron. The Wyatts then climb onto the apron… 6-Way stare down across the ring. Pretty cool sight. Roman Reigns enters the ring. Bray Wyatt follows, then backs out. As The Shield enter the ring, the Wyatts back up the aisle, pissing off the fans, and myself. Hopefully, they give us something next week before the PPV.

-Commercial Break-

Back from break, we continue Black History Month as the WWE pays tribute to the late, great, Bobo Brazil! There probably isn’t a better fit for a tribute than to choose Bobo. He was huge in my area of the world, larger than life. It was a nice piece, they made Bobo look great.

7. The Bella Twins & Cameron (w/Eva Marie) vs. AJ Lee, Aksana, & Alicia Fox (w/Tamina). What can I say, it’s Divas action. AJ L is in early, then never again. Bella does the worm. The announcers spend the match talking about the Network. Cameron gets a hot tag and goes after Alicia Fox. Aksana takes in. Cameron gets some revenge for Naomi, nailing Aksana with the “Girl, Bye” DDT for the win in 4:00.

Up next, it’s a match I could do without. Cena vs. Orton. I guess it’s safe to say this Raw is crap. They must be holding off everything for next week for the PPV build and the Network launch date.

-Commercial Break-

– Alexander Rusev & Lana Promo. Rusev speaks in Bulgarian. I don’t know what he said, but I do know that he’s coming!

Hey wait… That’s KANE!!!! I thought he was on administrative league this week??? Kane comes to the ring… Kane accepts his punishment and admits he was wrong for last week’s attack. Kane claims the Authority had nothing to do with it… HERE COMES DANIEL BRYAN! Apparently Kane isn’t the only one still here. Bryan charges the ring, he and Kane go at it. Bryan dodges a chokeslam and sends Kane to the floor. Bryan hits a suicide dive and DROPKICKS KANE INTO THE CROWD!!! Back in the ring, Bryan gets the crowd chanting “YES!”… That was an odd ending to the fight.

-Commercial Break-

– Betty White thanks the fans for making her feel welcome. And that’s that… Wow, what was the point of having her here? So Billy Gunn running to the bathroom was the big payoff to the comedy angle? It must be one of Vince’s scripts…

8. Randy Orton vs. John Cena. Orton is WWE Champ, but this is non-title, which makes it even more pointless. Much like the chanting, the match is back and forth. Some fans like Cena, some don’t, but Orton gets no reaction. Orton seriously needs to pick up the pace in the ring or accept whatever upper mid-card crap they feed him post-Mania. This slow motion Viper shit isn’t “psychology”, it’s just BORING. Orton has control, he walks around for 20 seconds and then kicks Cena… Seriously? You stand there 20 seconds and do a stomp? Outside the ring Orton does the back suplex onto the barricade. Right back into the ring, more crappy offense on Cena. Orton stands up and poses for what seems like an eternity as we take our final break. GOOD, I’d rather watch M&M commercials than this crap…

Back from break, sigh, we return with HUGE chants of “BORING”… Okay, so it’s not just me. Screw you Orton for making me cheer John Cena of all people. That’s not heel heat, that just plain old YOU SUCK GET OFF MY TV SCREEN heat. Ohh, and now a chinlock. I wonder if this match has put Betty White to sleep yet? Cena comes back with the 5 moves of doom… 5 knuckle shuffle, AA, but Orton escapes and hits his modified backbreaker for 2. Orton tries the suspended DDT but Cena backdrops him to the floor. Cena for the AA again, Orton counters again with a powerslam for 2.

Orton puts Cena on the top rope for a suspended DDT and connects. Rather than cover, Orton celebrates by talking trash to the fans. That makes sense. He goes for several covers, then chooses not to this time. Time for the RKO… Cena counters with the STF… Randy makes it to the ropes for the break. Standing dropkick by Orton. Both men down. Orton up and points to the Mania sign. Super Cena dodges a punt kick, John goes for the AA, Orton escapes and hits the RKO! 1…2…..Cena kicks out!! Cena pops up… AA!!!!! 1……..2………Orton kicks out!!!Cena puts Orton on the top rope and goes for an AA off the middle rope but Orton escapes. Cena knocks Randy down and catches him with a flying legdrop to the back of the head off the top rope!! AA one more time, and it’s all over! Cena wins in 20:30… This should get Randy over good for the Chamber. I’d imagine he has to lose at this point, because him as champion at Mania is worthless at this point…

That’s all folks… I’ll be back next week for the go home show to the Elimination Chamber, I’m assuming it will feature Orton vs. Sheamus!


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