WWE Raw Report 1-13-14 YES! YES! YES!


We’re currently looking for a full time Monday Night Raw Reviewer, but for right now I’ll be handling the duties. Should you wish to join Crazymax.org as a writer or reviewer, please contact us at Crazymaxorg@gmail.com

Here we go with this week’s edition of WWE Raw, January 13th, 2014 from The Dunkin’ Donuts Center in Providence, RI…

– We open with a video package of the recent transformation of Daniel Bryan into a member of the Wyatt Family, then to the ring where the Usos are already waiting for their opponents, Daniel Bryan & Bray Wyatt. The lights pop on and we already have the entire Wyatt Family standing in the aisle, with Bray in his rocking chair. Really nicely done entrance segment for the Wyatts as it looked like they just appeared there out of thin air.

We’re two minutes into Raw and we get right into our first match of the night…
1. The Usos vs. The Wyatt Family (Bray Wyatt & Daniel Bryan) w/Rowan & Harper. Bryan & Jey start, the Wyatt Family eventually get the best of Jey and work him over. Bryan works in some of his familiar kicks and knees, but does it at a more slow and methodical style. Bryan works a chinlock on Jey, but Jey eventually counters with an Enzuigiri Kick and makes the hot tag to brother Jimmy Uso. Jimmy hits the ring on fire, clotheslining Bryan and landing a big kick. Jimmy with a Samoan Drop and then the Stinger Splash in the corner on Daniel. Jimmy covers Bryan but Bray breaks it up. Bray Wyatt gets pitched out of the ring and the Usos do a double dive over the top rope onto Bryan & Wyatt. The Usos roll their opponents back into the ring, but they’re attacked by Rowan & Harper, drawing the DQ. The Usos get the DQ victory in around 6:00.

The entire Wyatt Family go after the Usos, but Jey manages to land a Superkick on Bryan, and the Usos bail before taking any punishment. The Wyatts have words with Daniel Bryan. Bray whispers something to Bryan and Daniel drops to his knees. Wyatt then slowly grabs Bryan and hits Sister Abigail before Bryan winds up leaving with the Family.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back and Damien Sandow is in the ring. The announcers discuss Sandow’s unlucky streak he’s been on ever since losing to Cena when he cashed in the MITB briefcase. If you ask me, he’d been on a losing streak because they took away EVERY but of his gimmick and can’t figure out why he’s not as over anymore. Sandow looks for retribution here as he gets a chance to defeat the current #1 Contender to the World Title, John Cena.

2. John Cena vs. Damien Sandow. Sandown controls Cena for a good period of time, until he misses a jumping kneedrop. Cena comes back with some tackles, a side slam, and the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Cena goes for the AA, but Sandow slides out and hits a sit-out head buster? (whatever you call an inverted face buster). Anyway, the move gets a 2 count. Cena counters a neckbreaker and tries for the STF, but Damien counters with the “Royal Arch”. I’ve never professed to be a big Smackdown watcher but I’ve NEVER seen Sandow use this hold before, and the announcers are selling it like it’s his #2 finisher. What-ev… Cena eventually escapes the hold and lands a Full Nelson Slam into a neckbreaker. Hey Cena, way to take your opponents move and one up him with it by adding to it… Asshole… Cena goes up to the top rope, and Sandow meets him there. Cena knocks Sandow off the ropes and lands a Tornado DDT for another 2 count. Cena scoops Sandow up, but Damien counters with a rollup for 2. Sandow with a neckbreaker for 2. Damien sets Cena up for the “You’re Welcome” (Full Nelson Slam) but Cewna counter with the STF. Sandow reaches the ropes for a break. Sandow manages to lock in the Crippler Crossface on Cena, but John shows his tremendous strength when he stands up with it and lands the AA for the win in just over 10:00

-Commercial Break-

– It’s time to pimp the WWE Network… Oh cummon, you knew it was coming. Give them credit, they waited over 30 minutes to promote it…
– We go to the back where Kane is with Brad Maddox. Brad mocks Kane for Raw starting off with the screwy opener. Kane tells Brad to start enforcing some rules. Brad says The Usos will tag against Bryan and Bray again tonight, but it will be in a steel cage. Kane says that’s a good idea, but the door will be chained and locked by Kane himself, and Kane will be the one holding the key.

– And here comes the Big Show to the ring… He’s up Next!

-Commercial Break-

It looks like Big Show is going up against Jack Swagger of the Real Americans.

3. The Big Show vs. Jack Swagger (w/Zeb Colter & Antionio Cesasro). Quick note: I LOVE Zeb Colter’s “Frenchy Martin” style signs. This is a glorified squash. Swagger gets little to no offense before he’s put out of his misery via the chokeslam. Show wins with ease in about a minute and a half.
Cesaro tries to attack Show, but is chased into the crowd by Show. Big Show then goes after Zeb, but Cesaro returns to attack Show. Show quickly disposes of Cesaro, and then goes back to Zeb and knocks him out with the KO Punch.

-Commercial Break-

4. CM Punk & The New Age Outlaws vs. The Shield. A rematch from last week’s Smackdown. Billy Gunn and Dean Ambrose start out for their teams. Some back and forth with Rollins tagging in and taking a tilt-a-whirl slam from Gunn for 2. Road Dogg tags in, as does Ambrose. Dogg lands some of his signature moves, including the dancing jabs and the shimmy kneedrop. Punk tags in and Ambrose retreats to his corner, but decides not to tag out.

Punk tosses Ambrose face first 4 times in to opposite corners. Punk charges in and eats a boot. Punk lifts up Ambrose, but he fights out and tags in Rollins. Punk lifts up Rollins, but Rollins fights out and tags in Reigns. Punk and Reigns stare off. The trade blows, and Reigns gets the upper hand. Punk fights back with more shots. Punk charges in and gets knocked to the canvas by Reigns. Punk lifts up Reigns, but Reigns fights out. Punk low bridges Reigns. Punk dives through the ropes onto Reigns are we go to commercial. Punk snatches up Ambrose for a GTS, but Dean tags to Rollins. Then, Punk lifts up Rollins, but Seth tags to Reigns.

After a commercial, Punk attempts a comeback on Rollins by hitting a swinging neckbreaker for 2. Rollins fights back and knocks Punk into the ropes. As Punk’s head lays over the bottom rope, Roman Reigns gets a running start on the GROUND and leaps up into the air and DROPKICKS PUNK in the head. Reigns literally jumps off the arena floor and dropkicks Punk’s head while it dangles on the bottom rope, and Roman lands on the apron. The move looked amazing, great height in the dropkick. Ambrose & Rollins then make several tags back and forth while working over Punk. Ambrose eventually dumps Punk out of the ring by the announcer’s table. Punk whips Ambrose into the steps and it looks nasty. Dean may have bounced his head off the steps, spot looked good. Reigns grabs Ambrose and tosses him in the ring so he can tag to Rollins to prevent Punk from making the tag. Great tag team work there. Punk hits Rollins with a calf kick and tries to make the tag, but Reigns tags in. Reigns is in and he prevents Punk from tagging in, and mocks the Outlaws by telling them to SUCK IT! Roman turns around into a KICK TO THE HEAD FROM PUNK!

CM makes the long crawl to his corner, finally reaches his corner for the tag to………………………NOBODY!!!! THE OUTLAWS DROP OFF THE APRON!!!!!! The Outlaws leave Punk alone in the ring against the Shield. Punk man’s up and tries to fight them off, a neckbreaker on Reigns, Rollins sent flying out of the ring, Punk turns around into a SPEAR FROM REIGNS!!!! And the Shield get the win, with Reigns pinning Punk for the second week in a row…

The Shield begin to leave the ring, then turn around and hit the TRIPLE POWERBOMB on Punk as the exclamation point!

I was wondering why HHH’s buddies were palling around with Punk last week, now we know why. Oh, the rumors of the WrestleMania match appear to be true… Sigh, for CM Punk…


-Backstage interview with the Wyatts about the Cage match later tonight against the Usos. Bray says the Usos are afraid of them. Bray says tonight the Wyatt family will find redemption… They will find the monsters…
-Commercial Break-


5. Divas Champion AJ Lee & Tamina Snuka vs. Cameron & Naomi (The Funkadactyls). Tamina manhandles Cameron for a bit. Cameron gets a few shots in but it’s mainly the heels dominating. AJ lands a swinging neckbreaker and skips around the ring before covering, and it only gets her 2. Cameron breaks a chinlock by landing a jawbreaker on AJ, but Lee stops her from tagging to Naomi. AJ lands the SHINING WIZARD and gets the 3 count on Cameron. Naomi never tagged in by design.

After the match, Tamina continues the beat down on Cameron, but Naomi leaps into the ring and hits some nice looking offense to clear Tamina from the ring, and then the Rear View (butt butt) on AJ. AJ & Tamina leave ringside with Naomi standing tall. That girl does have talent in the ring for sure. Wouldn’t mind that being our Divas match at Royal Rumble, it’s better than anything else they have.

– We go to the back where Randy Orton is looking for The Authority. We then cut to the announcers where they tell us about the main event cage match for tonight. After the break, will be the first inductee into the 2014 WWE Hall of Fame.
-Commercial Break-
– Back on Raw, Randy Orton and Kane are in the back. Orton says everything is going wrong. Talking about John Cena, Brock Lesnar, and Batista. He says he needs protection. Kane says all he can control is what happens tonight. Kane says tonight, Randy can let out his frustration on Kofi Kingston.

– We go to the announcers where they reveal the first inductee into the 2014 WWE Hall of Fame. The first inductee is……..


JBL says he can’t wait for that speech…. INDEED…

– We go to the back again, and Renee Young introduces Paul Heyman. Renee asks Heyman about what happened last week between The Big Show and Brock Lesnar, and how he feels Lesnar will do against Big Show at the Rumble. Heyman says The Big Show tried to impress Lesnar by knocking out an elderly man in Zeb Colter. He says that The Big Show is stupid for trying to pick a fight with Brock Lesnar. Heyman says he and Lesnar are not impressed by Big Show’s actions.

– Back in the arena, The WWE World Heavywieght Champion Randy Orton makes his way to the ring. He will go one on one with Kofi Kingston when we come back from break.
-Commercial Break-

6. WWE World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton vs. Kofi Kingston. Non-Title of course. Orton gets the early jump on Kingston, Kofi makes a few comeback attempts but Orton owns him early on. Randy tries to toss Kofi into the announce table, but Kingston blocks and rams Orton into the table 3 times. This offense doesn’t last long and Orton is back on top with a SUPERPLEX for 2. Orton with the Garvin Stomp on Kingston and a jumping kneedrop for 2. Kofi fights back and knocks Orton to the floor. Kingston tries a baseball slide, but Orton moves. Kingston lands on his feet and throws Orton into the steps, then hits a big clothesline off the apron as we go to a commercial break

Back on Raw, Randy Orton is in control of Kofi Kingston on the outside. Orton hits a belly to back suplex to Kofi on the barricade. Orton then tosses Kofi face first into the announce table. Back in the ring Orton locks in a chinlock, but Kingston breaks it with a back suplex. Orton ducks “Trouble in Paradise” and throws Kofi out of the ring. Jesus Christ these guys have been outside like 5 or 6 times… Orton tosses Kingston into the steps twice and covers again for 2. Orton argues with the ref’s count. Kofi fights back, but Orton swats his dropkick. Kingston is looking far inferior here, not being given any lengthy period of offense. Orton lands an uppercut, but Kofi counters with a backslide on a second attempt and gets 2 on the World Champ. Orton with another chinlock, Kofi tries to break but Orton throws him down by his hair. Orton misses a kneedrop and Orton fires back with a dropkick and clothesline. Kofi misses the Boom Drop… Good, he shouldn’t be going for that by this point anyway… Orton hangs Kofi on the middle rope for the suspended DDT, Kingston slips out and counters with the S.O.S. for the 3 count and the upset win!!!! KINGSTON WINS, KINGSTON WINS, KINGSTON WINS, BY GAWD!!!


– After the match, Orton is beside himself and begins pacing and throwing a fit. Orton slowly works his way over to John Cena’s dad and attacks him, landing several punches before being pulled off… Haven’t we seen this crap before?? I mean the same guys and everything… Cena comes rushing down to check on his pops. Cena calls for the paramedics to check on his dad who appears to be unconscious.
-Commercial Break-

– Back on Raw, John Cena’s dad is being stretchered out of the building and loaded into an ambulance. John Cena is going with him to the hospital. Apparently Nikki Bella doesn’t care…

7. WWE Tag Team Champions Goldust & Cody Rhodes (The Brotherhood) vs. Ryback and Curtis Axel. The announcers turn Ryback’s Twitter situation into a gimmick as they bring it up, and how unstable Ryback is. Goldust starts off with action against both members of RyBaxel. Cody comes in with a moonsault on Ryback for a 1 count. Goldust tags back in and ends up taking the heat. Axel with a not quite perfect standing dropkick for 2. AxelBack continue to work over Goldust. Ryback with a Goldberg style Gorilla Press into a front slam. Axel shoots Goldust into the corner but Goldy counters with a springboard back elbow. Ryback tags in and stops Goldust from tagging Cody, but Goldy lands a Bulldog and both men go down. Axel tags in but Cody gets the HOT TAG! Cody on the offense on both members of RyBaxel. Cody with a springboard dropkick on Axel, and a Disaster Kick on Ryback… Axel tries a sneaky roll up on Rhodes for 2. Axel tries for his neckbreaker, but Cody counters with the CROSS RHODES for the 3 count!

The Brotherhood win another one!

-Commercial Break-


8. Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio starts off with aggression on Mysterio, but Rey comes fighting back and lands the headscissors to set up the 619, but Del Rio takes a powder to the outside.. Rey comes jumping off the apron with a seated senton. Back in the ring Rey comes off the top rope with another seated senton. Del Rio eventually comes back with an armbreaker, and begins to work the arm of Mysterio over for a submission win. Mysterio fights back but Del Rio counters with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for 2. Del Rio misses a charge into the corner and his shoulder hits the post and he falls to the outside… Alberto finds his way back into the ring but takes another headscissors from Rey… Mysterio DIALS IT UP, 619!!! Mysterio goes to the top rope, but is crotched by Alberto. Del Rio lands a stiff kick to Rey to knock him off the ropes and applies the Cross Armbreaker for the submission win… Poor Mysterio….

– After the match, Del Rio asks Batista how he likes his friend Mysterio. He says if Batista shows up next week, the same thing is going to happen to him. Del Rio says he will eliminate Batista in the Royal Rumble match. He says everyone will stop talking about him, and start talking about Alberto Del Rio.


-Commercial Break-


More WWE Network hype… I love the anticipation, but I can’t watch this same video for the next 6 weeks…

– CM Punk is backstage with Kane… He wants to know where the Authority is RIGHT NOW… Punk says the Shield is bad enough, but now the Outlaws too? That’s 5 on 1… Punk has had enough of HHH’s henchmen and wants to talk to HHH face to face. Kane alerts Punk that the Authority isn’t here this week, but informs Punk that HHH has entered Punk into the Royal Rumble Match. Punk will have his chance to headline WrestleMania… Punk says he has no problem with being in the Rumble, but he does have a problem with Kane!


– Apparently the WWE caught up with the Usos only moments ago… The trouble is, there’s this elaborate black background cut away interview segment that the Usos cut about the Cage Match… Doesn’t look like something they just threw together 5 minutes ago…

And here come the Wyatts as the fans actually CLAP along with the Wyatt theme… That’s a new one for me…


-Commercial Break-



9. The Usos vs. Bray Wyatt & Daniel Bryan inside a STEEL CAGE. Kane’s music hits and he comes out to lock the two teams in with a lock & chain. Per his word, Kane holds the key to prevent interference. All four men start the match off, back and forth action, Bray catapults Jimmy into the Cage while Bryan prevents Jey from escaping as they both are on top of the cage. Bray joins and tosses Jey back into the ring. Jimmy Uso now goes after Bray on top of the cage and tosses him to the mat. Jimmy then goes after Bryan as they climb the cage and Jimmy hits a Russian leg sweep off the top rope on Bryan as we take a commercial break!

Back on Raw, Bray Wyatt is all over Jey Uso and Daniel Bryan is on Jimmy Uso.Bray and Jey are fighting on the top rope. Jey knocks Bray off the ropes and connects with a corkscrews splash. He covers but Bryan breaks up the count. Bryan tosses Jey into the cage. Bryan ties Jimmy Uso upside down in the tree of woe and hits a baseball slide to the face. Bryan tries to escape but Jey catches him. Both Usos go up top with Bryan and hits a double belly to back suplex off the top rope!!! All 4 men are now down on the mat. Jey covers Bryan but Bray makes the save. Bray now goes back and forth between the Usos with shots. Jimmy gets thrown into the cage. Bray goes for “Sister Abigail” on Jey, but Jimmy comes out of nowhere with a SUPERKICK!!! All 4 men are now down again. The Usos both try to escape out of the top of the cage, but Bryan and Wyatt catch them. All 4 men are now on top of the cage fighting. Bryan with Jimmy, and Bray with Jey. Jimmy headbutts Bryan, knocking him off the cage… Bryan falls into the ropes which causes Bray to fall off the top rope and crotch himself… Rowan stands underneath Jimmy to prevent him from climbing down, so Jimmy Uso jumps off the side of the Cage with a flying attack on Rowan to escape the cage. Seconds later, Jey Uso also drops and the Usos win the match!!!

Harper & Rowan attack Jimmy Uso, but Jey makes the save at ringside and the Usos leave the victors…..



After a brief stare down following the match, Bray Wyatt again says something to Bryan and Daniel drops to his knees…. Bray goes for Sister Abigail again, like in the opening segment, but this time Bryan breaks free and steps away…. THE CROWD GOES NUTS…..  Wyatt gets wild eyed and reprimands Bryan. The fans begin a “Daniel Bryan” chant as Bray tries to use his mind games on Bryan. Wyatt drops to his knees and tells Bryan to bring it on. Daniel just stands there as Bray calls him a coward…They’re in a Cage with nowhere to go, and nobody can get in!!!! Wyatt charges at Bryan, but Daniel side steps… Bryan hits several running dropkicks into the corner, punches, then kicks the shit out of Bray as the fans go wild with “YES!” chants…  Rowan & Harper tries to get in the cage, but the door is padlocked!!! Bryan removes his jumpsuit and reveals his old standard Daniel Bryan gear…. MORE KICKS TO WYATT!!!! The fans are going crazy…. As Rowan & Harper try to climb the cage, Bryan throws Bray Wyatt into them, knocking them off the cage…

Bryan then backs into the corner and the fans slowly begin another “YES!” chant… 16,000 plus people standing on their feet ALL doing the YES! chant… It’s quite a sight, and makes for great atmosphere… I haven’t seen anything quite like this in a LONG time… This is the definition of the word OVER… Not since Stone Cold have I seen the fans react like this in unison… I can’t begin to explain to you how insane this is… If you didn’t see it live, you have to catch a replay…  Bryan rushes and lands the Running Lnee into the face of Wyatt….

Daniel then climbs to the top of the cage, where he sits and does the YES! chant with the entire arena as Raw goes off the air….. Holy wow….  What a sight, what an angle, what a great segment….






  1. I thought it was a decent show, I liked the opening and main event segments, the Usos are over and Bryan is way over. I’d like to see him get the WWE title at Mania.

    Did not expect Kofi to beat Orton, wish that would’ve happened 4 years ago. I liked it, even if the match was stale and Orton will more than likely destroy Kofi on Smackdown or Raw next week. And Orton going after Cena’s dad is so 2007.


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