Wrestling Recaps: WCW Saturday Night – June 1995


WCW Saturday Night 6/3/1995

Written by: Bob Colling of Wrestling Recaps

World Championship Wrestling presents Saturday Night
From: Atlanta, GA

1.)Alex Wright defeated Manny Fernandez
2.)Sting defeated Dick Slater
3.)The Renegade defeated Bob Starr
4.)Harlem Heat defeated Mike Khory & Scott Amore
5.)Ric Flair vs. Randy Savage never happened

Angle Developments/Notes:
1.Tonight, Randy Savage will be in action against Ric Flair in the main event. WCW Television Champion Arn Anderson comes over and cuts a promo saying that Savage is afraid of Flair in the backstage area. We see Savage getting ready backstage and he says he is ready to get a piece of Anderson and Flair right now. Sting and the Renegade are holding Savage back from doing anything.

2.Alex Wright kicked off the action with a squash match. He won the match following a top rope twisting cross body.

3.Next week Sting is wrestling Meng in a semifinal match. However, this week he is wrestling Dick Slater with Meng at ringside. During the match, Sting had a roll up on Slater but Parker got on the apron to prevent the pin. Meng accidentally kicks Slater from the apron and Sting gets the pin fall victory. Bobby Heenan’s reaction is hilarious. After the match, Meng gets in Sting’s face but they don’t trade blows.

4.This is the debut of the Renegade on Saturday Night. Renegade wins the squash match after a top rope big splash. After the match, Tony Schiavone interviews Arn Anderson again. He will be defending the WCW Television Championship against the Renegade at the Great American Bash. Tony says that Flair hasn’t even arrived to the building yet. Anderson says that Flair is taking his time and is perfectly fine. Backstage, Savage continues to try to get out but Sting is holding him back. Savage appears to have broken free but we go to commercial.

5.Footage from Slamboree where a mystery man appeared on the big screen and talked to Kevin Sullivan. This looks like the start of the Dungeon of Doom.

6.We go to a video of woods where Sullivan is running through as he looks to meet his master. His master wants to end Hulkamania. Sullivan vanishes out of nowhere to meet his master, I guess. That was rather odd.

7.The former WCW World Tag Team Champions competed in tag action this week. They won the match after Booker hit the Harlem Hangover off the top rope. After the match, Mean Gene conducted an interview with them. Sherri Martel doesn’t understand how Harlem Heat didn’t get a return match. They want their chance to regain the tag team titles. They aren’t going to stop plowing through tag teams until they get their titles back.

8.There is only six minutes left in the show as Savage makes his way out. Something fishy is going to happen. Savage doesn’t wait and goes to look for Flair backstage. He finds Flair and hammers away on Flair. Anderson gets into the picture and is tossed onto a table. Officials are trying to break up the fight. Flair kicks Savage a few times. Sting and Renegade run into the picture and they are all starting to pull everyone apart. Flair runs outside of the building but Savage chases after Flair. Savage tries to get in the limo but Flair and Anderson escape.

9.We hear from Nick Bockwinkel who says that now Meng vs. Sting will be for the vacant WCW United States Championship and that will happen at the Great American Bash! Col. Robert Parker who says that he is happy about this and believes that in either situation Meng was going to win the championship. That’s a wrap!

Final Thoughts:
There is nothing to see here, at all. Yeah, the Savage/Flair brawl was fine and different but there isn’t anything that happened here that was entertaining or interesting. So, I’m giving this a thumbs down.


WCW Saturday Night 6/10/1995

World Championship Wrestling presents Saturday Night
From: Atlanta, GA

1.)The Renegade defeated Dave Dalton
2.)Diamond Dallas Page defeated Frankie Lancaster
3.)WCW World Tag Team Champions The Nasty Boys defeated Sonny Trout & Rick Thames
4.)Ric Flair defeated Alex Wright

Angle Developments/Notes:
1.The program starts off with the Renegade competing in action. You know it’s going to be a good show when that happens! Renegade took care of business following a top rope big splash. After the match Jimmy Hart talks about how excited he is about the Renegade taking on Arn Anderson at the Great American Bash. Renegade actually speaks and says he is going to show Anderson what intensity is all about!

2.A fan gives the Diamond Doll a present that Dave Sullivan gave him. It ends up being a stuffed bunny but DDP rips the bunny in half. DDP won his squash match after the Diamond Cutter. After the match, DDP says he wants Dave Sullivan right now. Dave appears and DDP tells him to stop giving his girl stuff or talking to her. DDP wants Dave to put a real bunny on the line to get a chance for a date with Diamond Doll. I guess they agree to a match.

3.Kevin Sullivan has arrived to the dungeon. Kevin says that no one can beat Hogan and doesn’t understand why he is being singled out. The master says Kevin will be successful in destroying Hulk Hogan.

4.The Nasty Boys competed in tag action this week on Saturday Night. They won their squash match after Sags hit a top rope elbow drop. After the match, Mean Gene talks to the champs about wrestling the Blue Bloods at the Great American Bash. Sags says they are going to stroll down Nastyville and says that it’s not a place they should want to be. Knobbs thinks they are going to be the nastiest they have ever been against the Blue Bloods!

5.Flair is actually in action this week against Alex Wright. He comes off the ropes early on and is met with a quick dropkick! Wright begins to work on Flair’s left arm with several knee drops while keeping a hammerlock on. Flair gains control of the bout with a few loud chops in the corner. Wright battles back with a backdrop and a dropkick. Flair is knocked to the floor where Randy Savage is being held back by several people trying to get his hands on Flair! Wright nearly rolls Flair up for a three count. Wright sunset flips Flair but isn’t able to keep flair down long enough. Wright misses a cross body and hits the ropes throat first. Flair stomps away on Wright as they are on the floor. Back in the ring, Flair has the figure four leg lock on Wright! Wright is trying to reach the ropes but is struggling. He manages to reach the bottom rope. Wright almost rolls Flair up for a win. They begin to trade strikes in the corner with Wright getting the better of the exchange. Wright gets a two count after a backdrop. Flair comes off the ropes and is met with a spinning heel kick, which gets Wright a two count. Flair goes to the top rope but is slammed off by Wright! Wright misses a twisting cross body block off the top rope! Flair rolls through a roll up and pins Wright with a handful of tights! After the match, Flair kicks Wright in the face and poses for the crowd. Randy Savage runs out again and punches Flair several times as other people try to pull him off. Flair escapes to the backstage area.

Final Thoughts:
Well, it was a better week compared to the last weeks episode that was for sure. The main event was a decent match and at least provided some kind of entertainment on the show. Aside from the main event, there was yet again nothing to see here.


WCW Saturday Night 6/17/1995

World Championship Wrestling presents Saturday Night
From: Atlanta, GA

1.)Brian Pillman defeated Romeo Valentino
2.)Harlem Heat defeated Tommy Tanner & Todd Zane
3.)Vader defeated Eddie Jackie
4.)Dave Sullivan defeated Butch Long
5.)WCW Television Champion Arn Anderson defeated Rob Thompson
6.)Sgt. Craig Pittman defeated Chris Sawyer
7.)Paul Orndorff defeated Barry Houston
8.)Road Warrior Hawk defeated Manny Fernandez
9.)WCW World Tag Team Champions The Nasty Boys fought the Blue Bloods to a no contest to retain the titles.

Angle Developments/Notes:
1.Brian Pillman opens the program competing in singles action. He will be wrestling Alex Wright at the Great American Bash, by the way. Pillman won the match with a submission after hitting a side Russian leg sweep. After the match, Mean Gene conducted an interview with Pillman. He puts over Alex Wright as a great athlete. He believes the loser will be out of the title picture for a long time.

2.Former WCW World Tag Team Champions Harlem Heat won their squash match when Booker hit the Harlem Hangover on Tanner. After the match, Mean Gene conducts an interview with Harlem Heat. Sister Sherri is mad that Harlem Heat didn’t get their rematch at the Great American Bash. They don’t really promote their match against the Stud Stable, and instead just continue to say they are coming for their titles.

3.A video of Kevin Sullivan in a dungeon talking to his master is shown. Sullivan tells his master that no one can beat Hulk Hogan. The master tells Sullivan to take the final steps, and he does. He returns from wherever he ran off to and he is now the Taskmaster. Sullivan now has the power to end Hulk Hogan.

4.Vader competed in singles action. He isn’t on the pay per view tomorrow night, so he will surely take his frustration about that on Eddie. Vader wins the squash after hitting a middle rope body splash. After the match, Vader cuts a promo about the Great American Bash where Hulk Hogan isn’t going to be. Vader believes that Hogan has been dodging him since Superbrawl. Yeah, they had a match at Uncensored. Vader must have forgotten about that one. Vader suggests Hogan should go back to Hollywood if he can’t face him like a man.

5.Dave Sullivan won his squash match with an upside down bearhug.

6.WCW Television Champion Arn Anderson won his squash match after hitting a DDT. After the match, Mean Gene conducts an interview with Anderson. Anderson tells the Renegade that paint and talking to the heavens isn’t going to be enough to take the championship away from him tomorrow night. Anderson says that Renegade is going to have to show him how tough he is from bell to bell.

7.Paul Orndorff won an extended squash match after hitting a pile driver. After the match, Paul Orndorff is interviewed and says that he will be once again the WCW Television Champion no matter who wins the championship tomorrow night. Orndorff rips on the fans for being stupid so he repeats himself several times.

8.Road Warrior Hawk won his squash match following a top rope clothesline. After the match, Mean Gene conducts an interview with Hawk. Hawk says he is cool, calm and collected. Hawk is like a virus who never goes away and just gets worse.

9.Sgt. Craig Pittman won his squash match with a cross arm breaker. After the match, Pittman talks to Mean Gene about his match tomorrow night against Marcus Alexander Bagwell. Huh, I guess Pittman is issuing an open challenge to anyone. He believes that no one can break his hold.

10.It’s time for the main event. All four men are in the ring with the champs getting the better of the Blue Bloods. Knobbs attacks Eaton on the floor while Sags hits Regal with a backdrop. Knobbs sends Eaton down some stairs and Regal is left alone in the ring! Regal is shoulder blocked by the champs and bails to the floor. Once order is restored, Regal takes Knobbs down with a drop toe hold. Sags enters and splashes Regal in the corner. Sags rubs Regal’s face into Knobbs’ armpit on the apron! Regal goes to the floor and he is disgusted! Eaton hits Sags with a right hand from the apron and Sags is worked on by Regal on the floor with several strikes. Eaton legally tags in but Sags hammers away on Eaton before tagging in Knobbs. The champs shoulder block Eaton to the floor. Eaton drops Sags with a swinging neck breaker on the floor! Moments later, Eaton is able to hit a top rope knee drop but Sags kicks out before three. For the record, Sags has been worked on for roughly four minutes. Eaton misses a splash in the corner. Knobbs gets the tag but the referee didn’t see the tag made. Sags is sent to the mat following an elbow/chop block and Regal hits a standing senton for a two count. Well, this match is thrown out when Harlem Heat enters the ring and attacks both teams. The Nasty Boys are the last team standing in the ring as they yank Sherri into the ring and Sags hits an atomic drop on her! It was a decent match as the opening to the match was a good brawl. I wasn’t overly bored by it, but it wasn’t exactly a thrilling match by any means.

Final Thoughts:
Since the pay per view is one day away, this was basically just a last minute hype job for the matches. It was fine in that regard, but there isn’t anything of note here or anything that you need to really see or know about it. So, go ahead and skip this one.


WCW Saturday Night 6/24/1995

World Championship Wrestling presents Saturday Night
From: Atlanta, GA

1.)WCW Television Champion The Renegade defeated John Forte
2.)Johnny B. Badd defeated Julio Sanchez
3.)Alex Wright defeated Butch Long
4.)Diamond Dallas Page defeated Chris Kanyon
5.)WCW United States Champion Sting & Road Warrior Hawk defeated Harlem Heat

Angle Developments/Notes:
1.The new WCW Television Champion The Renegade opened the action and won his squash quickly with a top rope body splash.

2.Tony Schiavone and Bobby Heenan hype up the situation between Vader and Hulk Hogan. We see a video from the Main Event pre-show from last Sunday. Vader cut off Nick Bockwinkel as he was talking about a rematch. Vader shoved Bockwinkel until Hogan came out and hit Vader with a chair over the back! Hogan and Vader had a pull apart brawl causing Sting and Jim Duggan to pull Hogan off of Vader. Bockwinkel announced later on that at Bash At The Beach, Hogan would defend the championship against Vader inside a steel cage.

3.Johnny B. Badd won his squash match this week after a top rope hurrican rana!

4.We get another video of the Taskmaster Kevin Sullivan in a dungeon saying he can’t wait for his next gift. The gift for Kevin Sullivan is none other than Kamala! Kamala appears and is slapping his belly as he hugs the master.

5.Alex Wright competed in singles action this week. Wright was able to win his squash match after hitting top rope cross body!

6.Randy Savage comes out to be interviewed by Mean Gene. Savage will be competing against Ric Flair at Bash At The Beach in a lumberjack match. Savage is aware of what Flair did to his father at the Great American Bash. Savage says that Flair will be a victim at Bash At The Beach!

7.DDP competed in singles action this week against Chris Kanyon (who is still just a jobber at this point). DDP earned the easy victory after delivering the Diamond Cutter. After the match, Mean Gene conducts an interview with DDP. DDP doesn’t want the attention on Diamond Doll but rather himself. He is sick and tired of Dave Sullivan sending Doll stuff but acknowledges that the date will happen.

8.The main event this week sees Harlem Heat take on Sting and Road Warrior Hawk. All four men go at it with Hawk sending Booker T to the floor following a shoulder block. The match legally starts off with Sting and Booker. Booker delivers a knee lift and chokes Sting. Sting counters a hip toss with one of his own and hits a dropkick. Ray enters and clubs away on Sting but misses a splash in the corner. Hawk enters the ring and hammers away on Ray until he is poked in the eyes. Ray drops Hawk with a clothesline. Booker enters and plants with a pile driver, but Hawk isn’t hurt by that at all. Hawk comes back with a clothesline and a dropkick for a two count on Booker. Sting tags in and hits a snap suplex on Booker for a two count. Hawk tags back in but misses Ray in the corner and hits his shoulder on the ring post. On the floor, Sister Sherri slaps Hawk. Booker nails Hawk with a leaping side kick. Booker avoids a backdrop by super kicking Hawk. Ray enters but is dropped by Hawk with a leaping shoulder block. Sting tags in and cleans house with a backdrop on Booker followed by a clothesline. Sting hits a splash in the corner and goes for the Scorpion Death Lock. Hawk cuts Ray off in the corner with right hands. Sherri gets on the top rope and barely hits Sting with a double axe handle, so Sting doesn’t sell it. Ray kicks Sting and Booker tosses Sting over the top to the floor. Hawk is now being double teamed until he is sent to the floor. Sting is on the top rope and hits a cross body on Booker to win the match!

9.Tony Schiavone interviews Sting and Hawk. Hawk says that he and Sting are good at smattering? Hawk knows that the people care because they keep on watching. I have no idea what Hawk is talking about. Sting cuts a promo about Meng wanting a rematch against him. Sting says he is going to lock in the Scorpion Death Lock on Meng.

Final Thoughts:
It wasn’t a bad show this week. I find it funny how Harlem Heat seemingly job to the two top babyfaces in a tag match at around the same point in time every year, or at least that’s what it seems like to me. The main event was a solid tag team match and I was surprised to actually see a fairly clean win. The pay per view looks to have a solid card lineup as well. I’ll give the show a mild thumbs up.

Thanks for reading.


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