Hello everyone and welcome back to the Event Center. We are continuing with our Wrestlemania season reviews with a trip back to 1991 and Wrestlemania 7. Theres a lot of things that swirl around this show with the whole Iraq exploitation and all that goodness. However, this is one of my favorite shows and I have a lot of fond memories of it from my childhood that I look to share with you throughout this review. So without further ado lets get this thing going.
Event Information:
Date: March 24th, 1991
Location: Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena in Los Angeles, California
Attendance: 16,158
Main Event: WWF Title Match: Sgt. Slaughter (c) vs. Hulk Hogan
Show Opening:
Before the show even kicks off they ran a match between Koko B. Ware vs. the Brooklyn Brawler. Looks like Koko got the W in short fashion. So with that we go to the live show.
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The show opens up with Vince McMahon hyping up Wrestlemania 7 the only way he know’s how. We then head into the ring where Willie Nelson is waiting to sing his rendition of America the Beautiful. Dude is hocked out in so much Wrestlemania merchandise and it’s ridiculous. He has the Hitman shades, the Wrestlemania 7 shirt, the Hogan bandana, and the WWF foam belt around his waste. He’s a walking billboard for the merchandise stand. We then head ringside where Gorilla Monsoon is standing by and he introduces us to his guest commentator for the opening match, Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Dude is decked out in red, white, and blue plus a USA flag type top hat. Stars and stripes forever baby. Gorilla runs through the card a little bit and focuses on the big ones like Ultimate Warrior vs. Randy Savage as well as the main event featuring Sgt. Slaughter and Hulk Hogan.
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Backstage Interview: The Rockers
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Mooney says that the force that Haku and Barbarian have is unmatched by any team in WWF history. Marty says it’s true that they are big dudes but the Rockers since the beginning of time have been defying odds and that they are tag team specialist. Mooney reminds us that Haku and Barbarian are a part of the Heenan Family so they know each other quite well. Shawn says that those two are two of the biggest and baddest in the WWF but what’s it going to make the Rockers when they put them away. Shawn says the Rockers are going to turn heads, turn on crowds, and come away on top.
Pre-Match Thoughts:
Like most of these matches there isn’t much leading up to this one. The Rockers were the perfect tag team to open up shows because of how fast they worked and they can really get a crowd going. Haku and Barbarian were thrown together since they were both in the Heenan Family and they actually made a pretty good tag team if you ask me. Not much build to this one but it should be good based off the four individuals involved.
Match 1: The Rockers vs. Haku/Barbarian

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This one starts off with Haku and Shawn as the first match of Wrestlemania 7 is off and running. Shawn tries to use his speed and agility early on but Haku is ready for it and is blocking the majority of those moves. Shawn goes up and over numerous times until he drops Haku with a flying shoulder block. Shawn tags in Marty and they hit Haku with a double hip toss, double nip up, and then get floored with a clothesline by Barbarian and the Rockers go inside out for it. That was a pretty sweet spot there.

The Rockers get back up rather quickly and they end up hitting Haku and then Barbarian with double crescent kicks that send both guys to the outside. We get back in the ring with Marty and Barbarian as the legal combatants. Marty uses his speed by sliding through Barbarian’s legs but he goes for a sunset flip and Barbarian doesn’t go over but Barbarian misses the punch. Marty then jumps on the shoulders of Barbarian and Shawn ends up drop kicking Marty over and he does a hurricanrana to the Barbarian for a 2 count. Marty tries the same spot again on Haku but when Shawn comes in the ref stops him and Barbarian ends up taking Marty and dropping him across the top rope with a clothesline move. That was awesome.

Haku and Barbarian take turns working over Marty with moves like a power slam, chops, head butts, and pretty much everything else you can think of that Haku and Barbarian did. Haku does an awesome double back breaker before tagging in Barbarian who comes in and gets a 2 count on Marty. Barbarian continues to work the back with a bear hug and irish whips into the corner. Marty ends up going to the top rope but Barbarian catches him in mid-air with a beautiful power slam. Barbarian then heads to the top and goes for a diving head-butt but Marty moves out of the way and finally gets the hot tag to Shawn while Barbarian tags in Haku.
Shawn comes in with fire and energy and takes care of both guys with right hands and flying elbows among other things. All four guys end up in the ring as the Rockers double drop kick Barbarian to the outside. They both head to the top rope and Marty hits Haku with a flying drop kick and Shawn hits a flying cross body for the 1-2-3. Your winners by pinfall….The Rockers!
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What a fast paced awesome opener. All four guys handled their business and had awesome spots throughout. The heels didn’t keep control for that long so it really helped the match keep going. The Rockers were great, like always, when it comes to opening the show and their finish here was pretty sweet. Shawn’s cross body looked really awesome with the elevation and the way he contorted his body for the cross body. Just a really cool looking move for the time. All in all a really good way to open this show and kick things off right.
Backstage Interview: Regis Philbin, Marla Maples, & Alex Trebek
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Regis tells us that he has had all the WWF guys on his show including Hulk Hogan, Macho King and others but the one guy he is afraid of is Earthquake. Regis said that Earthquake tipped over a pizza delivery truck and ate everything inside it. Gene says Regis is beautiful but they broke the mold when they made Marla Maples. She says she is excited to be the guest time keeper and locker room reporter for Wrestlemania 7. Alex calls Gene Jim. Alex says the answer is guest ring announcer for the main event. Gene gets it all confused and Alex says they are going to have to penalize him as they send it back ringside for our next match.
Pre-Match Thoughts:
Really not a lot behind this one other than a battle of muscle heads really. Kerry was still over at this point and was a pretty big name still and Bravo was on his way out so not a lot to be expected with this one other than you hope it’s short.
Match 2: Texas Tornado vs. Dino Bravo

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This one starts off fast with Bravo attacking Tornado before he can even get in the ring. Bravo quickly clotheslines Kerry out of the ring to the floor and Tornado can’t even get his jacket off. Kerry ends up getting control with an atomic drop and a clothesline before he goes for the claw but Bravo blocks it. Bravo ends up picking up Tornado for one of the worst atomic drops I have ever seen. What a piece of shit move that was.
Bravo ends up catching Tornado with his side suplex and he goes for the cover and only gets a 2. Bravo then comes off the middle rope with a terrible looking elbow to Tornado. Bravo tries it again and this time the Tornado catches him with the claw hold and he follows that up with the Tornado Punch and gets the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….Texas Tornado!
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Thank goodness this match only went 3 minutes. Bravo looked like total shit and botched damn near every one of his moves. Thankfully Tornado looked half way decent and the crowd cared about him. Other than that this was a shit match and nothing worth watching at all. You can skip this trash.
Backstage Interview: Warlord and Dr. Of Style Slick
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Slick guarantees that Warlord is going to collar the British Bulldog and take him down. Slick says that the Bulldog is about to be fixed and when it’s time for a dog to go then they have to go. Warlord says no wrestler has broken his full nelson and Bulldog will not be the exception. Slick then says it is a dog eat dog world so Bulldog should be prepared because he is about to be devoured.
Backstage Interview: British Bulldog
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Gene reminds us that every dog has his day and he wants to know if today is the day for the British Bulldog. Bulldog says today is his day. Bulldog says that he will break Warlords full nelson and that there isn’t a guy in the WWF that he can’t power slam or beat. Davey then acts like Winston is talking to him and says that Winston wants everyone to know that there is no bull in this British Bulldog.
Pre-Match Thoughts:
This feud is based off the fact that they are both roided up monsters and Vince threw them together. It was a battle of power vs. power here as well and it was a battle of the full nelson vs. the power slam. Bulldog was jacked but not to the point where he could hardly move so he was still entertaining as hell to watch. I never had an issue with the Warlord but he is kind of trash so I am not expecting much out of this one either.
Match 3: British Bulldog vs. Warlord

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Warlord shows off his power early as they test each other’s strength early on. Bulldog hits all four sets of ropes and hits Warlord with shoulder blocks until he finally sends him flying out of the ring. Warlord goes for a clothesline but Davey Boy gets Warlord in the crucifix but Warlord holds and drops him with a samoan drop type move. Warlord follows that up with 3 elbow drops and he gets a 2 1/2 count. Warlord then goes right to the back and puts Bulldog in a bear hug. *Yawn*
Bulldog breaks free and tries to hit the ropes and take down the Warlord with a cross body but Warlord catches him and drops him across the top rope for another 2 count. They exchange forearms until Warlord rakes the eyes and then drops Bulldog with a nice belly to belly suplex. Warlord picks him up and back to another rest hold we go. Bulldog breaks free and ends up hitting a nice looking drop kick on the Warlord prior to driving Warlords head into the corner 10 times. Bulldog heads up to the middle rope and hits the Warlord with a double fist and then a high cross body for a 2 count.
Bulldog tries to get a pile driver but Warlord ends up back dropping but Bulldog hangs on for a sunset flip where both guys exchange near falls. Warlord goes for his Full Nelson but he doesn’t get the fingers locked so he didn’t get the full affect of the Full Nelson here. Bulldog ends up powering out of the hold but Warlord goes for the power slam but Bulldog slides out of it and ends up picking up the Warlord for the power slam of his own and he gets the 1-2-3. Your winner by way of pinfall….British Bulldog!
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Not a terrible match here at all. Not a lot of rest holds outside of a chin lock, which is surprising for a Warlord match. They had a lot of good back and forth action and the ending came across pretty good. Nothing special but not bad either. A solid little match here.
Backstage Interview: Nasty Boys
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Jimmy Hart says they are mean and nasty and they will be the next WWF Tag Team Champions and they are the Nasty Boys. Saggs says the time is now for the Hart Foundation to find out what Nasty sensation is all about. Knobbs says it is time to put an end to the stink and pink and they are going right for the foundation. Knobbs says when you crack the foundation everything comes crumbling down. Knobbs says when the smoke clears they will be looking up at the new WWF Tag Team champions.
Backstage Interview: Hart Foundation
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Anvil says that to crack the foundation they would have to be at the bottom and that is where the Nasty Boys are. Bret says that the Nasty Boys are at the bottom of the barrel and thats where they are going to say. Bret says they don’t think they are nasty but they are scum. Bret also says they don’t have the heart and that is what is needed to take the WWF Tag Team belts from the Hart Foundation.
Pre-Match Thoughts:
This one started after the Nasty Boys won a tag team battle royal to become the number one contenders for the tag team titles. They ended up getting some help from Power & Glory to eliminate the Legion of Doom but they won the match none the less. Other than that there isn’t much more to this build that I can remember but this should definitely be a decent match just because the Hart Foundation is involved.
Match 4: WWF Tag Team Title Match: Hart Foundation (c) vs. Nasty Boys

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They show Macaulay Culkin in the crowd prior to the bell ringing. Gorilla says “that youngster wouldn’t want to be home alone with the Nasty Boys.” He didn’t even mention his name but knew what movie he was from? Come on Gorilla be better than that. Anyways, this one starts off with Bret and Saggs. Saggs gets the upper hand early with a chop shot in the corner while the ref is trying to break up the collar and elbow tie up. Bret ends up getting control with a Thesz press and some right hands. He also takes care of Knobbs who tries to interfere. Bret ends up tripping the leg of Saggs and he drops a boot to the midsection of Saggs to keep control of this one. Knobbs tags and taunts Neidhart so Bret ends up tagging him in.
Knobbs and Neidhart take turns laying in right hands as well as forearms before Neidhart hits a shoulder block and sends Knobbs flying to the outside as the crowd erupts in applause. Man the Hart Foundation was over. Saggs ends up getting the tag and he gets dropped on the back of his head as Neidhart tags in Bret, who comes in and lays in the 10 right hands in the corner on Saggs. We get the Russian leg sweep and elbow off the middle rope before Knobbs comes in to try and interrupt but Bret ends up stopping him. Bret turns his back and Knobbs nails him from behind so the Nastys can get control of the match.
Saggs and Knobbs take turns working the lower back of Bret with knees to the back as well as a few trashy looking chin locks. Saggs ends up dropping Bret with a nice looking neck breaker and he gets a 2 count out of it. And back to the chin lock we go. Bret gets out of the hold and drops Saggs with a neck breaker of his own. Saggs tags in Knobbs who comes in and goes right after Neidhart, who distracts the ref. Knobbs drops a few elbows and then back to the chin lock we go. This time Bret gets to his feet and drops Knobbs back first. Saggs comes in and they try to double team on Bret but he moves out of the way as Knobbs crashes into the corner and he ends up dropping Saggs with a clothesline.
Bret finally makes the tag but the ref didn’t see it so he doesn’t allow it. Jimmy throws in the mega phone and Knobbs tries to hit Bret with it but he moves out of the way and he hits Saggs with it. Bret gets the tag and Jim comes in and body slams Knobbs into Saggs and then hits the with a double clothesline. Neidhart hits the Anvil slam for a 2 1/2 count but Saggs breaks it up. We have all four guys going at it in the ring. The Nastys run into each other and then the Foundation hit the Hart Attack on Knobbs but the ref tries to get Bret out of the ring instead of counting. Saggs then takes the helmet from Jimmy and nails Neidhart in the back with it as Knobbs rolls over and gets the pin for the 1-2-3. Your winners and new WWF Tag Team Champions….The Nasty Boys!!!
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This is a really good fast paced match. The crowd was hot from the opening bell to the finish. They really did love them some Hart Foundation. Bret and Neidhart looked awesome but the Nastys looked eh to me. I never really cared for them and I never thought they were that good but I guess it pays to be Hogan’s boys. Anyways, this was a fun and entertaining match and it was one of the better matches on the card. The crowd really enjoyed it and hung on every move. Just a really solid tag team match and one worth checking out especially if you are a fan of the Hart Foundation.
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They show highlights of what has happened between Rick Martel and Jake Roberts.
Backstage Interview: Jake Roberts
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Jake says the blind leading the blind. Jake says even a fool knows that man only has 5 senses but a snake has 6. Jake says they always do it better in the dark. Jake said so much in so few words. He was a master at the promo.
Pre-Match Thoughts:
Jake was a guest on the Brother Love Show and Martel was out there. Martel was spraying Damien’s bag with Arrogance and when Jake confronted him about it, Martel ended up spraying Jake right in the eye with Arrogance. This caused Jake to temporarily to go “blind” and he even put in an all white contact lens to sell it. They had a few more run ins on Superstars and Wrestling Challenge as well as having teams at the Survivor Series. This all led to the blind fold match so Martel can experience what he put Jake through. A pretty sweet build up if you ask me.
Match 5: Blind Fold Match: Jake Roberts vs. Rick Martel

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It’s great that when Jake puts his hood on he sticks his hand in there and you can see his hand in the slot. Blind fold my ass. The fact that all they had to do was point at one another and the crowd would go nuts telling Jake where Martel was. Tells you all you need to do about how much the fans were invested in things back then. Anyways, no contact yet but they are just pointing to each other as the crowd is telling them where to go. Martel gets down on the mat and is searching on all fours. Jake finally makes contact but he can’t hang on to Martel. Martel ends up tripping himself up on Jake and Jake ends up getting a 2 count out of it.
Martel whips Jake into the ropes and instead of running into him he runs to the side and Martel has no idea where he went. Back to the pointing we go where the crowd is telling Jake where to go. They end up bumping into each other but they can’t make contact but Martel does run right into the ropes and falls down. Martel gets his hands on Jake and hits him with a body slam. He tries to follow it up with an elbow but Jake is already out of the way and Martel just crashes to the mat. The psychology and the flow of this match is just off the charts.
Martel is back on the mat grabbing around and he ends up in the ropes. Jake then claps to get Martel to come after him and then he was able to get him from behind but only for a few seconds. Martel then gets in the corner of Damien and he ends up grabbing it and it freaks him out. Jake gets knocked out to the floor and Martel goes out after him. Martel ends up picking up a chair and he is just poking away at the air. Martel then backs into the post and he ends up swinging the chair into the post and hurt his hands doing so.
Jake drags Martel back into the ring but Martel ends up hitting Jake with a back breaker. Martel then goes for the Boston Crab but it doesn’t last long as Jake kicks him off. They then hit back to back and Jake turns Martel around and drops him with the DDT for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts!
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After the match Jake takes the Arrogance bottle and destroys it. He then takes out Damien and wraps Martel up in the snake before Martel high tails it out of there.
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This was a really good match. There wasn’t a lot of action, of course, but the psychology and the use of the fans was top notch. Every spot meant something and everything was just done perfectly. It was a testament to how good Jake and Martel were and it’s great that the fans bought into the match and really enjoyed it and participated. I know this match usually gets shit on but I really enjoy it and it’s hard to really appreciate how great this really was and how hard a match like this would be to put on. Just a really good job by both guys so kudos to them both.
Backstage Interview: Nasty Boys
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The Nastys are celebrating their win in the locker room while Marla Maples is trying to conduct an interview. Saggs and Knobbs are trying to kiss all over her and they end up pouring champagne on her. I wonder how much she got paid to do this gig.The Mountie, Dino Bravo, and Earthquake come in to celebrate with them and all they keep saying is they are the champions. Maples had no chance there.
Pre-Match Thoughts:
Another match with no build but one that will become legendary many years later. Snuka is on his way out so he ends up getting put in with the new guy, the Undertaker. Really not much else to this one but it should be decent.
Match 6: The Undertaker vs. Jimmy Snuka

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This one starts off with a stare down between the two and Snuka looks baffled and unsure of himself. Snuka turns his back to fix his knee pads and Undertaker nails him from behind with a clubbing forearm. Taker hits a few right hands and then a choke before dropping Snuka with an awesome flying clothesline. He looked awesome doing that one.

Taker ends up getting the boot up when Snuka charges in and Snuka falls to the outside. Undertaker then suplexes Snuka back into the ring from the apron. Snuka dodges an elbow and he follows that up with chops, head butts, and right hands. Taker ducks out of the way on a splash attempt and Snuka gets hung up on the top rope and he falls to the outside. Snuka goes for a slingshot cross body but Undertaker catches him and ends up getting him in the Tombstone for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….The Undertaker!
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Really nothing special here from either guy but some of the things Taker did were pretty damn cool. That flying clothesline was top notch as well. Too bad he didn’t get a good catch on the sling shot to where he can just go right into the Tombstone. Other than that this match served it’s purpose. Also, little did we know that this would be the start of the greatest streak in Wrestlemania history. This is what started it all and wasn’t that bad of a start.
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They show highlights of what has happened between Ultimate Warrior and Randy Savage.
Pre-Match Thoughts:
Savage wanted a title shot from the Warrior if he won his match against Slaughter and the Warrior said no. This pissed Savage off so he ended up costing Warrior the WWF Title. Warrior then wanted his revenge and challenged Savage to a match. They ended up upping the ante by putting their careers on the line in the first ever Career Ending Match. Two of the biggest stars of this time period, and all time if you ask me, going at it with their careers on the line? Sign me up for this one.
Match 7: Career Ending Match: Ultimate Warrior vs. Randy Savage

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Before the match starts Bobby Heenan points out the fact that Miss Elizabeth is sitting ringside. Also, both of these guys were starting it early on with the psychology when the Warrior comes out walking to the ring, for the first and only time, during his career. Just a really great way to show how important this match really is to the Warrior and the fact that he wanted to save all of his energy so he can save his career. Just really great stuff and the match hasn’t even started. Also, the ring attire of both men is off the charts and phenomenal. The Warriors robe, tights, knee pads, and pretty much everything was the best of his career. Also, the glitz and the glamour of Savage’s attire was top notch as well. Just really good stuff from both guys.
Savage and Warrior take turns pandering to the crowd before we get the collar and elbow tie up. We get a short feeling out process where Warrior uses his strength while Savage uses his speed and agility. Warrior gets distracted by Sherri but it doesn’t last long before he drops Savage with a clothesline and then a choke toss. Warrior then picks up Savage and drops him with an inverted atomic drop and then a regular atomic drop. Warrior picks up Savage again in the choke but this time he throws Savage right into Sherri, who gets in the ring to interfere. Savage gets tied up in the ropes while Warrior lays in some kicks before he hits Savage with a shot to the mid-section.
Savage gets control and heads to the top and goes for a cross body but Warrior catches him and puts him back on his feet to just humiliate him instead of doing any damage. Savage gets frustrated and heads to the outside to take a breather. Savage ends up picking up a chair and launches it in the ring. Savage tries a sneak attack but it doesn’t work as Warrior drops Savage with right hands and clotheslines.
Warrior goes for a flying shoulder block in the corner but Savage moves out of the way and Warrior goes flying over the top rope and to the outside. Sherri is quick to come over and slap Warrior right in the face to help out Savage. Savage then comes off the top rope and drops Warrior with a double ax handle on the outside. Sherri continues to attack Warrior until the Warrior has enough and shoves her down to the ground but Savage ends up hitting Warrior with a knee to the back. He then rams Warrior right into the post.
Savage ends up going for a neck breaker but Warrior turns it into a backslide for a 2 count. Both guys get to their feet and they have a stare down before Savage spits in the face of Warrior. Sherri then gets on the apron to distract Warrior but it doesn’t work as Warrior catches the boot of Savage and he ends up dropping him with a clothesline. Warrior then hits the ropes 6-7 times and goes for a diving shoulder block but Savage moves out of the way and Warrior goes crashing to the mat. Savage then goes for the head lock as we get a little bit of a break here.
Warrior breaks out of the head lock and then they end up hitting each other with the double clothesline as both guys are laid out. Savage is the first one to his feet and when he goes to pick up Warrior the Warrior gets Savage in a small package. Warrior then confronts the ref as Warrior drive the knee in the back of Warrior and he goes crashing into the ref as the ref takes the bump. Savage then holds up Warrior for Sherri to hit him with the shoe off the top rope but Warrior moves out of the way and Savage gets nailed with the shoe.
Savage stops Warrior’s momentum by pulling him into the corner and then he picks him up and drops him across the top rope and clotheslines him. Savage then hits the running clothesline on the Warrior and then a clothesline to the back of the head of the Warrior. Savage picks up Warrior and drops him with a body slam. Savage goes for the cover and gets a 2 1/2 count. Savage then heads up to the top rope not once, not twice, not three times, not four times, but five times for the Savage Elbow drop and he only gets a 2 count. What a moment. Just awesome is the only way to describe it.

Warrior crawls to the ropes and starts to get the energy from all of his little Warriors. Warrior then lays in the right hands numerous times and then starts nailing Savage with clothesline after clothesline. Warrior then picks up Savage and gets him in a beautiful press slam and follows that up with the big splash to the back for a…..2 count! Warrior looks up to the heavens to look for answers. He can’t believe that Savage kicked out. Warrior then heads toward the exit as he starts talking to his hand. The ref tries to convince him that he needs to stay in the ring and finish it.

Warrior is busy looking at his hand but Savage ends up dropping him with a clothesline and they start to brawl on the outside. Savage drapes Warrior over the barricade on the outside. He then heads up to the top rope and goes for the double ax handle but Warrior moves out of the way and Savage goes crashing into the barricade head first. Warrior then puts Savage back in the ring and he sets him up for his flying shoulder and Savage goes flying to the outside. Warrior then goes out and does it again. Savage again goes to the outside and this time the Warrior brings him back in and does it one more time. This time Savage doesn’t make it to the outside so the Warrior drags him t to the middle of the ring and puts his boot on his chest and raises his arms in victory as the ref counts the 1-2-3. Your winner of the match….The Ultimate Warrior!!!
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After the match is over Warrior puts his awesome jacket back on and celebrates in the ring temporarily. He heads out and when he does Sherri gets in the ring and she berates and lays in the kicks to Savage, who is still laid out. Elizabeth finally has enough and jumps the rail. She gets in the ring and throws Sherri out of it. Savage finally comes to and he is confused as to what the hell is going on. After a short pause he finally embraces Elizabeth as they reconcile and Savage gets to go out like the champ that he really is. We also get one of the most iconic moments in Wrestlemania history here and it is one that will last forever if you ask me. They show a few fans ringside who are bawling their eyes out over the moment. Savage lifts Elizabeth on his shoulders as the crowd embraces the Macho King.
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What to say about this one. I remember this match vividly from when I got the pay per view way back in 1991. I was only 4 years old but I still have memories of this day and specifically this match. I remember after it was all over I would set up cushions around a wall in the house and then I would act like Warrior with my fist in the air and do the running shoulder block. At this point I knew I would forever be a wrestling fan and this would be the match that would define it. Two iconic characters at their very best and they delivered. People can shit on the Ultimate Warrior all they want but he is one half of one of the best Wrestlemania matches of all time. The story that was told from the very get go with the entrance of the Warrior to the very end with Savage and Elizabeth embracing again. It was all perfect and there really isn’t much more that they could have done. If people ask me why I am a wrestling fan then I would point to this match and tell everyone this is why. Thats the ultimate compliment.
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We get the 5 minute intermission and when they come back they go to Gorilla and Heenan ringside where they discuss the Intercontinental Title match.
Backstage Interview: The Undertaker & Paul Bearer
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Regis just rambles on and on and tries to ask them some questions but Undertaker and Paul Bearer just ignore him. Undertaker then starts measuring Regis side to side and up and down. Getting those measurements for the casket. Regis just keeps rambling so he sends it to Alex.
Backstage Interview: Demolition & Mr. Fuji
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Alex calls Fuji Mr. Fuji and Smash quickly corrects him and tells him its Master Fuji. Alex quickly apologizes so he doesn’t get hurt. Smash asks Alex if he thinks he has all the answers but Smash says the only one around here that has all of the answers is Master Fuji. Crush says Fuji knows all about pain and punishment. Fuji then says here so the Jap opponent will know all about pain and suffering.
Backstage Interview: Tenryu & Kitao
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Regis gets another group of guys who aren’t going to talk to him. Regis asks them to discuss a game plan or a strategy but they don’t say anything. Regis then says Toyota and Isuzu and they finally get a response out of them. Tenryu then says Kathy Lee. Regis then talks to them like they are stupid as hell and they just no sell it.
Backstage Interview: Jake Roberts
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Jake has Damien with it and Jake asks Alex why he is so nervous and Alex says he is not to comfortable with snakes. Jake says that Damien is a fan of Alex and he enjoys the show. Jake then says that Damien’s favorite category is reptiles of the world. Jake then puts Damien right in Alex’s face and he heads out. Jake then says that Damien will have to enjoy the home version of Jeopardy.
Pre-Match Thoughts:
There really is no build to this one and the only reason Tenryu and Kitao are on this card is because they are doing a favorite for Vince since Vince is giving Tenryu some WWF guys to work his show in Japan. Kitao is on the card because he was going to be Tenryu’s next big star in Japan so he wanted to give him the rub. This is also the last time that Demolition will be paired together in the WWF. What a shame and what a missed opportunity they had when they had both Demolition and LOD in the same company at the same time.
Match 8: Demolition vs. Tenryu/Kitao

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This one starts with Demolition attacking Kitao before the bell even rings. Smash quickly leaves the ring and we get Crush with Kitao. The ref ends up getting distracted so Fuji gets on the apron and nails Kitao in the back with the cane. Smash gets the tag and they come in and lay in the clubbing forearms to the back of Kitao. Smash and Crush continue to trade tags as they continue to work over Kitao with the most basic of offense. Kitao finally has enough and drops Smash with a big clothesline and then he tags in Tenryu who comes in and starts laying in the chops to Smash and a drop kick to Crush.
Tenryu then goes to the middle rope backwards and goes for an elbow but misses. Crush hits a nice back breaker on Tenryu and then tags in Smash who comes in and does a belly to back suplex on Tenryu. They go for the elbow off the middle rope but Kitao comes in and breaks it up. Smash just sits there with Tenryu laying on his knee before Crush goes up to the top rope and Kitao ends up pushing him off the ropes. Tenryu hits a kick to the back of the head and then a power bomb to Smash for the 1-2-3. Your winners by pinfall….Tenryu & Kitao!
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This match was the shits and was sloppy as hell. Demolition mailed it in because they probably knew this was it for them. Tenryu and Kitao didn’t impress me at all either. The crowd was still reeling from the last match so they weren’t really into this one at all. This would have been a tough spot for anyone but these two teams did nothing to try and get the crowd hot again. This is definitely skippable.
Backstage Interview: Big Boss Man
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Gene says that Boss Man is a champion for justice and today he could be the IC champion. Boss Man says that Perfects belt is on the line and he will be champion when it is all said and done. Boss Man says the days, weeks, and months of insults hurting his moms feelings will be done. Boss Man says when you hurt his moms feelings then they hurt his feelings. Boss Man says that Heenan put all of the members of the Heenan Family and he took them all out except one and that is Mr. Perfect. Boss Man says today Perfect has to get in the ring with him and there are no more chances for appeal, stay of executions are up. Boss Man says that Perfect is going to make a perfect example of crime not paying.
Backstage Interview: Mr. Perfect & Bobby Heenan
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Heenan says we are in sunny California. Heenan says this is the home of the LAPD and that we have all seen what has transpired here. Heenan says he has a treat for everyone because he is going to give it to us for zip. Heenan says that all you need to do his hit record on your VCR and then we can see our brand of justice the way Mr. Perfect is going to dish it out to that Barney Fife wannabe the Big Boss Man.
Perfect says that he will not just lay down and give the Boss Man 56 free swipes because he is cool and he is the Intercontinental champion. Most people would be on edge but not him because he is the IC champ and he has all of the tools to stay champion. Perfect says he is exactly what he says he is and that he is the only one and we are looking at him.
Pre-Match Thoughts:
This was the culmination fo the feud between Bobby Heenan, the Heenan Family, and the Big Boss Man. Once Rude left the WWF in late 1990 Heenan had to fill in for Rude and do the feud with the Boss Man. Starting at the Royal Rumble Boss Man had to go through each member of the Heenan family before he could get his IC title shot at Mr. Perfect. Well Boss Man did just that and got super over in the process which lead to what should be a pretty good match here.
Match 9: WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Mr. Perfect (c) vs. Big Boss Man

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What a great opening to this one. Perfect throws his towel at Boss Man who then wipes his ass with it and throws it back at Perfect. Perfect throws it at him again but this time Boss Man paint brushes him with it. Finally Perfect spits his gum out at the Boss Man and Boss Man decides to spit his out at him. Just a really good opening to this match that is quite entertaining.

Perfect heads to the outside and Boss Man follows him out and Boss Man just bitch slaps him and Perfect does a twist before falling to the mat. Boss Man then gets back in the ring and grabs Perfect by the hair and spins him around by it. Perfect sold that like a million bucks. That was awesome.

Boss Man then gets whipped into the corner but he slides out under the bottom rope and slides back into the ring and hits Perfect with a big boot and a clothesline and then tosses him out of the ring over the top rope. Boss Man goes for a splash in the corner and Perfect gets out of the way to get control of the match for a moment before Boss Man reverses an irish whip and then hits a splash to the back while Perfect is draped over the middle rope. It’s all Boss Man early.
Boss Man takes off his strap and lays it in to the back of Perfect. Boss Man puts it down and Perfect picks it up and wraps it around his fist and he nails the Boss Man with it to get control of this one. Perfect continues to work the lower back of the Boss Man. Perfect gets a few moves in like an abominable stretch and then some chops in the corner before snapping Boss Man over and hitting his running neck snap. Perfect then goes for the Perfect Plex but Boss Man blocks it and turns it into a small package for a 2 count.
Perfect then hits the ropes and does a reverse flipping neck snap for a 2 count. Perfect then heads to the top rope, which is unusual, and he goes for a splash but Boss Man gets his boot up and blocks it. Boss Man then takes Perfect and rams him head first into he turnbuckle and then he ends up throwing Perfect into the corner and then drags him nut first into the post. Boss Man than lays in piston lefts and rights to drive Perfect into the corner and then lays in a right hand that sends Perfect up and over to the outside. Heenan ends up distracting Boss Man and Perfect takes Boss Man and throws him head first into the steps.
Heenan is laying in the kicks to the Boss Man before the crowd erupts and Andre the Giant heads down toward ringside. Heenan sees him coming is scared shitless to see Andre. Perfect then takes off the turnbuckle pad while Andre grabs the title from the time keeper. Perfect finally rams Boss Man into the unprotected turnbuckle. Perfect wants Andre to put his belt back but Andre is having none of it. Perfect gets to close to Andre and he blasts Perfect with the IC title to get both guys laid out in the middle of the ring. Boss Man gets up first and he crawls over to Perfect and he only gets a 2 count. Haku and Barbarian then come out of no where and they attack the Boss Man. Your winner by way of disqualification….Big Boss Man!
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After the match Boss Man and Andre the Giant clear out the Heenan Family. Andre starts to walk off but Boss Man chases him down and gets his attention. Boss Man then raises the hand of Andre as they embrace and walk back together.
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This was a really solid match until the last minute or so of the match. It looked like Andre or Perfect messed up the timing of their spot so it took longer than it should have for Perfect to get laid out with the belt. The finish was weak because of how hot Boss Man got during his feud with Heenan. He was super over by this point and deserved a shot at the belt to see what he could do with it. I am not a fan of DQ finishes on the biggest show of the year because this should be the culmination of the feud and not just a spot in the road to the finish. All in all it was a solid match with a lot of great selling and in ring work by both guys but it was a little disappointing due to the finish.
Ringside Interview: Donald Trump, Chuck Norris, Henry Winkler, & Lou Ferrigno
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Gene asks Trump what he thinks of this madness here at LA. Trump said it’s a fantastic day and he is really enjoying the action here. Gene says we hope to see him back again one day with Wrestlemania back in Atlantic City. Trump says we hope very soon. Gene then interviews Chuck Norris. Chuck says they are great athletes and he has been watching wrestling since the Gorgeous George days as well as Argentina Rocca. Chuck says he has worked out with Hulk Hogan before and he did a movie with Professor Tanaka so he knows what great athletes these guys are.
Next up is Henry Winkler. Henry says he is so happy that Ultimate Warrior got his ultimate win tonight. Lastly, Gene interviews Lou Ferrigno and he is excited to be at Wrestlemania with his entire family and he is having a great time. Lou says its like seeing real super heroes right in front of you and he says it is better than the olympics and circus and anything else you can think of.
Pre-Match Thoughts:
This match is happening because at the Royal Rumble Greg Valentine and Dino Bravo were 2 of the first 3 entrants in the Rumble. Valentine immediately went after Bravo and I believe ended up eliminating him and turning face in the process. The crowd didn’t really react to it and it didn’t really mean much at the time and it still doesn’t. However, Jimmy Hart wanted his revenge for what Valentine did to Bravo so he sent out the Earthquake to do his dirty work so here we are.
Match 10: Earthquake vs. Greg Valentine

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This match starts with Earthquake driving Valentine into the corner and he lays in multiple shoulder thrusts. Earthquake then picks up Valentine and drops him with a power slam in the middle of the ring. Earthquake does his classic fat guy pose and gets a mild reaction from the crowd. I always loved the fact that he posed as if he was some jacked body builder. More fat guys should do that.
Valentine gets control briefly with chops and elbows to Earthquake in the corner but he runs into some problems when he tries to irish whip the Quake. Earthquake ducks early on an irish whip and Valentine drops the elbow on him to the back of the head. Valentine lays in some more chops, punches, elbows, and clotheslines but he can’t get Quake down until he goes off the middle rope with an elbow. Valentine does the wind up elbow and then tries to go for the figure four but instead he drops a head butt between the legs. Valentine goes for the figure for but he can’t get it so he starts to work the knee some more. He damn near gets it on but he stops to deal with Jimmy Hart instead.
Earthquake ends up throwing Valentine down and drops a big elbow to Valentine. Earthquake then calls for the Earthquake splash and he drops it on him for the 1-2-3. Your winner by way of pinfall….Earthquake!
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After the match he goes for a second Earthquake splash but Valentine ends up rolling out of the ring to avoid it.
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This was a nothing match as most of these are towards the end of this show. They over booked these shows and then ran 2-3 minute matches so everyone could get a pay day. Can’t be mad at that but don’t expect quality action out of most of these matches. Earthquake was always awesome to me in spurts so this was the perfect amount of time for him to me. Valentine’s face turn amounted to nothing because they never really ran with it and I can’t say that I blame them with the way Valentine was working for the last 3-4 years leading up to this. Anyways, nothing worth seeing here but it’s not bad if you do decide to sit through it.
Backstage Interview: Legion of Doom
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Mooney says tonight could be a night of reckoning for the Power & Glory. Animal says thats right because all of the people in the WWF know that they should have had the title shot against the Hart’s and they should be the champs right now. Animal says that Power & Glory stuck their nose in their business and now they are going to pay and when they are done with the Power and Glory they are going after the Nasty Boys.
Hawk states Power & Glory a couple of times and then he says after tonight they are going to be sour and gory……uhhhhhhhh what a rush!
Pre-Match Thoughts:
They had a battle royal on an episode of Superstars to determine the #1 contender for the Tag Team titles. Legion of Doom were in position to win it after they eliminated Power & Glory but Hercules and Roma stuck around and ended up helping the Nasty Boys eliminate the Legion of Doom. Now the LOD are out for revenge and theres no better place to get that than at Wrestlemania. A little side note here but both Hercules and Roma were pretty banged up and were kind of forced to work this show. Roma swears if he would have taken the bump wrong he could have had his arm amputated. Hercules was working with a pretty bad back so he couldn’t do any bumps either but they sucked it up and went out and put on a very quick and short match.
Match 11: Legion of Doom vs. Power & Glory

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LOD are taking off their shoulder pads when Power and Glory attack both of them with their chains. They go for a double team but Hawk hits a double clothesline and you can clearly tell Hercules and Roma can’t work at all. Hercules and Hawk end up on the outside while Roman heads to the top rope and goes for a cross body but Animal catches him and drops him with a power slam. Roma then goes up and gets dropped with the Doomsday Device for the 1-2-3. Your winners of the match the Legion of Doom!
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This was a squash and nothing more. You can see that Hercules and Roma are both injured and Roma is doing everything he can to protect his arm. He is barely holding it and he is keeping it elevated. You can also see when he takes the clothesline he twists his body so he lands on the good arm and not the bad one. A shame they were forced to work under those conditions but it would have been bad to cost the LOD a worked match on the biggest show of the year. Kudos to Power & Glory for going out there and doing the quick job and good work on LOD’s part for not doing anything that could have injured them more.
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They show highlights of what has happened between Ted Dibiase and Virgil.
Pre-Match Thoughts:
Everyone knows this story and what led to this one. Virgil was the body guard and was asked to humiliating things over and over. He finally had enough at the Royal Rumble and he decked DiBiase with the belt. That leads us to the match here at Wrestlemania.
Match 12: Ted DiBiase vs. Virgil

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Virgil starts off bouncing around and laying in some shitty looking left hands. He also uses his quickness to avoid the moves of DiBiase and he continues to use the fists to keep DiBiase out of sync. DiBiase tries to box back but he misses everything and Virgil hits some more lefts and rights to make DiBiase even more frustrated. Virgil gets control with a clothesline in the ring and then a clothesline of DiBiase to the outside. Virgil throws DiBiase back into the ring and when he gets in he gets caught with a boot and then a clothesline but Virgil gets right back up and hits DiBiase with a back elbow for a 2 count.
DiBiase has the ref check the fists of Virgil and when they finally go at it again Virgil decides to wrestle and ends up taking DiBiase down. They get back up and this time DiBiase shoots the leg and takes Virgil down and slams him head first into the mat. DiBiase continues to the control with clotheslines and a piledriver for a count. DiBiase hits Virgil with a suplex and then a gut-wrench suplex before throwing Virgil to the floor. DiBiase throws Virgil back into the ring and Piper gets in his face so DiBiase ends up pushing Piper down.
DiBiase gets back in the ring and drops Virgil with a power slam while Piper struggles to get up off the floor on the outside. DiBiase goes to hit the ropes but Piper uses his crutch and pulls the top rope down and DiBiase goes flying to the outside. DiBiase gets up and he lays out Piper with a right hand and then kicks him down while the ref counts DiBiase out. Your winner of the match by count-out….Virgil!
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After the match DiBiase gets in the ring and attacks Virgil and he slaps on the Million Dollar Dream. Piper gets back to his feet and he gets in the ring and nails DiBiase in the back with the crutch. Sherri comes out of no where and takes the crutch from Piper and then DiBiase clotheslines Piper from behind. They then work the bad knee of Piper with the crutch before refs come out and stop them.
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Virgil then gets on the mic and makes Piper get back to his feet without any help. Virgil then helps Piper as they head to the back.
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This match was eh and nothing special. Virgil got super over but this match just kind of sucked. The pacing was slow and boring and not even Piper could help it. The finish was weak and just came out of no where. The post match stuff was pretty good and really got the heat back on to the DiBiase with them attacking Piper and his bad leg which he suffered in a motorcycle accident a few weeks prior. The post match stuff is decent but everything leading up to that was kind of trash.
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They show highlights of Sgt. Slaughter catching the Hulk Hogan shirt on fire from a few weeks ago.
Backstage Interview: Sgt. Slaughter & General Adnan
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Adnan starts talking in gibberish and I have no idea what the hell he is saying. It sounds like trash no matter what language he is speaking. Slaughter tells Mooney to stand at attention and to listen up. Slaughter says that he is the new ruler of the WWF and that Hogan is playing by his rules now. Slaughter says he is the WWF Champion and there is nothing Hogan can do about it. Slaughter says they are playing by his rules. They show highlights of Slaughter taking a chair to the back of Hulk Hogan. Slaughter says its a great feeling hitting Hogan with a chair and it makes him feel good to see the immortal slime laying face down on the canvas. Slaughter says its going to be an even better feeling seeing Hogan lay on his back a defeated man at the hands of the new ruler of the WWF, Sgt. Slaughter.
Slaughter says he could get himself disqualified or counted out where Hogan may be the winner but he won’t be the champion. Slaughter says when it is all said and done he will still be laughing.
Pre-Match Thoughts:
Really no build leading up to this one either but I do believe these two had a match on Prime Time or Superstars where they went a little bit longer than this one but the finish was similar. Mountie got ahold of the shock stick and ended up getting the cheap pin. Mountie also said a lot of derogatory things about Tito being Mexican as they lead up to the match. We will see what happens here but I have a feeling it will be much of the same.
Match 13: The Mountie vs. Tito Santana

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We start off with a tie up and then a leap frog by the Mountie but when he goes for it a second time Tito goes for the flying forearm and nails him with it. Mountie rolls to the floor and Tito rams Mountie head first into Jimmy Hart. Tito then hits an atomic drop and he follows that up with a big right hand. Mountie tries to leave the ring but he is hanging on to the ropes and apron. The ref pulls Tito off and when Tito goes back in to the Mountie shocks him with the shock stick. Mountie gets the cover and the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….The Mountie!
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There really is nothing to recap here. Tito looked fine and the Mountie played his gimmick perfectly. He cheated to win and they ended this one rather quickly. Nothing much more to it than that.
Backstage Interview: Hulk Hogan
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Hogan says he heard everything Slaughter had to say. Hogan says he may be laughing now but after Wrestlemania 7 he won’t have the last laugh. Hogan says it’s not a laughing matter when he torched the banner of Hulkamania or when he tried to torch all of the dreams of the Hulkamaniacs. Hogan solemnly swears that will never happen again Sarge. Hogan says that Slaughter new rules and all Slaughter knows is ground warfare and hand to hand combat. Hogan says this is new technology and this is the Hulk Hogan of 1991. Hogan says he is going to be the new WWF Champion. Hogan says Slaughter has underestimated the enemy because he has no idea what he and his Hulkamaniacs have in store for Slaughter.
Gene asks Hogan if he is the same Hogan from a week ago. They then show Slaughter and Adnan attacking Hulk Hogan from the prior week. Hogan says he is not the same Hulkamaniac from a week ago. Hogan says he has done a 360 after he felt the new rules of Slaughter. Well if you done a 360 then that means you are back to where you started so you are the same Hogan as a week ago. Brilliant. Hogan says wait til he is in the ring to see what kind of man he is now. Hogan says as far as Slaughter keeping the belt he would need to tear out the heart of Hulk Hogan and America to remain champion. Hogan then starts saying the National Anthem, Oh say can you see by the dawn’s early light Sgt. Slaughter that he will be the new WWF Champion and Slaughter will just be another victim of the twilights last gleaming! I swear it sounds like he said creaming but oh well. We will just move on and get to the main event here.
Pre-Match Thoughts:
This one was built off Hogan defending the honor of the United States of America against the Iraqi turn coat Sgt. Slaughter. WWF was playing off the Gulf War thinking it would rally the fans behind them but it was such a blatant exploitation of the war that it turned people away more than it brought them in. They had terrible ticket sales leading up to the show so they had to move it from the LA Coliseum to the LA Sports Arena. They say it’s due to security concerns but the reality is the Coliseum wasn’t selling so they had to go to the smaller venue. Anyways, the match itself should be decent but we will see about that.
Match 14: WWF Title Match: Sgt. Slaughter (c) vs. Hulk Hogan

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They bring out all the celebrities so they can take their positions. Marla is the time keeper, Regis is the commentator, and Alex is the ring announcer. Slaughter comes out first with the Iraqi flag and then Hogan comes out with a giant American flag and the crowd goes nuts for him. Gorilla starts the hype train early with calling Hogan our national hero and really driving home the USA vs. Iraq narrative of this one. I bet that didn’t turn people off.
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The match starts off with Hogan chasing Adnan and Slaughter around the ring. They then get back in the ring and they square off. The ref kicks Adnan out of the ring while Slaughter continues to talk shit to Hogan with the ref separating them. They finally tie up and and they roll around the ropes together until the ref forces them to break it. They take turns throwing the ref down so they can stay tied up and finally Hogan throws Slaughter down and he goes flipping across the ring. Hogan ends up hitting Slaughter with a big shoulder block and Slaughter goes flipping upside down into the ropes.
Hogan heads outside to get Slaughter and Adnan attacks him from behind before Slaughter grabs a steel chair and nails Hogan in the back with it but Hogan no sells it. Slaughter gets control by raking the eyes of Hogan and then he continues to work over Hogan with chops, eye rakes, and attacking the face. He then goes for a boot stomp to the hands but Hogan moves his hand and Slaughter totally misses it. That looked terrible.
Slaughter goes for an elbow drop but Hogan quickly gets up and lays in some right hands and then a big time clothesline. Hogan takes an elbow to the face and then an atomic drop. Hogan goes for the cover and gets a 2 count. Hogan rams Slaughter into the turnbuckle two times and then throws him into the steel post one time and then gets Slaughter in a back drop. Hogan continues the onslaught with a whip to the corner face first, a knee to the back, and then a slingshot to the turnbuckle post.
Hogan ends up keeping control until he decides to go to the top rope but Adnan grabs his leg to stop him and Slaughter ends up body slamming him off the top to get control of the match. Slaughter dumps Hogan over the top rope with a clothesline and then proceeds to hit Hogan in the back with 2 chair shots and then chokes Hogan out with a TV cable. Slaughter gets him back in the ring and starts to work the back of Hogan. Slaughter gets Hogan in the Boston Crab but Hogan is laying right next to the ropes. All Hogan needs to do is stick his arm out and he has the rope break but he doesn’t even do that. Just a stupid spot and it makes no sense at all that Hogan just didn’t grab the ropes.
Slaughter ends up going to the top rope and comes off with a boot to the lower back of Hogan. For some dumbass reason Adnan is standing on the apron distracting the ref while Slaughter could have had a 10 count. What the hell was the point of that? This match makes no sense at all. Anyways, Slaughter heads to the outside and grabs the chair again and blasts Hogan in the head with it. Slaughter goes for the cover and only gets a 2 count. Hogan is now busted wide open after the chair shot. Slaughter then gets Hogan in the Camel Clutch right in the middle of the ring. Slaughter breaks free of the hold and works over the back before putting it back on again.
Hogan gets to his feet with Slaughter on his back so instead of running backwards to ram Slaughter back first into the buckle, Hogan charges forward and ends up getting pushed right into the turnbuckle. Man the thought process and booking of this match is phenomenal. Anyways, Slaughter grabs the Iraq flag and drapes it over Hogan to go for the 1-2-3 but Hogan kicks out at 2. Hogan then Hulks up, rips the Iraqi flag, then and proceeds to do the three punch, big boot, leg drop combo and gets the 1-2-3. Your winner and NEW WWF CHAMPION….HULK HOGAN!!!
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After the match Hogan grabs the American flag and waves it around and poses as the show fades to black.
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This match was eh didn’t really deliver. After re-watching this match closely I can say for sure that Slaughter sucked and had no business being in this position. A lot of his offense was trash and he just wasn’t believable to me. The fact he got to go back to back pay per views with Warrior then Hogan is beyond me. It seems like this show completely lost its legs after Warrior/Savage and not even Hogan could bring it back. Hogan did his best with Hogan but this match just didn’t work with me and when you throw in the Iraq War shit show that this match was based on then you got the recipe for trash and thats what this match is. It moves way to slow for my liking and that has a lot to do with how terrible Slaughter is. This is the second worst Hogan main event, behind only his match a year later with Sid. Not the best of finishes to an otherwise decent show.
Final Thoughts:
So there we have it, Wrestlemania 7 is in the books. There is a lot of personal memories and nostalgia that makes me enjoy this show more than I should. The card isn’t the best outside of a handful of matches. The main event was a sham due to the circumstances surrounding and it really turned a lot of people off to the product. So based off all of that it should be given a negative review. However, I tend to look at the positives and there was enough good on this card to warrant watching it. We have the excellent opener with the Rockers vs. Haku and Barbarian, the tag team title match between the Harts and the Nasty Boys, Ultimate Warrior vs. Randy Savage, Boss Man vs. Perfect, and Hogan vs. Slaughter. They all delivered for the most part and really make this show worth watching.
The best match on this card as well as one of the best in Mania history is by far Savage vs. Warrior. The storytelling, the moves, the moments, and pretty much everything about the entire match from entrances to the finish with Savage and Liz was perfect. It is one of my favorite matches of all time and I still remember being a kid and being mesmerized by these two and it made me fall in love with wrestling. For that reason alone it gets a pass in my book.
The one thing that really hampered this show was all of the emotion that the Warrior and Savage got out of the crowd. The reason that was a problem is because after that match the entire show just felt flat and the fans never really recovered. Hogan and Slaughter didn’t put on a good enough match to get them back until the very end when Hogan did what he does. The last hour+ dragged just because of how great Warrior and Savage was.
All in all this isn’t the best Wrestlemania of all time and it probably isn’t even in the top 10 for most people. However, there are a lot of great matches, moments, and memories that were made on this crowd so it is definitely worth checking out and one that can be entertaining if you enjoyed this time period of the WWF.
So, that does it this edition of the Event Center. Next up on the docket is Wrestlemania 19 as we continue to run through Wrestlemania’s as we head to the grand daddy of them all, Wrestlemania 35 on April 7th. Thanks again for reading and I will catch you all next time.