The Event Center: WWF Wrestlemania 5 Review


The Event Center: WWF Wrestlemania 5

Hello everyone and welcome back to the Event Center. Last time you saw us we were going through hell when we review WCW New Blood Rising. Well this time we are going to be doing something a little bit better I think. According to most this is one of the worst Wrestlemania’s of all time and it was rated the worst major wrestling even fo 1989 by Meltzer. However, I have always enjoyed this show and there is a lot on this show that is entertaining and enjoyable. Therefore, I can’t wait to get this thing going so let’s do it to it. We are going back to where the Mega Powers Exploded at Wrestlemania V.

Show Opening:

The show opens up with some ominous music and the storm clouds rolling in as Vince McMahon narrates “The Mega Powers……EXPLODE! HERE AT WRESTLEMANIA 5!” Lightning then strikes and pyro goes off as the Wrestlemania 5 logo rolls in. This is one of my favorite openings for a show. It was short and sweet and got the job done and Vince’s voice was perfect. Really sweet opening here. They then show the fans in the crowd as Gorilla says all of the questions will be answered here today. Fink then gets on the mic and introduces Rockin’ Robin as the person who is going to be singing America the Beautiful.

Robin gives it her best shot but she completely butchered the hell out of this song. She was horrible and couldn’t carry a tone. I have no idea who’s idea this was but they dropped the ball tremendously. After it’s over Jesse shits all over on commentary. Jesse says “let me tell you something Gorilla, she better stick to her day time job. She better stick to wrestling.” Gorilla gets pissed and sends it up to the Fink so we can get the first match underway at Wrestlemania 5.

Match 1: Hercules vs. Haku

Haku is getting carried out down the stairs on a float type deal. Amazing they made these jobbers carry a 300 pounder down stairs. That could have ended up pretty bad if one of them tripped and whatnot. All is well though because the King makes it to the ring safe and sound. Bobby gets in the ring and says everybody needs to bow to the king….King Haku! Hercules gets in the ring and cleans house by swinging his big ass chain. That could have ended bad as well if he ended up smoking somebody with that while he is spinning it around. If it ended up breaking it was going to fly in the crowd and do some damage. They are lucky that never happened.

Hercules is heading into the corner to put up his chain when Haku quickly gets back in the ring and nails Hercules in the back with a kick. He follows that up with a few right hands as he gets the upper hand early on during the match. Haku is putting the boots, chops, and punches to Hercules all around the ring. Hercules ends up reversing a whip and hits Haku with a hip toss then a body slam. Hercules then picks up Haku and just drops him face first to the mat. Hercules follows that up with a clothesline that sends Haku up and over the top rope.

Haku ends up getting suplexed back into the ring off the apron by Hercules. He follows that up with a couple of big elbows. Hercules says the match is over and he starts heading towards Heenan for some stupid ass reason. Hercules goes out after Heenan as Haku crawls out of the ring and ends up nailing Hercules with a big clothesline. This is where the coliseum video version got edited down. They cut out all of the Haku offense and shortened up this match. Unfortunately this is the full version and man did they choose a good job of editing on this one.

Haku gets Hercules back in the ring and he hits him with a back breaker. Haku holds on and ends up hitting Hercules with a second back breaker before he drops him and goes for a pin for 2. Jesse says “do you see Donald Trump back there? I got him those seats.” What great commentary. Haku picks up Hercules and gets him in a bear hug. Jesse says this is a wear down hold more than anything and it prevents Hercules from getting oxygen in. I really enjoy both of these guys on commentary and it really makes these shows more memorable. Screw what all the pundits say who trash Gorilla’s commentary every chance they get. He was awesome and really enhanced these shows. This is by far my favorite commentary team of all time and it’s not even close.

Hercules finally breaks out of the bear hug but Haku nails him with a knee to the stomach and thrust to the throat. Haku chokes out Hercules over the middle rope. Hercules ends up hitting Haku with a high cross body for a 2 1/2 count. Haku goes up to the middle rope and tries to hit Hercules with a cross body but Hercules dunks and Haku crashes to the match. Hercules starts laying in the right hands. Jesse on commentary says “you know it’s tough being the opening match like this, its a tough position to be in.” Gorilla responds “to me it was great just to be there Jess whether it was opening, middle, or close. Especially for an event the magnitude of Wrestlemania.” This line has always stuck out to me because it really showed the mindset of those times and sometimes just being there was good enough for some.

Hercules starts laying in the clothesline until Haku gets on his feet and gets hit with a power slam off the ropes. Hercules gets a 2 count. Hercules ends up going to the top rope and ends up getting nailed with a crescent kick off the top rope. Haku goes to the middle rope and goes for a big splash but Hercules gets out of the way. Haku swings wild and Hercules ends up hitting Haku with a belly to back suplex with a bridge. Both shoulders are down but Hercules rolls the shoulder at the last second and gets the 1-2-3. Your winner by way of pinfall…..Hercules!

This match isn’t that bad if you are watching the Coliseum Video version of this show but since it was the full match it really weighs the match down. The part that was cut out in the CHV version didn’t really add anything to the match and it made the match appear better than it was. However, the full match with the rest hold bear hug and the Haku offense just wasn’t that good and it makes this match pretty trash if you ask me. They should have cut maybe 2 minutes off this match and it could have been a pretty good opener. But they didn’t so we got a mediocre match at best to start the show.

Backstage Interview: The Rockers

Gene says we are moments away from the match between the Twin Towers and the Rockers. Shawn says this is the moment of truth for the Rockers. Shawn says everybody is talking about how the Twin Towers can’t be beat. Shawn says that the Rockers are going to show them something today at Wrestlemania 5 that they’ve never seen before. Marty says coming out in one piece will be a victory in itself but they wanna do a lot more than that and thats coming out victorious. Marty says they are going to have to rock and roll and strut and stroll in order to come out the victors. Marty says they are ready and they are coming.

Match 2: The Twin Towers vs. The Rockers

The match starts with the Rockers running after the Towers and getting them to chase them around the ring. This is genius because it wears out the big guys early on. The match officially starts with Shawn and the Boss Man. Boss Man quickly picks up Shawn and puts him on the top rope. Boss Man slaps him in the face and then Marty distracts Boss Man and Shawn nails him in the back with a drop kick. Shawn leap frogs over Boss Man and he ends up nailing Akeem and Boss Man with some right hands. Boss Man tags in Akeem and he comes in and gets his groove on. Shawn responds with a moon walk of his own. Shawn ends up getting an arm ringer and tag into Marty.

They quickly exchange tags with the arm wringer as both guys go off the middle rope. They hit Akeem with a double chop then they go over and hit Boss Man on the apron. Shawn continues to work the arm until Akeem drives him into the corner. Akeem goes for a splash in another corner but Shawn moves out of the way and he goes right back to the arm. Nothing but arm wringers so far. Akeem gets the tag to the Boss Man as Marty hits him with a leap frog but he jumps right into the arms of Boss Man and then Akeem crashes into the back of Marty as they pancake him. Boss Man tags in Akeem and he hits a big splash on Marty while he is trapped on the ropes.

Like Jesse said “They can run but they can’t hide forever.” It was only a matter of time before the Rockers got caught. Boss Man ends up hitting a splash on Marty in the corner as Akeem follows him in and he hits the splash as well on the back of Boss Man. The Towers work Marty over in the corner and get frequent tags. Akeem goes for a splash on Marty while the Boss Man holds him but Marty gets out of the way and Akeem goes crashing into the Boss Man. Marty quickly makes the tag to Shawn and he comes in with a sling shot drop kick on Akeem.

Shawn is a house of fire as he climbs to the middle rope and lays in the right hands. Marty comes in and helps out with the irish whip. They just throw him back and forth between the corners 2-3 times. They then hit Akeem with a double shoulder block off the middle rope. Shawn dunks a clothesline and when he turns around Akeem just floors him with a brutal ass clothesline. It looked stiff as hell and it looked like it completely knocked Shawn out. The commentary was perfect for the move as well. Jesse gives out a loud oh as Gorilla says “wow what a shot”. It came across as if they were just saying damn he got jacked up. The line from Jesse of “he must have irritated Akeem” was perfect.

Akeem tags in the Boss Man and he goes off the top with a splash but Shawn gets out of the way. Shawn goes for the cover but Boss Man forcibly kicks out. Shawn runs off the ropes and gets in a position on the shoulders of Boss Man and Marty comes in and he trips up the Boss Man. Shawn and Marty knock Akeem off the apron as they climb up to the top rope and go for a double drop kick on the Big Boss Man. Marty nails Boss Man but Shawn totally misses and ends up landing on Boss Man’s chest. That could have ended up terrible but it looks like everyone came out unscathed.

Shawn goes for the cover but Akeem breaks it up. Akeem throws Marty out of the ring as Shawn goes up to the top rope and goes for something but Boss Man ends up catching him and drops him with an awesome looking power bomb. Boss Man tags in Akeem and he comes in and hits the big splash for the pin and the 1-2-3. Your winners by pinfall…..The Twin Towers!

This is a really good match from start to finish. The Rockers ran them ragged and really got some pretty good offense in. The best part about this match is the fact that the Towers allowed themselves to look beatable throughout the match. This really enhanced the match because they did it in a way that looked like the Rockers were going to win this things. A really good match here that is definitely worth checking out.

Backstage Interview: Ted DiBiase & Virgil

DiBiase says he has been waiting for this show for a long time because there are going to be people that are members of his club the highly elite. He’s talking about people like Donald Trump and Henry Kravitz. People with clout and people with money that are going to be in attendance to see him destroy Beefcake. DiBiase says he spends thousands of dollars to be the finely groomed individual that he is and if Beefcake thinks he is going to put his grubby paws on his head then he has another thing coming. DiBiase says Beefcake is going to meet his destiny and that is being defeated by the greatest athlete in the WWF the Million Dollar Man and it’s evident by the million dollars of diamonds and gold around his waste. DiBiase says it shines like he does, brighter than any star in the WWF.

Match 3: Ted DiBiase vs. Brutus Beefcake

DiBiase comes down to the ring and goes right over to Donald Trump and shows him the Million Dollar title. Trump stands up and gives DiBiase a hand shake. Jesse says that the Million Dollar Belt really opened up Donald’s eyes there. Before the match starts DiBiase gets in the face of Beefcake with the Million Dollar belt and is poking him in the chest. Beefcake gets tired of it and nails him with a right hand then a back drop and a hip toss. Beefcake ends up hitting DiBiase with another back body drop as DiBiase rolls to the outside to catch a breather.

We get back in the ring and they get in a tie up as DiBiase hits a knee to the stomach then some right hands. Beefcake reverses an irish whip and ends up hitting DiBiase with 3 straight body slams. Beefcake then hits the clothesline and sends DiBiase up and over to the outside. Jesse says that he has never seen DiBiase start off this slow before. Gorilla uses this dead time to talk about how Jesse likes to hang out with the rich people so Jesse tells us he was on a plane with Farrah Fawcett and she couldn’t keep her hands off him and he had to get a stewardess to help.

DiBiase gets back in the ring and they trade rights and lefts in the middle of the ring. They get up to the rope and Virgil ends up grabbing the leg of Beefcake and DiBiase drops him with a right hand. DiBiase then lays in a choke hold to Brutus as he is laid out on the mat. DiBiase continues to work over Beefcake in the corner before he whips him into the ropes and hits him with a nice back elbow. DiBiase does his patented fist drop and gets a 2 count out of it. DiBiase then drops Beefcake with a clothesline. DiBiase then climbs up to the middle rope and waits for Beefcake to get up and he ends up nailing him with a double ax handle.

DiBiase puts the head down early and Beefcake gets a small package for a 2 count. DiBiase quickly gets up and lays in the boots to Beefcake. DiBiase goes for a suplex but Beefcake reverses it and hits a suplex of his own. Beefcake and DiBiase hit each other with a double clothesline as both guys are laid out on the mat. DiBiase gets up first and he hits Beefcake with the suplex. DiBiase gets Beefcake in the Million Dollar Dream right in the middle of the ring. Beefcake walks around and he ends up in the ropes. DiBiase goes to ram Beefcake into the turnbuckle as Beefcake reverses it and rams DiBiase’s head into the turnbuckle. This happens two times and then they go for some right hands but Beefcake blocks them and he lays in 5-6 right hands. Beefcake ends up slamming DiBiase into the turnbuckle 10 times.

Beefcake calls for the sleeper hold and he ends up getting it on DiBiase in the center of the ring. Virgil quickly gets on the apron and distracts Beefcake as DiBiase nails him from behind. Virgil starts laying in some clubs to the back to Beefcake and he rams him head first into the apron. Beefcake gets pissed and starts to chase Virgil around the ring before DiBiase drops him with an ax handle off the apron. Both guys brawl on the outside as we get a double count out. This match is a draw due to a double count out.

After the match they continue to brawl until Beefcake ends up pushing DiBiase into the steel post. Beefcake chases Virgil around the ring and then they end up the ring as Beefcake hits him with an atomic drop and then a clothesline on Virgil. Beefcake then puts the sleeper hold on Virgil and puts him to sleep. DiBiase gets back in the ring and ends up getting hit with a right hand and a body slam for his troubles. Beefcake heads to the outside and gets his scissors as DiBiase and Virgil roll out of the ring to safety as this one is over.

There wasn’t anything special with this one but it wasn’t bad either. DiBiase controlled the match for the most part and thats a good thing. He’s head and shoulders better than Brutus so letting him dominate was a good idea. The finish was weak but expected when you have two guys you are trying to keep strong so the double count-out finish makes sense because of that. This isn’t the worst match on the card but it’s nothing special either.

Interview at Wrestlemania 5 Brunch: The Bushwhackers

The slobs known as the Bushwhackers are chowing down on endless food at the brunch from the morning. They say they are ready for their match against the Rougeau Brothers. Hayes asks them questions but their mouths are full and you can’t understand a damn word they are saying. This is a complete waste of time.

Match 4: The Bushwhackers vs. Fabulous Rougeau Brothers

Before the match really gets going the Bushwhackers chase Jimmy around the ring and eventually steal his jacket. They are about to tear it in half when the Rougeau’s come in and attack both guys from behind. Each guys get a corner and the Bushwhackers end up whipping the Rougeau’s into Jimmy Hart, who was trying to retrieve his jacket. Jesse is wondering why everyone likes to beat up on Jimmy Hart. We start off with Raymond and Luke in the ring. Raymond hits Luke with a boot then some right hands. Raymond drops down then goes up and over and then falls down for a monkey flip as Luke drops down for a fist but Raymond moves out of the way.

Butch comes in and hits Luke with the battery ram early on. The Rougeau’s regroup on the outside as the Bushwhackers stomping around the ring. Jacques is in the ring as the ref checks his boot because the laces are out and Raymond comes in and drops Luke from behind. Jacques tags in Raymond and he ends up whipping Luke into the corner viciously. Luke nails the buckle and falls down. Raymond picks up Luke and ends up hitting him with a body slam and for some odd reason Luke decides its a good time to rub the nuts of Raymond. I have no idea what the reason was for it but it looks questionable at best.

Raymond heads to the middle rope and ends up hitting Luke with an ax handle to the back. Jacques comes in and lays in the boots and then hits Luke with a back elbow. Jacques has Luke in an abominable stretch when he tags in Raymond. Raymond does a front flip into the ring then a stupid strut and then a kick to the gut. The Rougeau’s are celebrating and all of a sudden the Bushwhackers nail Raymond with the battery ram and then a double gut buster for the 1-2-3. Your winners by pinfall….The Bushwhackers!

After the match they head to Sean Mooney down on the entrance way by the fans. The Bushwhackers end up coming over to him and start licking the shit out of his face. Mooney looks disgusted and then he says “mere words can not explain what it is like to get licked by a Bushwhacker. Gorilla do you know what its like to have a dog that really likes you?” Awesome line and interaction there between Mooney and the Bushwhackers.

This match was the shits as well. Nothing really going on and it just dragged through the 5-6 minutes of time that they had. The Rougeau’s could have been really damn good but the majority of their matches on PPV were against the Bushwhackers and thats a shame. I would have loved to see them feud against a team like the Hart’s because I feel like they could have done some great work. Also, what the hell was up with the crotch rub there on the body slam? Anyways, nothing really worth checking out here so you can skip this one unless you are a fan of either team.

Match 5: Mr. Perfect vs. Blue Blazer

Jesse says he got a chance to see Mr. Perfect’s father Larry the Ax Hennig and Jesse says he still has a 24 inch neck. Perfect ends up starting the match with a head lock and he ends up reversing a hip toss and hitting the Blazer with his own hip toss. Perfect pushes him into the corner and then slaps him across the face. Perfect tries it again but this time Blazer slaps Perfect in the face in return and then hits him with a leg take down and then he slaps Perfect in the face again.

Perfect whips the Blazer into the ropes and he goes for a hip toss but the Blazer ends up landing on his feet and hits Perfect with a body slam and he follows that up with a second body slam and then a drop kick that sends Perfect flying over the top rope. Some great offense so far from the Blue Blazer. The Blazer then nails Perfect with a baseball slide on the outside of the ring. The Blazer goes out after him and he nails him with a couple of European upper cuts. The Blazer throws Perfect back into the ring and starts to work over the arm.

Perfect ends up driving the Blazer into the corner and then whips him into the other side but the Blazer goes up and over. Blazer goes for a hip toss and Perfect blocks it until the Blazer flips out of it and hits the hip toss anyways. Blazer then hits him with a body slam and another standing drop kick. The Blazer loves that set of moves because thats the second time he has done it. The Blazer hits a single arm slam for a 1 count and then a body slam. The Blazer heads up to the top rope and goes for a big splash but Perfect got the knees up at the last second.

Perfect gets up to his feet and lays in a big right hand to the face and then to the gut. Perfect starts to work over the back and then gets him in a camel clutch type move. While in this rest hold Jesse tells us that he has a big time surprise for Gorilla and everyone else. Hmm I wonder what that could be? The Blazer ends up out of the hold and ends up in the corner where Perfect nails him with a chop and then an irish whip. Perfect follows him in and the Blazer ends up hitting him with a big boot. The Blazer then hits Perfect with a power slam for a 2 count.

The Blazer whips Perfect into the corner and ends up hitting him with a belly to belly suplex. The Blazer hits a crucifix pin on Perfect and ends up getting a 2 2/3 count. Perfect gets up pissed and nails the Blazer with his big forearm, the Ax, and then follows that up with the Perfect Plex for the 1-2-3. Your winner by way of pinfall……Mr. Perfect!

This was a pretty awesome match here. It was slow at some parts but nothing that makes it not worth checking out. The Blue Blazer/Owen Hart’s offense on this card was so much different than what anyone else was doing outside of the Rockers. The standing drop kicks, the flips, the high risk moves, just everything he was doing was awesome and it really makes this match stand out. Perfect sold the story pretty damn well were he basically took the Blazer for granted and nearly lost because of it. Just a really good match all around here and one worth checking out.

Jesse Ventura Poses for the Crowd

Jesse stands up on the balcony by the announce table and poses for the crowd. The crowd is going nuts for Jesse as Gorilla tells him to be careful, we don’t need him falling over the railing. This was just filler and a waste of time. What the hell is the point of this? I guess they needed some time so they can get the ring set up for what is about to happen next.

They show Mr. Fuji joining the runners for the Wrestlemania 5k run.

Run DMC joins us in the ring to provide the Wrestlemania Rap. The audio on this performance was shit because you couldn’t hear anything they were saying except the word Wrestlemania. More time wasted here if you ask me.

They show a highlight video on the feud between Demolition and the Powers of Pain.

Backstage Interview: Demolition

Okerlund says we are moments away from their title defense. Smash calls him Fuj the stooge. Smash says they are in their war gear and they are ready for action. Smash says there is only one thing to do when they get in the ring and thats to knock their stinking teeth in. Ax says they are going to make history here today when they get in the ring with the 3 stooges. Ax says he hopes they are ready because Fuj the Stooge you can’t hide forever and we are going to take care of business. Ax says they are going to do what they do best and thats demolishing people. Ax says they are the champions and are on top of the mountain and their is nothing anyone can do. Ax says they are going to grab Fuji by the throat and squeeze his eye balls out and then throw him out of Trump Plaza. This promo was all over the place but it was freakin awesome.

Match 6: WWF Tag Team Title Match: Demolition (c) vs. Powers of Pain/Mr. Fuji

Fuji gets us started with the ceremonial salt shit in the corner. I wonder if that stuff ever landed on a fan or got in a fans eye? If so I’d be pissed off if that was me. This one starts off with Ax and the Warlord. Warlord gets the upper hand early on until Ax goes low and then starts pummeling the back of the Warlord. Smash gets the tag in and both he and Ax start pounding the back of the Warlord. Smash then gets the Warlord in a neck hold until he gets back on his feet and he tags in Ax. Ax comes in and snaps Warlord over and starts to work over the neck himself. Ax says he is going to break it (referring to Warlords neck). Love it when audio gets picked up in ring. Ax and Smash pound the back of Warlord some more.

Smash gets Warlord in a head lock until Warlord picks him up and drives him in the corner so he can tag in the Barbarian. Smash quickly gets control of the match as they cut off the ring. Smash tags in Ax and Ax nails Barbarian with a big time clothesline then a body slam. Smash quickly tags in Ax again as they hit the Barbarian with a double back elbow. Demolition is just owning this match so far. Ax continues to work the neck of the Barbarian as he tags in Smash again. Barbarian ends up nailing Smash with a thrust to the throat and then a vicious chop before he tags in the Warlord.

Warlord comes in and hits an ax handle until Smash ends up smashing him in the back and he drags him to the corner and he tags in Ax. They hit the Warlord with a double clothesline as Ax goes after Barbarian and Fuji and when he turns around the Barbarian drops him with a kick to the chest. All three guys are working over Ax in the corner. Warlord tags in Fuji and he nails a chop to the stomach of Ax and then a knife edge that drops Ax. Fuji then drops a head butt to the mid section of Ax. Fuji quickly tags out to the Barbarian and he comes in and hits a jumping forearm to the back.

Barbarian hits Ax with a big boot off the rope. Barbarian then nails Ax with a flying shoulder block and he tags out to the Warlord. Warlord comes in and hits a few shots to the back of Ax. No wonder Demolition dominated the early portion of this match. The Powers of Pain offense kind of sucked. Barbarian gets the tag and he ends up dropping Ax with a slam but he tags in Fuji before he does so. Fuji then goes to the top rope and Fuji goes for a leg drop but Ax moves out of the way. Fuji makes the tag to the Warlord and he quickly comes in and knocks Smash off the apron so he can’t tag in.

Warlord then hits Ax with a body slam. Warlord then goes for a clothesline but Ax dunks and he hits Warlord with a clothesline of his own. Ax tags in Smash and he comes in a house of fire as he works over both the Warlord and Barbarian. Smash picks up the Warlord and body slams and then he does the same to Barbarian. He then drops both guys with a clothesline. Smash picks up the Warlord on his shoulder and he carries him over to Ax and they end up dropping Warlord over the top rope.

All four guys are in the ring going at it when the ref gets distracted by Smash and the Barbarian fighting on the outside. Meanwhile, in the ring Fuji gets some salt and tries to hit Smash with it but he dunks out of the way and the Warlord gets nailed with the salt in the eye. Smash then drops Fuji with a clothesline as he tags in Ax. Ax then climbs to the middle rope and he nails Fuji with the elbow drop while Smash held him on his knee. They go for the pin and get the 1-2-3. Your winners and still WWF Tag Team champions……Demolition!

This match was decent but nothing special. The Powers of Pain were pretty rough and boring and this feud seemed to have dragged on way to long. I never understood why Mr. Fuji would leave a pair of tag team champions to join a team that couldn’t beat them without him let alone with him. The booking was poor and the reason they chose just didn’t make sense. Anyways, the finish was good because the fans got what they wanted and that was Demolition getting their hands on Mr. Fuji. All in all nothing terrible here but nothing good either.

Backstage Interview: Macho Man Randy Savage

Tony says they have been trying to get an interview with the WWF Champion all day but to no avail. Tony says we are going to try one more time. He opens up the door and Savage is pacing around the room like a mad man. Savage sees the camera and he pushes it down and says he told them no interviews. Savage then says that he is going to knock him out and that Hulk Hogan he is ready as he storms out of the room.

Match 7: Dino Bravo vs. Ronnie Garvin

Before this match even starts Howard Finkel announces the return of Super Fly Jimmy Snuka. He walks all the way down that long ass entrance just to get in the ring and pose and then he leaves. Again what the hell is the point of this? Also, why the hell do you get these two guys in the ring ready to go and then stop them with this Jimmy Snuka shit? Makes no sense but whatever.

Ronnie doesn’t know where he wants to throw his towel so Bravo ends up nailing him from behind. Bravo picks up Garvin and drops him with a body slam and then hits him with a big ass elbow. Bravo then hits a forearm to the lower back two times. He’s working over that back to get him ready for his shitty back breaker finish. Bravo then hits a chop and then a punch that drops Garvin again. Bravo then whips Garvin into the ropes and gets him in a big time bear hug until he throws him in the corner back first.

Bravo picks up Garvin and throws him into the ropes again and this time he drops him with a shoulder block. Bravo again drops Garvin with a shoulder as well. Bravo goes for a 1 boot pin for a 1 count. Bravo whips Garvin into the ropes again and this time Garvin gets up on the shoulders of Bravo and he ends up dropping him with 5-6 right hands. Garvin then bounces off the ropes and nails Bravo with a big time right hand for a 2 count.

Garvin starts laying in those vicious chops until he starts ramming the head of Bravo into the top turnbuckle 5-6 times. Garvin goes with the rolling cradle for a 2 count. Garvin then gets Bravo in a sleeper hold in the middle of the ring but Bravo quickly gets to the ropes to break the hold. Garvin is going for a piledriver but Bravo ends up blocking it into a back body drop. However, Garvin holds on for the sunset flip and gets a 2 count. Garvin gets up to his feet and starts laying in the chops. Man his chops are brutal. They sound like bombs going off and that shit had to hurt. Garvin goes up top for some right hands when Bravo drops him with the atomic drop and this his side suplex for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall…..Dino Bravo!

After the match Ronnie Garvin attacks Bravo from behind and sends him flying to the outside. He then drops Frenchie with a huge right hand that drops Martin. Garvin then does the Garvin Stomp all the way around the body of Frenchie Martin.

This match wasn’t that bad at all. It was short enough that it never had time to go south quickly. Bravo worked fast early and then Garvin took over and worked at a pretty fast pace as well. The ending was a little abrupt but it worked. I also like the after the match stuff that helped Garvin going forward. I always did like his Garvin stomp and the shot to the face on Frenchie Martin is one of the more cooler shots that you can see. All things considered, this was a decent little match that is surprisingly better than you might think.

Match 8: The Brain Busters vs. Strike Force

The match starts out with Martel and Tully Blanchard. Arn quickly hits Martel with a knee to the back so the Busters can get control of the match early. Martel is trapped in the Busters corner and he just goes nuts with some lefts and rights until he breaks free. Tito gets in the ring and they end up hitting double drop kicks on both members of the Brain Busters. Pretty fast start here and pretty good offense. These two teams can definitely go.

Arn gets back in the ring and he ends up hitting Martel in the gut and then he whips him into the ropes but he dunks early so Martel throws Arn face first into the mat. We get a little test of strength with Arn laying on the mat and Martel on top as they are locked together by the hands. Martel, for some reason, kicks up and Arn catches him with his legs around the waste as he lays in the pressure to the back of Martel. Martel breaks free from the hold and ends up getting Arn in the Boston Crab but Tully reaches in and thumbs Martel right in the eye. Arn tags in Tully and he comes in and gets Martel in a head lock. Martel ends up tagging in Tito and Tully has no idea he did until Tito gets in the ring and drops Tully with a bulldog out of the head lock. That was a pretty sweet spot there.

Tito comes in and he gets Tully in the figure four right in the middle of the ring. Arn comes in and so does Martel and he quickly gets Arn in a figure four as well. Another awesome looking spot here. These two teams really are going at it and you can tell they wanted to make an impression on this card and it’s working. Arn and Tully go for a double back drop but Tito kicks Arn and gets Tully in a small package. Tully picks up Tito for an atomic drop type move but Tito ends up making the tag. Tito then hits the ropes and goes for his flying forearm but Tully moves out of the way and he ends up dropping Rick Martel with the forearm. Martel rolls to the outside knocked out. If Tito made the tag to Martel and he is on outside “knocked out” shouldn’t the ref be counting the ten? Mistakes were made.

Tully ends up nailing Tito with a drop kick as he goes over and tags in Arn. Arn whips Tito into the ropes and Arn drops him with a shoulder to the gut. Tully gets tagged back in and he tries to throw Tito into the knee of Arn but Tito reverses it and Tully goes crashing into the knee of Arn. Arn gets back in anyways as Tito does a sunset flip and gets a 2 before Tully comes in and breaks up the pin. Martel is finally back on the apron as Tito hits a flying cross body on Tully from the middle rope. Tito slipped a little bit so he didn’t get all of it but he still got a 2 count.

Arn comes in and he works over the neck area of Tito. Arn ends up hitting Tito with a knee when he comes charging in at him in the corner. Arn goes up to the top rope but Tito gets up and slams him off the top rope. Arn goes over and gets the tag to Tully while Tito is crawling over to the corner and to Martel. Tito sticks his hand out but Martel just walks down the apron and then he drops down and just leaves Tito all by himself. Tully picks up Tito and clotheslines him on the top rope. Arn comes in and he starts working over the back of Tito. Arn then whips Tito into the ropes and hits him with the best spine buster in the history of the wrestling business. Not necessarily this specific spine buster but Arn Anderson has the best spine buster ever.

Tully gets the tag in as he prances around the ring until he picks up Tito and throws him back into the corner. Tito nails Tully with a right hand and then he hits Arn with one on the apron. Tito ends up going for a monkey flip but Arn holds on to the trunks of Tully and Tito just falls back first on the mat. Arn then picks up Tito and Tully comes off the middle rope as they nail him with a spike pile driver for the 1-2-3. Your winners by pinfall…..The Brain Busters!

Backstage Interview: Rick Martel

Gene wants to know what kind of explanation he has for leaving his partner high and dry out there. Martel says as far as he is concerned he got what he deserved. Martel says he is sick and tired of carrying him around. Martel says he was doing great as a singles competitor but no Tito wanted to ride his coat tails once again. Martel says he is sick and tired of it because he has been carrying him for to long already. Gene says that Martel is out of line and that Strike Force was supposed to be a team. Martel says he doesn’t want to be associated with that guy because he is a loser. Martel said that Tito’s timing was way off and that he is lucky that he is the gentleman that he is that he just walked off because it could have been a lot worse for Tito Santana.

This was a pretty damn good match and angle here. The Brain Busters were awesome and are arguably one of the greatest tag teams of all time. The story with Tito and Martel coming to a head and Martel just leaving his partner out there on his own was pretty damn awesome as well. Tito was always a great worker and could sell a beat down better than anyone and this show is no different. Martel turning heel was pretty good and the interview he cut after the match was pretty good as well. All in all this was a great 10-12 minute segment that is worth checking out.

They head to Gorilla and Jesse at the announce table where they are talking about what just happened.

Piper’s Pit with Roddy Piper: Brother Love and Morten Downey Jr. are Guests

Not going to go into to much detail here with this segment. It went way to long and was a complete waste of time. I guess it was a half way decent way for Piper to come back but it was pretty damn boring and got hold rather quickly.

Brother Love starts off this segment imitating Piper as if he is not going to show up. He rambles on and on in fast speaking fashion and doesn’t really sound to much like Piper at all. Brother Loves says that Piper love his show and that he wouldn’t know what to do if it wasn’t on TV and whatnot. After about 2-3 minutes of this Morten Downey Jr comes out and he gives it to Brother Love here.

Brother Love tells Downey that he loves him but that doesn’t mean he likes him. Downey says that any guy thats wearing a skirt he doesn’t want him to love him. Love asks what is it like being on the Brother Love show and that he is running things around here. Downey says he isn’t running anything around here fat boy. He says he ain’t running anything with a gut like that.

Piper finally shows up and puts an end to all this madness. He goes on and on about Brother Love and makes fun of his legs and weight and what not. Piper gives Brother Love a taste of his own medicine by asking a question and then letting him answer only to pull the microphone away. While Piper is talking to Brother Love, Downey is throwing cigarettes at both of them. Brother Love says that Piper can’t scare him so Piper does a scream and Love goes scrambling back to the corner “scared.” Piper says he watched Love one time but he had absolutely nothing to do. Piper asks Love if he ever fought anyone and Love says he is a lover not a fighter.

Piper then asks him about his jewelry and Love says that they are gifts from the Million Dollar Man. Piper asks Love if Million Dollar Man’s waist is green like Love’s fingers. Piper then asks Love about the wardrobe and his kilt. Eventually Piper grabs on to the kilt of Brother Love and Brother Love starts begging for mercy until Piper rips off the kilt of Brother Love exposing his bright red underwear. Brother Love high tails it out of there and he heads out and falls running up the entrance ramp.

Piper now turns his attention to Morten Downey Jr. They go back and forth and eventually Piper gets very annoyed with Downey smoking and blowing the smoke in Piper’s face. Piper warns him multiple times not to blow smoke in his face. However, Downey does it one time to many so Piper asks Downey for a smoke for himself. While Downey goes for the cigarette, Piper lifts up the stool and grabs the fire extinguisher and when Downey turns around Piper nails him with the fire extinguisher right in the face. He then takes the hose and sprays Downey right in this crotch area as Downey is “swimming” on the mat. A classic ending to a long and boring segment.

Gene Okerlund introduces the trailer for Hulk Hogan’s new movie No Holds Barred.

Ringside Interview: Donald Trump

Sean Mooney is nervous as hell as he tries to get an interview with Donald Trump. You can clearly tell he was nervous at the start of this interview. Mooney tells Trump this is the second Mania he has hosted in a row. Mooney wants to know what an event of this magnitude means to the area and to the Trump organization. Trump tells us people have shown up from thousands of miles away. Trump says they are honored to be hosting and they are extremely happy with the turn out and the amount of traffic they have gotten. Mooney then stumbles over his words some more and asks Trump how hot the casinos have been. Trump says they are packed and the whole town is packed. Trump says everyone is happy and excited for the event. Mooney says that he will be leaving a few dollars here in Atlantic City and Trump says thats a good thing. Mooney then stumbles over Trumps name and he looks around the area looking for something else to say but stumbles over his words some more. Somebody save this dude and go to something else.

They go back to the announce table and Jesse Ventura is heated that Hulk Hogan is stepping into Hollywood. Jesse says that Hollywood is his domain but he is doing it because he is going to lose to Savage tonight. Jesse says Hollywood isn’t big enough for the both of them but he will give Hogan a job in Hollywood driving his limo. Jesse then storms off camera pissed off. Jesse comes back calmed down and he tells Gorilla not to give him a hard time going forward.

They then show a highlight video of the feud between Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage.

Backstage Interview: Hulk Hogan

Gene says what a difference a year makes. Gene tells us that Hogan was there a year ago by Savage’s side when he won the title. Hogan says Gene was right and that a year ago they were the best of friends and they would do anything to win together. Hogan says if you would have told him a year ago that they would be locking horns for the WWF title he would have called them a liar. Hogan says he should have seen this thing coming man because as the Mega Powers team was formed and the Summerslam’s and the Survivor Series the Mega Powers were growing together but the Mania was a little bit ahead of the Madness.

Hogan said it didn’t really matter because you were either in or you were out, you either believed or your didn’t, and you were either ready or you weren’t. Hogan said Savage also had him believing that he believed in the 3 demandments of the prayers, training, and the vitamins. He made Hogan believe that he was in his corner. Hogan also said Savage made him feel like he was ready to fight all odds and that is why he stuck by him. Hogan says thats why they stayed together so long.

Gene then says that Savage went as far as to attack Hogan’s Hulkamaniacs. Hogan said he did more than to attack the Hulkamaniacs, he went so far as to put the manager Elizabeth between the two of them. Hogan says that Savage was the one jealous. Hogan says that it ate away at Savage because he couldn’t live up to the being the man that his Hulkamaniac’s wanted him to be. Hogan says he couldn’t handle the load or the pressure. What really tore them apart was the fact he was jealous of Hulkamania and how he twisted the whole thing around with Elizabeth and the Mega Powers.

Hogan says that Savage was a cheap shot artist and that he was never in the corner of Hogan. Hogan says that Savage was always on the outside waiting for him to make the first move. Hogan says that Donald Trump has questions of his own mind because he is worried about the foundation of Trump Towers. Hogan says when the Mega Powers explode off the launching pad brother as they erupt over the entire Atlantic City. Hogan says that Trump was worried about the fans becoming unseated and being swallowed up by the earth. What the fuck is this guy talking about at this point? Coked out of his mind here.

Hogan tells Trump not worry about his Hulkamaniac’s because they are survivors and they will be fine. However, Hogan doesn’t care about where Savage stands or what he believes in. Hogan says he wants Savage at his best. Hogan wants him to be ready and he wants Macho Madness to be at its peak. Hogan says because when Hulkamania rules and Hulkamania runs forever and when he has Savage down on his knees he wants the whole world to realize that Hogan beat him at his best. Hogan says at the end of Wrestlemania 5 he will be the WWF Champion. Hogan wants to know what Savage is going to do when the whole world of Hulkamaniacs destroys him.

Match 9: Jake Roberts vs. Andre the Giant (Big John Studd Guest Referee)

Before Jake heads out Studd and Andre getting into a pissing match in the middle of the ring. These two legit didn’t like each other so I can only imagine how this conversation went. Jake finally heads to the ring and puts Damien in the corner. He gets into the ring only to be attacked by Andre as soon as he steps in. Andre takes Jake and rams him into an exposed turnbuckle. Andre already cheating and we are 5 seconds into the match. Andre lays in some chops as Jake falls to the mat.

Andre then drops a knee to the chest of Jake and we are quickly in a rest hold with a chin lock on Jake. Poor Andre can barely move. It’s amazing he lasts another year. Jake hits some elbows to the knee and breaks free before Andre hits him with a chop. Jake then heads for Damien but Andre quickly grabs him and we are back in the head lock. Jake delivers some right hands but Andre no sells it and he ends up hitting Jake with a chop to the chest. Andre then lays all his weight on Jake in the corner. Andre rams his big ass into Jake a few times and then he starts choking him out. The ref is getting to a 3-4 count before Andre breaks and then he quickly applies the choke again.

Jake falls to the mat and Andre ends up dropping all his weight on Jake again. Andre then stands on top of Andre while holding the ropes. No thanks on that spot. Andre hits Jake with a chop but Jake nails him with a right hand and then he starts laying in the kicks as well as the rights and lefts. Jake then nails Andre with a clothesline and this gets Andre trapped in the ropes. Jake then starts choking Andre while in the ropes. Jake heads for the bag but Studd stops him from getting it so Jake goes back and lays in the right hands 4-5 times.

Andre finally gets out of the ropes and he just grabs Jake by the throat and chokes him out. That was a pretty sweet looking spot. We get a head butt from Andre as Jake falls to the mat. Andre gets a nerve hold on Jake in the middle of the ring. Jake ends up getting back to his feet so Andre hits him with a head butt to the back of the neck. Andre nails Jake with a right hand and Jake heads over to the exposed turnbuckle. Andre goes for a couple of shoulder blocks but Jake gets the knee up on the second one and this stuns Andre and drives him back.

Jake finally gets some good offense in as he lays in some right hands and then rams Andre into the exposed turnbuckle. Jake, for some stupid ass reason, tries to get Andre up off the mat but Andre hits him with a some chops. Jake falls to the outside and Andre prevents him from getting into the ring. Studd is counting Jake out and then Andre slaps him for some reason. Jake gets up to the apron and Andre head butts him and sends him down to the floor again. Studd then confronts Andre for not letting Jake back in the ring. Studd turns around and stops Jake from bringing in the snake when Andre hits Studd in the back. Studd turns around and pushes Andre back as both guys start talking shit to each other.

Meanwhile, on the outside of the ring DiBiase and Virgil come out of no where and attack Jake and steal his snake. We get an awesome split screen here where Jake is attacking DiBiase and getting his snake back while Andre is choking out John Studd with his singlet strap. Jake comes back with Damien and he throws him in the ring as Andre high tails it out of there. Studd calls for the bell and we get a disqualification. Your winner by disqualification….Jake the Snake Roberts!

It’s really hard to say this match is terrible because Andre could do nothing by this point. The fact he did as much as he did in the match was pretty amazing if you ask me. I mean he damn near fell on his ass just lifting up his leg to kick Jake. Jake did his best and sold like a million bucks for Andre. Also, with the real life animosity between Studd and Andre it made for a pretty good dynamic. This match was heavily edited on the coliseum video version as well and for good reason. With the whole match in tact it went a good 2-3 minutes to long. The edited version makes it watchable but this just seemed to drag and its really not the fault of either guy to be honest.

Sean Mooney interviews some fan up in the bleeders who is already drunk and all he can say is “Jake is the best, Jake’s the best.”

Backstage Interview: Sensational Sherri

I’m not sure what the deal was with this random ass interview for someone who was doing absolutely nothing at the time. I wonder if this could lead somewhere? Hmmm. Sherri says she is sensational unlike some other woman we heard singing America the Beautiful. Sherri says she can’t sing any better than she can wrestle. Sherri says whenever she is ready she will take the title back from Rockin’ Robin. Sherri says she wants to talk about Elizabeth as well. Sherri says that they say Elizabeth is beautiful and Sherri says take a look at this and she calls herself hot and vicious. Sherri then says isn’t it unfortunate that Elizabeth’s Mega Powers are going to explode right in front of her tonight.

Match 10: The Hart Foundation vs. Honky Tonk Man/Greg Valentine

This one starts off with Bret and Honky Tonk in the ring. Honky starts off with a knee to the midsection but Bret quickly puts a stop to that with some right hands. Bret then goes up and over for a roll up on Honky for a 2 count. Bret then hits Honky with two straight atomic drops before Honky quickly tags in Valentine. Bret then picks him up and drops him with an inverted atomic drop and then a drop kick.

Bret and Jim then exchange punches on the Hammer before Bret tags in Neidhart who gets sling shot into the ring with a shoulder block on Valentine. Bret gets tagged back in and he drops Valentine with a back breaker. Bret goes up to the middle rope for an elbow drop but Valentine rolls out of the way and he ends up dropping rapid elbows and fist drops to Bret. Gorilla tells us that Valentine has trimmed down a little bit for this match so he can get quicker.

Valentine ends up putting Bret in the corner as he tags in Honky Tonk and he comes in and lays in the boots to Bret. The ref is distracted so Valentine ends up choking Bret in the corner. Honky Tonk then picks up Bret and hits him with a fireman’s carry take over. Honky then gets up and drops 2 elbows on Bret and then he tags in Valentine. Valentine comes off the top rope with an elbow to the head of Bret. Valentine kicks Bret in the gut and then drops an elbow off the rope. Valentine picks up Bret and hits him with an atomic drop and then follows that up with a head butt to the midsection.

Honky gets tagged back in to the ring and he goes for the Shake, Rattle, and Roll and he nails Bret with it. Honky gets up and tags in Valentine, who comes in and he puts Bret in the figure four but Bret grabs Valentine by the hair and pulls him over. Valentine then picks up Bret and drops him with a gut buster for a 2 count. Honky gets tagged in and he comes in and hits Bret with a right hand. They go off the ropes and Bret hits Honky with a cross body for a 2 count but Honky kicks out and sends Bret flying to the outside. Honky rams the face of Bret into the boot of Valentine on the apron before he gets tagged in. Valentine comes in and he lays in the elbows to Bret.

Bret goes up and over again on Valentine and he rolls out of a roll up and quickly tags in Bret. Neidhart comes in and he is on fire with drop kicks and clotheslines to both Valentine and Honky. Jesse tells us he is getting pumped up for this match because the Rick Rude match is coming up next. The tone of Jesse’s voice in that statement was different than anything we’ve heard all night and it was awesome. Meanwhile, Neidhart ends up flooring Valentine with a brutal clothesline for a 2 count before Honky breaks up the pin. Valentine thumbs Neidhart in the eye and he tags in Honky.

Honky goes for a fist drop but Neidhart moves and he quickly nails Honky and brings him over to the corner where Bret is waiting with the tag. Bret nails Honky with a body slam and then an elbow off the middle rope. Bret then hits Honky with a snap suplex for a 2 count before Valentine breaks up the pin. Valentine knocks Neidhart off the apron and he ends up going after Jimmy Hart. Honky goes for the mega phone but Neidhart grabs it and throws it to Bret and he ends up nailing Honky Tonk Man with. Bret goes for the cover and they get the 1-2-3. Your winners by pinfall….The Hart Foundation!

This was a pretty good match here. The Harts worked at a really good pace and they were just an awesome tag team. One of the greatest tag teams of all time. Honky and Valentine came to work as well and they put on a pretty solid match in the short time they were going. Some of the stuff Neidhart could do in the ring was just crazy and he is totally under appreciated. All in all this is one of the better matches on this card and definitely worth checking out at least once.

They show a highlight video on the feud between Ultimate Warrior and Rick Rude.

Match 11: WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Ultimate Warrior (c) vs. Rick Rude

Before the match starts Rick Rude did his typical promo before taking off his robe. He says for the high rolling Atlantic City sweat hogs, they need to keep the noise down while he takes off his robe and gives the ladies a good look at the sexiest man alive. Meanwhile, the Warrior comes charging down and gets in the ring and goes after Rude without even taking the title off his waist. Warrior goes for a clothesline but Rude dunks and Rude ends up hitting Warrior with a knee right in the title so it hurt the knee instead of Warrior. A Pretty awesome and creative spot there. Warrior then picks up Rude and just launches him into the corner 2-3 times. The springs in Rude’s feet there were just awesome.

Warrior then whips Rude into the corner and it really does some damage to the lower back of Rick Rude. Warrior then whips Rude into the other corner and again does some damage to the lower back of Rude. He whips him a third time doing more damage to the back. The game plan early is work the lower back. Warrior picks up Rude and gets him in a bear hug and he is positioned right on the lower back of Rude. Rude breaks free with a poke to the eye. Classic heel move there. Rude then goes off the top rope with a big time missile drop kick. That was out of no where and I totally forgot about that spot. That was pretty damn awesome.

Rude goes for the cover and gets a 1 count before Warrior kicks out with authority. Warrior gets back up and hits Rude with two straight body slams. Warrior then picks up Rude and goes right back to the bear hug again. Rude breaks free but the Warrior grabs Rude and ends up biting him in the face. Warrior then follows that up with a big time back drop. Warrior then gets confused as to where he wants to run and ends up going for a splash but Rude gets the knees up to block the splash. Rude then grabs Warrior and drops him with a jumping pile driver. That looked rough there. Rude goes for the cover and gets a 2 count.

Rude then drops Warrior with a jaw breaker and he goes to swivel the hips but he couldn’t do it because the pain in his back. Awesome spot there. Rude then hits Warrior with a clothesline that sounded stiff as hell. Rude then drops Warrior with a neck breaker for another 2 count. Rude gets some weird ass submission hold on Warrior. He is just stretching the arms of Warrior while applying pressure to the back. Nothing real special here. Anyways, Warrior crawls to the ropes and he starts shaking them as he gets to his feet. Warrior then shakes Rude off of him and he hits the ropes and drops Rude with a flying shoulder block. Warrior then grabs Rude and drops him face first to the mat twice.

Warrior then picks up Rude and hits him with a back breaker and he tries to get up and hit him with another one but he stumbles and damn near goes falling out of the ring. Warrior then nails Rude with a vicious clothesline that again looked stiff as hell. Warrior then throws Rude face first into the turnbuckle and then he whips him into the corner and then runs into him and it sends him flying into the buckle again. Warrior whips Rude into the other corner and he goes in for a splash but Rude gets out of the way.

Rude goes for the Rude Awakening but Warrior powers out of it and he ends up dropping Rude with a clothesline. Rude rolls to the outside and the Warrior goes out after him. Warrior quickly throws him back into the ring as he starts shaking the ropes. He winds up for a clothesline and ends up sending Rude up and over to the apron. Warrior then grabs Rude and goes to suplex him from the outside but Heenan ends up grabbing the leg of the Warrior as Rude lands on top of Warrior and he gets the 1-2-3. Your winner and new WWF Intercontinental Champion….Ravishing Rick Rude!

After the match the Warrior chases Bobby around the ring. Warrior then picks up Heenan and gets him in the gorilla press and and he drops him like a bag of luggage. That didn’t look good at all. According to Heenan he really hurt his ribs with that spot and it damn near stopped him from doing his match later on.

This was a pretty entertaining match here as well. Rude was selling like 10 million dollars here for Warrior. He was flying all over the ring for Warrior and selling his back “injury” throughout the entire match. Just a really awesome job by Rude here. Warrior did his part but it was a lot of the same stuff that you are accustomed to with a Warrior match. A lot of people find their SummerSlam 89 match better, and rightfully so, but this one is pretty damn good as well. Good stuff from both guys here.

Match 12: Bad News Brown vs. Jim Duggan

Theres really only one way this match is going to end and it’s not good for anyone that has to watch this shit that is about to go down. Duggan gets in the ring and Bad News immediately starts going in with some right hands. Bad News is just dropping him with big time right hands until he whips him into the corner and he misses a shoulder block. Now Duggan is laying in the rights and lefts to Bad News and he ends up dropping Bad News with a clothesline. Bad News heads to the outside to get a little bit of a rest before he gets back in the ring.

Bad News is just standing on the apron so Duggan takes it upon himself and sling shots him in. Duggan whips Bad News into the ropes and Duggan dunks down early so Bad News nails him with a right hand. Duggan gets rammed into the turnbuckle and then a head butt to Duggan but he doesn’t go down. Bad News continues to ram Duggan into the turnbuckle but Duggan no sells it. They then hit each other with a right hand at the same but Bad News gets the upper hand after he pokes Duggan in the eye.

Duggan turns the table on Bad News and lays in the shoulder blocks in the corner until Duggan stops and turns to the ref and says “get off my ass.” Bad News ends up hitting Duggan with a head butt and he goes to the outside. Bad News then throws Duggan into the post and then back into the ring. Bad News goes for the Ghetto Blaster but Duggan drops down and Bad News misses. Duggan hits Bad News with the flying clothesline that sends Bad News to the outside. Bad News grabs a steel chair ringside so Duggan ends up grabbing his 2×4 and they try to hit each other with their weapons. The ref calls for the bell and this thing is over with a double disqualification. This match is a draw.

After the match Duggan hits Bad News with an atomic drop and he follows that up with a shot with the 2×4 that sends Bad News out of the ring and out of dodge. Duggan then sits down on the chair as he has snot stuck in his beard. A pretty disgusting sight if you ask me.

This match was shit from the start to the finish. It was nothing but a brawl and you knew neither guy was going to do the job on a show like this. The finish was good because both guys didn’t lose anything by the outcome. The more I watch Duggan in the WWF the more I really can’t stand the guy. Based off his Mid-South stuff it just looks like he got to the WWF and mailed it in immediately. This was pretty bad and a waste of time.

Backstage Interview: Red Rooster

Rooster comes in making his cock-a-doodle doo noises like a jackass. Gene says it is the classic case of student vs. teacher. Rooster says thats right it is student vs. teacher and tonight he is going to teach the teacher something he never taught him and thats how to lose. Rooster says that Heenan called him limited but he is going to show him how good he is. Rooster says he can’t wait to get his rooster claws into the weasel hide. Rooster says he wants to take out of all of his frustrations and he is going to take care of business. Rooster says when he is done it will be a great day in the barn yard as he does his stupid chant again.

Match 13: Red Rooster vs. Bobby Heenan

Heenan comes down to the ring holding his ribs and he is bringing the Brooklyn Brawler out with him. The fact he is holding his ribs is not a work and is a legit injury from the Warrior just dumping him 2 matches prior to this one. The bell rings as Heenan circles and then hides in the corner. Rooster comes over and rams him head first into the turnbuckle two times. Rooster then whips Heenan into the corner and lays in a couple of right hands. Rooster then whips Heenan into the corner again but he moves out of the way and Heenan goes crashing into the turnbuckle. Rooster then covers Heenan and he gets the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall…..The Red Rooster!

After the match the Brawler attacks the Red Rooster and he drops him with a clothesline and he follows that up with a body slam before he lays in the boots to the Rooster until he rolls to the outside. Rooster gets back to his feet and he gets in the ring as the Brawler and Heenan get out of doge.

Well there isn’t much to this match but kudos to Bobby Heenan for actually going out there and putting on the match when he had the opportunity to give the match to the Brawler. There is nothing to this match but it served a purpose and it allowed the crowd to drop down a little bit before the main event that is coming up. All in all it did it’s job and thats really all you can ask for.

Backstage Interview: Miss Elizabeth

Gene says this has to be the most difficult time of Elizabeth’s life. Liz says this is definitely the most difficult time and that she will be in a neutral corner and will still support both men. Elizabeth says that it is unfortunate that these two men have to resolve their differences this way. Elizabeth says she can only hope and pray for one thing and thats that neither men are seriously injured.

They go to Tony Schiavone in the back where he talks about the match coming up. Tony says that the wrestlers are vacating the locker room and are heading to the arena to watch the Mega Powers explode.

They then head to Sean Mooney ringside where he asks the fans who they think are going to win. Mooney says its a split crowd as he sends us back to Jesse and Gorilla.

Match 14: WWF Heavyweight Title Match: Randy Savage (c) vs. Hulk Hogan

Savage comes out first, which was pretty rare for the WWF at this time. I like that they sold as the champions prerogative instead of just ignoring it. Both guys are circling as Jesse is defending Savage while Gorilla is starting shit with him. Hogan goes after Savage but he quickly jumps out of the ring and gets in the face of the fans. They tie up and Hogan forcibly throws Savage down and into the corner. Savage steps out on the apron to slow down the momentum.

We tie up again as Savage gets a head lock on Hogan. Hogan gets out of it and ends up dropping Savage with a big time shoulder block. Savage goes outside again to slow down the momentum of Hogan. Savage gets back in and he gets a head lock on Hogan and he nails him with a right hand to the face a few times. Hogan pushes Savage off and he is about to floor him with a right hand but Savage holds on to the rope and ends up going outside again. Hogan then chases Savage around the ring and then Savage grabs Elizabeth and puts them between each other so he won’t nail Savage.

Savage gets on the apron and offers to let Hogan in. Such a heel move and it was awesome. Hogan gets an arm bar then a drop toe hold followed by a head lock. Hogan trying to wrestle didn’t really work here but still pretty impressive to see a guy that size do a move like that. Savage gets out of the head lock by dropping Hogan with a belly to back suplex. Savage misses an elbow as Hogan gets up and drops Savage with 4-5 right hands. Hogan gets an arm wringer on Savage but Savage ends up raking the eyes of Hogan.

Savage goes up top and nails Hogan with a double ax handle for a 2 count early on. Savage starts working the arm and when Hogan gets to his feet, Savage pulls him down by his hair. He does this 2-3 times and on the third try Hogan holds on to the rope so Savage can’t pull him down. Hogan then grabs Savage by the trunks and throws him to the outside. Hogan then rams Savage head first into the turnbuckles and then whips him in the ropes and nails him with a big time clothesline. Hogan then hits his repeated elbows twice and then he rakes Savage’s eyes with his boot.

Hogan goes for a back drop but Savage kicks him in the head and then drops him with the lay down clothesline that Savage is known for. Savage gets Hogan in a head lock and they get an up close shot to show a cut above the eye of Hogan. Savage holds on to the head lock for a few minutes here. Hogan gets up and hits a few elbows to the mid-section and then a shoulder block off the rope. Savage goes for a kick but Hogan catches him and drops him with an atomic drop. Hogan goes for an elbow and misses.

Hogan gets up to his feet and Savage ends up driving a knee to the back of Hogan and drives him head first into the corner. Savage goes for a cover and gets a 2 count. Savage whips Hogan into the corner and he falls down and holds on to the leg of Macho Man here. Savage lays in a right hand to the cut eye of Hogan. Savage then throws Hogan into the corner again as Hogan lays on the mat. Savage steps on the hand of Hogan and then slaps him in the face. Hogan gets up pissed off and he grabs Savage and rams him head first into the corner. Hogan lays in some rights and then throws Savage into the corner and he follows him in and nails him with a clothesline.

Hogan picks up Savage and body slams him over the top rope. Elizabeth comes over and checks on Savage while Hogan is getting admonished by the ref. Savage realizes Elizabeth is helping him and he points at her and basically says I don’t need your help. Savage then pulls Hogan outside and he rakes the eye of Hogan. Savage tries to ram him into the guard rail but Hogan blocks it. Savage rakes the eyes again and this time he tries to slam him face first into the mat but Hogan blocks it again and rams Savage into the apron. Hogan picks up Savage and is about to ram him head first into the post but Elizabeth stands in front of the post to prevent it. Savage drops down and ends up pushing Hogan chest first into the corner.

Savage then goes back outside and grabs Elizabeth and tells her to keep her nose out of the business. Savage is walking Elizabeth up the entrance way. The ref finally has enough as he goes out and tells Macho to get back in the ring and then he tells Elizabeth to get the hell out of here. Savage ends up going to the top rope and he drops an ax handle on Hogan on the outside. Hogan goes throat first into the guard rail. Savage throws Hogan back into the ring and he hits him with the sling shot clothesline. Savage nails Hogan with a butt splash to the back of Hogan while he was draped over the ropes. Savage then drops an elbow to the throat of Hogan while it was draped over the apron.

Savage picks up Hogan with a body slam and then he drops a knee on Hogan’s throat. Savage takes the tape off his wrist and wraps it around the throat of Hogan and chokes him out with it. Savage then lays in a choke hold to Hogan as he is talking shit to Hogan and it is great. Savage chokes Hogan out to the mat. Savage then goes up top and nails his flying elbow on Hogan. Savage goes for the cover and gets a 2 count. Hogan pops up and starts to Hulk up.

Savage is laying in the right hands but Hogan is no selling it like he does. He is going insane and then starts the finger point of doom to Savage. Hogan blocks a punch and he lays in 3 punches of his own followed by the big boot. Hogan then drops the leg drop for the 1-2-3. Your winner and NEW WWF Champion……HULK HOGAN!

After the match Hogan poses in the ring as Savage cusses out the ref as if he can’t believe it. Hogan does his poses and sends the crowd home happy as they start filing out of the building.

First things first, props to Macho Man for going out there and putting on one hell of a show with a pretty serious staph infection in his arm. He had the option to not do the match but he said no way in hell to that because it was the culmination of a huge storyline and he couldn’t do that to Hogan or the fans. Pretty awesome of him there. Now to the match, this was the culmination of my favorite storyline of all time. It was done so perfect from beginning to end and to see this match finish it off pretty much is just awesome. Savage worked his ass off and Hogan even did some things he never really did.

The fact that Hogan got busted open and brought in some color to the match was a pleasant surprise as well. The big elbow at the end of this match is one of the best elbows that Savage ever did. It was perfect from all aspects and the fact he used his bad arm to deliver the move was just icing on the cake to be honest. The ending was expected but it doesn’t take away from how good this match was a psychology standpoint and just in ring work. All in all this is an A finish to a C show. Good stuff from both guys

Bonus Footage: Sensational Sherri joins Macho Madness

They thought we was done didn’t they? Not so fast my friends. There is a segment that happened after this show went off the air. They ended up airing the segment on Prime Time wrestling 2 weeks after Wrestlemania (the show after Mania was just selling Coliseum Videos). This footage is something that was never really brought up outside of this one showing and it never really gets talked about that much these days either when it comes to Savage’s heel turn. They filmed an interview after Mania where Savage and Sherri basically get together and this is that segment.

They go to the back where Gene is standing by with Miss Elizabeth. Gene says we just seen a new WWF Champion crowned. Gene asks Elizabeth what she is thinking about when Sensational Sherri comes out of no where and interrupts. Sherri asks Elizabeth what she thinks when it comes to her Mega Powers exploding right in her face. Elizabeth looks terrified to be face to face with Sherri. Sherri says that in her opinion the best man didn’t win the match. Macho Man then shows up out of no where and is asking what we have here.

Savage starts talking to Elizabeth and Savage says that what we have here is the only reason he is no longer the WWF Champion. Savage says he just said it the way it was and that Elizabeth is the reason he lost. Savage says that Elizabeth distracted him. Savage then takes his finger and pushes up on Elizabeth’s chin kind of forcing her back. Savage keeps telling her that she distracted him. Savage tells her to shut up because he should still be the WWF Champion. Savage then grabs Elizabeth by the hand is applying a lot of pressure to it and he is telling her that she shouldn’t have done that. Elizabeth is in visible pain and she says “please its hurting”. Savage says he is hurting too. Savage says he will make sure that Miss Elizabeth and that pretty face will not mess with his matches anymore. Elizabeth is on her knees begging him to stop pretty much while Gene is trying to protect her.

Savage then slaps himself in the face and says he is going to do that right now. Savage is winding up and about to nail Elizabeth before Hogan comes out of no where and nails Savage with the belt and pushes him away. Hogan checks on Elizabeth when Sherri comes out of no where and grabs Hogan by the hair and holds him up for Savage. Savage then comes out of no where and nails Hogan with a chair right to the chest. Hogan does a perfect back bump as Savage picks up the title and slams it down on the ground and then throws it at the feet of Hogan. Hogan gets up and grabs the title and tells Savage that he better run. Hogan goes back over to check on Elizabeth as he yells at the camera and says “Macho Man I am going to get you!!!!”

Show Recap:

Where to start with this one. If you read a lot of stuff online a lot of people shit on this show as if it is horrible. I mean some matches are bad, some matches are good, and a couple are pretty damn good if you ask me. The bad is pretty bad but there are a lot of guys on this card out there busting their ass instead of just mailing it in like a lot of times back then. The Brain Busters vs. Strike Force match was pretty damn good at the start and its kind of a shame they did the angle with Tito and Martel because I would have enjoyed 5-6 more minutes of that match. The Hart’s busted their ass to put on a good entertaining match and even Valentine showed up for that one. The Blue Blazer vs. Mr. Perfect could have been a tad better but the stuff the Blazer was doing at the time was awesome and a joy to watch.

Hercules and Haku was pretty bad but they gave them too much time. Rude/Warrior was entertaining because of how much Rude was selling for Warrior throughout the whole match. Plus, that drop kick off the top rope was pretty damn awesome. The main event delivered and the story they told throughout the match was great and was a nice ending to a very good and arguably one of the best storylines of all time.

I’m not saying every match on this card is worth checking out, because they definitely aren’t. However, to lump this whole show up as terrible is a disservice to the show. I’m sure you can find 4-5 matches out of the 14 on the card that will entertain you. Some other ones may entertain you that might surprise you, such as Bravo/Garvin. It went 3-4 minutes so it never had a chance to stink the joint up and it actually wasn’t all that bad. I would recommend giving this show a chance and not just go based off all the other reviews out there.

Well that about wraps it up for Wrestlemania 5. It was the culmination of the Mega Powers storyline and it definitely delivered on that front. That is the only reason I did this show and I was glad that I did. Coming up next is a few more Television Rewinds followed by a couple more Event Centers. What those shows will be are anyones guess but I hope you take the time to come back and read them. Thanks again for reading this one and until next time….see ya!


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