Well I hope you have enjoyed the last few Television Rewinds, but today we are back in the Event Center. We are going back to everybody’s favorite year to trash WCW. Thats right we are going back to the year 2000 again and this time we are heading north of the border in Canada. We are going back to New Blood Rising. I have seen this show a few times but I don’t remember much about it other than the Judy Bagwell on a pole match. The card doesn’t look horrible so I am looking forward to seeing how this one turns out. Last time we went down this path it ended up being a pretty good show so I am hoping for at least more of the same this time around. Therefore, lets get to it!
Show Opening:
Show opens up with a highlight video featuring the feud between Booker T and Jeff Jarrett. It’s pretty awesome looking and it shows Jarrett destroying people with guitars. They then transition to the match between Goldberg, Scott Steiner, and Kevin Nash. They then show some fans outside the building waiting to get in. This guy at the end sounds like a little bitch who hasn’t hit puberty and he is going nuts over Scott Steiner. We get the pyro and the welcome from Tony Schiavone. Tony talks about the location and people traveling to see the show as we quickly head up the entrance ramp and our first competitors coming for the ladder match.
Match 1: Ladder Match: 3 Count vs. Jung Dragons
When 3 Count gets into the ring, Tank gets on the mic and cuts a promo. Tank asks the fans if they want the best. It’s also amazing he cut out the nipples of his shirt. We get the 3 count dancing and Tank singing this shitty terrible 3 Count song. Thank God the Jung Dragons music hits and we end this shit known as the boy band song. We get the 6 man ladder match to start this one off. Can’t wait to see some of these spots. We got the gold record and the recording contract hanging high above.
The match starts with Shane and Jamie Son. They get some mat wrestling going where they switch with leg holds and head locks on the mat then back to the feet. Shane and Shannon quickly run out to gather the ladders. And now the brawl is on. Yang gets a ladder set up in the middle of the ring when Shannon stops him from being able to climb the ladder. Shannon sets up a ladder in the corner and he goes to whip Yang into the the ladder but Yang blocks it and damn near power bombs Shannon into the ladder. Shannon attempts the power bomb himself but Yang back drops him right into the ladder.
They have the ladder laid up on the middle rope and Yang is about to go for a superplex on Shannon but Shane comes in and trips up Yang and he ends up getting racked on the a rung of the ladder. That can’t feel to good. Shane nails Jamie with a lay down power bomb then Shannon nails him with a splash off the top rope. Shannon and Shane swing Jamie on to the ladder then they pile up Kaz and Yang on top of Jamie as Shannon runs and splashes on all three guys laying on the ladder.
Shane damn near gets the gold record but Kaz and Jamie stop them. We get dueling doomsday clotheslines on Kaz as well as Shane Helms. Yang gets to the top of the ladder but Shannon ends up knocking the ladder over. Jamie sets up the ladder near the rope and he climbs up to the top of the ladder and ends up nailing all three members of 3 Count with a big time cross body. That looked freakin awesome and was pretty crazy how far he dove to reach them. Just an awesome spot.

Yang gets his hands on the record but Evan stops him. Shannon sets up a second ladder while Kaz throws Evan off the ladder. Shannon grabs Yang by the back of his head and just drops him off the ladder. Shane nails Jamie with a spinning neck breaker off the ladder. This shit is insane. Such great spots. Evan suplexes Kaz off the ladder. Damn. Crowd is giving these guys a standing ovation which is well deserved.
They lay a ladder on the chest of Yang and they nail him with a double leg drop on each side of the ladder. They got Jamie in the corner and a ladder in front of him. They also have a ladder on the side of the ring. Yang does a walk up the ladder then nails Shane with a spinning leg kick. Evan is struggling here, but he said he was coming in at 65% because of his ankle. Evan ends up nailing Kaz with a power slam on the ladder. Shannon sets up a ladder on the middle of the ropes and he runs and jumps off the top rope and does a catapult and launches the ladder into the face of Shane and Jamie.
They have ladders in each corner of the ring. Shannon climbs up to the top rope and Jamie drops him with a hurricanrana off the top. Yang and Kaz go off the top of the ladders and hit a dueling splash on Shannon. Jamie ends up getting the gold record down and they drop kick him off the ladder and he drops the record and it ends up in the hands of Tank Abbott. Jamie hits a leg drop off the top onto Evan. Shane ends up throwing Kaz off the ladder and he ends up climbing up the ladder and working over Yang. Kaz gets knocked off the ladder and Shannon drops Yang off the other side. Jamie ends up hitting a sit down power bomb on Shannon.

They set up ladders in the middle of the ring and Shannon and Kaz race up the ladders to try and get the contract. Tank comes in and knocks both guys off the ladders. Evan then sets up the ladder and he climbs up and gets the recording contract to end the match. Your winners of the match……3 Count!
After the match 3 Count are in the ring celebrating while Tank Abbott leaves the ring with both the gold record and the recording contract.
This was a pretty damn good ladder match. I know Starrcade 2000 gets a lot of love for the opening ladder match but this one was just as good. Some of the spots were just insane and they really put it on the line in this one. The shit with Tank Abbott was dumb and a waste of time but the match itself was pretty damn entertaining and a great way to open this show up.
Backstage Segment: Filthy Animals in Ernest Miller’s Office
Konnan is on the phone talking to someone while Rey is missing with this hand thing that was on Miller’s desk. Miller comes in and says what the hell is going on and that they need to leave his office. Rey says they are here to talk business and Miller says “i don’t need any hubcaps.” Konnan says hold on little Richard we got a plan. Rey says all they want to do is ref the tag team title match. Rey also says they want a title match on Nitro. Miller asks what in it for him. Rey says we will get the belts back and they will guarantee Miller will get the win against Muta. Disco then says “word to your mother” and Miller just shits all over him and says “Disco get the hell out of my office.”
Match 2: Ernest Miller vs. Great Muta
The Cat gets in the ring and gets on the mic right away. Miller says that Muta doesn’t understand English so he is going to break it down so he understands. Miller says you are the Great Muta and he is going to kick his great ass as he nails him with the microphone to get this one going. Miller lays in the right hands and then climbs the middle rope and lays in some more right hands. Miller hits his robot elbow drop as he taunts the crowd and calls himself the greatest.
Miller picks up Muta but Muta rakes him in the eyes and nails him with a kick then a snap mare followed by Muta’s classic snap elbow drop. One of my favorite moves in all of wrestling. Muta wrenches the arm then switches to a full nelson and back to an arm bar. Muta grabs the arm and rolls over and gets him in an arm bar. Miller is laid out in the corner as Muta lays in some kicks and then chokes him out with his boot. Muta gets Miller in an arm ringer but Miller reverses it and nails him with a few kicks to the mid-section but Muta ends up chopping Miller in the throat and stops his momentum.
Muta starts working over the the leg and then he nails him with a spinning kick to the chest of Miller who is in the corner. Tygress makes her way to the ring while Miller is getting worked over in the corner. Muta goes for his hand spring elbow but Miller gets out of the way. Muta then goes for a spinning wheel kick but Miller gets out of the way and nails him with a kick of his own that sends Muta outside. Miller goes out and chokes Muta out with the cable and then throws him into the safety rail. Miller then nails Muta with a crescent kick to the side of the face and then throws Muta back into the ring.
Miller goes for a pin but gets a 2 count. Muta goes for a spinning leg kick but Miller nails him with a double chop to the throat. Miller then drops low with a split and nails Muta in the throat again. Miller goes for a kick again but Muta catches him and drops him with the dragon screw. Muta then gets a single leg lock on Miller in the middle of the ring. Mark Madden is being annoying as shit because Scott Hudson was trying to give us a history lesson on Muta. Dude is a tool and a piece of shit commentator.
Muta goes up top for a moonsault but Miller gets out of the way. Muta spits the green mist in the face of Miller. The ref loans Miller his shirt and tries to clean up the mist but during this time Tygress comes off the top rope with a chair and blasts Muta right on the top of the head. Muta is laid out in the middle of the ring as Miller comes over and goes for the pin but Muta kicks out.
Muta goes for two chop type moves but Miller blocks both and ends up nailing Muta with 3 beautiful looking kicks. The Cat is looking awesome here tonight. Miller nails Muta with a kick to the chest then a kick to the back of the head. Miller then whips Muta chest first into the turnbuckle and ends up nailing Muta with his Feliner kick for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall…..The Cat Ernest Miller!
This match was actually pretty damn good. The Cat was awesome and his kicks were pretty sweet as well. His Feliner kick was awesome and a great finisher by the way. Muta looked awesome per his usual. I loved the way he snapped moves off and just the way he moved in the ring. He is a little past his prime here but he was still fun to watch. Just a pretty solid match here. Again we are 2 for 2 on good matches but I can almost guarantee we don’t stay on this path for much longer.
They show Buff Bagwell looking for his mom in the backstage area.
Match 3: Judy Bagwell on a Forklift Match: Buff Bagwell vs. Chris Kanyon
Kanyon drives out a fork list with Judy Bagwell tied to it. He hoists the forklift high above. If Kanyon wins this match then Judy Bagwell has to be his valet or his Kimberly. Kanyon gets on the mic and says after all of this he’s gotta ask….who’s better than Kanyon? Kanyon says that everyone knows this was supposed to be a Judy Bagwell on a pole match but he has searched everywhere in this second rate country and couldn’t find a pole that could hold the big fat ball of wax known as Judy Bagwell. Kanyon then says this is now a Judy Bagwell on a forklift match. They show Buff in the back and he looks a monitor and sees his mom so he comes charging out.
Buff comes out and tries to get his mom down but the match starts on the outside. Buff ends up whipping Kanyon into the guard rail and they are brawling on the outside here. They are brawling through the crowd until Buff throws Kanyon back over the rail right onto a chair. We finally get the bell to ring as Buff backdrops Kanyon. Buff then nails Kanyon with a nice looking spinning neck breaker. Buff climbs up to the middle rope and lays in the 8 or 9 punches before Kanyon nails him with a low blow. Kanyon then his Buff with a Russian leg sweep from the middle turnbuckle.
Kanyon hits Buff with a suplex. Kanyon then gets some wire cutters and cuts the turnbuckle pad off. Kanyon whips Buff into the turnbuckle but Buff tries to go up and over but Kanyon catches him and ends up dropping him with a sit down Alabama slam. That was a pretty awesome spot there. Kanyon tries to ram Buff into the exposed turnbuckle again but Buff blocks it. Buff tries to whip Kanyon into the corner but Kanyon reverses it and ends up getting Buff in the Cobra Clutch. We stay in this hold for over a minute or so.
Buff gets up to this feet and goes for a move but Kanyon reverses it with a spinning neck breaker. Kanyon goes for the Kanyon Cutter but Buff ends up throwing him into the exposed turnbuckle. Buff then picks up Kanyon and hits him with snake eyes on the exposed turnbuckle. Buff whips Kanyon into the ropes but he goes up and over but Kanyon ends up hitting Buff with the Kanyon Cutter and Buff ends up kicking out at 2. DDP’s music hits and David Arquette ends up coming up. Arquette gives Kanyon a high five but when he turns around Buff ends up nailing him with a back elbow and a couple of clotheslines. Buff ends up going up for the block buster but Arquette ends up nailing him in the back with the hard hat. Kanyon gets another two count.
Kanyon whips Buff into Arquette, who is on the apron, and Arquette goes to nail Buff with the hat but Buff ducks and ends up brining Arquette into the ring. Kanyon and Arquette both work over Kanyon but Buff ends up nailing both of them with a clothesline. Buff then goes up to the middle rope and Buff ends up nailing the double Buff Blockbuster and he goes for the pin on Kanyon and he gets the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall……Buff Bagwell!
Buff goes outside and lowers the forklift and he embraces with his mom. Buff leaves the ringside with his mom. Meanwhile, in the ring Kanyon helps David Arquette up to his feet and they embrace in the middle of the ring. Kanyon gives Arquette a hug but Kanyon ends up trading on him and he gets dropped with a Kanyon Cutter for his troubles.
This match was surprisingly entertaining. Going in I thought they had to win by doing something with Judy Bagwell but I was mistaken there. They had to win by pin then you could help her off the forklift so that was a pleasant surprise. The stuff with Arquette was eh but since Kanyon was mocking DDP it made sense. Buff looked pretty good and some of the offense that Kanyon was doing was pretty damn impressive. He could come up with some pretty sweet moves in the ring if you ask me. He could have been better than what his career was and it’s a shame he is no longer with us. However, this was a solid match and worth checking out. Surprisingly we are 3 for 3.
We head outside where Lance Storm was shown arriving at the building. He got a huge pop. We then head to the announce desk where Tony tells us that Goldberg was injured at Sturgis. Tony says that Goldberg may not be here at all for his match at New Blood Rising. Scott says that Goldberg wasn’t there when they got there.
Match 4: Four Corners WCW Tag Team Title Match: Kronik (c) vs. The Perfect Event vs. Jindrak & O’Haire vs. Misfits in Action
Not only do we have 6 guys on the apron at once but we also have all 5 members of the Filthy Animals out here because they are the special referees. This immediately screams cluster if I ever saw it. Before the match starts Disco gets on the mic and starts rambling about dumb shit. Disco says that he knows the tag teams wanna kick his ass but they are the referee’s and Disco is the in ring ref. Rey, Juvi, and Tygress are the outside officials. Disco says if any of them put their hands on them they will be disqualified, heavily fined, and he will have them wrestling polar bears in northern Canada for the next 6 months. Disco says he can do this because he’s got it like that.
Adams and Palumbo start off the match. Before we get going here Konnan is on commentary just going in on everyone and it’s great. He says that Clark and Palumbo need to get a refund for their wrestling training because they both suck. Now he is going in on Tony Schiavone’s breath stinking. Palumbo hits Adams with 5-6 right hands and then puts him in a head lock. Palumbo hit’s the ropes and Adams throws him outside and soon as he hits Rey and Juvi start attacking him. Stasiak gets in the ring and Adams drops him with a full nelson slam. That was freakin awesome.
Adams tags in Cajun as Jindrak gets tagged in as well. Jindrak hits Cajun with a jaw breaker then a nice looking drop kick. Cajun drops Jindrak with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors. Cajun tags out and in comes Clarke as Jindrak tags into O’Haire. O’Haire quickly jumps to the top rope but Clarke moves out of the way and O’Haire ends up doing a front flip off the top rope then nails Clarke with a spinning wheel kick to the head. O’Haire was ridiculously athletic. He could have been something if everything fell right but it’s a shame we didn’t get more of him.
Clarke nails O’Haire with a sidewalk slam. Disco gets a super slow count in. Clarke then nails O’Haire with a vicious chop as he tags in Rection. He hits O’Haire with a vicious chop then a spinning wheel kick. Rection tries a leap frog on O’Haire but he catches him and drops him with a sit down power bomb. Tygress gets in the ring and nails Rection with a bronco buster. Rey comes in and tries to get a bronco buster on Rection but Rection gets his foot up and Rey gets racked.
Rection goes low on Stasiak as he tags in Cajun. Cajun goes for a pin but Disco gives us another slow count. Stasiak drops Cajun with a gut buster. And goes for the pin but Disco takes forever to get down for the count and he gets a 2 count. Cajun tags in Rection and he is dropping everyone with vicious clotheslines until O’Haire turns around and just drops him with a clothesline. Jindrak, O’Haire, Palumbo, and Stasiak are all laying in the boots to Rection. Disco does a super slow count again. Palumbo and Rection are the legal guys now and Palumbo gets Rection in a sleeper hold.
Palumbo nails Rection with a nice crescent kick as he tags in Stasiak. The crowd is shitting all over this match. Earlier they were chanting ECW and now they are chanting “we want Bret.” Rection hits a splash to Stasiak then he tags in Cajun and he goes for a splash but Stasiak catches him and drops him with an atomic drop and then dumps Cajun over the top with a clothesline. Kronik then drops Stasiak over the top rope. O’Haire and Jindrak are beating up Clarke and they hit him with a double suplex then O’Haire hits the Seanton Bomb. Rection comes in and he nails somebody with a clothesline. Jindrak ends up dropping Rection with a DDT then Cajun drops Jindrak with a DDT.
Palumbo ends up catching Cajun and drops him with a belly to belly suplex. Adams gets back in the ring and so does Clarke and they end up hitting Palumbo with High Time. Vampiro and Muta come out of no where and distract Kronik. Palumbo rolls up Adams but Disco only gets a 2 count. Palumbo is going for a move but Clarke nails him in the back. Clarke then nails Palumbo with the Melt Down. Clarke goes for the pin and Disco flips off Clarke and doesn’t count the three. Stasiak gets up and goes to the top rope and he goes for a move but Adams catches him and press slams him over the top rope onto Jindrak and O’Haire. Clarke and Adams then hit Palumbo with High Times as Chavo comes out of no where and decks Disco and counts the 1-2-3. Your winner and still WCW Tag Team Champions……Kronik!
This match was okay but nothing special. It was all over the place and Konnan on commentary really distracts you from the match. O’Haire stole the show with the moves he was doing for his size. Just a lot of fun to watch. The rest of the match was eh and the crowd didn’t really care for it because they were taking the match over with their chants. All in all not a very good match but there are some things here that you could find entertaining.
Backstage Interview: Jeff Jarrett
Paulshock says that tonight Jarrett has the chance to win the WCW Heavyweight Title against Booker T. Paulshock says that Jarrett has done everything to wear him out but tonight lets see if he can finish the job. Jarrett calls her blondie and asks where Jurassic slapass Okerlund at. Jarrett questions if he sent her out because she wore him out last night. Jeff says as far as Booker goes he knows he’s not there yet because he has been looking for him all day long. Jarrett says as soon as he arrives he better have eyes in the back of his head because Jarrett will be looking for him because he wants his WCW Title back and thats a guarantee by the Chosen One. Jarrett says he is the man with all the stroke around this place and that she can choke on that Barbie.
Match 5: Strap Match: Shane Douglas vs. Billy Kidman
Douglas comes out and cuts a promo before the match. Douglas says that Kidman must think he’s cute entertaining all of these stupid Canadians with sex tapes. Douglas says what Billy has done is piss off the Franchise. Douglas says Torrie doesn’t deserve a punk like him. Douglas also questions how many times Billy has to get his ass Franchised before he realizes he isn’t man enough to handle Torrie all night. Douglas says he isn’t happy about being in this stupid country so he Douglas says that Kidman wanted a strap match and he has no problem taking some skin off his ass.
So this is just a strap match where you can use it as a weapon but you win via pinfall. Douglas starts the match by trying to get the momentum with the strap but Kidman ends up getting control of it and trips up Douglas. Douglas pulls Kidman in and nails him with a boot to the chest then some right hands. Douglas Whips Kidman into the ropes but Kidman does a baseball slide and trips up Douglas again. Kidman goes outside after Torrie and Douglas goes out after him but Kidman drops him with a clothesline.
Kidman then whips Douglas into the safety rail. Kidman gets into the ring and slides out on the other side of the post and pulls Douglas into the post. Kidman then chokes out Douglas up against the post. Kidman then tags the strap and nails Douglas in the back with it. Torrie gets on the rope distracting the ref and Kidman goes after her as Douglas takes the strap and trips up Kidman. Douglas puts the strap around the neck of Kidman and chokes him out with it. Douglas then gets in the corner and hits a brutal looking rolling neck snap on Kidman. That looked like it hurt a little bit but it was a pretty awesome looking move.

Douglas lays in some strap shots then pulls the nose of Kidman and wrenches back. Douglas then drapes Kidman over the middle rope as he distracts the ref Torrie chokes him over the rope. Douglas gets Kidman in a knuckle lock as he picks him up in the air and just drops him to the mat. Douglas picks up Kidman and drops him across the top rope and racking him. Douglas takes the strap and whips Kidman across the back with it. Kidman then starts laying in some right hands as he climbs up to the middle rope and lays in 10 punches. Kidman hits Douglas with a boot then a hurricanrana off the middle rope.
Kidman hits a clothesline then a drop kick on Douglas. He picks him up in a power bomb type move for a 2 count. Kidman finally rips the shirt off Douglas and starts laying in the shots with the leather strap. Kidman charges into the corner but Douglas moves out of the way and rams Kidman head first into the turnbuckle. Douglas goes up to the top rope but Kidman grabs him and drops him with a power slam off the top. Kidman then hits Douglas right in the nuts with the strap. Kidman does a bulldog off the middle rope for a 2 count. Douglas ends up getting a go behind on Kidman and charges towards the ropes where Torrie is waiting with her heel but Kidman dunks out of the way and Torrie nails Douglas with her heel. Kidman goes for the cover and gets a near fall.
Douglas picks up Kidman and goes to drop him across the top rope but Kidman damn near misses the rope and just falls to the match. Douglas goes for the Pittsburgh Plunge but Kidman reverses it in a roll up but Torrie gets in and turns it over and this time Douglas drops Kidman with the Plunge for a 2 count. Kidman then gets up and he rams Douglas into Torrie on the apron and Kidman drops Douglas with the Kid Crusher for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall……Billy Kidman!
After the match Torrie gets in the ring with a steel chair but Kidman stops her before she can hit him. Kidman then takes the strap off Douglas and puts it on Torrie. Kidman then pulls Torrie near her as Kidman spanks her with the strap. Douglas ends up nailing Kidman from behind as he takes the strap and ends up choking Kidman out with it. Douglas takes Kidman and hangs over his back in the corner. Torrie took the chair away and Kidman damn near got choked out in real life because the chair moved to early. Vito comes out of no where and makes the save just in time to be honest. Douglas hightails it out of the ring as Vito challenges him in the ring.

Vito is looking on to Douglas and Reno comes out from behind and starts attacking Vito. Vito gets the upper hand and both guys are just brawling in the ring before Vito hits Reno with an atomic drop then a mafia kick.
This match was okay. Nothing special but nothing terrible either. The after the match stuff was a little bit of a cluster but what can you expect from Russo. The guy just can’t help himself. Anyways, Douglas recently addressed the hanging spot on twitter and he said that the chair got moved out too early and it caused Kidman to be hanging for real because he couldn’t get his hands in to block it. Kidman was damn near choked out for real until Vito came in and made the save. That was a pretty scary looking spot and Kidman did look lifeless there just hanging. Anyways, thats worth checking out but the majority of the match was just eh.
They show Booker T arriving at the building and Jeff Jarrett attacks him from behind. Jarrett ends up taking the door and slams it into the knee of Booker T three or four times. He also holds the door into the knee and leaves him laying.
Match 6: Mud Rip Off The Clothes Match: Major Gunns vs. Ms. Hancock
Hancock and Gunns shake hands then Gunns slaps Hancock in the face. They get in a rolling cat fight. Hancock then throws Gunns into the corner then whips her to the other side as Hancock hits a handspring back elbow. Gunns then whips Stacy into the corner and kicks her right in the stomach. Gunns then does a Mr. Perfect neck snap on Hancock. Gunns goes for a perverted looking pin as Mark Madden marks out as does the crowd.
Hancock drops Gunns with a clothesline then rips off her top. Hancock then kicks Gunns in the gut then drops her shin over the throat of Gunns and chokes her out. Hancock does a leap frog then goes for a back drop but Gunns stops and hits her with a face buster. Gunns rolls Hancock over and he takes off her skirt. Gunns picks up Hancock and hits her with a body slam then goes for the pin for a 2 count. Hancock rakes the eyes of Gunns as she goes to the top rope and dances before hitting a cross body on Gunns.

Hancock then does a kip up and she whips Gunns into the corner but Gunns gets the foot up and drops Hancock. Gunns goes to the middle rope and hits Hancock with a sunset flip for a 2 count. Hancock goes for a cross body but Gunns moves out of the way and Hancock lands on the mat. Gunns hits a double ax handle off the apron to Hancock. Gunns grabs the hair of Hancock and is about to run her into the post but Hancock ends up pushing Gunns into the ring post instead.
Hancock then takes the shorts of Gunns and rips them off. Gunns chases Hancock down and ends up ripping the top off Hancock. Gunns charges at Hancock but Gunns ends up getting back dropped into the mud. Hancock walks away from Gunns but Gunns grabs her by the shorts and pulls her into the mud. Hancock takes Gunns and throws her into the sand bags. Hancock ends up dancing again but she starts grabbing her stomach for some reason but Gunns ends up rolling her up and gets the 1-2-3. Your winner of the match by pinfall…..Major Gunns!
After the match Gunns checks on Hancock who is doubling over in pain in her stomach. David Flair comes out of no where and checks on Hancock as Gunns and the ref are looking over her. EMTs come out and are taking her out of the arena.
This was stupid and a waste of time. This was done to satisfy the perverted nature of Vince Russo and thats about it. I guess it also helped advance the storyline between Ms. Hancock and David Flair. Other than that this was a waste of time and not needed.
Backstage Interview: Vampiro, The Demon, and Great Muta
Paulshock tells Vampiro he has buried Sting, put him in a casket, and caught him on fire but he couldn’t stop him. Paulshock asks if tonight the Demon will do what Vampiro couldn’t. Vampiro says that Sting’s 9 lives have ticked down to 0 and the fate that the Juggalo Army has in store for Sting will make him dance with fire and look like child’s play. Vampiro says tonight is the Demon’s test and he wants to see if he has a black heart that is dark enough to hang with the Dark Carnival. Vampiro tells the Demon he better prove him wrong.
They go to the commentary where they say it is severe abominable pain for Ms. Hancock. They then show her getting taken out on the stretcher.
Match 7: Sting vs. The Demon
Sting comes down from the ceiling and the Demon comes charging at him. Sting nails him and then throws him into the security rail 2-3 times. They brawl back towards the ring then Sting throws the Demon into he guard rail again. Sting then throws the Demon into the ring and nails the Demon with a Stinger Splash and then nails the Demon with a Scorpion Death Drop for the 1-2-3. Your winner of the match by pinfall…..Sting!
After the match Vampiro and Muta come out and attack Sting. Vampiro drops Sting with a low blow. They are laying in the boots to Sting. Vampiro throws Sting to the outside as he and Muta exchange punches and kicks on Sting. Vampiro then goes to the rope that Sting came down on and tries to choke out Sting with it when Kronik comes out and attack Vampiro and Muta. The Demon gets up to his feet and just walks by Vampiro and Muta as Kronik beat up on the Dark Carnival. Muta and Vampiro high tail it out of there as Adams calls for the mic.
Adams says that he is glad Vampiro and Muta showed up and that Vancouver is down with Kronik. Adams then challenges Muta and Vampiro for a match where they will put the Tag Team Titles on the line. Adams says they will show those punks that it is all about Kronik.
Well there was absolutely nothing to this at all. I believe they just wanted to end the Demon character after he completely bombed. This is a good way to do it. The after the match stuff was pretty good and it allows us to get an extra match on the card. Just what we need to be honest. More of this show.
They show Booker T getting help from the trainer in the back.
Match 8: Canadian Rules Match for WCW United States Title: Lance Storm (c) vs. Mike Awesome
They go to the back where they show Lance Storm walking out to the ring. He is getting the secret service entrance ala Goldberg. Lance comes to the ring and gets on the mic and says after wrestling in front of rude and obnoxious fans in the US, he finally gets to wrestle in front of some real wrestling fans for the greatest country in the world. The crowd starts chanting US sucks. Storm says if they are wondering why the security in the back its because he has become a marked man in the US. Storm says the fans spit on him for defending his own country.
He says with irrational thinking like that has Storm worried about a terrorist attack in the back. Storm says it is not his fault that Americans think they rule the world. Storm says it’s not his fault that he threatens that illusion. Storm says that its not his fault that he defeats another American hero in Mike Awesome. Storm says in tradition of a Canadian rules match that he invokes Rule 32.B and he names a special guest referee to oversee the enforcement of the Canadian Rule Book. The crowd starts chanting for Bret Hart. Storm says he gives us a honorable Canadian and it’s Jacques Rougeau. Storm then says all rise for the Canadian National Anthem.
Awesome starts off quick with some punches and then a big time shoulder block. Awesome then gets Storm with a butterfly double under hook into a chest buster according to Scott Hudson. Awesome then nails Storm with a clothesline in the corner. Awesome then hits Storm with a jumping leg drop for a 2 count. Awesome goes for a clothesline then Storm nails Awesome with a beautiful kick to the face then throws him shoulder first into the turnbuckle post.

Storm hits a clothesline on Awesome in the corner. Storm then lays in the chops numerous times. Storm then goes for a suplex on Awesome but Awesome reverses it until Storm floats over and lands on his feet but Awesome hits him with a back elbow then a clothesline over the top rope to the outside. Awesome then whips Storm into the guard rail. Awesome then goes under the ring and pulls out a table. Awesome is about to power bomb Storm through the table but Storm ends up driving Awesome back first into the guard rail. Storm does a sling shot drop kick back into the ring.
Awesome whips Storm into the corner but Storm jumps to the top rope and goes for a cross body but Awesome catches him and dumps him with an over head belly to belly. Awesome heads up to the top rope but he ended up slipping because the rope looked slick. Awesome then drops Storm with a clothesline and he goes for the Awesome bomb to the outside on the table but Storm slides down and hits a backslide. Storm goes for the maple leaf but Awesome kicks him off. Storm charges at Awesome and he nails him with a sit down power bomb and goes for the cover and the ref ends up counting the three before Storm gets the shoulder up.
The bell rings but Jacques on the outside says it was only a 2 count but the ref in the ring says the match is over. However, Jacques looks into the rule book and says that according to the Canadian rules that you must beat your opponent with a 5 count so the match continues. Storm is on the apron and he goes for a hip toss to the outside but Awesome blocks it and Storm goes for a sunset flip but Awesome catches him and drops him with the Alabama slam. Awesome ends up getting Lance in the Dragon Sleeper and eventually Storm taps out so Awesome wins.
Jacques goes into the rule book again and says that in order to win under Canadian rules that you cannot win via submission but only by pinfall. Storm hits Awesome with a northern lights suplex for a 2 count. Storm rolls up Awesome for a 3 count. Awesome drops Storm with a release German suplex. Awesome gets to the outside and nails Storm with a sling shot shoulder block for a 4 count. Awesome goes up to the outside and nails Storm with a big time frog splash for a 5 count and the win.
Jacques again looks into the rule book and says that under Canadian rules that after a 5 count the man has 10 seconds to answer the bell for the win. This could have been a really good match but the over booking by Russo has completely ruined this match and has halted any momentum Lance Storm built over the 2-3 weeks winning all of the titles. What a joke. Awesome throws Storm to the outside and he goes out after him and throws the table inside. Storm ends up hitting Awesome with a low blow and then nails Awesome in the head with a chair shot.
Storm throws Awesome back into the ring and goes for the pin and Awesome gets out at a 4 1/2 count. Storm puts Awesome onto to the table as Storm goes to the outside and goes to the top rope. Awesome ends up off the table and stops the momentum of Storm. Awesome then hits Storm with a belly to belly suplex off the top rope through the table. Jacques then says the first guy who gets up to his feet after the 10 count will be come the winner of the Canadian Heavyweight title. Awesome gets up to his feet first but Jacques drops him with a right hand as Lance Storm gets to his feet before the 10 count. Your winner by whatever the hell you wanna say he won by….Lance Storm!
After the match is over Bret Hart comes out and the crowd goes ape shit for him. He gets in the ring and hugs both Lance Storm and Jacques Rougeau to give Storm the selloff approval. The crowd pops huge for that. Pretty awesome moment if you ask me.
This match could have been really really good if they just let these two go at it. The stupid ass gimmicks to help Lance Storm was a joke and totally ruined this whole match. Storm was built rather well by winning 3 titles in a 2-3 week span and then he gets to this show in his home country and they book this shit? Russo was an idiot and this just left a bad taste in my mouth and totally ruined what could have been the best match on the card. What a stinkin joke.
Backstage Interview: Kevin Nash
Paulshock says the time has come fro the triple threat match but it may only be a one on one match because of the accident that has kept Goldberg from showing up. Nash says the keyword there is accident. Nash says what happened on the motorcycle is one thing but the real accident is pissing Nash off. Nash said he had an idea that this would happen and that Goldberg wouldn’t show up. Nash says it looks like it is just him and Steiner. Nash says the thing is he is in this sport for two things money and the belt and that he is getting the title show and going over Steiner tonight.
Match 9: WCW Tag Team Title Match: Kronik (c) vs. Dark Carnival
The match starts with Adams throwing Vampiro to the outside as Clarke stays in the ring to start the match. We start out with Clarke and Vampiro in the ring. Vampiro hits a spinning back kick then a chop to Clarke. Vampiro goes for a whip into the corner but Clarke reverses it and he ends up dropping Vampiro with a big shoulder block. Clarke ends up dropping Vampiro out of a whip into the ropes with a power bomb. Clarke tags in Adams and they end up hitting Vampiro with a double elbow.
Vampiro gets control of Adams as he tags in Muta. Muta lays in the kicks and chops to Adams in the corner. Muta then goes for the handspring elbow but Adams picks him up and nails him with a full nelson slam. Adams tag in Clarke and he comes in and lays in the boots to Muta. Clarke goes for a clothesline but Muta rolls through and hits Clarke in the throat with a thrust. Vampiro gets tagged in and he charges Clarke and Clarke hits him with a power slam.
Adams gets the tag in and he comes in with some chops and punches and he follows that up with a big boot off the Irish whip. Adams picks up Vampiro in a gorilla press slam on the outside of the ring. Adams goes for a power bomb on Vampiro but he lands on his feet and ends up hitting Adams with a face buster. Vampiro then lays in some awesome looking kicks that sends Adams to the mat as Muta tags in. Muta comes in and starts working the leg of Adams. Vampiro gets the tag in he hits a basement drop kick on the leg of Adams. He then continues to work over the leg of Adams.
Vampiro lays in some brutal sounding chops while Adams is wobbly on the rope. Muta then works over Adams on the outside by whipping him into the safety rail. Vampiro goes for a kick off the irish whip but Adams dunks through and they end up crashing head first into each other. Both guys crawl to their corners and they both make the tag. Clarke comes in and just mows over Muta and then drops Vampiro with a big time clothesline. Clarke then picks up Vampiro and goes for the Melt Down on Vampiro. Muta goes for a clothesline but Clarke blocks it. Clarke goes for a move on Muta but he goes up and over and ends up spraying the mist into the refs face.
Kronik goes for High Times on Muta but Vampiro comes in and breaks it up. Adams and Clarke then drop Vampiro with a double shoulder block. They are going for High Times again on Vampiro but the Harris Brothers come out of no where and hit Clarke with the H Bomb. Muta then goes up to the top rope and he hits the moonsault on Clarke as the ref comes to and they count the 1-2-3. Your winners and new WCW Tag Team Champions……The Dark Carnival!
This match was eh. Kronik was real sloppy and the longer the match went the more exposed they became. Again we have another over booked ending to a match. I am not 100% sure who was booking this show but it has Vince Russo written all over it and it’s really starting to rear its ugly head ten fold. Theres really nothing bad about this match but it wasn’t very good either. Sounds like the majority of this card.
Backstage Interview: Booker T
Paulshock mentions what happened to Booker earlier and she says that we know Booker’s heart will hold up in the ring but what about his knee. Paulshock asks Booker if he will be defending his WCW Title tonight. Booker says that before Jeff Jarrett can take the belt away from him then he will have to kill him in the middle of the ring. Booker says Jarrett made one big mistake and its the fact that Booker is still standing. He says that Jarrett made this match personal when Jarrett took out his wife a few weeks ago. Booker says tonight when he leaves Jarrett laid out in the middle of the ring he wants Jarrett to not hate the playa but hate the game.
They show a highlight video of the feud between Goldberg, Scott Steiner, and Kevin Nash.
Match 10: #1 Contenders Match: Kevin Nash vs. Scott Steiner vs. Goldberg
Nash and Steiner come to the ring and they play the music of Goldberg but he never shows up. So we get a 1 on 1 match to start this one out. We get a collar and elbow tie up as Steiner drives Nash into the corner and he lays in the knees and the boots to Nash. He then lays in a brutal chop to Nash. Steiner goes for a whip but Nash reverses it and ends up hitting two knees to the stomach and then a big ass boot off an irish whip to Steiner. Steiner rolls outside to catch a breather as Nash goes out after him. Nash ends up throwing Steiner into the safety rail and then picks him up and drapes him over the guard rail.
Goldberg then shows up with his ribs taped up and he nails Nash with a chair shot to the head. Goldberg is laying in the rights to Nash as Steiner ends up stopping him and throws him back into the ring. Steiner drops Goldberg with a clothesline then he hits an elbow on Goldberg and gets a 2 count. Steiner lays in a boot to Goldberg as Goldberg is struggling to stay on his feet. Steiner picks up Goldberg and just throws him over his head in a awesome looking suplex.
Steiner whips Goldberg into the rope but Goldberg dunks and hits a flying shoulder block to Steiner and then a side kick that sends Scott to the outside. Nash gets up to his feet and gets back in the ring as it’s just Goldberg and Nash. Goldberg goes for some punches but Nash blocks all of them. Goldberg gets the upper hand with some more right hand and then a few kicks to the stomach in the corner. Nash ends up killing his momentum by going right for the ribs. Nash lays in some knees to the ribs of Goldberg. Steiner comes out of no where and hits Nash with a spinning belly to belly suplex.
Steiner picks up Nash and whips him into the ropes and he drops him with a clothesline and then an elbow. Steiner gets a 2 count and then he yells at the ref that he sucks. Goldberg ends up hitting Steiner with a suplex type move. Steiner reverses an irish whip and then Steiner and Goldberg drop each other with a double clothesline. Nash ends up hitting both guys with a double clothesline. Steiner gets up and he gets dropped with a sidewalk slam. Steiner gets up and then gets knocked to the outside with a right hand. Nash ends up hitting Goldberg with a big boot.
Nash drops the straps and ends up going for a power bomb on Goldberg but Goldberg pushes him off of him and then he just walks out of the match. Vince Russo then comes out as Goldberg asks what is Russo going to do. Russo tells Goldberg to get his ass back in the ring but Goldberg looks at him and says “fuck you” as he flips him off and walks off. Nash is baffled and is watching on when Steiner hits him with a club to the back then he nails Nash with a chair to the back. Steiner then whips Nash into the guard rail and he starts going in on the fans and he says that Canadians suck.
Nash gets back to his feet as Steiner throws him into the post head first. Steiner gets back in the ring and hits Nash with a belly to back suplex for a 2 count. Steiner then picks up Nash and hits him with a back breaker for another 2 count. Steiner whips Nash into the corner as he comes charging in but Nash drops him with a big boot in the corner. Midajah then comes out to the ring. Nash picks up Steiner and drops him with snake eyes in the corner. Midajah gets in the ring as Steiner pie faces the ref and then Midajah hits Nash with a low blow.
Steiner goes to pick up Nash but Nash drops him with a low blow. Midajah gets back in the ring and drops an elbow on the nuts of Nash. Steiner then rolls over for the cover but Nash ends up kicking out at 2 1/2. Steiner was going for another suplex but Nash goes up and over and ends up dropping Steiner with a DDT. Nash goes for a pin but Midajah ends up breaking it up. Nash looks at Midajah as Steiner jumps on the back of Nash and gets him in a sleeper hold. Steiner then gets nailed with another big boot from Nash. Nash drops the straps again and Nash ends up hitting Steiner with a big time power bomb in the middle of the ring. Nash goes for the cover and he gets the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall and the new #1 Contender…..Kevin Nash!
Not sure why this match went as long as it did because both guys were pretty blown up towards the end there. I have no idea what the hell was going on with Russo and Goldberg but this was typical of Vince Russo. The match itself was decent and entertaining and I enjoyed but it went about 2-3 minutes to long because of the guys that were involved. All in all not a bad match but not a great one either.
They show a highlight video of the feud between Booker T and Jeff Jarrett.
Match 11: WCW World Heavyweight Title Match: Booker T (c) vs. Jeff Jarrett
The traditional Michael Buffer intros are no exception here. Booker T gets attacked by Jarrett as he is getting into the ring and Jarrett goes right after the bad leg. Jarrett is just laying in the boots to the leg of Booker. Booker gets up to his feet and he nails Jarrett with some right hands and then a back elbow off the irish whip. Booker gets a roll up on Jarrett for a 2 count. Booker then hits a spinning wheel kick on Jarrett and drops him. Jarrett goes for a leap frog but Booker catches him and he drops him with a power bomb. Booker hits a standing side kick and then a clothesline over the top rope to the outside.
Booker goes out after him and throws him into the guard rail. This has been a favorite spot of everyone tonight. How about we try something different? Booker rams Jeff into the guard rail 2 more times. Booker gets Jeff back in the ring and lays in some vicious chops in the corner. Booker whips Jeff into the corner and Jarrett gets his feet up but Booker baseball slides down and trips Jarrett up as he pulls him nut first into the steel post. Booker heads up and goes for a 1 legged missile drop kick off the top rope. Jarrett moves out of the way and he didn’t get a lot on it.
Jarrett starts to work over the bad leg again. Jarrett continues to drop Booker by going after the bad leg again. He then drags Booker leg first into the steel post and he wraps the leg around the post. Jarrett then takes a chair and nails him in his knee while it is resting up against the steel post. Jarrett then takes the chair and rams it into the bad leg. Jarrett then picks up Booker and he drops him leg first on the guard rail. Jarrett finally throws Booker back into the ring and he continues to work over the bad leg of Booker. Jarrett then gets Booker in a Boston crab in the middle of the ring. Booker drags himself over to the ropes and Jarrett is forced to release the hold.
Jarrett and Booker end up on the outside as Jarrett grabs a chair and nails Booker in the knee with a chair shot. Jarrett whips Booker into the corner and Booker ends up getting a roll up out of it. They then hit each other with a double clothesline as both men are laid out. Both guys get up and they exchange punches. Jarrett gets whipped into the ropes and Booker ends up dropping him with a spine buster for a 2 count. Booker then hits Jarrett with a knee to the stomach and he hits Jarrett with the ax kick. Booker then does the spinarooni and he ends up hitting the ref and knocks him out.
Jarrett grabs his guitar and as Booker goes for the Harlem Side Kick and Jarrett nails him in the knee with the guitar. Jarrett then gets Booker in the figure four leg-lock right in the middle of the ring. Booker was finally able to crawl over to the ropes to break the hold but Jarrett doesn’t break the hold until the ref threatens him with a DQ. Booker falls to the outside as the ref checks on him. Jarrett then grabs the WCW title and he trails to nail Booker with it but Booker dunks and Jarrett ends up nailing the ref and knocking him out. More Vince Russo bullshit here.
Booker grabs the table that is set up ringside and Jarret goes for the stroke on to the table but Booker T reverses it and ends up nailing Jarrett with the Book End off the apron through the table. Jarrett ends up smacking his head on an end of the table before he goes crashing through it. That couldn’t have felt good. Anyways, Booker just throws him off the apron through the table and that looked pretty damn awesome.

Booker ends up picking up Jeff and throws him back into the ring but Jarrett gets his foot on the rope to break up the pin. Jarrett goes to the outside and grabs a chair. Jarrett ends up hitting Booker with a low blow and then he thinks Booker is on his back but he ends up decking the ref instead. Jarrett then sets up the chair in the middle of the ring and he ends up hitting the Stroke on Booker T in the middle of the ring. Jarrett goes for the pin but there is no referee until Charles Robinson comes running out. Booker ends up getting his shoulder up and stopping the count at 2 1/2.
Jarrett goes for a chair shot but Booker dunks and Booker ends up hitting Jeff with a spinning neck breaker. Jarrett gets the boot up on a charge in the turnbuckle and he goes off the middle rope as Booker goes for the Book End but Jarrett blocks it. Jarrett goes for an irish whip but Booker holds on and ends up nailing Jarrett with the Book End on his second try and he goes for the pin and gets the 1-2-3. Your winner and still WCW World Heavyweight Champion…..Booker T!
This was a pretty good match but I have no idea why you need 3-4 ref spots when there were already 2-3 ref bumps in earlier matches. Typical Russo bullshit where everything is over booked and by the end of the show you are worn out by everything that goes on. Anyways, Booker put on a pretty good match and I liked the fact that Booker was doing moves but also protecting his bad leg. The little things like that can really enhance a match and it shows that the guy was dialed in and was focusing on his craft, which you can’t really say for the majority of the WCW roster at this point. This was a pretty good match to end the show and is worth checking out at least once.
Show Recap:
What to say about this show that hasn’t already been said. Russo really over booked the majority of these matches and it made the show drag. It’s amazing that during the first tag team title match we had 8 competitors fighting, 4 referees, 1 special guest commentator, and then we get interference from 2 other guys. Thats 15 people in one 10 minute segment. And thats just one match. The show started off pretty good with the ladder match where all 6 men were really doing their best to put on a good show. Some of the spots were insane for the time and really did a good job of getting these guys over.
We follow that up with the Judy Bagwell on a pole match that really wasn’t that bad. The Judy shit was just there but the match itself was entertaining. Buff was actually trying, at least it appeared that way, and you can really see it come through. The interference by Arquette wasn’t that bad but it wasn’t needed either but it makes sense due to Kanyon mimicking the DDP gimmick. After that it was all down hill from there.
The rest of the card had way to much shit going and some things didn’t make much sense at all. The Lance Storm vs. Mike Awesome match could have been a classic and a really good match but you stop and end it 3-4 times because of “Canadian Rules” and it totally ruins the whole thing. Lance Storm had all sorts of momentum and you pretty much ruined all of it in one night. I really don’t remember what the deal was with Goldberg just saying fuck you to Russo and walking out but that looked more like a shoot than a work but you never know with Russo.
The last two matches were good but not great and kind of save the show from the shit in the middle. Booker did a lot of great things in the ring and focused on the little things and if you pick up on it then you will know exactly what I am talking about. But again it was ruined a little bit by to much over booking with 3 ref bumps in a 3-4 minute time frame.
All in all this show as okay but nothing spectacular. There are some good spots but there are a lot of bad and it really all has to do with Vince Russo over booking and sticking people in just to get them on the show. I would recommend checking out the first two matches and the last two matches and skip everything else. Maybe give the Shane Douglas vs. Kidman match a shot but I wouldn’t be mad if you skipped it.
So that does it for this episode of the Event Center. I hope you enjoyed this trip down WCW 2000 again. I am not sure I will be traveling down this road again any time soon so enjoy this while you can. Next up on the list will be one of my favorite Wrestlemania’s but one that isn’t looked upon fondly by most. So stay tuned to that one. Thanks again for reading the Event Center and I hope to see you next time right here on CrazyMax.