Television Rewind Episode 9: WWF SummerSlam Spectacular 1991 Review


Television Rewind Episode 9: WWF SummerSlam Spectacular 1991

Hello and welcome back to Television Rewind. Last time you saw us we were going back to 1989 and enjoying an episode of WCW World Wide Wrestling. This time we are heading back to the WWF and heading to the Summer of 1991. Thats right we are getting you prepped for the SummerSlam 1991 with the SummerSlam Spectacular USA Special. These shows were always pretty good and they did a really good job of getting you ready for the upcoming pay per view. This one should be no different and it has been a long time since I have seen it so I am ready to get this one started. So without further ado I present to you WWF SummerSlam Spectacular 1991!

Show Opening:

Vince opens up the show by running through some of the card. We get Hawk vs. Knobbs, Bret Hart vs. Barbarian, and a special interview with Sid Justice. We also get Steamboat/Bulldog/Tornado vs. all three members of the Orient Express. We also get Virgil going one on one a mystery opponent hand picked by Million Dollar Man. We then get to the commentary table where Vince and Bobby Heenan are waiting. Vince calls Heenan a beach bum. Heenan then says that he can’t wait for the main event between Hogan and Slaughter for the WWF title. Heenan says it is going to make him laugh when Hogan goes to SummerSlam without the WWF Title. Heenan wants to know what Hogan is going to do, hide behind Warrior? We all know he is snake bitten. Heenan then does a snake with his hand and acts like he is biting Vince with it. That was awesome.

Match 1: Hawk vs. Brian Knobbs

The match starts off with Knobbs stalling and running from Hawk. They finally go for a tie up but Knobbs hits Hawk with a boot then some right hands but Hawk retaliates with some rights of his own. Hawk ends up taking Knobbs and slamming him face first into the mat and Knobbs bounces up and falls to the outside between the middle ropes. We get another tie up and Knobbs hits a knee on Hawk and then some right hands. Hawk ducks a clothesline and then Knobbs ducks and Hawk grabs him and slams him on his back by his head. Hawk then drops his fist and then picks up Knobbs and nails him with some chops.

Hawk climbs to the middle rope and does the 10 count of punches to Knobbs. Hawk whips Knobbs into the corner and Hawk charges in and Knobbs moves out of the way and he goes shoulder first into the post. Jimmy then distracts the ref and Knobbs nails Hawk in the back with a chair. Hawk tries to get back into the ring but Knobbs drops him with a club to the back. Hawk finally gets in and he gets whipped into the rope and dropped with a back elbow. Knobbs then turns Hawk over with a Boston crab. Knobbs applying a wrestling hold? I’m shocked. Hawk presses out of it and flings Knobbs to the outside through the middle rope.

Knobbs quickly gets back in the ring and nails Hawk in the back to keep control of the match. Knobbs picks up Hawk and drops him with a body slam. Jimmy Hart on the outside said “you got him right where you want him, it’s over know.” Knobbs then gets Hawk in a camel clutch in the middle of the ring. Knobbs lets go of the hold and drops two elbows on Hawk and gets a 2 count out of it. Knobbs then drops a head butt to the lower back of Hawk. Knobbs then gets Hawk in the camel clutch again to continue to work on the lower back. Hawk powers out of the move and stands up with Knobbs on his back and he drops him in the middle of the ring.

Hawk bounces off the rope and nails Knobbs with a big ass boot and he follows that up with a flying shoulder tackle. Hawk hits Knobbs with a power slam off the irish whip but Knobbs rakes the eyes of Hawk to regain control. Knobbs goes in to the corner but gets met with a big boot. Hawk quickly goes to the top rope and nails Knobbs with a clothesline and gets the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….Road Warrior Hawk!

This was a pretty decent opener here between the two. Knobbs worked the back the majority of the match and Hawk got in his favorite spot, going shoulder first into the steel post. The finish was quick and sudden but I liked it here. The clothesline was pretty awesome off the top rope. All in all a pretty solid opener and it makes you want to see the guys go at it at SummerSlam.

They show the Ultimate Warrior getting help with Jake Roberts again. This is the scene where he gets put in the room with all of the snakes that has already been reviewed right here on CrazyMax. You can see that review here.

Match 2: Bret Hart vs. Barbarian

We get a tie up and Barbarian just throws him off and shows off his power. We get another tie up and this time Bret gets a head lock on Barbarian. Bret ducks a clothesline but runs into a shoulder of the Barbarian and he just falls down. Barbarian gets a head lock on Bret but he pushes him off and then Barbarian just nails Bret with a big ass shoulder block that sends Bret flying to the outside. Bret gets back in and starts working over the arm. Bret tosses him over and continues to work the arm with an arm bar with some knees to the arm mixed in.

Bret is holding on to the arm and Barbarian just picks him up by the throat and holds him in the air before Bret’s weight drives him back down. Barbarian whips Bret into the ropes and ducks early so Bret hits him with a right hand and then two straight drop kicks and that sends the Barbarian to the outside. Bret jumps off the apron but Barbarian catches him and drives him back first into the apron. They then show the Coach who is coming down to check out what’s going on. Doing a little pre-match game planning while Barbarian picks up Bret and drives him back first into the steel post.

We come back from commercial with the Coach still looking on while Bret gets back in the ring. Barbarian then steps on the throat of Bret and chokes him out a little bit. Barbarian picks Bret up and nails him with a chop. Barbarian then whips Bret into the corner and Bret goes in chest first as he crumbles to the mat. I always hated that spot because it doesn’t look to pleasant. Thankfully Bret and Owen are the only ones who really did it. Barbarian then picks up Bret and drops him with a back breaker and he gets a 2 count.

They show the Coach taking notes on the match. This is really awesome and it really makes the Coach gimmick work. Barbarian whips Bret into the ropes and he goes for a hip toss but Bret blocks it but the Barbarian immediately nails Bret with a brutal looking clothesline that sends Bret back to the mat. That looked stiff as hell and Bret sold it like a million bucks. Just a sweet looking spot there.

Barbarian then picks up Bret and gets him in a long delayed vertical suplex. He had him up for a good 7-8 seconds there before he dumped him. Barbarian was pretty damn good. Barbarian goes for the cover and gets a 2 1/2 count. Barbarian shoves Bret into the corner as he lays in a choke hold. He then whips Bret into the other turnbuckle but stops him midway through and then just whips him back first into the corner. Barbarian then picks up Bret and gets him in a bear hug in the center of the ring. Bret breaks free from the bear hug by biting the face of the Barbarian.

Barbarian lays in a few big time chops on Bret and whips him into the corner but he gets caught with a boot when coming in. Bret then hits the Barbarian with a clothesline off the middle rope. Both guys get up and Bret hits the Barbarian with an atomic drop and he follows that up with some big time right hands. Bret then climbs the middle rope and lays in 10 more rights to the Barbarian. Bret hits a side Russian leg sweep and he goes for the cover for a 2 count. Bret picks up the Barbarian and hits him with a backbreaker. Bret then goes off the middle rope with an elbow to the Barbarian.

Bret is arguing with the ref as Barbarian gets up and just drills Bret with a vicious big boot that knocks Bret out. Barbarian then pushes Bret to the outside as he goes out there and gets a little bit of a rest. Bret gets up on the apron and Barbarian goes for a body slam back into the ring but Bret ends up reversing it and gets the Barbarian in a small package for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….Bret Hart!

This was a decent little match here as well. Barbarian had control for a little bit to long because he was starting to look lost on what to do to the Hitman towards the end there. Bret got in all of his spots at the end and it didn’t really lead to the finish which was a good thing. I liked the sneaky win here because the Barbarian is somebody that you can’t really just put out with a finisher or something along those lines when you are Bret Hart. So getting the roll up pin was a great ending to a pretty solid match here. Bret showed how great he really is by the story telling that was done during this match. Job well done by both guys.

Ringside Interview: Sid Justice

Gene starts it off by saying that there many things going on here in the WWF that he has absolutely no control over. Gene says there is tremendous speculation on how he is going to referee the match made in hell at SummerSlam. Sid says Gene is right that there are a lot of things that he can’t control outside of the ring. Sid promises Gene, and everyone else, that he can control what happens inside the ring. Gene says he doesn’t think anyone will argue that he will be bring authority to the match. Gene does say, however, there is a very delicate balance in this handicap tag team bout. Gene says if Sid signs with Slaughter and his team then it would go one way. Gene then says if Sid sides with Hogan and Warrior then we would know how it will go. Gene wants to know how Sid can remain impartial.

Sid said that is what the problem is with Gene, he doesn’t know Sid Justice. He says Gene doesn’t know what Sid stands for. He says Sid Justice is a man that stands alone and at SummerSlam he can promise only one thing and that is that Justice will be served.

Promo By: Sgt. Slaughter, Gen. Adnan, & Col. Mustafa

Adnan is hollering in his foreign tongue. and I have no idea what he is saying. Slaughter says that the Immortal Slime will go one on one right before SummerSlam. Slaughter tells us that in war there are many battles and that Slaughter is going to take back his title before SummerSlam. Slaughter says that Hogan’s partner will not be Ultimate or he may not even be there. Slaughter says at SummerSlam it may just be Hogan vs. the core of destruction and it will be Slaughters way and thats Slaughters rules and thats an order!

Match 3: I.R.S. vs. Mark Thomas

Before the match IRS hops on the mic and says states and local governments are in financial trouble so it is a good time to get people to start paying their taxes. We start with a tie up and IRS ends up dropping Thomas with a big right hand and he follows that up with a body slam. IRS drops a snap elbow two times off the ropes. IRS whips Thomas into the ropes and drops him with a flying clothesline. IRS then gets an abominable stretch and then he just falls and starts rubbing the guys face into the mat. He picks up the guy and drops him with the Write Off for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….I.R.S!

This was just a squash match and really nothing special. IRS was a solid worker and sometimes was fun to watch but he never really amounted to match and this match is symbolic of his run. Nothing good, nothing bad, but just eh. You can skip this one.

They show highlights of Macho Man’s bachelor party from Prime Time Wrestling.

Match 4: Texas Tornado/The Dragon/British bulldog vs. Orient Express

This is the one and only occurrence where we got all three members of the Orient Express in the same match at the same time. Not sure this happened again or before this one so it’s pretty cool to see. This one starts off with the Dragon and Tanaka. Tanaka quickly pushes Steamboat into the ropes but he gets dropped with a shoulder block. Tanaka then throws Steamboat out of the ring but he skins the cat and gets right back in. Tanaka then gets dropped with a huge back body drop and a few chops before Steamboat tags in Davey Boy. Davey drops Tanaka with a big time shoulder block and he follows that up with a huge clothesline that turns Tanaka inside out.

Davey ends up hitting the ropes but Kato grabs him by the foot and Tanaka nails Davey in the lower back. Kato gets the tag in and he runs the ropes a few times before Davey leap frogs him twice and then drops him with a drop kick. Tornado gets a tag and he comes in and works the arm of Kato. Kato ends up reversing the arm bar and tags in Sato but he comes in and gets dropped with a big right hand by the Tornado. Sato whips Kerry into the ropes and Tanaka hits him with a knee to the back.

Kerry ends up getting a quick tag to Steamboat but he comes in and gets caught right away until Sato tags in Kato. Kato whips the Dragon into the ropes but he reverses it and hits Kato with an elbow to the mid section. He goes for a pile driver but Sato distracts the ref as Tanaka comes in and he hits the Dragon in the back then hits him with a flying forearm. The ref gets distracted again and this allows Fuji to nail the Dragon with his cain from the outside. Kato comes back in and starts working over Steamboat in his corner. Steamboat tries to break free but all three members of the Orient Express start working him over in the corner.

Sato nails the Dragon with a beautiful side kick out of an arm bar. Sato tags in Tanaka and they nail the Dragon with a double chop. Dragon quickly gets up and tries to break free but Kato grabs him by the hair to slow down his momentum. Kato gets in the ring and he starts working over Steamboat in the corner. Steamboat reverses an irish whip as Kato goes up and over and he nails the Dragon with a side kick. Tanaka gets the tag back in and he starts working him over with chops and right hands. We get more illegal double teaming as Tanaka whips the Dragon into the ropes for a back body drop.

Tanaka flips the Dragon back in from the apron. He quickly makes the tag to Kato and he comes in and works the lower back and neck area of Steamboat with a camel clutch. Dragon nearly gets the tag but Tanaka comes in and interferes to prevent the tag. Tanaka hits the Dragon with an elbow to the midsection and then a kick to the head. Kato gets a tag and he immediately distracts the other team so he and Tanaka can double team the Dragon. Tanaka goes jumping over Kato and hits the Dragon in the lower back with all his weight. Tanaka follows that up with a nice crescent kick that drops the Dragon for a 2 1/2 count.

Tanaka ducks early and the Dragon hits him with a swinging neck breaker. Dragon is going for the tag but Kato quickly comes in prevents him from tagging in with a head lock on the mat. Dragon gets free of the head lock and ends up hitting Kato with a side kick. This frees him up to get the tag to the Bulldog. Bulldog nails Kato with a back body drop and then a gorilla press to Tanaka and he throws him on Kato. Sato comes in and he gets dropped with a gorilla press slam.

Kato tries to go up and over on the Bulldog but he catches him and hits him with the running power slam for a 2 count before Tanaka breaks up the pin. Sato comes charging in and he ends up getting dropped with the power slam as well. Bulldog tags in the Dragon and he gets the flying cross body off the top rope on Kato and he gets the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall…..British Bulldog/Texas Tornado/The Dragon!

This was a damn good match here. The Express worked so fast and were fluid in their work that it’s hard to deny. This is definitely better than the SummerSlam match but I believe that has more to do with time more than anything else. The three main guys in the match did their part and Dragon did what he did best and thats sell for the bad guys. All in all a really good match here that was fun to watch and is enjoyable. I’d recommend checking it out.

They go to the announce table where Vince and Heenan discuss the match made in hell. After discussing the match Heenan says it’s time to talk about the real world champion Ric Flair. Heenan then pulls out the big gold belt for the world to see. Heenan says if Flair decides to come to the WWF then he should get the winner of the match tonight of either Hulk Hogan or Sgt. Slaughter.

Match 5: WWF Heavyweight Title Match: Hulk Hogan (c) vs. Sgt. Slaughter

They start up with a tie up and Hogan sends Slaughter flying back into the corner using his power advantage. Slaughter tells the ref that Hogan pulled the hair which we all know is bullshit. They go for a tie up but Slaughter kicks Hogan and then drives him back into the corner with right hands and clubs to the chest. Slaughter lays in the rapid rights and then tries an irish whip on Hogan but he reverses it and hits Slaughter with a back drop. He follows that up with a clothesline and then rams Slaughter into the steel post on the inside.

Hogan then gets on top of Slaughter and just lays in the right hands. Hogan ducks early for a back drop but Slaughter sees it and he kicks Hogan in the face and then rakes his back with his nails. Slaughter nails Hogan with a right hand and sends him to the outside. The ref gets distracted by Slaughter so Adnan can ram Hogan into the apron. Mustafa comes over and does the same thing and then spits on Hogan. What a heel. They get Hogan back in the ring and Slaughter starts biting Hogan in the face in the corner. Slaughter then drops Hogan with 3 right hands as they head to commercial break.

We come back from break and Slaughter is choking Hogan over the top rope. Mustafa then gives Slaughter a chair and he nails Hogan in the back with it as Adnan distracts the ref. Slaughter goes for the cover and gets a 2 count. Hogan is busted open again, just like Wrestlemania 7. Slaughter goes up to the top rope and drops a knee right in the lower back of Hogan. Hogan kicks out at 2 with authority and he starts to hulk up. Slaughter continues to lay in the right hands but it does nothing to Hogan.

Hogan hits Slaughter with three right hands and then drops him with the big boot. Mustafa gets up on the apron and he gets leveled by Hogan. The ref gets distracted by Mustafa and Adnan throws powder in the eyes of Hogan. Slaughter distracts the ref as Adnan and Mustafa start laying the boots to Hogan. The ref finally turns around and sees what is going on as all three guys work over Hogan. They end up throwing the ref out of the ring as Slaughter gets Hogan in the Camel Clutch and Mustafa adds some more pressure by putting Slaughter in the clutch at the same time.

Special guest referee Sid Justice comes out and Slaughter immediately breaks the hold. Hogan rolls to the outside as Justice confronts all three guys of the triangle of terror. Hogan picks up the chair on the outside and he is about to nail Slaughter with it but Sid grabs the chair from Hogan before he can hit them. Justice then slams the chair down on the ground and walks off. Sid has control of all of this. The Fink announces that Hogan is the winner by disqualification.

This was a pretty good match and the angle at the end was a perfect build to the SummerSlam match. The match itself was reminiscent of Wrestlemania 7 but with a lot more interference. This was done, of course, to have Sid come out and gain control of both sides of the tag match. Sid getting them off of Hogan and then stopping Hogan from using the chair was a perfect way to sell this match for SummerSlam. There were a lot of question marks with where Sid stood and this furthered those questions and made you want to tune in to find out what happens. Job well done all around here.

They show highlights of Earthquake attacking Andre the Giant on Superstars.

Match 6: Natural Disasters vs. Ray Garcia/Ross Greenberg

Typhoon and Garcia start off the match and Typhoon drops him with a club to the back. Typhoon then drops him with the laziest clothesline I’ve ever seen. He just stands there and sticks his arm out and drops the guy. Typhoon hits an elbow off the ropes and then picks up Garcia and nails him with a standing drop kick. A guy 400 pounds shouldn’t be able to do that but he does it with ease. Earthquake gets the tag and he comes in and whips Garcia into the ropes and drops him with a back elbow.

Earthquake then drops his wind up elbow on to Garcia. Earthquake whips Garcia into the corner and tags in Typhoon. Earthquake then does a big splash in the corner and Typhoon comes in and does the same thing. They whip Greenberg into the ropes and drop him with a double shoulder block. They throw Greenberg to the outside and Typhoon drops Garcia with a body slam. Typhoon nails the Typhoon Splash as Earthquake hits his big butt drop for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….Natural Disasters!

Another squash here that kind of sucked. I was hoping for the Disasters to do some more damage to these guys but it just didn’t happen. They used their size and thats about it. Really nothing to see here and just filler at this point.

Barbershop w/ Brutus Beefcake: Sensational Sherri is his Guest

Brutus wants to know if Sherri has picked out her wedding gift for Macho Man and Elizabeth. Sherri says she has picked out the perfect for both of them and she would like to deliver them to them right now. She said she would slap the face of the Macho Man and he would like to puke all over Elizabeth. Beefcake says that is a little bit of extreme. He says this is a joyous celebration and its going to be a good time so does she think that is a little bit extreme? Sherri says it is not extreme because at Wrestlemania 7 the no good for nothing, over the hill ex champion lost to the better man. Sherri then says after that he gets down on his knee and proposes to a phony woman in Miss Elizabeth.

Sherri says on top of that, as if that is not enough to make you sick, she said “oh yeah”. Sherri then says as if it that is not sick enough, he then invites the whole world to his wedding. She says the wedding is nothing more than a disgrace for the man. She said if Savage is any kind of man he would take her somewhere else to get married. Everyone else is going to have hate and resentment for Elizabeth and for Savage. Beefcake he thinks she’s a little bitter about this. Beefcake says Sherri used to worship the ground that Savage walked on. Beefcake thinks this is going to be a story book ending and a happy ending.

Sherri says that marriages are days and vows that are made up. Sherri says she is going to make a promise and that promise is that the match made in heaven between the Macho King and Elizabeth will not be so heavenly. Sherri says it will not be the match made in heaven but it will be the match made in hell if she has anything to do with it. Beefcake says that he has arranged Sherri’s transportation to and from the wedding. Beefcake then comes back from behind the curtain and hands Sherri a broom. She gets livid and starts swinging the broom at Beefcake as the segment ends.

SummerSlam Report:

Gene welcomes us to the SummerSlam report. He tells us we are one week away and he tells us the only way to see the show is joining them on Pay Per View. He says make the call now so you don’t miss out. Gene starts to run through the card and talks about the Match Made in Hell. We also have the Match Made in Hell between Hogan/Warrior vs. Triangle of Terror w/ Sid as the referee.

Promo by: Triangle of Terror

Slaughter says that the Ultimate Puke got bit. Slaughter says SummerSlam is right around the corner and how great of shape is he going to be? Slaughter then asks Hogan what is he gonna do when his partner is just laying around and not wanting to be there. Slaughter then says they just want Sid to stay out of their way and let them do it their way at SummerSlam and that Slaughter’s Rules. Slaughter says Hogan is finally going to his judgement day because his trio is finally going to destroy Hulkamania once and for all.

We go back to Gene where he runs through the crowd some more. We get Mr. Perfect vs. Bret Hart for the IC Title. LOD vs. Nasty Boys in a no disqualification match for the WWF Tag Team Title. Virgil vs. Ted DiBiase for the Million Dollar Belt.

Promo by: Ted DiBiase & Sensational Sherri

DiBiase says SummerSlam is a week away and as the old saying goes, the buck stops here. DiBiase says that he understands Virgil reserved a stretch black limousine to take him to SummerSlam. DiBiase says he may show up in a stretch black but he is going to be leaving in a yellow cab. We get the classic DiBiase laugh as we send it to Virgil for his comments.

Promo by: Virgil

Virgil says he is going to catch the train down to Madison Square Garden but after he wins at SummerSlam he is going to tip DiBiase’s limo driver so nicely that he will take him down broadway. Virgil then states that DiBiase and Sherri will be the ones catching the cab.

Gene runs through more of the card as we get the Boss Man vs. Mountie in a Jail House match.

Promo by: The Mountie & Jimmy Hart

Jimmy tells us that SummerSlam is one week away and that they are going to prove to the whole world that the only true law and order in the WWF is the Mountie’s law and order. Jimmy then tells us that Big Boss Man is going to jail at SummerSlam. Mountie says he is tired of the Boss Man running from him. Mountie says that his running days are coming to an end and his hard time serving days are just beginning. The Mountie says the Mountie always gets his man and that he is going to put the Boss Man in jail.

Promo by: Big Boss Man

Boss Man says SummerSlam is a week away and there are no more chances for parol, no more chances for appeal, and stays of execution are up. Boss Man says it is going to make him feel real good to make him feel bad because he is going to jail…punk!

They send it back to Gene and he tells us the loser is going to stay at the city sleazer. Gene runs through more of the card and he tells us that the Bushwhackers are going to have Andre the Giant in their corner for their match against the Natural Disasters. We also have Greg Valentine vs. IRS, the 6 man tag featuring Texas Tornado/Dragon/Bulldog vs. Power N Glory/Warlord. They then come back to Gene and he says it is all on pay per view and that is the only way to see it. Gene then says we got a match made in heaven and a match made in hell and we can see it live on pay per view on August 26th!

Match 7: Virgil vs. DiBiase’s Mystery Man (Barry Darsow in a mask)

Before the match starts DiBiase gets on the mic and tells us that Virgil is in the back and that Virgils dream in life is to beat DiBiase at SummerSlam and taking in his Million Dollar Belt. DiBiase says he heard Virgil is very confident he can get the job done. DiBiase says he paid a lot of money for this guy to come out and take out Virgil for him. DiBiase says if Virgil is a man then he will come out and face his guy.

Virgil obliges and we got ourselves a main event. Virgil dances around the ring as if he is a top flight boxer until they tie up and the Mystery Man just drops Virgil and then lays in the boots. The guy picks up Virgil by the throat and puts him in the corner and chokes him out some more. He then takes Virgil and rakes the eyes across the top rope. The Mystery guy then takes Virgil and chokes him across the top rope. The Mystery guy goes for a back elbow but gets nailed with a right hand instead. Virgil starts laying in the right hands before he whips the Mystery guy into the corner and hits him with a hip toss.

They tie up again and this time the Mystery Guy does a go behind until Virgil reverses it with a go behind of his own. The Mystery guy reverses it again and he takes Virgil down until Virgil rolls out and puts him in an arm. They get back on their feet and the Mystery guy nails Virgil with a right hand. He whips Virgil into the corner but Virgil goes up and over and rolls up the Mystery guy for a 2 count. Virgil then lays in some more right hands and he starts working the arm. Virgil drops the guy with a shoulder block and then he goes up and over but the Mystery Guy catches him and he drops him across the top rope with a clothesline.

The Mystery guy picks up Virgil and drops him across the top rope again. The Mystery guy whips Virgil into the ropes and he gets him in a sleeper hold but Virgil gets out of it rather quickly. The Mystery guy ends up dropping Virgil with a clothesline but Virgil gets up and gets the Mystery Guy in the Million Dollar Dream. The Mystery Guy walks backwards and gets near DiBiase and he ends up grabbing the foot of Virgil to free the Mystery Guy. The guy then nails Virgil with a big ass clothesline that sends him flying over the top rope. Virgil appears to miss the rope and he just goes crashing to the floor. That looked bad.

DiBiase lays in the boots to Virgil on the outside until he gets back on the apron. The Mystery guy then brings Virgil back in to the ring with a suplex. The Mystery Guy then hits a snap suplex on Virgil. The Mystery guy goes for a splash and ends up getting punched in the face by Virgil. DiBIase is on the outside laughing it up but he doesn’t realize that Virgil went for the pin and got the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….Virgil!

This match was terrible. Darsow was in between gimmicks so at least they gave him something to do to kill time before the Repo Man shows up. Virgil was terrible and I am shocked at how over he got. He got he rub from Piper and DiBiase and if you are a guy looking to get a push then those are two guys that can get you over. But this match was the shits and not worth checking out.

The Mountie gives us a tour of the New York Correctional Facility. The Mountie goes through everything that he ends up going through at SummerSlam. After seeing this, the segments at SummerSlam are even more hilarious and this makes those segments even funnier. The Mountie says at SummerSlam Boss Man better get ready to serve hard time.

Promo by: Big Boss Man

Boss Man says it is a good thing that the Mountie is getting a chance to check out the jail prior to SummerSlam. Boss Man says the Mountie is getting a second chance after SummerSlam. Boss Man says he wants to know what it’s like to be taking his last steps as a free man and breathing his last breath as a free man. Boss Man says that the Mountie is going to jail and he will be serving hard time.

Promotional Consideration Paid for by the Following:

We get Mr. Freeze Freezer Pops. We then get a Hasbro wrestler commercial for the WWF Ring. We get tegrin itch relief as well as Permit Sportswear for guys. Lastly, we get jolly rancher candy: the great taste of fruit: squared.

Show Closing:

The show finishes up with Bobby and Vince talking about SummerSlam, of course. Vince says he wants to take this opportunity on behalf of the lovely Elizabeth and the Macho Man to invite all of us personally to their wedding, the Match Made in Heaven at SummerSlam. Heenan says after Savage says I do then he won’t anymore. Heenan says he can’t wait for them to ask if anyone objects and to the wedding and then he asks Vince who is going to raise their hand. Vince asks who it is and Heenan says he will have to tune in to SummerSlam to find out. Vince transitions to the Match Made in Hell. Heenan wants to know what Hogan is going to do with his partner Ultimate Warrior.

Heenan says Hogan is all busted up and that the Ultimate Warrior is close to cashing in his ticket for SummerSlam. Vince asks about the jail house match and whats going to happen. Heenan says the loser is going to have to stay with roaches and rats many other things. They run over the other title matches such as the tag team titles and then the IC title plus the million dollar title match. Heenan says Bret is good but he isn’t Perfect. He also says that Virgil is so stupid it is likely he will go out and have the belt bronzed. Vince then wraps up the show by telling us to join them at SummerSlam!

Show Recap:
This was a really fun show from beginning to end. They did a really good job of pushing every match on the card and really made you want to check out what is going to happen. If there wasn’t a big storyline with a match then they put them in a match on this card so they could talk about the match. Thats smart booking and a good way to push a pay per view.

The matches themselves were pretty decent throughout the whole show but everything on this show just plays a back drop to selling SummerSlam for the following week. When you watch this show in that realm then this was a home run. However, if this was a regular show on a Monday night then you would most likely be disappointed with the action on this one. Hogan and Slaughter was decent but nothing special. Hawk and Knobbs was a good opener and really made you want to see the actual tag match at SummerSlam.

The squash matches did their part by allowing Vince and Heenan to talk about the guys match at SummerSlam. The Bret Hart vs. Barbarian match was probably the best match on the card and thats because of Bret really. I also loved the fact that the Coach was down ringside taking notes and game planning so he can take it back to Mr. Perfect and prepare him for the title match. I know it’s all a work but little things like that really stick out and make things that you normally wouldn’t care about seem more important. Just a really good job there.

Well that wraps up this episode of Television Rewind. We have been all over the place with this column and this show is no different. We are doing this one first because in a couple of reviews we will be going back and reviewing SummerSlam 1991. There are some good, some bad, and some terrible on that card and I can’t wait to check it out. This show served a purpose and that was to get you to buy a pay per view and I would say they exceeded at doing that. The in ring work itself is nothing to write home about but it’s not bad either and there is at least one or two matches on this card that you could find entertaining.

I would definitely recommend checking this show out if you can get your hands on it because it was a really good way of selling a pay per view. Well that about does it for this episode of Television Rewind. I hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I have and if you have questions, comments, or requests you can always shoot me a line on twitter @xstat32x. You can also leave a comment below. Thanks again for reading and coming back for more. Until next time, keep reading and enjoying your stay right here at CrazyMax!


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