Television Rewind Episode 7: WWF Prime Time Wrestling 2-20-89


Television Rewind Episode 7: WWF Prime Time Wrestling February 20th, 1989

Hello everyone and welcome back to Television Rewind. This is a little bit of a one off episode that we are going to do here. We have someone that is currently in the process of reviewing Prime Time Wrestlings and there is already a bunch of these already posted to the site. I would definitely recommend checking them out because they are excellent and a join to read. Anyways, the reason we are doing this show is because this is a prelude to Wrestlemania 5. This was the Wrestlemania 5 Face to Face special that ran on Prime Time Wrestling. It was a 3 hour special that featured point and counter points with all the major matches heading into Wrestlemania 5. Why am I doing this show you ask? Well it’s simple, Wrestlemania 5 is going to follow this show as far as getting posted so I wanted everyone to know the feuds and what is going on leading up to Wrestlemania 5. So, with that long introduction, let’s get this going.

Show Opening:

The opening video starts out with a face to face logo then it goes through the major matches of Wrestlemania 5 and those that will be featured on this Face to Face special. They run through the likes of Demolition & Powers of Pain, Jake Roberts & Andre the Giant, as well as Hulk Hogan & Randy Savage and more. This was a pretty sweet concept and this video really let you know what this whole Face to Face special really meant. Job well done by Vince and company. They then show Bobby Heenan and Gorilla Monsoon at an arena somewhere. Gorilla tells us that Vince will be moderating the debates on this episode. This is going to be pretty damn awesome.

Match 1: Twin Towers vs. Mark Ming/Ricky Ataki

Ataki and Boss Man start this one out and Boss Man nails Ataki with a big time right hand. Boss Man then drops his weight on Ataki as he lays on the middle rope. Akeem gets the tag and he does the same thing. This poor guy getting destroyed by these dudes just isn’t fair. Akeem rams the head of Ataki into the foot of the Boss Man and he comes in and chops Ataki in the throat. Boss Man then throws Ataki into the corner to make him tag in Ming.

Ming gets in the ring and he tries to hit a shoulder block but he just crumbles to the ground. Boss Man tags in Akeem and Boss Man hits Ming with a back elbow as Akeem drops an elbow on him. They are just toying with these guys and it’s awesome. Akeem tags in the Boss Man as he whips Ming into the corner. Boss Man tries to grab the dude by the face gut he can’t grab him so Akeem just splashes him in the corner. Boss Man is raking the face of Ming as Boss Man whips him into the ropes and drops him with a spine buster. Boss Man goes for the cover with one boot but when he’s about to get the 3 he moves out of the way.

Boss Man tags in Akeem as Boss Man whips him into the corner. Akeem then whips Boss Man into the corner and then Akeem follows him in with a splash in the corner of his own as they just pancake Mark Ming. Boss Man gets the tag again and he comes in and tags Akeem right back in as he whips Ming into the ropes and he picks him up with a bear hug as Akeem hits the ropes and splashes right into Ming. Akeem then drops the massive splash and gets the pin for the 1-2-3. Your winners by way of pinfall….The Twin Towers!

After the match Boss Man cuffs the two jobbers together. He then throws Mark Ming over the top rope as he hangs on the outside as Ataki is draped over the top rope. Boss Man then grabs the night stick and he nails Ataki and Ming with it repeatedly. The ref finally turns around and Boss Man walks off.

This was just a squash match but it was pretty awesome. Boss Man and Akeem destroyed these guys and it was fun to watch. The Twin Towers were pretty damn awesome and their squash matches are pretty entertaining. This was a decent match and worth checking out because they just destroyed these guys and thats always entertaining.

Gorilla and Heenan Banter

Before and after each match they usually go to Gorilla and Bobby so this is how I will bring you what they are saying. They discuss how awesome the Twin Towers. Gorilla says one guy will set you up and another guy will knock you down. Gorilla says these guys may end up as the WWF Tag Team champions down the line. Heenan says a good big man will always beat a good small man but a good small man will always wear down a good big man. What the hell is he talking about? Gorilla calls him out on his stupidity and says he got that all wrong. Heenan tries to explain himself and he just loses his train of thought as Gorilla starts laughing at him. Gorilla blames it on the Red Rooster and then Gorilla says he has a little red going on in the back here.

WWF Update: Gene Okerlund Announces some matches for Wrestlemania 5

Gene says that the Red Rooster wants a part of Bobby Heenan but we are unsure what is going to happen there. Gene then runs through the card and shows us that Rude and Warrior are signed. We also have Demolition vs. Powers of Pain in a 2 vs. 3 match. Jake Roberts and Andre the Giant are signed with Big John Studd as the referee. Finally, we have Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Savage signed for Wrestlemania 5. Gene lets us know that later on we will hear from both combatants. Gene then tells us that even more matches and more details will be announced for Wrestlemania 5 next week.

Gorilla and Heenan Banter

Gorilla says this is what we have been waiting for and thats more major announces announced. Gorilla says Hogan has a chance to get his title back. Heenan says he has been to every Wrestlemania but this one has everyone talking everywhere he goes. Gorilla says this one could be more successful for you. Gorilla then asks Bobby what corner he thinks Elizabeth will be in. Heenan says he doesn’t know and that they will probably make her dress in the hall. Heenan says she will probably be in the neutral corner.

We head to a commercial break.

Gorilla and Bobby come back and talk about the WWF Tag Team Title match and how Fuji is going to be involved in the match with a 3 on 2 match. Heenan says that the Powers of Pain have the advantage because Fuji has been a tag team champion before. Gorilla says we are going to find out who has the advantage as he sends us to our first debate.

Face to Face: Demolition (c) & Powers of Pain

Vince has Mr. Fuji and the Powers of Pain go first. Fuji says that Demolition is stupid and that they fell for Mr. Fuji’s trick. Fuji says they never listened to the master and now he has two big men who are bigger and stronger than Demolition in the Powers of Pain. Barbarian starts rambling non-sense such as “there will be no wrong at the champion” what the hell is he talking about. He says they have no fear of Demolition and what they want is what is around the waist of Demolition. He said some other things but I have no idea what they were. The Warlord then says that Mr. Fuji has taught them a lot and that he has taught them all of Demolition’s weaknesses. Due to their training they are going to bring back the WWF Tag Team Titles to the master as a way to repay him. Fuji then gets another chance to talk but Vince cuts him off and says that his time is up and it pisses Fuji off.

We get Demolition’s point of view as Smash calls Fuji the stooge. Smash does say that Fuji’s time is up. Smash says that Fuji is forgetting that he taught them everything they knew. Smash says that when Fuji used to beat and torture them they never complained. Smash says what Fuji fails to realize is that he left them. Smash says the only man he can trust and that’s Ax. Smash says that Ax trusts him and when it comes to Wrestlemania 5 there is only one thing to do and thats get rid of the Warlord as well as the Barbarian and then he will take his size 14 boot and shove it right down the throat of Mr. Fuji. Ax says that everyone in the world knows how to catch a big fat rat and thats to put a piece of bait out.

Ax says it is ego that is driving Fuji and that Fuji has to stick his neck out for the titles because he wants them back. Ax says he wants them so bad that he can taste them and that is the bait. Ax says Wrestlemania is the trap. Ax then hits them with the classic “thats why they are kindergarten and we are working on master degrees.” So awesome there. Ax says that when he sticks his nose in the ring they are going to grasp him by his neck and his eyeballs are going to pop out of the sockets. Vince then wraps it up as Demolition leaves.

Gorilla and Heenan Banter

Gorilla says he doesn’t really agree with Heenan but having Fuji in the match is going to be a plus. Heenan says he thinks Demolition is going to be to focused on Fuji and thats going to help the Powers of Pain win. Heenan then wants to know how he gets down from where he is at so he can go to his face to face. Gorilla then accuses Heenan and Blassie of stealing the robe that Haku wears.

We head to commercial.

When they get back Gorilla says we have a pretty interesting match between Koko B. Ware and Boris Zhukov coming up. Gorilla then tells Heenan which way he needs to go to get out of his current location and Heenan is having none of it. These guys are gold together. They really are.

Match 2: Koko B. Ware vs. Boris Zhukov

Before the match Boris butchers the Soviet National Anthem. At least Volkoff was some what tolerable with his singing. This is just terrible. Boris is pissed so Koko gets the fans chanting USA. The bell finally rings and as soon as it went off Boris goes to the outside. Boris finally gets in the ring but ends up back outside when the crowd starts chanting USA again. He acts like he is going to leave but ends up coming back. Koko is tryin got get the action going but again Boris stalls. This match is already the shits and doing all this stalling does nothing to improve it.

We finally get a tie up and Boris ends up pushing Koko into the ropes. We tie up again and this time Boris hits Koko with a hip toss. We get a third tie up and this time Boris ends up body slamming Koko. Koko is getting frustrated more than anything. Boris turns his back to Koko and Koko rolls him up for a 2 1/2 count. Boris kicks out and quickly goes to the outside and we are back to stalling again. Who the hell chose this match to be on this show and who the hell booked this match? Boris has no heat so you have him out here stalling for the first 3-4 minutes of a match? What shit.

Boris drives Koko into the corner and he ends up hitting Koko with a forearm. Koko comes charging out of the corner and hits Boris with a clothesline. Koko then slams the head of Boris into the mat and then drops a fist drop for a 2 count. Boris stops the momentum and hits Koko with some knees to the mid-section. Boris starts to work over the gut of Koko. Boris starts choking out Koko and breaks as the ref gets to the 4 count. Boris chokes Koko over the top rope. Koko falls to the mat and Boris lays in the boots to the midsection of Koko. Boris then gets Koko in a bear hug while Tony and Lord Alfred run down the card for Wrestlemania 5.

Koko ends up in the ropes so Boris breaks free and starts laying in the right hands and chops to the chest of Koko. Boris then gets Koko in the bear hug again in the middle of the ring. Koko breaks free with some right hands but Boris slows him down with a kick. Boris hits Koko with a body slam and then goes for a diving head butt but Koko gets out of the way. Koko gets up to his feet and nails Boris with a clothesline and then a high back body drop. Koko nails him with a head butt then does a fake cross body but Koko climbs to the top rope and nails Boris with a drop kick off the top rope for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….Koko B. Ware!

This was the complete shits. The first 3-4 minutes is nothing but stalling. The action in the ring was dominated by Boris and thats never a good thing. There were kicks and body slams plus a couple of bear hugs to get through some time. The drop kick off the top rope from Koko was pretty sweet but everything about this match just sucked. Thank goodness it is over.

Face to Face: King Haku w/ Bobby Heenan & Hercules

Vince introduces us to King Haku and Bobby Heenan. Heenan says it is time for everyone to show proper respect to the King of the World Wrestling Federation…King Haku. Heenan steps out from behind the podium and bows to King Haku. That was awesome. Vince then introduces Hercules who comes out to the trumpets. Heenan says as long as he is standing there with Haku he wants Hercules and his chains restrained.

Heenan says if Hercules had taken the advice of Heenan and taken the job of being a slave to the Million Dollar Man, Hercules wouldn’t be in the situation that he is in now. Heenan says he would be in the lap of luxury and making enough money to get by. Heenan then says that Hercules wants to play with his chains and be the strongest man on earth but he isn’t. Heenan says that King Haku will be the strongest man at Wrestlemania and we are going to see how bad Hercules really is. Haku says that Hercules will bow to him like everyone else. Vince says that Hercules finds some things funny that Heenan is saying. Heenan says Hercules would find things funny but it won’t be so funny at Wrestlemania because Hercules is nothing more than a hired slave.

Hercules says that the reasons he will beat King Haku at Wrestlemania 5 are two fold and perfectly clear. Hercules that his legacy is written and his destiny is at hand. Hercules says that he exists solely to be the strongest man the world has ever known. Hercules says that the reason is standing right in front of him. Hercules says when you build your house on lies and deceit as the foundation then the world will come crumbling down. Hercules says that when you build your house on things that are good and strong then your house will grow. Heenan says if he would have taken the job as a slave he would be fine. Hercules says he is a slave for no man.

Heenan then says that Hercules will have to bow in front of Haku and get on his hands and knees and look up to his master and apologize to him. Heenan says that Hercules will say he is sincerely sorry for what he has done. Hercules says he bows to no man and he will never bow down to Heenan or Haku.

Face to Face: Andre the Giant w/ Bobby Heenan & Jake Roberts
Gorilla sends us down to the arena floor once again for our next debate. Vince introduces us to Heenan and Andre the Giant. Jake comes out with the bag and Andre starts to get scared. Heenan says that the Snake has to go but Jake ends up putting it on the stage out of the way. Andre is livid and is “scared” shitless of the snake. This feud was good for the most part.

Jake starts us off and he says in any contest, any physical contest we have comparisons. Jake says he doesn’t match up to Andre’s size. Jake says as a matter of fact the last time Andre was Jake’s size he was a fetus. Andre tries to interrupt Jake but Jake says this is his time. Jake then says that every man, woman, and child has something inside that makes them snap. Whether it’s deep water, whats in the closet, or whats under the bed. Jake says he knows that Andre’s is what is in the bag. Jake says Studd is the ref because we need a guy who can call it down the middle. Jake doesn’t like Studd and Andre definitely doesn’t like Studd. Jake says that he just wants a fair shot because Andre does the same thing every time and thats wrap his big hands around his throat and chokes him out.

Heenan asks Jake if he wants a fair shot. Heenan says we don’t John Studd and we don’t need anybody. He says if Jake was man enough and not scum then he wouldn’t need to bring the bag or the reptile to the ring. Heenan says if he had one bit of wrestling ability he would get in the ring with Andre. Heenan says but no he wants to bring some poisonous snake ringside. Heenan says fine we are going to have to handle matters our way and thats the only way they handle things. Vince says that Studd will be impartial. Heenan says that Studd used to be a member of the family until he got stop.

Jake says that intimidation has always been key because Andre intimidates by size and Jake intimidates by whats in the bag. John Studd then shows up and stands in the middle of the two. Studd says he can’t be pushed, shoved, or intimidated. Studd he will be impartial. Andre says Studd better do his job in the middle of the ring. Studd says he will do his job and he will raise the hand of the winner. Jake says he is going to have one hell of a night on Sunday April 2nd and all he wants is Andre the Giant. Andre then says that Wrestlemania 5 will be the last time Jake steps into the ring. Andre is about to head out of but Jake tells him not to leave. Jake then goes for the bag and lets the snake out of the bag as he scares off Andre and sends him heading out of the building.

Match 3: Ron Bass vs. Paul Roma

Roma is hyping up the fans as Bass attacks him from behind with some clubs to the back. He then whips Roma into the ropes as he follows him in and nails him with a back elbow. Bass then lays in some right hands to Roma and then he whips him into the buckle pretty hard as Roma collapses to the mat. Bass picks up Roma and throws him into the turnbuckle. He goes for another irish whip but this time Roma does a cross body off the middle rope. Roma follows that up with two drop kicks and then a head scissors take down that sends Bass to the outside.

We get back in the ring and tie up as Bass hits him with a right hand. Bass whips Roma into the ropes and he dunks over as Roma does a leap frog and then he messes up the hair of Bass. This pisses Bass off so Roma jumps to the outside and lets Bass calm down. Roma wrenches the arm out of a tie up and he twists it 2-3 times. Bass pushes Roma into the ropes and pushes him off. Bass misses a clothesline but ends up hitting a knee to the gut of Roma and then he follows that up with a body slam. Bass goes for an elbow drop but Roma rolls out of the way and he quickly gets Bass back in the arm ringer.

Roma drives Bass into the corner and works over the arm some more. Roma then takes Bass and rams him arm first into the turnbuckle. Roma is right back in an arm bar for another rest hold. Can you do anything else Roma? Finally, Bass grabs Roma by the tights and throws him to the outside. Bass quickly goes out after him and he rams him head first into the steel post. Bass picks up Roma again and throws him face first into the steel post again. We get back in the ring as Bass hits a clothesline for a 2 count. Bass just works over Roma with shots to the turnbuckle and some right hands.

Bass goes for a right hand and an ax handle but Roma nails him with right hands of his own. Roma then whips Bass into the ropes and hits a back elbow and a drop kick on Bass. Roma goes up to the middle rope as he drops a fist for another 2 count. Bass goes for a back body drop but Roma goes over and hits Bass with a drop kick. Roma then hits a couple of big elbows off the rope and gets a third 2 count. Roma goes for an irish whip but Bass reverses it and sends Roma into the turnbuckle. Roma goes for the cross body off the middle rope but Bass moves out of the way as Roma goes crashing to the mat. Bass then hits Roma with his version of the pedigree for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall…..Outlaw Ron Bass!

This match was eh and thats about it. A lot of the things that were done in the match were repeated a few times over and they really didn’t do much of anything. We got a couple of nice drop kicks out of Roma but that was really the only good part of the match. The arm bars and rest holds were boring and really dragged this match along at a snails pace. The pedigree finisher was pretty sweet as well but nothing really exciting or worth watching.

Match 4: Bad News Brown vs. Pete Doherty

Pete comes out running around the ring and as soon as he gets in it Bad News attacks him right away. Bad News lays in rights, head butts, and raking of the eyes. Bad News ends up dropping Pete with a big chop and then a head butt into the turnbuckle. Pete reverses an irish whip but he dunks to early and Bad News drops him with a club to the back. Bad News takes the jacket of Pete and puts it over his head and chokes him out with it. Pete throws the jacket off his head and starts trading blows with Bad News.

Bad News continues to take it to Pete and ends up dumping him with a body slam and then a fist drop off the ropes. Bad News starts choking him out and body slams him again. Bad News goes for a splash but Pete moves out of the way and he ends up hitting him with a leg drop to the back of Bad News. Pete then takes whatever teeth he has and bites the arm of Bad News. Pete then starts to bite the back of the leg of Bad News and Bad News falls to the mat. Pete just continues to bite him all over the place.

They finally get back on their feet and Bad News rakes the eyes of Bad News but Pete starts biting the hand of Bad News. Pete whips Bad News into the corner and he comes charging in but Bad News gets the feet up and drops Pete. Bad News then picks up Pete and drops him with an awesome looking Ghetto Blaster to the back of the head of Pete for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall…..Bad News Brown!

This match was eh nothing special and kind of trash. The fans enjoyed Pete Doherty and his selling but that can’t save this stink fest. Once he got control and just started biting Bad News everywhere it got pretty old real fast. Bad News sold it well but thats about it. Really nothing to see here and just a comic match that I’ve never really been a fan of.

Face to Face: Ronnie Garvin & Dino Bravo w/ Frenchy Martin

Garvin starts this one and he says that Bravo’s only claim to fame is being the strongest man in the world. Garvin says that Bravo claims to have benched 712 pounds but he hasn’t seen it anywhere and it’s not in the record books. Garvin says that Bravo is a strong man but he also smells strong. Garvin says he thinks it’s a lie personally. Garvin says he is going to see after 15 minutes if he is huffing and puffing, yeah right as if that match is going 15 minutes. Garvin says he wants to see how rugged Bravo is. Garvin asks Bravo how rugged he is.

Bravo says that Garvin will find out how rugged he is. Bravo says that Garvin is like the rest of America and thats cocky and over confident. Bravo says he has established that he is the strongest man in the world. Garvin says that when he is in the ring and wrestling with Bravo that the fans will be on his side chanting USA USA. Bravo responds by saying that Garvin doesn’t have to tell him where he is from but at Wrestlemania 5 when the match is over he will know where Bravo came from. Bravo says he has made it his mission to take care of people like the American Ronnie Garvin. Bravo says that he is going to crush every bone in Garvin’s body by the world’s strongest man. Garvin then says when Bravo steps into the ring he will be pushed to the limit.

Face to Face: Sensational Sherri & Rockin’ Robin

Sherri is about to run circles on Robin here and it’s going to be great. Vince says that Sherri and Robin have different views for what corner Elizabeth should be in. I guess thats what these two are going to be discussing. Sherri says that Elizabeth has been the luckiest woman in the world the last 3 years. Sherri says that she has been given the most beautiful clothes, but not as beautiful as hers. Sherri says that she was blessed to have the most wonderful man in Macho Man Randy Savage. Sherri says that Elizabeth had him buying her everything and giving her everything. Sherri says that she feels like Elizabeth should be in the corner of the Macho Man but she doesn’t have a bone in her body that is deserving to be in the corner of the Macho Man. Sherri says that Elizabeth should be in the corner of the Macho Man.

Rockin Robin says that she is amazed at the lack of common sense for Sherri. Robin says everyone in the world watched what happened in Milwaukee. Robin said that Savage threatened Elizabeth, Savage man handled Elizabeth, and he didn’t even have the decency to check on Elizabeth to see if she was okay. Robin says that Hogan took her to the dressing room and Hogan made sure she was okay. Robin said that Hogan stayed by Elizabeth’s side to make sure she was okay before he went back to the ring. Robin wanted to know where Savage was and Sherri said that he was in the ring handling the match. Robin said that Savage didn’t care if Elizabeth was okay or not. Robin says that Elizabeth is a smart lady and at Wrestlemania 5 she is going to be in the corner of the winner, Hulk Hogan!!!

Match 5: Jim Powers vs. Mike Sharpe

Thank goodness this match is joined in progress. We get to the ring with them doing a test of strength. Sharpe kicks Powers in the gut to get the upper hand in the test of strength. Mike Sharpe yelling at the top of his lungs where the whole building can hear him. This guy always drove me nuts. Powers gets up to his feet twice and both times Sharpe kicks him to get back down on the mat. Powers gets up to his feet and this time he lays in the boots to Sharpe. Powers breaks out of the test of strength and gets Sharpe in an arm wringer until Sharpe backs him into the corner. Sharpe nails Powers with a big time chop.

Powers regains control and continues to work on the arm again. He gets him in an arm bar but ends up dropping 2-3 legs on the arm as well. Sharpe gets up and ends up whipping Powers into the ropes and he goes for a kick but Powers catches the boot and ends up hitting Sharpe with an atomic drop and it ends up getting Sharpe tied up in the ropes. Powers starts laying in the right hands to the midsection. Powers then comes charging in and Sharpe drops him with a big boot to the face. Sharpe then takes his loaded arm and nails Powers in the back and then chokes him on the top rope with his leg.

Sharpe picks up Powers and nails him with another vicious sounding chop that drops Powers. Sharpe whips Powers into the ropes and Sharpe nails him with a right hand to the gut. Sharpe throws him into the ropes again and this time Powers ends up hitting Sharpe with a cross body for a near 3 count. They start exchanging right hands until Powers whips Sharpe into the rope only to dunk early and got smoked in the back with the loaded arm of Mike Sharpe.

Sharpe picks up Powers and goes for a pile driver but Powers reverses it and back drops Sharpe. Sharpe goes to ram Powers into the corner but Powers blocks it and ends up ramming the head of Mike Sharpe into the turnbuckle 10 times. Powers takes him to another corner and ends up doing the same thing. Powers whips Sharpe into the corner and nails him with a clothesline. Powers then whips Sharpe into the ropes and hits him with a shitty looking drop kick. Powers goes for the cover but Sharpe gets the boot up. Powers ends up hitting Mike Sharpe with a power slam out of no where and he gets the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall…..Jim Powers!

This was just two jobbers getting too long in the ring. Thankfully this one was joined in progress so you didn’t really get the whole match. Mike Sharpe always annoyed the shit out of me with his constant yelling throughout the match because it can really take away from said match. Powers was trash and never really amounted to anything either so this match was a dud and not worth watching. It seems like these face to face confrontations are the selling point of this shit because all of the matches have been trash.

Face to Face: Red Rooster & Bobby Heenan w/ Brooklyn Brawler

Vince tells us that Heenan has refused to take on the Red Rooster and in a moment we are going to find out why. Heenan starts it off by saying the dummy can’t take direction. Heenan says that the Rooster just needs to stand there. Vince tells us that the Rooster has challenged Heenan to a match at Wrestlemania 5 but Heenan hasn’t responded and he wants to know why. Heenan says that the last thing on his busy agenda would to be soil his hands on a foul chicken affected body. Heenan says the last thing he wants to do is touch the Rooster because he doesn’t know where he has been with his lousy looking hair cut. Heenan says that the Rooster’s name is Terry Taylor (he forgets this for a moment and calls him Allen for some reason). Heenan says he gave him the name of the Red Rooster. Heenan says he shouldn’t even call himself that. Heenan says that the Rooster is a limited athlete and he wouldn’t want to get in the ring with Heenan.

Heenan asks the Brooklyn Brawler what he would do if he saw the Rooster walking down Flatbush in Brooklyn. Brawler said he would stretch his neck until he squealed. Heenan says if the Rooster wants any part of him then he will need to go through the Brawler first. Heenan says if there is any body parts left after the Brawler is done then Heenan says he may consider it but the Rooster is not in his league. The Rooster said he will not lower himself to the Heenan’s league. Rooster says he came here to challenge the chicken hearted weasel. Rooster says if Heenan has the guts. Heenan says the only reason these people are the chanting the Rooster’s name is because of the fame that was created by Bobby Heenan.

Heenan says the Rooster doesn’t have one bit of ability or a brain. Heenan says that the Rooster is a zero and that if he wants any part of Bobby Heenan then he can forget it. Heenan says if the Rooster can’t get through the Brawler then he won’t be able to get a piece of him. Rooster said that he was so livid on Saturday Night Main Event when he slapped him all over the ring. Rooster said that HEenan put his hands on him first and that Heenan started it. Rooster said that Heenan was talking him down and taking all of the credit and taking all of his money.

Rooster then says if Heenan has any courage then he will take the match with him at Wrestlemania. Rooster says if he has any guts he will accept his challenge. Heenan then calls the Rooster a barnyard piece of garbage. Heenan says he better never insult him in front of this people. Heenan says that the Rooster isn’t in his league. Heenan says that when he is talking that he should know his place because he is a limited sub human. Rooster then says if he is so limited then sign the contract. The Rooster then tells him to sign the contract and then he walks off.

Match 6: Honky Tonk Man vs. Jim Neidhart

Neidhart gets into the ring ready to roll but Honky jumps outside to try and get Neidhart slowed down a bit. Honky tries to get into the ring but Neidhart doesn’t let him. Honky finally gets in the ring and he hides in the corner and tries to get a break by getting in the middle of the top and middle rope. Neidhart doesn’t care and he ends up laying in right hands and clubs to the chest of Honky. Neidhart then whips Honky into the corner and ends up dropping him with a back elbow. Honky gets up and goes for a right hand but Neidhart dunks and ends up nailing Honky with an atomic drop. Honky sells it like a million bucks and it looks awesome.

Neidhart drops Honky right a right hand and it sends him to the outside. Neidhart goes out after him. Honky gets in the ring and Neidhart grabs his leg but Jimmy Hart ends up hitting Neidhart with the mega phone to the back. Honky then starts to lay in the kicks and right hands to Neidhart who is laid out on the ground. Neidhart ends up in the corner and Honky goes in for some ax handles but Neidhart ends up nailing him with a few right hands then clubs to the chest.

Neidhart then whips Honky into the corner and ends up hitting him with a back elbow. Neidhart picks up Honky and hits him with a body slam and then drops him with a big time shoulder block. Neidhart then whips Honky into the ropes and Neidhart gets him in a bear hug. Out of no where Greg Valentine comes in and nails Neidhart in the back. Your winner by disqualification…..Jim Neidhart!

After the bell has rung Honky Tonk and Valentine work over Jim Neidhart. Valentine turns around the hammer jammer and ends up getting Neidhart in the figure four leg lock as Honky Tonk keeps drop elbows. Bret Hart comes out of no where and starts laying in the right hands to Honky Tonk as Valentine breaks the hold. Honky Tonk and Valentine head outside as Bret checks on Neidhart.

This match wasn’t bad. There wasn’t much to it and they had the screwy finish but thats to be expected for this era. This set up the match between the two teams at Wrestlemania 5, so job well done there. I believe they did another angle later on where Bret gets nailed with a guitar but I am unsure when exactly that occurred. All in all, this was a decent match with a nice angle after the match was over. Job well done here finally.

Face to Face: Fabulous Rougeau Brothers w/ Jimmy Hart & Bushwhackers

Jimmy starts is off by saying that we don’t mind taking on a couple of wrestlers but look at these goofs. Hart then calls out the goofy Bushwhacker boots, the goofy Bushwhacker pants. Hart then says come on man. Butch hops on the mic and says that at least they don’t look like a couple of sissy belly dancers. Jacques then tells us that the problem with the good ol’ USA and it is the economy. Jacques says the problem is we let to many foreigners into the country like the Bushwhackers and they take all of our money. This is a classic heel move. I love it.

Butch then says where in the hell do the foreign Ragu sisters come from. Raymond then responds and tells them that they come from Memphis, TN. Raymond says it is the Rougeau Brothers not the Ragu Sisters. Luke says he wonders what the neighborhood is like where the Rougeau’s are and that maybe they should move to Memphis, TN. Jacques says that if you talk scientific wrestling and beautiful wrestlers then its the Rougeau Brothers. Butch says if the Ragu says if the Rougeau’s think they are so smart then why do they have to have that sissy manager.

Raymond says that the two whackos are going to find out at Wrestlemania 5. Butch and Luke say they will show them. Butch says that they are not only going to show the USA but the whole bloody world how they are going to deal with the Ragu sisters.

Vignette on Ted DiBiase going to his jeweler asking to see his belt. He wants to see his belt right now and he doesn’t care if it is in a million pieces or not.

Match 7: Brain Busters vs. The Rockers

The Rockers come charging into the ring and all four are brawling in the ring. Shawn and Arn are in the ring while Tully and Marty are brawling on the outside. Marty goes flying off the stairs and nails Tully with a cross body. Marty and Tully brawl all the way to the back and they leave ringside. Arn goes up and over Shawn but ends up getting nailed with a side kick. Shawn mounts Arn and lays in the rights but Heenan attacks him from behind. Marty ends up coming back out and they end up nailing Arn with a double drop kick.

Tully comes running back out as well. We don’t even have a bell yet as these four just brawl all over the ring. Shawn is now working over Tully and Arn is working over Marty as more refs come out to try and break these two teams up. All four brawl to the back with the refs trying to separate them as they send it back to Gorilla.

This wasn’t even a match but it was pretty damn entertaining. It really set the tone for the feud that these two teams would have throughout the year and those matches are some of the best tag team matches I’ve seen. All four guys can really go and this was just a sample of what was to come. Great way to start this feud here.

Face to Face: Ultimate Warrior & Rick Rude w/ Bobby Heenan

Rude comes out and takes off his robe and says witness if you will the body that put Ultimate Warrior to shame at the Super Pose Down. Rude says that Ultimate Warrior cannot live up to his standards at the podium. Rude then says at Wrestlemania 5 the Warrior will crumble and Rude will become the ultimate Intercontinental Champion. Rude just keeps posing as Warrior comes out and destroys the podium and acts like a crazy man. Warrior then does a pose and heads out of town as that wraps up this debate.

Match 8: Brooklyn Brawler vs. Omar Atlas

The Brawler takes off his leather hat and just smokes Atlas right in the face with it. That was hilarious. Brawler then rakes the eyes of Atlas across the top rope. Brawler then chokes Atlas with his boot while he yells “let me see you squeal.” Brawler drops Atlas with a chop and then stomps on the midsection of him while on the mat. Brawler then starts biting Atlas in the face. What is with all the biting on this episode? Anyways, Brawler throws Atlas to the outside and he goes out after him and slams him face first into the apron. Atlas gets back in the ring as Heenan comes over and gives the Brawler some instructions on what to do.

Brawler goes for a right hand but Atlas blocks it and hits Brawler with his own right hand but the Brawler quickly rakes the eyes and regains control of the match. Brawler whips Atlas into the ropes but ducks down to early and Atlas kicks him in the face. Atlas then nails some right hands on Brawler in the corner but Brawler slaps Atlas in the face and starts to choke him some more with his leg draped over Atlas who is leaned up against the middle rope. Brawler whips Atlas into the corner and he nails him with a clothesline. Brawler goes to the middle rope and he drives Atlas face first into the mat as he goes for the cover and gets the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall…..Brooklyn Brawler!

Another shit match on this show. These were two jobbers going at it and not really doing much of anything. Brawler could have been better but they explained it away as Heenan told Brawler to get back to brawling and doing whatever it takes to win so thats what the Brawler did. Really nothing to see here at all and a waste of time. Sounds like the majority of this show.

WWF Event Center w/ Promos By: Jake Roberts

Jake says for the first time in a long time he finally got what he asked for. He says on April 2nd the war will be over between he and Andre. Jake says we finally got somebody in the ring that will control the match. Jake says Andre will not be able to stick his mits around him and choke him out. Jake says we got somebody who can keep control and he is not a child but he is a man. Jake says there is nothing in it for him for Studd. Jake says that this match will be contested under the rules. Jake then says everything is legal as long as you don’t get count. Jake says Damien is just a part of it and that is something that Andre has to live with the rest of his life.

Face to Face: Randy Savage & Hulk Hogan

Vince lets us know that Savage has refused to appear in front of everyone, including Hulk Hogan. They then take us to a previous promo by the Macho Man. Savage says that he should have known from the beginning based off what Hogan said. Savage says he was out for what was his and that was Elizabeth. Savage said that Hogan had lust in his eyes. They then cut to the promo where Hogan says that he is fighting for the same thing and that Elizabeth was his lady as well. They go back to Savage and he said the words got stuck but he swallowed it anyways. He said he didn’t like the taste but he swallowed it anyways. Savage then talks about when he beat a Conquistador and Hogan was ringside with him. Savage says he could have beat both Conquistadors by himself but Hogan showed up to steal the spotlight of the Madness. Savage says that Hogan was so jealous of the WWF Champion that he can’t stand it. Savage says that Hogan made a big idiot by himself. Savage then says speaking of idiot things how about that idea he had for SummerSlam. They show the promo where Hogan tells us that Elizabeth is going to take off her skirt and show off the secret weapon.

Savage says that too was hard to swallow that stupid idea. Savage the thing that was the capper that he couldn’t swallow and that made him throw up. Savage said that Hogan has lust in his eyes and in his black heart. They then show the video of Hogan putting his hand on Elizabeth’s ass. Savage says that is what sealed Hogan’s fate and put the Madness over the edge. Savage says when the moment of truth comes at Wrestlemania 5 that Hogan will not take anything that is Savage’s. Savage says Hogan is not going to take his manager because she will be in the corner of the Madness.

Savage also says that Hogan will not take the WWF title because when he crawls through the ropes and Hogan looks into the eyes of Savage he will start to shake. Savage says he knows everything about Hogan including his strengths and weaknesses. Savage says that his eyes are the eyes of victory and he will not be denied. Savage says what is he going to tell of his Hulkamaniacs when everyone there and everyone around the world know that Hulkamania is dead.

They come back to Vince and he brings out Hulk Hogan to say his rebuttal. Vince rides the dick and thanks Hogan for showing up and being here to rebuttal. Vince asks Hogan what he meant by saying was his lady. Hogan says that it is no surprise that Savage didn’t show up here. Hogan says that the way Savage turned on him and Elizabeth and destroyed the Mega Powers thing in Milwaukee that Hogan isn’t surprised Savage isn’t showing himself until Wrestlemania 5. Hogan says that says a lot about Savage. Hogan says that as far as Savage is going with accusing him of Elizabeth being his lady. Hogan said that he wanted Elizabeth to be his manager and there was nothing emotional or physical is wrong. Hogan says the way Hogan twisted the footage around to make it more than that makes him sick. They then show the full footage of the Hogan promo that Savage brought up.

Vince then asks about Hogan hotdogging, showboating, and stealing the thunder of Savage during the Conquistador match. Hogan says in Milwaukee Savage made the decision on which way he was going and now Hogan sees how warped his thinking is now. Hogan says that Savage was right about the Conquistadors match and that Hogan did what Savage asked him to do and that was to have his back. Hogan says he wasn’t hot dogging because he was putting towards Savage during the posing. Vince asks if it was Hogan’s idea to use Elizabeth as the secret weapon at SummerSlam. Hogan says when they formed the Mega Power team, they would make the decisions 50/50. Hogan says when they got to SummerSlam against the Mega Bucks was the toughest spot they have been in. Hogan says the way Savage is twisting that story makes him even more sick.

Vince says the thing that may hurt Hogan the most is having the lust in his heart. They then take us to the post match celebration at the end of SummerSlam. Hogan says as far as that goes that there was something in his eyes and it was envy. Hogan says that the way Savage held his end up at SummerSlam made him proud. Hogan says he just put her on his shoulder and handed her the belt. Hogan says all he wanted was to be on his shoulder as well. Hogan says he wanted to be sky high with both of them. Hogan says that was all it was and all he saw in his eye was envy. Hogan says that Savage’s mind is so warped and he is glad Savage is not there because he may take his head off right here. Hogan says at Wrestlemania 5 Savage is going to see what the true meaning of Hulkamania really is. Hogan says that he is going ruin and end Savage Mania 5 and whatcha gonna do brother?!?

Match 9: WWF Tag Team Title Match: Demolition (c) vs. Powers of Pain

They all start the match brawling in the ring as Ax throws Barbarian out of the ring. Warlord and Smash are in the other corner as they start off the match. Smash reveres an irish whip and hits Warlord low and then snaps him over and starts laying in the clubs to the chest. We get a quick tag to Ax and they hit Warlord with a double clothesline. Ax starts working over the neck of Warlord as Ax starts yelling at Fuji who is ringside. Ax rams the head of Warlord into the knee of Smash as he tags him in. Smash gets in the ring and rams the head of the Warlord into the turnbuckle and lays in some right hands. Smash whips Warlord into the corner but Warlord moves out of the way and Smash crashes into the corner.

Warlord tags in the Barbarian and he ends up nailing Smash with a big ass boot out of an irish whip. Barbarian goes for another kick but Smash catches him and drops him to the mat and starts smashing the back of Barbarian. We get a tag to Ax as both men start clubbing Barbarian down. Smash gets out of the ring and Ax just keeps the clubs to the back going. Ax drops the Barbarian with a clothesline and then he nails the Warlord. Warlord ends up getting in the ring as Fuji nails Ax with his cane as the ref is distracted by the Barbarian. Fuji then takes his cane and starts choking Ax as well. Ax ends up on the outside and Fuji again nails him with the cane. Barbarian gets him back in the ring and he ends up tagging in the Warlord.

Warlord hits a few kicks and punches and then he chokes him out again on the floor. Warlord tags in the Barbarian and he ends up hitting Ax with a karate chop to the side of the neck. Barbarian then picks up Ax and drops him with a shoulder breaker. Barbarian then gets a nerve hold in on Ax. Smash distracts the ref as the Warlord comes in without a tag. He puts him in the same nerve hold that the Barbarian hard just a moment ago. Ax gets up to his feet and breaks free as he nearly gets the tag but the Warlord chops him in the neck and drops Ax as he gets a tag in to the Barbarian. Barbarian ends up dropping Ax with a side kick as Warlord held him up.

Barbarian hits a vicious chop on Ax and it sends Ax through the ropes and out to the floor. Warlord goes out after him and ends up throwing Ax into the corner post on the outside. Ax is trying to get back into the ring and Fuji nails him in the back with his cain. Ax gets up again and he finally gets back into the ring. Barbarian hits a head butt on the lower back of Ax. We get a tag to the Warlord and he comes in and drops an ax handle to the lower back of Ax. Warlord whips Ax into the ropes and ducks to early as Ax drops him with an ax handle. Ax finally gets the tag to Smash as he comes in and starts working over both members of the Powers of Pain.

Smash picks up the Warlord and body slams him and then does the same to Barbarian. Smash then drops Warlord with a clothesline and then he sends the Barbarian over the top rope with a clothesline. Smash picks up the Warlord and drops him with a hot shot type move. Ax comes in to help but he gets sent packing to the outside as Barbarian hits a clothesline off the middle rope while the Warlord holds him up. Ax comes in and makes the save on the 2 count. Ax throws at the Warlord as Fuji gets on the apron with his cain. Ax takes the cain and just starts nailing Warlord and Barbarian with it. Fuji ends up getting in the ring and he throws the salt in the eyes of Ax as the referee calls for the bell.

After the bell rings, Fuji starts working Smash over with the cain and he breaks it across the back of Smash. Fink lets us know that the winners of the match by disqualification is…..Demolition!

This was a pretty good match and was better than their Wrestlemania match if you ask me. They had more time to work and the Powers of Pain did pretty well controlling the match. The non-finish was there to get us ready for Wrestlemania and making us want to see them go at them again. Adding Fuji to the Mania match was pretty good booking since they wanted him involved in the match so he couldn’t hurt them on the outside. Pretty awesome idea if you ask me. Again a good way to advance this feud and getting you ready for Wrestlemania so that is a job well done here.

Show Recap:
So, there we have it. This was Vince’s way of getting you prepared for Wrestlemania and I would say it was a job well done. It was a month away from the pay per view so getting the big matches on prime time television and going at each other in a debate format was pretty awesome if you ask me. I enjoyed most of the debates and they did what they were supposed to do and thats making you want to see these guys go at each other. Of course Savage and Hogan had the best debate and is definitely worth the 2+ hour wait to get to it so don’t get bored and give up on the show early or you will miss the best part about it.

The matches themselves on this card were nothing to right home about but they were just an after thought to the main point of this show and that was the debates. The banter between Gorilla and Bobby was awesome as usual so for those things alone it is worth checking this show out. The main event was pretty good and fun to watch. I also like the brawl between the Rockers vs. the Busters. Koko’s match wasn’t bad but it wasn’t very good either. Other than those things, this show match wise just wasn’t very good.

So there it is the Prime Time Wrestling Face to face special. This was the prelude to Wrestlemania 5 so I would recommend reading this one first then Mania 5 but that is completely up to you. The best part of these shows are the debates between the wrestlers and the build up to Wrestlemania 5. However, if you are watching this show for wrestling then I would skip this show all together. There really is nothing special or memorable match wise and thats okay with me because they were trying to sell a pay per view with the biggest starts talking about their big matches. Thats the selling point of this show and it hit so I would recommend checking this show out at least once.

Well I hope you enjoyed this review and I hope you stick around for Wrestlemania 5 that is going to follow this one rather quickly. After that we are going to be hitting up a few Summer themed shows and time frame going forward. I have broken up my reviews based off the time of the year so you will be getting a lot of Summer shows until the end of August and then we will move on to some things in the Fall. I hope you stick around for all of them right here on CrazyMax. Until next time, have a good one and thanks for reading!


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