Hello and welcome back to Television Rewind right here on CrazyMax. We are back and we are chugging along towards SummerSlam 1990. We already done the Saturday Night’s Main Event from July 1990. Now we are hitting up the SummerSlam Fever a week prior to the big event. Lets see what the WWF has in store for us and how they use their “go home” show to sale those pay per view buys. So without further ado I present to you SummerSlam Fever 1990!
Event Information:
Date: August 15th, 1990
Location: Utica Memorial Auditorium in Utica, New York
Attendance: 5,000
Main Event: Earthquake vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Show Opening:
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The show opens up with Vince McMahon and Bobby Heenan at the announce booth. Vince lets us know we are a week away from SummerSlam but where they are at tonight things are heating up to a fever pitch. Heenan says it’s hot and it is going to continue to get hotter until we get to SummerSlam. Vince runs through the card where we get Duggan vs. Earthquake. Heenan says Duggan is going to the hospital at the hands of Earthquake. We will hear from The Ultimate Warrior and Heenan says he is going to quit tonight and just give the title to Ravishing Rick. We will also have a match between Nikolai Volkoff and Boris Zhukov. Heenan says that Volkoff stabbed Boris in the back and that Volkoff is a traitor. Hogan and Earthquake will be on the Brother Love show as well.
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They show highlights of the Rockers vs. Demolition from Saturday Night’s Main Event.
Match 1: Smash vs. Jim Neidhart
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They start with Smash and Neidhart staring each other down in the middle of the ring. They tie up and it becomes a test of strength until they just break it off. Neidhart gets control by working the arm of Smash early on. Neidhart drops Smash with a shoulder block and this pisses Smash off so he gets up and gets right in the face of Neidhart. Neidhart blocks a charging Smash in the corner with a big boot and then a clothesline followed by a 2 count. Neidhart goes back to the arm as this one rolls on.
Smash goes up to the middle rope but Neidhart ends up catching him and dropping him with an atomic drop. Vince calls it a reverse pile driver on commentary. Neidhart goes to ram Smash into the corner but Smash ducks down and Neidhart goes crashing into the corner. Smash gets the advantage as he starts hammering down on Neidhart with some ax handles to the back. Smash goes for an elbow but Neidhart rolls out of the way. Both guys get up and they exchange forearms.
Neidhart hits Smash with a big back body drop as he regains control of the match. Neidhart follows that up with a nice standing drop kick for a 2 count. Neidhart gets another 2 count after a side Russian leg sweep. Neidhart then hits a flying shoulder block that sends Smash to the outside. Neidhart rams Smash into the steel post before going back out and throwing Smash into the ring. Neidhart goes up and over to get back in the ring but Smash drops down on him and holds on to the ropes to get a 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….Demolition Smash!
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After the match Neidhart attacks Smash and nails him with the tag team title belt. Neidhart leaves with the tag team belt as Heenan says that is the only way they will get the belt and that’s by stealing it. Neidhart is standing towards the entrance holding up the belt as Ax and Crush come out no where and attack Neidhart. Smash joins in on the fray as all three members of Demolition demolish Neidhart and leave him laying.
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This match sucked ass to be honest. It never really got going and we had a quick finish. Neither guy looked all that into it and the match just came across as flat and boring. Usually the WWF was pretty good at having an exciting match up front but this one definitely wasn’t it. Only thing this match really did was show what we might see at SummerSlam and leaves you wondering what members of Demolition are going to be in the match at SummerSlam. In that aspect I guess they did their job. But the match itself sucked ass.
Ringside Interview: Demolition
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Gene tells us his interview was supposed to be Jim Neidhart but obviously that isn’t happening. All three members of Demolition show up instead as Crush tells us that they are taking this show over. Gene tells Ax that Neidhart will have Bret in his corner at SummerSlam. Ax tell the bald headed geek to listen. Ax says they aren’t worried about the Hart Foundation or SummerSlam. Demolition says they are controlling the WWF Tag Team Championship scene. Ax says that Neidhart got a little taste of what is going to happen at SummerSlam. Ax says they may not like but they are going to have take it and there is nothing they can do about it.
Smash says they love the match at SummerSlam. Smash says nobody knows what two will be in the ring at SummerSlam. Smash says they don’t let anyone touch the belts and they are going to leave the Hart Foundation laying at SummerSlam.
Match 2: Texas Tornado vs. Black Bart
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They have a stare down but Bart pushes Kerry back but Kerry returns the favor. They tie up and Bart pushes Tornado down. They do it again and this time Kerry sends Bart flying. Kerry ends up doing a drop down and trips up Bart as he drops an elbow on the knee of Bart. Kerry gets up and he does it again. Bart drives Tornado into the corner and starts choking him until Kerry ends up hitting Bart with a hip toss and a clothesline that sends Bart out of the ring.
Bart gets back in and Kerry drops him with a body slam and then the spinning punch for the 1-2-3. Your winner of the match….Texas Tornado Kerry Von Erich!
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This was your typical squash match and nothing more. Kerry looked good and Black Bart was able to get a few things in but nothing special. The tornado punch was pretty cool but that’s about it. Really nothing to see here and its worth skipping unless you are a fan of Kerry Von Erich.
Ringside Interview: Mr. Perfect & Bobby Heenan
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Gene says after what he has just seen that he is impressed with the Texas Tornado. Heenan says that Tornado was a little rusty on a few moves and his coordination was off on other moves. Heenan says if Kerry is 100% he still isn’t perfect. Perfect then says that everybody knows by now he is by far the greatest athlete the WWF has ever produced. Perfect says all you have to do is scan the body from top to bottom of Mr. Perfect. Perfect says he is what champions are made of and that he is the big shot of the WWF. Perfect says he has no fear and he has what it takes as well as the perfect manager in Bobby Heenan. Perfect says that nobody beats Mr. Perfect…..Nobody!
Match 3: Warlord vs. Pez Whatley
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Pez tries to get some offense going early on but it’s not working. Warlord is missing some stuff but not much going on here yet. Warlord throws Pez into the ropes and drops him with a back breaker. Warlord does his shitty club to the back before whipping Pez into the corner. Slick tells the Warlord to put him away now, i wish he would. Warlord tries to ram the head of Pez into the turnbuckle, and of course because of the hard head gimmick, it does no damage to Pez.
Warlord ducks early as Pez nails him with a head butt and then some right hands. Pez goes up to the middle rope with a head butt on the Warlord but the Warlord won’t go down. Pez heads back up to the middle rope and this time the Warlord catches him and then drops him with an atomic drop. Warlord picks up Pez and hits the running power slam for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….The Warlord!
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Another shit squash match here. This time the Warlord looks like total crap and Pez has a hard head just because it’s a stupid gimmick that has been around for years. All in all just a dud of a match and it did nothing to get you excited for the Warlord. Skip this garbage.
Vignette on Ravishing Rick Rude
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They go to Rick Rude who is working with a speed bag that has the Warrior’s face painted on it. Rude says he has beaten Warrior before and he will beat him again. Rude says that all of his skills will be sharpened and he is going to be as quick as a cat and as strong as an ox. Rude says when skill collides with opportunity then it will be the end for the Warrior.
They then cut to Rude in a boxing ring and Heenan having the punching pads on. Rude keeps on saying come on Warrior. Rude then says that Warrior should be thinking of him day and night. Rude says it’s not just because he is the one and only man who has beaten him for a title but it’s because he hears the foot steps and he Warrior knows who they belong to.
They then go to Rude climbing a rope. Rude says that the whole world knows that Rude is the one and only that can beat the Warrior right now. Heenan then says that they are going all the way to the top as Rude starts climbing they rope. Rude climbs back down as he says that he knows the climb to the top is not an easy thing to do. Rude says what the Warrior is about to find out is that getting shoved to the bottom isn’t an easy thing to take.
They then go to Rude, who is on a beach, and he says that he is coming to get the Ultimate Warrior. Rude says he is coming to take his title. Rude then takes off running as he has 5 more miles to go.
Ringside Interview: Ultimate Warrior
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Gene says that Warrior is the most active WWF Champion ever. Gene says that Rude is a desperate man and that desperate men do desperate things. Warrior says for a man to know desperation he must know defeat. Warrior says Rude will never realize and will never walk as the World Wrestling Federation Champion. Gene says he has seen a steel cage match before and that Warrior needs to be aware that it is a very dangerous match. Warrior says that for a man to understand the dangers of this match then the man must understand fear. Warrior says if the unknown of a 15 feet steel cage then let it be because there is no other reason to live.
Gene says in a a steel cage match, should he prevail, Warrior has two choices to exit the cage either over the top or through the door. Warrior says he makes no decisions. Warrior says if his Warrior’s make him feel that he wants to go through the door then he will but if he wants to go over the top then he will do that too. Warrior says if he wants to go through the cage or take the steel cage with him then let it because his Warriors will make that command.
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They show Nikolai Volkoff teaming up with Jim Duggan from the Brother Love show. They also show Nikolai receiving an award and doing the pledge of allegiance.
Match 4: Nikolai Volkoff vs. Boris Zhukov
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Boris attacks Volkoff from behind as he lays in the boots but when he comes charging in Volkoff gets both boots up and drops Boris. Volkoff starts laying in the boots to Boris as he rolls to the outside. Volkoff picks up Boris and drops him with the safest looking body slam on the outside. That looked like total shit. Boris ducks down early on an Irish whip so Volkoff grabs Boris by the beard and just drops him down to the mat. Volkoff then drops Boris with a big back drop.
Volkoff gets caught and then Volkoff hits him with an atomic drop. Volkoff then whips Boris chest first into the turnbuckle and then hits Boris in the back with a clothesline. Volkoff goes for the cover and gets the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall…Nikolai Volkoff!
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So this is supposed to be one of the bigger matches on the card and it was a total squash. Boris got the heat early for about 2 seconds and that’s it. Volkoff dominated and I guess that’s a good thing because of his recent face turn. You want him to keep that momentum and not lose it by getting in a match that is way to long and expose him. So job well done on that front but this match was garbage. I was a little disappointed that he didn’t do his terrible spinning leg kick to the gut but oh well. Just another dud that is worth skipping. Seems like this card is full of them.
Ringside Interview: Macho King Randy Savage & Queen Sherri
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Gene says things are getting to a fever pitch for SummerSlam. Savage says that he wants all the people to realize something and he especially wants the American Dream to realize that when you get in the ring with Randy Savage at SummerSlam then you are stepping into the ring with the greatest wrestler in the WWF yesterday, today, and tomorrow past, present, and future. Savage says Rhodes will be defeated and it is as easy as 1-2-3. Oh yeah!
Sherri calls Sapphire sweet and sour. Sherri says one more time Sapphire wants the queen. Sherri says that Sapphire thinks she is worthy of being in the ring with her. Sherri tells Sapphire to look into her eyes so she can see what is in store for her. Sherri says when you think you have the Queen at a disadvantage she will rip her heart out and take control. Sherri says she is going to show the world what the common woman she really is.
Savage says we have the eye of the tiger and the heat returns at SummerSlam in the city of brotherly love. Savage says that Dusty Rhodes and Sapphire will feel the wrath of the Macho King and the Sensational Queen….OH YEAH!
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They show what happened to Tugboat from Superstars of Wrestling when Dino Bravo and Earthquake attacked him.
Brother Love Show: Hulk Hogan & Earthquake
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Brother Love brings out Hogan first. When he calls for Earthquake only Jimmy Hart shows up. Hogan asks where the Earthquake is. Jimmy Hart says that he is afraid Hulk Hogan. Hogan says afraid Jimmy Hart but Brother Love snatches the mic from Hogan. Jimmy says that Earthquake isn’t afraid of Hogan but he is afraid of what he might do to Hogan if he was out there on the Brother Love Show.
Jimmy says remember last time we were on the Brother Love when Hogan asked where Earthquake was and then 2 minutes later Hogan was laid out on the ground holding his necklace as all the kids were crying. Jimmy says that they are going to give Hogan a reprieve. Jimmy says that Earthquake has an important match with Jim Duggan and they don’t want Hogan to interfere. Jimmy says if Hogan interferes or comes to the ring during Quake’s match then he will never ever make it to SummerSlam. Jimmy said that the fans will be crying while Hogan is holding his ribs and getting carried out on stretcher and leaving in an ambulance again if he interferes in the match.
Hogan tells Jimmy Hart that the only person he answers to is the big Hulkster in the sky and his tiny Hulkamaniacs. Hogan says if the Earthquake has something to say to him then go get him and tell him to say it to his face. Hogan says he isn’t going to listen to a guy like Jimmy Hart but if the Earthquake wants to say something to him then he needs to come out here and say it to his face. Hogan then grabs Jimmy Hart and kicks him in the butt and it sends Jimmy Hart running for the Earthquake.
Brother Love then gets in the face of Hogan and accuses him of being a big boy by kicking around a 140 pound manager. Brother Love says at SummerSlam it will be one on one vs. Earthquake with Dino Bravo in his corner. Brother Love says Earthquake has already taken out the Tugboat and that Hogan will be all alone at SummerSlam. Brother Love accuses Hogan of being afraid. Hogan says being out here with Brother Love gives him the creeps. Hogan says that he is not afraid because he has the big Hulkster in the sky and his little Hulkamaniacs watching his back then he will be just fine.
Hogan says just being out here reminds him the last time he was out there when he got cheap shotted by Earthquake. Hogan says it also makes him think of all the little Hulksters that wrote letters and cards. Hogan says it made him a lot stronger and has turned Hulkamania to the highest peak that it has ever been. Hogan says when he gets to SummerSlam when he gets Earthquake pressed over his head with the largest arms in the world when he slams him through the mat at the Spectrum. Hogan wants everyone to know when Hogan spins off the Richter scale, it was Earthquake falling to the feet of the strongest force in the universe, the power of Hulkamania. Whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania finishes you Earthquake!
Match 5: Power & Glory vs. Mark Thomas/Mike Williams
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Roma is taunting Thomas and then just nails him with a nice looking clothesline. Roma then drops Thomas with a beautiful drop kick that nailed him flush in the face. That was awesome. Williams gets in the ring and Roma drops him with a nice under hook suplex. Hercules gets tagged in and he drops Williams with a clothesline and then gorilla pressed slammed him to the outside. The dude damn near landed on the apron before he rolled off and fell to the outside. That could have ended up bad.

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This match was nothing special but i loved the tag team of Hercules and Roma. I though they were awesome together and really complimented each other very well. Their Power Plex finisher was always on point and they had it down to a science and perfect timing. Just a really cool finisher and a pretty solid team. It’s a shame that they never really amounted to anything because they could have been a pretty good addition to the tag team scene during this time. I always felt like they should have gotten way more than they did.
Ringside Interview: Sapphire
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Gene checks out all of the gifts that Sapphire has been receiving and he wants to know who is giving them to her. They even show her arriving to the building in a limo. Sapphire says that’s right and she figured she would use it since they gave it to her. Gene said that she can use the limo to show up to the Spectrum for her match against Sherri. Sapphire says she is going to have a big surprise because she is going to get covered in polka dots.
Gene asks Sapphire who has been giving her all of the gifts. Sapphire says she has no idea who is giving her the gifts but she thinks she is falling in love with the guy. Gene asks her about the biggest gift of them all that will be done at SummerSlam and Sapphire says that she isn’t saying a word but you will have to find out at SummerSlam. Gene asks Sapphire who is going to win between Dusty Rhodes vs. Randy Savage. Sapphire says that Dusty is going to go into the match a winner and leave the match a winner.
Match 6: Jake Roberts vs. Mike Sharpe
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Jake starts working the arm and you can tell because Sharpe is yelling and the camera is picking it up. Sharpe ends up hitting Jake with a nice hip toss but he ends up missing the elbow. Jake hits a high knee and then starts working the arm again. Sharpe starts working over Jake in the corner and then drops him with a back elbow out of an Irish whip. Sharpe starts choking Jake across the top rope with his knee.
Sharpe comes charging in on Jake in the corner but Jake moves out of the way and he goes crashing into the turnbuckle. Jake starts laying in the right hands until he drops Sharpe with the short arm clothesline. Jake then picks up Sharpe and drops him with the DDT for the 1-2-3. Your winner of the match by pinfall….Jake Roberts!
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After the match Jake lets out Damien and it crawls all over Mike Sharpe in the middle of the ring. Sharpe freaks out when he sees the snake and he ends up standing up then falling down as he leaves the ring.
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Sharpe dominated the match for the most part until Jake gets bored and just finishes Mike Sharpe off. Jake got his 2-3 moves in that he normally would and then finished off Mike Sharpe. Nothing horrible here but nothing special either. These matches are just here so they can hype the main guys match at SummerSlam. Thankfully they would change this format the following year and give us some matches that are actually worth a shit because nothing has been so far here.
Promo By: Bad News Brown
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They go to a promo with Bad News Brown where he is holding up a possum over a trash can with his initials on it. Classic 1990 WWF right here and I love it. Bad News says the “sewer rat” (possum) is too small so it’s back to the sewer he goes. Bad News says he is picky and choosy because he wants his mutant rats to be a certain size like the ones in the cage. Brown says they are 200 pounds as well as stinky and smelly. Bad News says he made a promise that the rats will get Damien and that he never breaks a promise. Bad News says he promised himself a treat too by putting the Ghetto Blaster on the marshmallow head of Jake. Brown then promises “to let the bad boys out and they will take care of Damien once and for all”.
Match 7: Mr. Perfect vs. Ronnie Garvin
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This is a non-title match. They tie up and then Perfect drives Garvin into the turnbuckle and then shoves him after her talks shit. They tie up again and we get the same thing again but this time Garvin slaps Perfect right in the face. Perfect lays in some chops but Garvin reverses it and chops the shit out of Perfect and then Garvin hip tosses him and sends Perfect out to the floor. Garvin hits a few right hands and it sends Perfect to the outside again. Perfect and Heenan regroup on the outside.
Perfect gets back in the ring and controls of the match with right hands and some knee lifts. They aren’t doing much more than right hands and chops. Kind of boring if you ask me. Perfect looked like he was going for a pile driver but Garvin picks him up on his shoulder and puts him on the top rope. Garvin then hits Perfect with a right hand that sends Perfect to the outside. Perfect gets back in the ring and Garvin drops him with a head butt and then gets a 2 count on a roll up.
Garvin goes for a splash pin but only gets a 2 count again. Garvin gets a reverse chin lock but Perfect breaks free by nailing Garvin with a right hand. Back to the rights and chops for Perfect. Garvin then whips Perfect into the turnbuckle and when he comes out Garvin just drops him with a big time right hand. Perfect gets back up and Garvin continues to hit him with some right hands until Garvin goes for a suplex but Perfect quickly turned it into the Perfect Plex for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….Mr. Perfect!
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This match sucked as well. It was nothing more than chops and right hands. Perfect did the bare minimum and it showed. He sold like he always did but the match itself was a lot of the same stuff over and over. A shame because they could have had a fun little match if they had wanted to. This is just another match that you can skip.
Ringside Interview: Dino Bravo & Jimmy Hart
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Gene says that it appears that Bravo’s activities will be restricted to a corner. Bravo says that is correct. Bravo says he will be standing there but he wants to know who will be standing in Hogan’s corner. Jimmy Hart says that the Tugboat is 20,000 leagues under the sea at this point. Jimmy says what Bravo and Earthquake think of the Tugboat is unsalvageable. Jimmy says that Hogan is all by himself and they are wondering who he is going to call. Jimmy says that he Bravo and Earthquake are a family and that it is all in the family. Bravo says he can’t wait for SummerSlam because he will witness the Earthquake finish off Hogan once and for all. Bravo says if Hogan thinks for one second to interfere in their match tonight then Hogan won’t have to worry about SummerSlam because he and Earthquake will finish him off tonight.
Match 8: Orient Express vs. Shane Douglas/Sonny Blaze
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When the Orient Express come to the ring Vince McMahon makes a comment that Mr. Fuji is of Fuji Vice fame. Such a classic mention there. Tanaka and Douglas start this one off. Douglas ends up hitting a high hip toss on Tanaka. Sato gets the tag and Douglas ends up getting him in a head lock and then getting Tanaka in a head scissors as he takes both guys down at the same time. He gets Sato in a head lock but Sato picks him up and drops him with a knee breaker so Douglas tags in Sonny Blaze.
Sato attacks Blaze right away and ends up tagging in Tanaka. Tanaka drops Blaze with a nice back handed chop as Tanaka tags in Sato again. Sato tags in Tanaka as Tanaka comes in and hits a leap frog butt drop on the back of Sonny Blaze. Tanaka then hits Blaze with his big time spinning elbow and then Sato comes in and drops Blaze with a nice side kick. Heenan says if Sato kicks Duggan like that it may straighten his eye out. Heenan was the man, and so damn funny. That is hilarious. Sato picks up Blaze and drops him with a sit down power bomb for the 1-2-3. Your winners by pinfall….Orient Express!
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This was a solid little match here. The Orient Express were pretty damn good and had a lot of good moves in the ring. The forearm by Tanaka and the side kick by Sato looked brutal but they were always pretty awesome spots to see. I loved the sit down power bomb finish because you just didn’t see moves like that in the WWF during this time. All in all this is one of the better squashes on the card and one worth checking out. It helped make the Express look good going into the Slam match against Volkoff and Duggan.
Match 9: Earthquake vs. Jim Duggan
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Before the match even starts the referee sends Dino Bravo back to the dressing room so this match is a one on one encounter. We finally get this one started as they tie up and Earthquake just pushes Duggan off as Earthquake poses afterwards. I always loved that heel heat he would get by just posing when he’s a fat slob looking dude. Such a great spot. Earthquake does it again and this time Earthquake mocks Hogan. Classic.

Earthquake gets Duggan back in the ring and Jimmy Hart starts choking him out. Earthquake picks up Duggan and just drives him in the corner. Earthquake then takes his fat ass and rests it on the face of Duggan. He tries to ram his ass into the face of Duggan but Duggan moves out of the way and Earthquake crashes into the turnbuckle. Duggan goes for a body slam but Quake puts a stop to that and gets Duggan in a bear hug. Duggan breaks free by biting the nose of Earthquake. Earthquake goes for an Irish whip on Duggan but Duggan comes off and hits Quake with a shoulder block but Earthquake won’t go down. Duggan tried 2 more shoulder blocks but he still won’t go down.
Duggan gets in the 3 point stance and Earthquake still won’t go down. Bravo comes out of no where and nails Duggan with a clothesline. Bravo and Earthquake are taking it to Duggan as this one is over. Jim Duggan is your winner by disqualification.
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After the match Bravo and Earthquake hit a double body slam on Duggan. Earthquake is going for his splash but Hogan comes out with a 2×4 and he cleans out by nailing Bravo and Earthquake in the back with the board. Hogan helps out Duggan and hands him over the board. Hogan and Duggan pose in the ring as they send it to Gene Okerlund who is standing by.
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This was a decent match here. The posing spots with Earthquake were hilarious and a classic heel move to draw heat. He looked ridiculous making the poses but it was great comedy if you ask me. We knew going in that neither guy was going to do the job so you was just waiting around for the interference to go down. Not a bad match but not a great one either.
Backstage Interview: Earthquake, Dino Bravo, & Jimmy Hart
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They show off the bruised back of Dino Bravo and Jimmy Hart says that Hogan won’t get away with this at SummerSlam and Hogan will be history. Bravo says Hogan will pay the real price at SummerSlam. Earthquake says after tonight he has all the incentive he needs to beat him at SummerSlam. Earthquake says Hogan had no business being in the ring because it was a match between he and Jim Duggan. Earthquake wants to know what right Hogan had to barge in and use a foreign object. Earthquake says at SummerSlam it is he and Hogan and that he is all his.
Show Closing:
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They head back to the announce position where Vince is running through some things while Heenan is on a telephone talking to someone. Vince invites us to the SummerSlam pay per view. Heenan says he is trying to order the pay per view for all his friends that can’t make it. Vince then takes us to Gene Okerlund and Brother Love who are in the back in a locker room somewhere. Gene asks Brother Love about his guest Sgt. Slaughter at SummerSlam. Brother Love says Slaughter is the greatest natural leader since brother general Saddam Hussein. Gene says the seats are all sold out a the Spectrum so you need to call and order on pay per view right now.
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Gene then asks Brother Love about the IC title match. Love says that Tornado is not Perfect so he will not be a champion. Brother Love says it only takes 2 Demolition to beat the Pink and Black. Gene says he is picking Hogan and Brother Love says that at SummerSlam it will be the end of Hulkamania. Gene brings up the WWF Title match in a steel cage. Brother Love predicts there will be a new WWF Champion in Ravishing Rick Rude. Brother Love gets to wrap the show but Gene walks away and tells them to cut it. Brother Love is saying how much he loves everyone as the show fades to black and ends while he is still talking.
Show Recap:
So there you have it for SummerSlam Fever 1990. The card itself was nothing special but the special interviews with a lot of the competitors is what you would watch this show for. The opening match with Smash and Neidhart could have been better but you don’t want to give away to much when you have to get back into the ring with each other in a week or so. After that we got a lot of squash matches that were used so the commentators could hype up the main guys match at SummerSlam.
All the guys in the squash matches looked for the most part and it gave the commentators enough time to hype up their match so you can get excited for each of them. The main matches after the opener were Boris vs. Nikolai and that was nothing more than a 2-3 minute squash. Volkoff dominated the match and got a quick win. Nothing special to write home about and it is something that is not worth going out of your way to see.
Ronnie Garvin vs. Mr. Perfect wasn’t horrible either but they just did the same thing over and over again for the 5 minutes they were in the ring together. They just chopped the shit out of each other until Perfect hit him with the Perfect Plex. After that it was Duggan vs. Earthquake in the main event. Duggan wasn’t going to do the job and Earthquake was built to strong to do the job either so having Bravo come out made the most sense. This also gave us a taste of what could happen at SummerSlam and why Hogan needed a friend in his corner. They did a nice job of pushing SummerSlam during this match and it made you wonder who was going to be in the corner of Hogan.
All in all this card was built just to push the pay per view that was coming up in a week. They accomplished that goal ten fold because the whole show was them talking about SummerSlam. The interviews were all awesome and really made you want to check out the matches. The biggest names were there and they cut good promos hyping up their matches. Really a job well done on WWF’s part with this show.
So that does it, we are done with SummerSlam Fever 1990. This show is nothing special on the whole but for the time it really did a nice job of pushing the pay per view and trying to get you to buy it. When you are using that mindset then you can appreciate what they were going for here. I enjoyed watching the show and it is something I could watch again. Anyways, this one is done so we are turning our attention to Road Wild 1999. We get the return of the red and yellow version of Hulk Hogan as he comes back to square off against his former friend Kevin Nash in a Retirement/WCW World Title Match. Who’s going to win and what am I going to think about it? I guess you are going to have to tune into the Event Center to find out.