The WWE Raw Report 7/20/15


WWE Raw Preshow Notes for 7/20/15

– It’s Stanford, Graves and Otunga at WWE HQ. We kick off with video of the Undertaker’s return from last night. The panel talks about Taker’s return, what it means for Lesnar and Heyman. Stanford mentions Undertaker is backstage at Raw and speculates he will appear.

– They talk Cena vs. Owens. There’s an exclusive interview with Kevin Owens post match conducted by Eden. Owens gets pissed at the interviewer for insisting he submitted. He said he tapped for self preservation, because he needs to keep making money to feed his family. Owens trashes Eden for having no responsibilities in life and tells her he doesn’t like her. KO walks off in disgust.

– The Wyatt Family reunited to beat Roman Reigns at Battleground. The guys chat about Luke Harper’s return to the Family and how Reigns can overcome.

– The Bellas got showed up last night, well Brie did. The NXT gals made Brie look like a minor leaguer last night in her loss. That’s not what they’re saying on the show, but that’s what I’m saying. Charlotte won the 3-way last night, Brie had no business in there with them. Talk about exposing someone that sucks…

WWE Raw Report 7/20/15 from the Sprint Center in Kansas City, Missouri

Undertaker Promo

– We kick off Raw with a clip of last night and the Undertaker’s return. Then to the live show where The Undertaker makes his way to ringside! Taker says the painful truth is streaks are made to be broken, that’s not what pissed the Undertaker off… What pissed him off was Brock and Heyman reminding everyone week after week, and month after month that he beat Taker. Taker says he’s had enough… Taker says his career went from smoldering ashes to a raging inferno. Last night was Taker’s resurrection. Both men are now headed to new destinies and Taker challenges Brock’s mortality. Taker wants to conquer Lesnar, and he will RIP.

Entrance took 6 minutes, promo lasted 4. True story…

– Backstage, HHH and Stephanie are marveling at Taker’s return. HHH says he hasn’t seen that look in Taker’s eyes in YEARS. HHH wants Lesnar vs. Taker for Summer Slam, Steph goes to inform marketing (lol), so HHH says he’s going to go call Heyman and tell him to keep Lesnar away from the arena tonight so the two don’t kill each other and ruin the Slam main event. HHH says that they need to keep Brock away tonight…

– We learn it’s Charlotte vs. brie tonight… Poor Charlotte… Also 6-man with Cena, Orton & Cesaro vs. Owens, Rusev & Sheamus. Well, Sheamus ruined that lineup.

— Commercial Break —

– Team BAD join commentary for the upcoming Divas match.

1. Charlotte (w/Paige & Lynch) vs. Brie Bella (w/Nikki & Fox)

Naomi picking up that ghetto accent on commentary. Ya know, heels speak ghetto. This commentary with Team BAD is irritating as all hell. Charlotte overpowers Brie in the feeling out process and 2 minutes into the match we take a commercial break. Okay. 2 minutes in and Brie is already stinking up the joint. The Bellas HAVING to be in the thick of this movement may ruin the entire thing. I cant help but wonder if Foxy can at least hang better than the Bellas.

Back from break, Brie does some “YES” kicks and a dropkick gets 2. Team BAD rips Brie for having “a lot of germs”, ehem. Charlotte escapes a chinlock by driving Brie back into the corner. Brie comes back out with a missile dropkick off the middle rope for another 2… Charlotte catches Brie’s foot and chops the shit out of her. Charlotte with a nice variation of a neckbreaker and then floors Brie before going for the Figure 8… Nikki jumps up onto the apron but Charlotte gets her down. Brie misses an attack and Charlotte lands a SPEAR… and the FIGURE 8…. BRIE TAPS. Charlotte wins in 9:02.

Brie continues to play the jobber of the Bellas, proving that Daniel Bryan has nothing on John Cena.

– Roman Reigns vs. Luke Harper tonight.

– HHH is backstage on the phone. HHH continues to sell the match Taker vs. Brock at SummerSlam. He’s almost overselling it. HHH pleads with Heyman to keep Brock away from Raw, but Heyman seems to be telling Trips that Brock is adamant about coming. The Miz interrupts HHH while he’s on the phone, running his mouth. HHH gets sick of it and books Big Show vs. Miz tonight… Miz isn’t happy with that, HHH calls him Obi Wan with his stupid hood robe. Miz

— Commercial Break —

2. Tag Champs The Prime Time Players vs. Los Matadores (w/Torito)

Some good back and forth with Diego and Darren to start. Decent double teaming from Matadores on Young but they;re just not over. Where are the Lucha Dragons, dammit? Young finally with an overhead belly to belly throw and hot tag to Titus. Titus plows them over and hits the throw away slam on both guys. Titus with the POUNCE on one Matador… Darren Young back suplexes the other on the apron and….. ITS A NEW DAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

New Day come out to congratulate PTP for their win, the power of positivity. This distracts Titus who takes a Back Stabber, and Matadores win in 4:03. Couldn’t this have been the Lucha Dragons? Will the Matadores ever go away?

After the match Xavier informs PTP that they’re the worst. Xavier must have forgotten about The Ascension.

— Commercial Break —

3. The Big Show vs. The Miz

Miz runs away early but Show catches him and flings Miz around the ring, big chops and knees follow. Miz is getting killed, it’s fun. A pair of slams and SHOW CLIMBS THE ROPES,,, ELBOW DROP OFF THE MIDDLE ROPE. Show kills Miz and pins him in 1:30. And HOW is Miz a contender?

Big Show gets on the mic after the match and repeats Miz’s comment from last night, “Big Show has been missing since the Attitude Era”. Show mocks Miz and then makes a claim for the IC Title and Ryback. Show calls out Ryback and says he will be the IC Champ. Show then shills the stupid Tough Enough show by announcing he will be on the live show tomorrow.
JBL: “Run, ZZ, Run” lol

– Backstage HHH & Stephanie CONTINUE to promote Taker vs. Brock at Slam to the point I can only assume this match may wind up being a triple threat with Rollins or something else. Speaking of Rollins, not a single mention of him yet… The Authority spots PAUL HEYMAN backstage. Paul says Brock isn’t here and he’s only here to relay a message that Lesnar accepts the Slam match. Paul says Brock won’t be here but the Authority doesn’t buy it. HHH says they need to up security to watch out for Brock, Stephanie says security and half the locker room…

— Commercial Break —

– Backstage the Authority have quickly called a meeting. Most of the roster is there. HHH alerts everyone that Lesnar is likely on his way to the arena and to keep Brock and Taker separated. The roster doesn’t seem to want a part of it, but HHH is ordering them to do so.

Paul Heyman Promo

– Paul Heyman in the ring. Paul says Lesnar should be champion right now, but Taker screwed that up. Heyman points out that Rollins accomplished nothing last night (you’re telling me), and Brock would be champions right now if it weren’t for Taker. Heyman goes back to Lesnar defeating Taker’s streak at Mania and smiles about it. Heyman says he knows that bothers Taker and for everyone to think about how it took 469 days for Taker to exact revenge on Brock. Paul goes on and on about Brock beating the streak and how proud Brock is of that accomplishment, something that guys like HBK, HHH, Edge, Batista, Orton, etc couldn’t do. Now what happens is Taker is back for revenge. But now Taker took from Brock Lesnar, costing him the title. Heyman sells the match for SummerSlam. And since Taker wants to make this personal…. Heyman mocks Taker losing his streak again, he continues to remind Taker that Brock beat him… He tells Taker to sell his soul to the devil, but his ass belongs to Lesnar… This can’t be good….

Aaaaand the lights go out… They come back on and Taker is in the ring with Heyman!!! Paul begins to plead…

Taker corners Heyman but Lesnar comes running down to the ring… Lesnar and Taker go at it!!! They brawl to the mat when HHH rushes security out….

Taker and Brock floor the security… And they’re back at it!!!

Out next is the entire B-cast of the WWE roster and main event heels, to break it up. Lesnar stille scapes and they go at it again… Half the roster grab Taker, half grab Lesnar outside and try to drag him back… Lesnar escapes and jumps Taker again… The fight is on AGAIN… HHH is screaming at everyone.

They’re separated AGAIN, and Brock is dragged to the back. Undertaker follows with a group of wrestlers surrounding him as well. The crowd ate this up.

— Commercial Break —

– We’re backstage, a million wrestlers still separating the two, but Brock breaks free, flips a table, and attacks Taker again… The brawl goes on… They try to separate but Taker attacks Brock yet again… They end up on the floor brawling before they’re pulled apart… Brock steps back and rips his shirt off as he’s surrounded by police… Why? Why is he being arrested??? Lesnar calms down long enough for them to handcuff him and escort him away. Brock instructs the police he will go but that they better not touch him.

Still trying to figure out what was illegal about any of that? Why would the Authority want Brock arrested when they’re so big on keeping them safe and ready for Slam… Guess I’m trying to think with logic. Silly me…

— Commercial Break —

– We go back and see some highlights of the big angle that just went down with Brock and UT.

– Stephanie McMahon is calling out HHH for having Brock Lesnar arrested. HHH says he’s not pressing charges, he just wanted Brock out of the building. At least that makes sense. Apparently Taker and Brock have both been removed from the building. Seth Rollins shows up, what timing.. Seth says Brock and Taker are lucky they’re gone… Sure buddy… Rollins had a lot to say to both of them but it’s a good thing they’re gone because he would have lost his temper… Seth wants to address the fans…

– Bray Wyatt Promo. He has Luke Harper with him. Bray says he is never alone, he is an enigma and he will always have his family. Bray see Reigns for what he truly is. Apparently the fans chose Reigns, anointed Reigns, and now we will burn for it. Harper joins in with some words about picking Reigns apart piece by piece. Wyatt says they will continue to right the wrong that is Roman Reigns tonight.

— Commercial Break —

4. Roman Reigns vs. Luke Harper (w/Wyatt)

I assume Ambrose will run in and save Reigns tonight to get the proposed SummerSlam set up started. Well, that didn’t take long… Ambrose heads to the ring to corner Reigns before the match starts…. Luke looks to have the upper hand, but Reigns turns it around quickly with 10 clotheslines in the corner. Harper takes back over and dominates for the next few minutes. Luke lays out Reigns and goes to consult with Wyatt as we go to a break.

Back from break, Luke has on the chinlock of excitement. Reigns charges with a spear but gets caught in the ropes (legit) and takes a nasty bump to the floor. Reigns favors his shoulder but beats the 10 count back in. Harper works over the arm now, but Reigns fights back with one arm… Reigns with sort of a pump handle over head throw. Crazy. Harper to the apron, but drops Reigns and Luke with an Eddy Guerrero style slingshot somersault senton back into the ring… Luke grabs another chinlock. REST HOLD time. Reigns escapes, they trade shots. Luke misses a big boot in the corner and goes flying outside to the floor…

Neither Bray nor Ambrose have gotten involved at all yet. Back inside both men continue to trade shots. Reigns busts out a big clothesline. Reigns blocks a Big Boot from Harper and lands the Samoan Drop. Reigns outside knocks Bray Wyatt into Harper, and Roman hits a double apron dropkick on both guys at the same time… Reigns goes back into bthe ring, but Wyatt drags him back out and they brawl causing a DQ at 13:04…

Dean Ambrose comes over to lend a hand and we’ve got all 4 guys going at it… Ambrose ends up getting sent through the ring announcer barricade and the Wyatt Family beat the crap out of Reigns. Harper stretches Reigns, but Ambrose is back and he tackles Wyatt…. AMBROSE WITH THE BIG CLOTHESLINE ON HARPER…. Wyatt hooks Dean for Sister Abigail, but Reigns lands the SUPERMAN PUNCH, and the Wyatt Family sent to the floor… For this week…

I’d be expecting another Wyatt Family member soon. Hmmmm, Zack (Ryder) Wyatt? “Woo Woo Woo, We’re Here!”….. Nahhh

– Seth Rollins on his way to the ring. Brock/Taker SummerSlam commercial. Wow, they work fast.

— Commercial Break —

Seth Rollins / John Cena Segment

– Seth Rollins to the ring. Sorry, WWE World champion Seth Rollins to the ring. Rollins talks about everyone being wrong about him losing the title at Battleground, he is still champ. Everyone was wrong about Seth getting killed at Battleground, Seth is still here. Seth has moved past Lesnar now, he is still the champ and he is under-appreciated as the fans disrespect him. Seth says he is the end all – be all. He continues to diss Brock and says he feels robbed last night by Brock and Taker.

Seth then invites Lilian Garcia into the ring. He wants Lilian to announce that Rollins is still champion, since there was no definitive announcement last night. Lilian announces that Brock Lesnar won by DQ, but Rollins is still the champion….

JOHN CENA interrupts. Ugh… Really? That’s all you can come up with? Now Cena really had no point to retain last night… Cena has interrupted so we don’t have to put up with Seth’s crap anymore. This doesn’t fit into the picture AT ALL right now… It does nothing for anyone or either title…

Seth thinks Cena is out here for the U.S. Title Open Challenge. Cena corrects Rollins, he thanks Seth. Cena says since they both won their titles at Mania, people have seen excellence both in challengers and champion of the U.S. Title, and people noticed that because Seth has made the WWE Title basically a joke with his running and ducking and whatever…

Seth says his title means more because Cena gives a shot to anyone, but people have to earn a shot to fight Seth. Rollins tells Cena to keep his little title, while Seth has THE title… Seth goes to leave and Cena says he’s running away as usual. Cena plays up the U.S. Title as being equal to Seth. Cena says he thinks Rollins is a JOKE. Cena tells Seth to man up now and throws the title and mic down… Rollins steps up to Cena. Seth plays up like he’s going to fight Cena, but then he just leaves…

Perfectly fine segment, not sure how this would do anything for either guy at SummerSlam… Just at the wrong time, to me it just seems thrown together.

— Commercial Break —

5. Paige & Becky Lynch (w/Charlotte) vs. Naomi & Sasha Banks (w/Tamina)

The Bellas and Fox at ringside. Bellas on commentary. Ugh. Team Bad work over Lynch early, Becky comes back with a bridge out of a pin and a dropkick to Naomi’s face… Lynch works over Naomi for a bit, then the heels are back in charge. Bellas sound extra bitchy on commentary tonight, almost like they’re intimidated and trying to get their shtick over… Paige and Lynch do some double taming on Banks, but Sasha eventually takes over on Lynch and we go to a break.

Back from break, Naomi works a front facelock on Lynch. Ridiculously long rest hold spots with Naomi on Becky. Banks tags in but Lynch manages a hot tag to Paige. Paige superkicks Naomi and goes for the PTO. Paige locks it in but Sasha breaks it up. Paige sends Banks to the floor and knocks Tamina off the apron. Naomi attacks Paige from behind and tags in Sasha… Banks with a back stabber into the Banks Statement for the tap out win at 13:29.

– Main event is next.

— Commercial Break —

– The announcers hype Brock & Taker for Summer Slam.

– We go back a few weeks and see Rusev take out Dolph Ziggler with a crutch shot to the throat so Ziggz could go make a movie…

– Renee Young interview Lana, who is losing her fan base with this entire baby face crap run. Lana updates us on Dolph’s status. He is doing fine and will recover. Well that’s great news… Summer Rae interrupts… Summer is dressed EXACTLY like Lana, her hair up in a bun and everything. Rusev steps in and he loves it… Rusev kisses Summer in front of Lana and keeps his eyes open to see Lana’s expression. Lana is jealous or something… Rusev laughs and tells Lana she looks tired and to get some rest… Rusev leaves and a pissed off Summer SLAPS Lana… Yeah, this is a great angle for a gimmick like Rusev…. UGH….

– Cesaro to the ring. Orton to the ring, and the main event is next…

— Commercial Break —

6. John Cena, Randy Orton & Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens, Rusev & Sheamus

Summer Rae (dressed as Lana) is with Rusev. Owens teases starting with Cena but tags in Rusev instead. Back and forth early by several men on both teams, Sheamus and Cesaro start beating the crap out of each other. Cesaro with a stiff uppercut in the corner. Cesaro goes for the SWING on Sheamus, Owens charges but takes a backdrop! Cesaro tries the swing again but Rusev with a superkick on Cesaro, and Sheamus covers for 2…. We go to our final break…

Back from break, Cesaro escapes a front chinlock with a nice suplex. Owens tags in to stop a hot tag, Cesaro flips over the ropes and lands on the apron, big boot to Owens. But Sheamus tags back in and works over Cesaro…. fella. Cesaro tries to tuppercut his way free, but gets put in the heel corner… Rusev tags in, but Cesaro lands some sort of an inverted Angle Slam looking thing that was PURE strength… F’n awesome….

Cesaro shoves Owens into Sheamus to knock Sheamus off the apron. Owens comes back with a Codebreaker on Cesaro. Owens and Sheamus get into it, shoving match, Owens fucks with Sheamus and Sheamus lays him out… Sheamus gets pissed and says he’s the next WWE Champions, he doesn’t need this. Sheamus walks off…. Owens looks to tag Rusev, but Rusev is down and out on the floor….

Owens drops Cesaro with a senton… Rusev is back on the apron and Owens slaps him and calls him an idiot to tag him back in. Rusev and Owens now get into it… Owens Superkicks Rusev… Now Owens walks off…. Leaving Rusev to play bitch…. This will get him over.

Cesaro hot tags Orton… Powerslam on Rusev. Exploder suplex by Orton. Suspension DDT follows. Rusev blocks the RKO and lands a Superkick on Orton. For some reason Randy is selling his arm… Not sure if it’s legit or not…

Meanwhile, Lana comes to ringside and spears Summer Rae on the floor!!! Lana beats down Summer Rae and tells her never to touch her again, and walks off all classy like…

Rusev is distracted and winds up taking an AA, then the Cesaro Swing and the CATAPULT RIGHT INTO AN RKO, AND THE CROWD GOES NUTS for the finish in 15:00.

That ends the show to send the fans home happy… Poor Rusev. lol…


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