The WWE Raw Report 6/20/16 – The Wyatt Family Returns


WWE Raw Preshow Notes


– It’s Stanford, Graves, and Booker T. Otunga has been “promoted” to Main Event and Superstars commentary. So Graves is super pissed about Ambrose cashing in and taking advantage of Rollins being worn down.

– The WWE Brand Split Draft is on 7/19 on the first live Smackdown.

– Rusev beat Titus at MITB and somehow lost his accent as he mocked Titus post match to his kids. Titus joins the show from Skype. Titus says he’s pissed off, lol… Yet he says it monotone and it comes off lame.

– Charlotte vs. Paige tonight… So much for her “arrest” last night. Maybe now my wife will believe that Total Divas is a Total Work.

– As the panel talks, the WYATT FAMILY logo appears… THEY RETURN TONIGHT!!!! WOOOOT. Sucks they gave it away though…

– Renee Young interviews Sami Zayn. Sami says his issues with Owens continues to hinder him moving forward and has cost him so much. Zayn says this rivalry needs to end, and he’s going to end it so he can move forward.


The WWE Raw Report 6/20/16 from Talking Stick Resort Arena in Phoenix, AZ

– From earlier tonight we see AMbrose pull up in the smallest Taxi/Uber ever… It almost pulls off with the WWE Title, but he catches it in time. Ambrose swaggers his way into the arena…


Dean kicks off the show heading to the ring, with WWE Title belt in tow. “You Deserve It” chants…. Now how come Reigns never got that? 😛

Ambrose puts over getting wasted in Vegas, winning MITB, and beating Rollins for the belt. Dean tells Seth what goes around, comes around. Seth was the MAN, Roman was the GUY, so Dean is the DUDE…. Or better yet, CHAMPION. Ambrose says there’s no more ‘Hard Times’ in reference to the Dusty promo he cut last year.

Roman Reigns interrupts to a chorus of BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS. Crowd won’t let Reigns talk, just booing him. Reigns says last night was Dean’s night. He congratulates Dean. Reigns dismisses the fans and they shit on him some more. Reigns asks Dean how good it felt to cash in on Seth. Dean says he would’ve cashed in on Reigns too… Crowd chants “You Can’t Wrestle” at Roman, he tells the crowd to SHUT UP!!! LMAO… HEEL!!

They’re interrupted by Seth. Rollins says he never really lost, at least when he caqshed in on Reigns it was face to face and not from behind.

Shane McMahon interrupts to calm the issue. Shane decides to book Rollins vs. Reigns for a #1 contender’s match tonight on Raw! Winner faces Ambrose at Battleground… I’m guessing some double DQ or something. We shall see.

I have to sit through another one of these??? Sigh.


– HHH congratulates Lebron James and the Cavs with a WWE Title… They point out Lebron wearing the Ultimate Warrior shirt when coming home today.


So this match is supposed to settle things “once and for all” between these two. On Raw? Not buying it. Owens powders early, Zayn attacks him on the floor and a moonsault off the barricade on KO. Owens tries to escape through the crowd but is broguth back to the ring. KO takes over from there and hits a senton for 2 as we head into break.

Back from break, KO in control, but Sami low bridges and Owens flies over the ropes to the floor. Zayn dives out over the top with a somersault dive on Owens. Back inside, KO crotches Zayn on the top rope, but Zayn knocks KO off the middle rope. Sami rushes Owens but gets nailed with a KO superkick for 2. Owens ties for a Powerbomb, but Zayn counters with a FULL NELSON SUPLEX! Zayn tries the Helluva Kick, but Owens blocks and goes for the Pop Up Powerbomb, but Zayn counters into victory roll of sorts for the random win in 9:00.

Post match, Owens attacks Zayn in the aisle…. Owens tries to powerbomb Zayn off the ramp!!! Zayn blocks it and leg dives Owens and begins laying in terrible punches… Referees come out to break it up, Owens jumps on Zayn… Pull apart ensues… Great idea, bad execution, Zayn lacked the intensity needed to pull it off, and his punching attack was the shits, to put it nicely.


– Backstage, Zayn and Owens are still fighting… Zayn jumps off some boxes onto KO. Referees, Finlay, and Road Dogg pull them apart… Give me Finlay vs. Owens… Finlay should have broken Zayn in half for disobeying…

– It’s John Laurinaitis is out on the stage with a podium…. I’m sorry “Big Johnny”. Shane McMahon interrupts him. John talks as if he will be running Smackdown. Shane doesn’t know why John is out here, but there’s a a FRICKIN PODIUM ON THE STAGE…. Shane says John will never run SD because he’s a corporate Yes man. Shane claims he is going to run Smackdown. John decides he will run Raw then… And now a Raw podium shows up, lol…Shane apologizes to the fans and ushers Laurinaitis to the back, but John runs around the stage to evade and runs off… LMAO….

Enzo & Cass interrupt. Enzo and Shane do some fancy footwork together. And you can’t teach that. Enzo mocks Laurinaitis. Big Cass calls John “Ace” and says he was a “Dynamic Dude” in his day. But now he’s SAWWWWFT.



They skip the Villains entrance, rendering them pointless… Then we relive Enzo getting knocked the eff out last month. Villains get a little heat on Enzo before Cass gets the hot tag. Cass Empire Elbow to English, big boot knocks Gotch off the apron. Cass with a fall away slam on English, and Enzo with the Rocket Launcher for the win in 2:51. Wow… A few weeks ago they were “even”, now the Villains get SQUASHED like turds in a couple minutes.

AJ Styles segment next…



AJ says he should be happy right now, but the match was tainted by his buddies. Styles reminds everyone he beat Cena, but it didn’t go down the way he dreamed it would. Styles says Gallows & Anderson had no business in his business… He orders Gallows and Anderson to come out and issue a public apology to him. I smell shenanigans on Cena. Cena will come out to save and look like a bitch again, lol….

Styles yells at them for giving Cena an “excuse”. Styles wants an apology. Anderson apologizes. Gallows apologizes. Without hesitation… Styles says now they must apologize to John Cena… Styles asks Cena to come out…

Out comes John Cena… Nobody is buying this. Cena stays on the stage, he’s no fool… But Gallows and Anderson apologize from the ring. Cena runs down AJ for using a fake apology as an excuse to hide that he’s not as good as he thought he was. Styles tells John that the Club did Cena a favor and gave him an excuse. AJ gives Cena the choice to pick any member of the Club to fight tonight…. Cena picks Styles… But Styles didn’t finish… Anyone of the Club EXCEPT AJ.

Styles has to do the Stone Cold Podcast, and he’s already beaten John, so he doesn’t need the match. Cena says it don’t matter which he chooses because he will end up wrestling all 3 the way they operate. Styles says Cena is wrong, it’s Karl Anderson vs. Cena, one on one.



Cena hammers on Anderson to start. A nothing match. Cena hits the AA, goes for the cover, and the rest of the Club attacks in 2:20 for the DQ. Gallows & Anderson hit their finisher on Cena and feed him to AJ, for the STYLES CLASH on Cena. Well that was quick.

– Backstage, Jojo is with Seth Rollins. He wants to talk about last night and being robbed. Now he starts from scratch, and tonight he will beat Reigns and go on to Battleground to get his title back.


– Becky Lynch promo backstage about Natalya turning on her. Nattie attacks her and lays Becky out again.. Wow, they’ve ruined Lynch.


Ryder looks good early. Corbin rolls outside to dodge the Broski boot… Ryder with a baseball slide dropkick and a missilie dropkick off the apron to the floor… El-Bro drop for a 2 count. Corbin comes back with a clothesline and soon after End of Days finishes this in 2:50.



– Renee Young interviews Paige. Paige has beaten Charlotte twice on Raw in non-title matches. Charlotte and Dana Brooke interrupt. Good God Brooke looks more gross every time she’s on TV. The two sides have a quick verbal joust. Paige calls Dana a “thing”, and asks what she is. LOL. This wasn’t terrible, Paige made this segment.



Paige controls early, a dozen knees to Charlotte’s face… This is Paige house… Dana pulls Charlotte out to safety. Paige goes after Dana, and Charlotte lays Paige out on the floor. The champ takes over as me head to break.

Back from break, Paige comes back with some nice kicks. Running knee gets 2 on Charlotte. Paige with a fall away slam on the champ. They fight to the top rope. Charlotte droops Paige off the top rope with a front suplex and a MOONSAULT from Charlotte gets a near fall… Charlotte looking frustrated now. They trade crucifixes for 2 counts. Paige with an inside cradle for 2…. RAMPAIGE…1……………..2… Dana TRIES TO PUT CHARLOTTE’S FOOT ON THE ROPE BUT CAN’T… LMAO…. So she just holds Charlotte’s foot UNDER THE ROPE right in front of the referee… This girl is TERRIBLE…. The referee ejects Dana, but the distraction leads to Charlotte hitting the Natural Selection for the win in 8:23.

Dana charges back to the ring and the two heels double team Paige….

IT’S SASHA BANKS!! THE BOSS RETURNS TO RAW!!!!! Dana Brooke rushes at Sasha and gets her ass LAID OUT with a sweet forearm shot… Sasha charges the ring, BACK STABBER ON CHARLOTTE!!! Sasha holds the belt up, but Brooke attacks! Paige comes back and fights off Brooke, Sasha sends Charlotte fleeing… Segment ends with Banks holding the Women’s Title in the air and Paige raising her hand… Crowd chanting “YES!”…. Nice.

– The Wyatt Family…. IS HERE!!!



Bray, Harper and Strowman to the ring. LOUD “Welcome Back” chants. Bray says they’ve been locked away but they haven’t forgotten what they stand for. He mentions the Fireflies as a warning to the people in the back…. How powerful they are… AND THEY”RE INTERRUPTED WITHIN SECONDS BY…………

THE NEW DAY????????? WTF IS THIS CRAP…. From the Wyatts to rainbows??? JUST WTF….

Now this becomes a fucking comedy segment… They say Rowan has a big ass. UGH… JUST WTF… Xavier Woods loses focused and gets drawn into Wyatt’s trance???? Kofi and Big E have to draw Woods back in.

Bray Wyatt says the feature of New Day is New.. Day Falls….

Wyatt tells New Day to RUN… Segment ends… WOW… WTF was that shit…. Just, WTF… Of ALLLLLL the talent to work against, the bright ass comedy group of energy and positivity… Poor Bray.


– Coach Bob Backlund Life Lessons with Darren Young. UGH, WHY IS THIS STILL A THING????

– Lana is in the ring and introduces Rusev, America’s Champion.

– Renee Young with Titus O’Neil. It ain’t about the title tonight, it;s about Rusev disrespecting his family last night… Now Rusev will pay.

It starts off as a brawl, lots of punching, big boot by Titus… Match goes to the floor… Titus drives Rusev into the barricade repeatedly… Rusev runs off through the crowd… For SOME REASON the bell never rings to start the match, so this doesn’t count… For whatever reason.


– A Miz and Maryse update from their movie. Stupid video segment.

– Backstage, Shane McMahon is with an angry Chris Jericho. He blames Shane as being out to get him. Shane points out all of Jericho’s recent losses. Jericho calls Shane a stupid idiot. Jericho hopes he’s drafted to the show that Shane isn’t on… Shane claims he will be running both shows. Jericho isn’t happy.

– Dean Ambrose to ringside for commentary on the main event.



Dean on commentary, says he doesn’t know why him cashing in was a surprise, he told everyone last week he’d do it. TRUE. Seth and Roman out to the floor early, fighting in front of Ambrose. Back inside, Rollins lands a Blockbuster neckbreaker for 2. Rollins controls while Ambrose is doing well on commentary explaining how important the belt is to him after fighting for it the last 2 years. Rollins tries a flying knee off the apron, Reigns ducks it, Seth lands on his feet but turns into a big clothesline from Reigns on the floor. Six minutes into the match and we head to a break.

Back from break, it’s back and forth. Referee pulls Reigns off Rollins in the ropes. Rollins hits his enzuigiri kick in response. They trade punches. Crowd cheers for Seth’s punches and boo Reigns lol. Reigns starts his clotheslines-o-plenty. Seth counters and drives Roman into the buckle face first. A high knee sends Roman to the floor and a suicide dive by Rollins. Back inside, Reigns comes back with the one handed powerbomb for a near fall.

Rollins blocks the Superman Punch, tries a pedigree, Reigns counters and nails the Superman Punch the second time around for a near fall. Reigns going for the spear, Rollins kicks him to block. Seth comes back with a kick to the head ad a springboard flying kick… Rollins with a boot and gets 2…. Rollins misses a Frog Splash. Reigns comes back with the Drive By arpon dropkick. Reigns clears off the announce table.

Reigns and Rollins on top of the table. Seth escapes the table and enzuigiri on Reigns on the table. Reigns winds up spearing Rollins onto the Spanish announce table… It doesn’t budge… Both guys are counted out… WHAT A GARBAGE MOVE to cause a double count out… But there’s my theory…

Shane McMahon comes out. He says that’s not how things are going to end, he wants a #1 contender.

Ambrose tells Shane he will fight them both at Battleground. Shane makes it a Triple Threat Match. Wow, didn’t call that THREE HOURS AGO…

Dean shows off his title to both challengers….. DIRTY DEEDS ON REIGNS….. LOL

Rollins tries to attack Reigns afterwards, but Dean return DIRTY DEEDS ON SETH!!!

End Program.


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