The WWE Raw Report 6/1/15 – Elimination Chamber Fallout


WWE Raw 6/1/15 Preshow Notes

– Stanford, Otunga & Graves in the studio. We learn that Kevin Owens will be at Raw tonight to address beating John Cena.

– Recap of Rollins vs. Ambrose from last night. Ambrose gets a screwy Dusty finish DQ win over Seth when he should be the champion. Dean leaves with the title. HHH addresses Ambrose stealing the belt, giving him a warning and stating that Dean better return the title by the start of Raw tonight… Gimme a ladder match with these two and I’ll be happy… Though I’d rather see Dean win MITB.

– Kevin Owens beat John Cena. Beat it into everyone’s head. They have a rematch at MITB. The panel puts Owens over like he’s untouchable, and to HHH he probably is.

– Ryback talks about working developmental, being released, being rehired and injured, but he’s worked hard and won the IC Title… Just too bad he won it in one of the most boring matches ever. 🙁

Ryback defends the title against The Miz tonight on Raw. Blah.

– We’ve got 6 guys in MITB so far. Orton, Reigns, Neville, Sheamus, Ziggler, and Kofi… Kofi??? The tag team champion Kofi??? Gee, I wonder if he’s in it for the spots.

Randy Orton is announced to take on Sheamus tonight. Blah X2

– Paul Heyman on the Stone Cold Podcast tonight.

The WWE Raw Report 6/1/15 from the AT&T Center in San Antonio, TX

– Raw opens with a video showing Ambrose leaving the Chamber PPV with the title after being screwed out of the title win… Here comes the Authority in full force. Trips, Steph, Rollins, Kane, J&J, and none of them appear happy. Rollins is of course without the belt. Steph points out that Seth is the champion even if Ambrose stole the belt. Stephanie talks about everything Dean has stolen, the IC Title, Seth’s MITB contract, now the WWE Title. Steph and HHH tease everything they should do to Dean, suspension, expulsion, etc… HHH says Dean can hand over the title and THEN they can talk about repercussions… HHH demands Dean to come out here right now, instead we get……

Roman Reigns to the ring… Reigns explains that Dean is gone and he might not come back… Unless he gets a rematch… A LADDER MATCH… at MITB… Boom, nail it! haha

Stephanie refuses to make deals with a lowlife like Ambrose. Reigns points out that Dean pinned Seth last night, but Seth is quick to point out he’s still the champion. Reigns starts naming people who has beaten Seth, and how he rolls with “mom & dad” and has the smallest security of all time. Roman says Seth may be the worst Champion of all time.

This pisses Seth off, and Rollins agrees to give Ambrose the rematch. Seth says he will prove to everyone that he doesn’t need anyone’s help, he can do it on his own. Rollins calls Kane a 7 foot piece of crap. lol…. HHH tries to calm Seth down and talk him out of it, but Rollins is enraged by being called a crap champion. Seth says he will prove himself the champion at MITB against Ambrose…

Now HHH is pissed at Reigns, so he books a match with Reigns tonight, and if Roman loses he is out of the MITB match. HHH leaves to find an opponent for Reigns…

— Commercial Break —

1. Roman Reigns vs. King Barrett

Wow, this is what they come up with? We’ve got the briefcase hanging above the ring. Barrett tries early on, but Reigns takes over, he sends Barrett to tghe mat and goes for the dropkick on the apron, but Barrett rolls away. Back inside, Roman clotheslines the King back to the floor. It’s back and forth on the floor until Barrett kicks the steps into Reigns knee. Yes, he kicked the 900 pound steel steps and they moved. Barrett then tosses Roman into the steps and we go to break…

No more second screen experience, so no more commercial break wrestling updates… Sometimes that’s a good thing, sometimes not so much. I’m thinking this is one of those good times.

Back on USA, Barrett with the Royal Chinlock. Reigns escapes but Barrett beats him down in the corner. If Barrett wins he’s in MITB. Another Royal Chinlock from Wade. Reigns breaks out again and counters with a Samoan Drop. Punches Traded and Reigns chases Barrett down with a nice clothesline. Barrett fights back, Reigns blocks Wasteland, but Barrett lands WINDS OF CHANGE for a near fall.

Barrett looking for the Bull Hammer, Reigns ducks and tries a one handed powerbomb but they botch it. Reigns ends up double clutching and still hitting it. Roman looks for the Superman Punch, Barrett goes to the apron and rakes Reigns eyes. Back inside Barrett tries the Bull Hammer again, Roman ducks, SPEAR, and it’s over in 13:07. Reigns keeps his spot… Yayyy

I’ve never seen a finishing move dodged more than the Bull Hammer.

— Commercial Break —

– Back from break, HHH and Steph tell Roman Reigns that NOW he has to beat Mark Henry to keep his MITB spot. HHH walks off singing Henry’s song. lol… Reigns looks disgruntled…

– Byron Saxton interviews Nikki Bella. This looks like a set up, otherwise it’s pointless. Nikki starts putting herself over, but she’s interrupted by Paige. Paige speaks thick English and I dunno WTF she’s saying… Paige talks about winning the Battle Royal for a title shot and she still wants that shot. Nikki accepts the challenge, but she wants that match TONIGHT…

– Ryback to the ring for a promo. I hope it’s not more sappiness. It works once, but repeated “I shall overcome” promos start to sound whiny, and it’s even worse when you’re jacked up and weight 300 pounds.. Apparently, this is the arena Ryback returned in last October when the crowd popped huge. Ryback thanks this crowd for putting him back on the map and now he is the IC Champion… Ryback defends against the Miz… Next. Sigh.

— Commercial Break —

2. IC Champion Ryback vs. The Miz

Just as the match is about to start, The Big Show’s music hits… Well, I was wondering if this could get worse… Show steps into the ring and squares up with Ryback, Show cocks his fist, but turns and KNOCKS OUT THE MIZ… Well, Show just saved me from some pain. Big Show takes the mic, he has issue with the “BIG GUY”, and says Ryback has to deal with the BIG SHOW. Show then walks off…

Alllll righty then….

Match never happened, obviously.

— Commercial Break —

– Kevin Owens to the ring. Promo City tonight… Kevin Owens delivers on everything he says. He won the NXT Title, he took out Sami Zayn, and he beat John Cena. Owens should be happy but he’s not. When he called home last night his son wanted to know how John Cena was. Owens says it’s false prophecy. Cena has been portrayed as a superhero with the catch phrases and bright colors. Owens said while he traveled the indies, his son was busy following John Cena. Owens talks about beating “Super Cena”. Owens says he will make sure his son will watch every single second of the rematch at MITB, when he proves who the real role model is….

And here comes Cena… Please don’t turn this into a “Why I’m a real role model” promo… Cena mocks Owens for continuing to run his mouth instead of just taking the win. Cena said until Owens opened his mouth 5 minutes ago, he was going to shake his hand and give him the U.S. Title… But after the whiny promo, Cena says he shouldn’t even be NXT Champion. Cena says Owens is a great wrestler, but he’s not a real man. Cena talks about the marketing comments that Owens made and how marketing doesn’t always work (Funkasaurus, Adam Rose, XFL)… Cena talks about the fans and his catch phrases that HE created, not creative… The meaning they have, and everything he’s put into this business and life for the last decade.

A child with a sign “I am beating cancer” is pointed out by Cena, and he uses it to make his point. Never Give Up.

Cena says the three words that define Kevin Owens are Never Give Up and he needs to realize that. Cena gives advive, man to “almost man”. Cena tells Owens not to make a promise he can’t keep, because at MITB the great WRESTLER Owens is going to have his ass kicked by the real MAN.

Owens teases a fight with Cena, but leaves the ring. Good promo by Cena, actually.

— Commercial Break —

– New Day promo to draw some heat. Xavier rips on Tim Duncan. New Day is what’s up. Kofi says he’s going to be Mr. MITB. LOL. Couldn’t keep a straight face there… New, Day Sucks… You know the drill…

2. Kofi Kingston (w/New Day) vs. Dolph Ziggler (w/Lana)

Okay, so this is the real second match… Dolph has Lana watch from the stage for some reason. Feeling out process to start, Dolph dropkicks Kofi’s face off, but Kingston still takes over the match. Kofi misses a corner charge and Dolph takes over with all of his signature stuff, the splash in the corner, neckbreaker, jumping elbow drop. Kofi catches a Superkick, but Dolph still manages to hit the jumping DDT for a near fall on Kingston… Xavier distracts on the apron, Kofi with a roll up and a hook of the tights, but Dolph reverses the roll up and gets the win in 3:14…

Immediately after the win, Xavier & Big E attack Dolph and it;s a 3 on 1 beat down… Explain to me what Lana sees in this guy??? New Day beat Dolph’s ass until the Prime Time Players make the save…

— Commercial Break —

3. WWE Tag Champs New Day vs. The Prime Time Players & Dolph Ziggler

Impromptu match that apparently ran through the commercial. The Players are putting a whippin’ on Xavier, but Big E tags in, Xavier trips up Darren and E hits a overhead belly to belly. New Day takes over on Young. Kofi gets sling shotted into the corner by Big E and dropkicks a seated Young’s face off. New Day dominates Darren, Big E with a Snake Eyes into a boot from Kofi gets a near fall… Big E randomly knocks Dolph off the apron, but Darren gets his knees up on a Big E splash… E then misses a shoulder in the corner and HOT TAG TO TITUS & Woods. Titus takes out E, he tosses Woods across the ring, he tosses Kofi across the ring.. The crowd goes nuts… Titus drops Xavier, but Big E stops the count. Darren Young takes E out with a neckbreaker… Dolph takes Kofi out with a Superkick, and Titus finishes Woods off with a pump handle powerslam for the win in 5:24 of what was shown.

PTP and Dolph do the Millions of Dollars Dance… Lana should be so impressed… Dolph never even tagged in. lol…

— Commercial Break —

– Think about this for a minute… We had a Reigns match, Dolph vs. Kofi, Dolph vs. Kofi in a 6-man, and now another Reigns match… This feels like an episode of Memphis Studio Wrestling and half the wrestlers are snowed in. How many times can you watch Bill Dundee wrestle on one show??? Cummon guys. Who booked this crap? Oh, wait, nevermind… I’d literally be feeling ripped off right now if I bought a ticket to this poo.

4. Roman Reigns vs. Mark Henry

So Reigns spot in MITB is on the line again. Not only does the guy wrestle twice, but it’s the same stipulation. God, I only hope Austin and Heyman don’t disappoint… Reigns tries a slam early but Henry falls on top for a near fall. Reigns jacks Roman in the eye and Reigns sells it. Come to think of it Reigns was selling his eye after the Barrett match too. Henry mauls Reigns but misses a charge in the corner. Reigns comes back with a series of clotheslines, Samoan Drop (that Henry jumped too early for and they nearly died)… Henry rolls to the floor… SUPERMAN PUNCH on the floor. Reigns beats the count back in just before 10… Reigns wins in 3:45.

Really, a f’n count out? Henry the jobber couldn’t JOB? Do we really need the return match next week?

Mark Henry back in with the WORLD’s STRONGEST SLAM after the match… I guess that means we do… And a SPLASH for good measure… Believe that….

— Commercial Break —

– HHH informs Roman Reigns that he’s not done yet… For Roman’s next task he will have to… Follow the buzzards…

– Sonic Restaurant WWE skit with various wrestlers making “commercials” for their milkshakes… Big Show, New Day, and the “Mega Powers” are in this segment.

WWE Divas Title match is next.

— Commercial Break —

5. WWE Divas Champion Nikki Bella vs. Paige

The girls get the top of the hour segment. Wow. Nikki is acting extremely heelish early on, slapping Paige and doing jumping jacks. I’m not sure if she’s a face, heel, or what. I don’t think Nikki has a clue either. Nikki controls early. And then some push ups. I coulda swore she was just a face last week. Nikki busts out the old Tully Blanchard Slingshot Suplex for 2… Nikki with a leg submission but Paige gets the ropes. Nikki has dominated the entire match… Paige finally drops Nikki with a shot into the ropes, but Nikki rolls to the floor to escape. While outside, Nikki decides to do crunches, then back inside Nikki tries the Alabama Slam, Paige escapes and knees Nikki in the face for 2…

Nikki escapes a PTO attempt, and Nikki lands the Alabama Slam for 2… Nikki runs into not one, but two superkicks from Paige for a near fall. Nikki tries the Rack Attack, Paige escapes… Some weird confusion leads to Paige landing a SUPER DDT off the bottom rope, but Nikki rolls right out to the floor… TWIN MAGIC… Even though Brie looks nothing like Nikki anymore… Twin Magic happens, Brie rolls in and cradles Paige for the win in 5:42… Heels again…

Wonder what the Bellas will be next week?

— Commercial Break —

6. Randy Orton vs. Sheamus

It’s a lengthy back and forth feeling out process to start. The match spills to the floor, Sheamus blocks a back suplex on the barricade, but Orton lands the back suplex on the announce table instead! Orton drops Sheamus with a clothesline outside as Raw goes to break…

To quote one Crazymax reader “these guys SUCK together. they never have good matches”

I tend to agree…

Back from break, Sheamus with a stomp fest of boring… Sheamus tries the 10 beats, Orton escapes. Sheamus misses the Brogue Kick and Orton catches him with the snap powerslam… Sheamus escapes the suspended DDT, but Orton escapes the rolling senton, and Orton lands the T-Bone suplex, and then the suspension DDT… Orton wants the RKO but Sheamus goes to the floor… The two men fight out on the floor, Orton sends him over the time keeper brricade and Sheamus blasts Randy with a steel chair, causing a DQ in 13:10 or something… What a great payoff to a lousy match…

Anyway, after the match Sheamus nails a Brogue Kick and beats the crap out of Orton on the floor, repeatedly driving him into the barricade. Referees check on Orton. Sheamus with ANOTHER BROGUE KICK… That’s a great way to get that Viper over hot again…


– Byron Saxton interviews Rusev backstage. RUsev is on crutches and looks dejected. Rusev talks about having nothing. No title, no career, no woman, he’s just a broken man, with a broken ankle, broken spirit. Rusev says he is the one that’s CRUSHED this time. Rusev says he’s determined to get back all of it!

Rusev forgot to mention that he’s being sabotaged by creative. Blah. Poor guy.

— Commercial Break —

– Bo Dallas headed to the ring. He says he tried to help Neville, but now he just wants to hurt him. BOLIEVE that…

7. Neville vs. Bo Dallas

The PPV match wasn’t all that great, so let’s have a rematch. Dallas attacks Neville and beats him down to get things going. Dallas beats Neville out to the floor and back inside for a 2 count… Crowd is pretty much dead outside of a short clapping chant. Neville finally makes the come back with all of his kicking routine and the flippies across the ring. Dallas gets knocked flat and the Red Arrow ends it quickly in 3:08.

— Commercial Break —

8. Roman Reigns vs. Bray “Creative Has Nothing For You” Wyatt

You know the drill, Reigns loses, he loses his MITB spot. Cummon Rowan and Harper, get out here and beat some azz… Reigns is selling his ribs, but has control to begin. Wyatt gets control for a moment, but Roman right back on top… J&J, Rollins & Kane come out to the stage and Wyatt takes over the match with a flying body attack… Reigns rolls to the floor but Bray lays him out with a clothesline as we go to the final break…

Back from break, Wyatt sends Reigns to the apron. Wyatt with the DDT on the apron gets a near fall. Wyatt continues to dominate until Reigns comes charging out of the corner with a big clothesline. Both men down, Wyatt misses a charge in the corner and Reigns capitalizes with a crappy DDT… Roman with some intense offense and an apron dropkick with Bray on the floor, changing up the spot a little… Wyatt catches Reigns on his way back inside, WYATT WITH A STIFF ASS CLOTHESLINE and a senton gets a near fall for Bray!!!

Wyatt glances at the briefcase and tells Roman that it’s his. The two men laugh and trade slaps, Wyatt runs into a Samoan Drop from Reigns… WYATT COUNTERS THE SUPERMAN PUNCH WITH A URINAGE!!! 1…2… Reigns kicks out… Wyatt with the spider walk, he looks for Sister Abigail, but Reigns with a roll up for two and the SUPERMAN PUNCH….

J&J, Kane, Rollins surround the ring now… Kane distracts on the apron… Bray hooks Sister Abigail… Reigns counters and shoves Wyatt into Kane… SPEAR…. Reigns gets the win… BLAH. 12:14…

The Authority surround the ring to attack Reigns when DEAN AMBROSE MAKES THE SAVE…. Rollins is sent flying across the announce table, Merucy laid out with a spear… DIRTY DEEDS ON ROLLINS ends the show… Dean tries to give Seth the title back, but Rollins is laid out, so Dean takes it back…

HHH & Stephanie are out, and they are pissed off….

This Reigns crap is over the top though… I’m off to watch the Podcast. Goodnight all.

To end Raw we see Paul Heyman join Steve Austin for the Podcast for the final plug…


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