The WWE Raw Report 5/25/15 – The Go Home Show To Elimination Chamber


WWE Raw Preshow Notes

– It’s Stanford, Graves and Otunga from WWE HQ and now they have a new swanky desk. Yayy. We’re reminded the cast of Entourage is at Raw tonight. Joy… Cena’s open challenge also continues tonight…

Not sure if this is a first, but it’s gotta be close… Did a PPV Fallout Raw last week, and this week it’s a Go Home show to another PPV… Talk about fast tracking…

– We go back to last week’s Raw and all the Rollins/Ambrose hoopla. Ambrose worked himself into a title match at the Chamber PPV for those who don’t know. The panel discuss how Ambrose can get past the J&J and Kane factor.

– Otunga is just terrible at this preshow gig. Everything he says feels fake, even when he puts himself over.

– Stone Cold Podcast with Paul Heyman, next Monday following Raw.

– Recap of last week’s confrontation between John Cena & Kevin Owens. We also get a video of Owens killing Sami Zayn at last week’s NXT Unstoppable event. It’s Cena vs. Owens at the Chamber. They spend quite a bit of time on this one.

– They talk the IC Title Chamber match. Stanford says all 6 men in the match will compete tonight on Raw.

– Back to last week and the kiss between Lana & Dolph Ziggler. Rusev wasn’t too happy about it. The panel discusses if Lana is just making Rusev jealous or if she’s really done with the Bulgarian.

The WWE Raw Report 5/25/15 from the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Long Island, NY

– Memorial Day Tribute featuring a memorable speech from Ronald Reagan as spoken by Reagan and random WWE Superstars. This is followed by “USA” chants and a 10 bell salute to the fallen soldiers of America.

– After the opening Raw video, it’s the entire Authority out to the ring. It’s Trips, Stephanie, Rollins, J&J, Kane. Rollins starts things off, giving props to Dean Ambrose for all the stuff from last week and getting a title shot. Seth says the Authority made the title match decision under duress and that’s not best for business. Seth says the title match could have been canceled, and that HHH could have fired Ambrose, but Seth asked him not to. Rollins says Dean isn’t a threat and not on his level.

HHH says the title match is only a verbal agreement at this point, so Dean has to come out sign a contract to make it legit…

And out comes Dean… Ambrose talks about his shenanigans from last week and mocks Seth and the Authority. Dean talks about how he will replace Seth as the face of WWE at the Chamber. Dean says when he becomes champion he will make changes. He makes cracks as J&J and Kane. Ambrose contineus to try and sell the Justin Bieber line on Seth. The fans sheepishly chant along. Seth talks about Bieber being rich, famous, and the best artist of his era, so he takes it as a compliment. Rollins calls Dean a cockroach, he’s really good at surviving but he’ll never thrive. Seth says Dean is a loser and will never beat him for the belt. Seth invites Dean in the ring to sign the contract.

Dean notes all the men in the ring and says he’s crazy and stupid and it’s worth the shot to come down and sign… Dean makes it to ringside when ROMAN REIGNS music hits… Reigns comes down to ringside to back up Ambrose. The two men have a stand off with the Authority.

Stephanie says Dean has until the end of the night to sign the contract, but in the mean time she makes a match. Ambrose & Reigns vs. Kane & Rollins… RIGHT NOW….

Wow, 20 minutes to get to that…

— Commercial Break —

– Bo Dallas promo on the WWE App. It’s Bo’s birthday, and on his birthday Bo doesn’t receive, he GIVES. His gift is for Neville. Bo plans to show Neville how to overcome… BO-LIEVE.

1. Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins & Kane (w/J&J)

Kane gets backed into the face corner early, but Reigns ends up in the heel corner. Rollins tries to take over, but the faces take down Seth as well… The announcers start talking the history of WWE here in the Nassau Coliseum, which will be closing it’s doors soon… The first SNME was here, WrestleMania II, Austin destroyed McMahon’s car… many memories… Meanwhile, Seth takes over control on Reigns and hooks a chinlock. Reigns escapes and slaps the shit out of the back of Seth’s head… Hot tag to Ambrose… Dean puts a beat down on Seth, runnign bulldog on Rollins and a clothesline sends Seth to the floor… Dean with the suicide dive out onto Seth. Kane tries to attack, but Roman Reigns cuts him off on the floor… The heels are down outside as we go to break… This crowd kinda sucks so far.

On the WWE App… Ambrose suplexes Rollins back into the ring. Dean goes up top for what appears to be a moonsault, but Seth hangs him upside down in the corner and lands a baseball slide kick… Tag to Kane and the heels take over on Ambrose. Kane puts a long beating on Ambrose, lands a back suplex, and Seth takes over on the offense. Seth distracts the ref for illegal shots to be taken on Dean.

Back on USA, Rollins works over Dean. “We Want Ryder, Woo Woo Woo” chants. Ambrose finally plants Seth with a big clothesline to make the hot tag to Reigns… Kane tags in as well. Roman drops Kane repeatedly and knocks Mercury off the apron. SUPERMAN PUNCH knocks Noble off the apron, and Kane gets the advantage with a big boot to Roman. Reigns battles back, Superman punch to Kane! Ambrose tags in, FLYING ELBOW ON KANE! 1……..2……….Rollins breaks it up!

Seth tags in with a flying knee off the top on Dean for 2… Dean & Seth are back and forth, Seth with the pele enzuigiri on Dean, Ambrose tries for the rebound clothesline but misses… Steh hooks Dean for a backslide, Dean counters with his own backslide… 1……….2…………3 in 12:51!

Dean pins the champ heading into the PPV… Again…. It’s booking 101, but they just did this before the last PPV.

— Commercial Break —

– As we return to Raw, we’ve got Dean Ambrose being interviewed by Renee Young. Mercury & Noble heckle Dean about the contract and Dean beats the piss out of them in the back. The camera man gets a little too close and startles Ambrose, and Dean attacks the cameraman. Once Dean realizes who he is he relents and tries to check on him. Dean wanders off angry and disturbed.

– Kevin Owen video on his attack on Cena last week and his beat down of Zayn on NXT.

— Commercial Break —

Back from break, a limo pulls up, and it’s the cast of Entourage… Yayy. Can you feel the excitement?

2. Rusev vs. R-Truth

Same old, same old matches. Truth drops Rusev early, but it’s not long before Rusev kicks his face off, and Accolade ends it in just 56 seconds… Well this certainly justifies Truth’s spot in the Chamber match..

– Rusev gets on the mic and tells Lana to PLEASE come down to talk. Rusev refuses to leave the ring until Lana comes down. He repeatedly asks her to while using the word PLEASE.

— Commercial Break —

– Back from break, Rusev is still asking Lana to PLEASE come down. He needs to speak with her. Lana finally answers to her own theme. Rusev offers to help Lana into the ring, but she takes her own route… Lana is out and allows Rusev to speak. Rusev talks about women. Lana talks about what she does, she had done for him. Rusev knows it, and talks about their dream to crush America. Rusev wants the fans to hush while he talks gushy with Lana. Rusev asks Lana to take his hand. He calls Lana Ravishing and he wants her back… Wow, just castrate the damn guy’s character why don’t you… Rusev begs for Lana to come back. Lana hesitates, then gives her hand to Rusev… Rusev takes her hand and hugs her… Now all Rusev needs to hear is the three magical words… “I WAS WRONG”. LOL. Jesus….

Lana becomes upset and starts to walk away… Rusev says all Lana has to do is admit everything was her fault and it all goes back to normal… Lana says she wasn’t wrong, Rusev did say he quit…. Rusev calls Lana a liar and tells her to know her place, woman… RUsev says he OWNS Lana. LMAO. Rusev demands Lana to get back in the ring. Lana climbs back into the ring and tells Rusev that HE IS A LIAR AND A QUITTER. She calls Rusev a coward and informs him that he doesn’t own her. She calls Rusev everything from a caveman to a moron, lol… Lana walks off making Rusev look like the idiot….

As Lana gets to the top of the stage she’s met by Dolph Ziggler… The two kiss again while Rusev gets pissed in the ring…

What IDIOT spends a YEAR building up a character and then just pissing it to the side like this???

– Backstage, HHH & Seth Rollins come into Dean Ambrose’s locker room. HHH brings the cameraman that was hit by Dean earlier. The Authority force the cameraman to press charges and Stone Cold Ambrose is arrested… All sorts of indy workers playing these parts, not even trying to hide it.

— Commercial Break —

– WWE App… Prime Time Players interview about the Tag Title Chamber match… Wow, Titus better be thankful this wasn’t live, he was screwing things up left and right…

– Well now Dean is arrested, he’s sent off in a police truck. Now Dean will never be able to sign the contract before the end of the show… Damn these Stone Cold shenanigans…

3. Ryback vs. King Barrett

Ugh, does this mean I have to sit through another Ziggler vs. Sheamus match tonight? Ryback kills Barrett early, the big splash, a powerslam, Ryback sets up for the clothesline, but Wade rolls outside… The King lures Ryback outside and goes to work on his already injured ribs, driving Ryback into the barricade. Barrett all over the ribs of Ryback back in the ring. Ryback makes a comeback but Wade yanks Ryback off the middle rope and lands WASTELAND for 2… Wade sets up for the Bull Hammer but Ryback can’t stand up. Wade comes back to Ryback who is playing possum. Ryback with a spinebuster, and SHELL SHOCK ends it in 3:50. And Barrett looks like yet another great choice for the next IC Champion.

– Backstage, HHH & Stephanie are enjoying the fact that Ambrose being arrested. HHH is on the phone with somebody, he says there’s no way Dean will ever make it back to Raw in time to sign the contract. Apparently he’s incapable of signing the contract tomorrow, or any other day this week. The people from Entourage show up and they make a Summer Fest joke… I think. Whole lotta nothing…

— Commercial Break —

4. Stardust vs. Neville

Stardust gets into it with actor Stephen Amell in the crowd before the match. Huge NXT chants. Stardust has some issues to start but goes to work on the injured knee of Neville. Cody with a delayed gourd buster and a half crab. Bo Dallas on his way to ringside. Neville tries to come back but his knee gives out. Cody works on Neville some more, but Neville lands a Tornado DDT, and the Red Arrow ends it in maybe 3:30. Poor old Cody.

After the match, Bo Dallas encourages Neville to pick himself up off the mat. Once Neville is up, Bo hits a nasty dropkick to the back of the knee of Neville that drops him. Bo sprints around ringside for a victory lap celebration.

– The Entourage guys run into the Divas backstage. The cast then runs into ZACK RYDER!!! Woo Woo Woo… There’s some sort of an idea for the Entourage cast and Zack Ryder to send things off in Nassau the right way…

— Commercial Break —

– WWE App interview with Dolph Ziggler… Clearly and COMPLETELy unscripted… Fun and comedy ensues with Dolph, Renee Young and others… When they run out of time Dolph is informed he faces Sheamus next… Dolph just shouts WHAT??? AWW DAMMIT!!! in comedy fashion. lol…

Wait… Sheamus vs. Dolph is next??? What?? AWWW DAMMIT… I’m with Dolph.

5. Dolph Ziggler vs. Sheamus

I have ZERO interest for this match. Sheamus dominates for the first several mintues and takes things to the floor. Back inside, Dolph looks to finally amount some offense after landing a dropkick and clotheslining Sheamus to the floor… But Sheamus comes right back with a powerslam on Ziggz on the outside… This brings Lana out to the stage as we go to break…

On the App… Sheamus with a pair of HIGH Gut Wrench Tosses, gets a 2 count… Sheamus works a chinlock while Lana watches on.

Back from break on USA, Ziggler escapes bus misses the splash in the corner. Sheamus with the Irish Curse backbreaker for 2. Ziggles keeps trying, but isn’t getting much offense in. Dolph finally builds some momentum and drops Sheamus, a flying cross body and the FAMOUSER connects… Sheamus kicks out just before the 3… Sheamus misses a corner charge and eats a SUPERKICK from Dolph… 1………2…….Sheamus kicks out.

Rusev comes stomping out past Lana and heads to the ring. Rusev up onto the apron, Ziggler SUPERKICKS Rusev! Ziggler turns around into a BROGUE KICK and it’s over… Sheamus wins in 10:20.

After the match, Rusev beats down Ziggler while he stares down Lana and makes her watch. Ziggler fights back but winds up in the Accolade, facing Lana. Rusev shouts “kiss him now” as Ziggler taps. Rusev leaves past Lana with a scowl.

Up next, it’s the US Title Open Challenge!

— Commercial Break —

– We get our weekly U.S. Champion promo. Cena actually puts himself over this week. He talks about putting everyone down who has accepted the challenge. That brings Cena to Kevin Owens, who dropped Cena last week. Cena puts over Owens, but the fans aren’t fully supporting that. Cena even gives the fans a chant for Owens. Cena really starts to drill this stupid chant into the fans heads. It’s so obvious it’s sad. Cena finally acknowledges it being Memorial Day and him being proud to be U.S. Champion.

This week’s challenger????

The Entourage is out… Aww shit… Cena thinks the Entourage is accepting his challenge. Cummon now John…

Instead… Accepting the challenge is…..

Long Island’s own… WOO WOO WOO… YOU KNOW IT!!!

Zack Ryder on his way to the ring for U.S. Title action…

— Commercial Break —

– On the WWE App, we get the U.S. Title intros.

6. U.S. Heavyweight Champion John Cena vs. Zack Ryder

The Entourage boys are sitting at ringside for the match. Cena dominates early, but Zakc comes back with a double knee, a missile dropkick and a big forearm in the corner… Cena dodges the Broski boot and lands the shoulder tackles of doom before setting up for the 5 knuckle shuffle… Entourage distracts and Ryder with a roll up for 1……..2………NEAR FALL ON CENA… Ryder with the Killswitch for a near falll…. STIFF Broski Boot and another near fall…. Zack looking for the Rough Ryder… IT CONNECTS!!! 1……….2…………Cena kicks out… Ryder goes up top. RYDER WITH A 450 SPLASH, BUT MISSES!!! Cena with the crappy AA and it’s over in just 4:05…

NXT guys can kick out of the AA, but not Ryder… Everyone else can go 10+ minutes… But not Ryder… It was nice he got the nod here tonight, but it was pretty bittersweet given how much of a throw away this was.

Cena helps Ryder up after the match and they celebrate with Entourage. The Entourage crew quickly leave with Ryder at a fast pace… Why so quick??

KEVIN OWENS ATTACKS CENA… That’s why! Well that explains it… Owens lays Cena out once again with the Pop Up Powerbomb and holds up the NXT Title while stepping on the U.S. belt…

– Backstage, HHH & Stephanie are marveling at Kevin Owens. Seth Rollins is with them. Renee Young steps in to question the Ambrose situation. Stephanie says at the end of the show they will come to the ring and give Dean the chance to sign the contract. If he doesn’t make it, the match is off. So how will Stone Cold Ambrose return?

– The Bellas on the way to the ring to watch some girl rasslin.

– A New Day – Tag Team – Elimination Chamber promo airs… 2.5 hours into the show and we get our FIRST MENTION of the frickin Tag Chamber match… Wow….

— Commercial Break —

– This is the very last night of the WWE Raw Second Screen Experience. Not sure how they’re going about doing things from this point on. Hoping to still have a way to follow the action through the breaks, but if not, it’s been fun.

– Ryback vs. Rusev on Smackdown this week.

7. Paige vs. Tamina (w/Naomi)

Bellas on commentary. Paige in control early with a series of knees. Then it’s Tamina’s turn on top. Naomi tries to distract, Paige side steps but the heels stop before they collide. Paige still manages the comeback and lands a diving somersault block off the apron to the floor on Tamina. Tamina catches Paige with a shot as she tries to climb back inside. Tamina distracts the ref while Naomi hits Paige with a cheap shot. Tamina finishes things with a Samoan Drop in 3:34.

– New Day on their way to the ring… Less than 30 minutes left in the show and we have our first sign of a Tag Team in the Chamber match…

— Commercial Break —

– Cesaro, Kidd & Natalya on the App. I really hate their promos. This is more of the usual. Just not funny. Just not a good promo.

– Video on the Rock getting on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and promotion for San Andreas.

– New Day promo in the ring. They’re being persecuted by having to defend in the Chamber. They talk about the arena being shut down, the sports teams that have left. KANE’s music hits…???

Kane says the Chamber match is fair, they have a 1 in 6 chance of winning, just like everyone else. Kane says what’s unfair is New Day’s match tonight against the other 5 teams in a TEN On THREE handicap match…

Why is Kane hating on New Day?

— Commercial Break —

8. Tag Champs The New Day vs. Cesaro & Kidd, Prime Time Players, Matadores, Ascension, & The Lucha Dragons

Give me Rowan & Harper any day… Match starts on the App. Kofi having a rough start for his team. Sin Cara tries something funky off the top rope and it gets ALL sorts of f’d up. Woods tags in, but he has little success as well. Big E tags in and flings Kalisto across the ring with an overhead belly to belly…

Returning from break, New Day work over Kalisto. I’m not sure if anyoen but Lucha Dragons have tagged in on the face side. NINE PEOPLE reach for a tag from Kalisto but somehow he still can’t make it… Finally, all ten men attack New Day and beat them down, causing a DQ or a no contest, or something… Match went just over 3:00, 15 seconds of it might have been on USA.

Things break down, all 6 teams go at it… People start getting knocked to the floor, the Matadores with some clumsy dives… Lucha Dragons follow with top rope dives onto everyone… Except the champs. New Day is announced as the winners by DQ…

New Day begin to celebrate with all the challengers laid out on the floor, but they forgot one team… Cesaro & Tyson Kidd attack New Day and drop Woods with the Giant Swing/dropkick combo.

– When we come back, The Authority will be in the ring to await Stone Cold Dean Ambrose, by gawd.

– It’s our final WWE event in the Nassau Coliseum, and the final WWE Second Screen break for the final week ever. Tom Phillips tries to send off, but is interrupted by Brad Maddox. Maddox says he’s taking over the App starting next week. Maddox says he’s taking over the app next week with MATT STRIKER… Phillips reminds Brad that Striker isn’t in WWE anymore… How random… Maddox seems confused and walks off… I’ll miss these segments, if not for anything else than they’re clearly not overseen and anything can happen.

— Commercial Break —

– Somehow we learn that there was a CAMERA MAN FILMING THE CAMERA MAN that bumped into Dean… The new camera angle shows Seth Rollins SHOVE the camera man into Dean and cause the entire incident… So Dean shouldn’t be in jail right now! Well, damn…

– The Authority back out to the ring. Seth runs down Dean being reckless and hitting the cameraman. Stephanie bashes Ambrose for attacking one of her employees. HHH joins in, making it clear he had every intention to give Ambrose the chance to face Seth at Chamber, all he had to do was sign the contract. But Dean isn’t here now… So…

Roman Reigns music hits… Reigns attacks Rollins… The Authority outnumber Reigns and beat him down. Reigns comes fighting back but runs into a CHOKESLAM from Kane. Seth teases Roman with the contract…. when…


No, it’s Dean Ambrose… He’s stole the police van… Now THAT IS against the law… Ambrose heads to ringside with a cop hat and a nightstick… This crowd sucks. Ambrose lays out J&J and Kane with the night stick… Ambrose goes Seth, Kane interrupts… Dean lays Kane out with a clothesline… J&J, Seth, Kane brawl with Ambrose AND Reigns… Reigns with a DOUBLE SPEAR on J&J… Superman Punch on Kane… Rollins goes running up the ramp with HHH & Stephanie… Reigns hands the contract to Dean, who signs it as Raw goes off the air…

Fun time putting over the main program, but I can’t help but think with all of this going on, Bray Wyatt is sooo lost in the shuffle right now.


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