The WWE Raw Report 5/19/14


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Raw Pre-Show 5/19/14

– Our panel tonight is Josh Matthews, Booker T, and Alex Riley from WWE headquarters. Raw is in London tonight.

– We go back to last week when Daniel Bryan announcing his next surgery, and the Stephanie McMahon/Kane crap that went along with it… The Panel discuss what they think about the future of Daniel Bryan and his reign as WWE Champion.

– Renee Young with Brad Maddox. Brad announces a IC Title Beat the Clock Challenge tonight. Three matches, the winner with the fastest time will meet Bad News Barrett at Payback…

– Shield vs. Evolution at Payback has been made a No Holds Barred Elimination match. Anything Goes. We take a look at last week’s Raw with Shield attacking Evolution in the garage, and then the end of the program with the big brawl… Discussion obviously follows… You know the pattern by now…

– We go back to last week Bray Wyatt challenges Cena to a Last Man Standing match at Payback. Cena responds and accepts the challenge. Panel talks Last Man Standing and the Wyatts/Cena situation.

– Renee Young in the garage, Evolution show up. The usual…

– Renee Young with Stephanie. She will address the state of the WWE World Championship on Raw

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WWE Raw 5/19/14 from the O2 Arena in London England

– Bray Wyatt and The Wyatt Family kick off RAW… Bray cuts another of many good promos on John Cena. Wyatt gets everyone to sing along with him,,. Bray announces that John Cena will have to wrestle Luke Harper later tonight… Fans start chanting Cena sucks…

John Cena comes out and lays out Bray Wyatt… Cena gets out of the ring before Harper and Rowan can touch him. Cena smirks from the aisle at laying out Bray…

-Commercial Break-

– Cesaro and Paul Heyman come out to a big pop. Heyman cuts a promo about how they are stars and the fans are a bunch of wannabes. Heyman then praises Brock Lesnar for ending The Streak. Cesaro will be taking on US Champ Sheamus in a rematch from Main Event last week…

1. US Champion Sheamus vs. Cesaro (w/Paul Heyman). Non-Title match. Sheamus gets booed big time. Cesaro gets the win with a German suplex. After the match, Sheamus offers a handshake but Cesaro refuses. Some struggling for position leads to Cesaro taking a powder… Back inside Cesaro takes over, but Sheamus comes back with the 10 forearm clubs on Cesaro. Cesaro escapes a rolling Slam and powders, but Sheamus keeps controls. The crowd gives a crap less, chanting for JBL and Lawler, amongst others things, rather than supporting Sheamus. Finally, Sheamus misses a body block and takes a bump outside, and you know what that means… Yup… Commercial time…

Back from break, Cesaro gets Sheamus in a sleeper. Sheamus breaks free but misses a shoulder charge in the corner and hits the post… Crowd is behind Cesaro… Cesaro superplexes Sheamus back into the ring from the APRON… Always enjoy that spot… Sheamus kicks out… Cesaro charges Sheamus but takes the Irish Curse backbreaker for 2… Sheamus comes off the top with the flying tackle but runs into a European uppercut for a near fall… The two trade punches, Sheamus hits a powerslam for 2… Paul Heyman up on the apron and distracts Sheamus… Cesaro capitalizes with a bridging German suplex for the win… Cesaro wins the non-title match in 12:00…

After the match, Sheamus offers a handshake, even though he was cheated… Cesaro denies, and the crowd approves… Poor Sheamus, can’t get a break…fella…

– Batista vs. Seth Rollins is announced for later.

-Commercial Break-

– German Announce Team at ringside… I wonder how sturdy their table is???

– There will be a Beat The Clock Challenge tonight to determine who faces Bad News Barrett for the Intercontinental Title at Payback.

2. Beat the Clock Challenge: Big E vs. Ryback (w/Curtis Axel). Some back and forth, nothing much, a couple of early pinfall attempts. Big E lands an overhead belly to belly 90 seconds in… Ryback responds with a suplex 2 minutes in… Both get 2 counts… Ryback works over Big E, but E responds with a belly to belly for 2… Big E tries the Warrior splash, but Ryback pops up and catches him with a Spinebuster… Ryback with a meat hook clotheslines… Big E escapes a Powerbomb but falls flat on his face… Big E back up, drops Ryback, knocks Axel off the apron, and hits the Big Ending out of nowhere for the win at 5:02… That finish was garbage…

-Commercial Break-

3. R-Truth & Naomi (or Cameron) vs. Fandango & Layla. The fans are Fandangoing. It’s unclear which member of the Funkadactyls is teaming with R-Truth because they both come out, and the match never starts as Summer Rae returns. Summer storms to the ring, kisses Fandango and goes right to attacking Layla and the two girls brawl. For as uneventful as it was, it was still probably the most interesting thing involving a Diva in the last God knows how long (not counting AJ)….

– You best BO-LIEVE, Bo Dallas debuts on Smackdown!

-Commercial Break-

– In order to get more heat, Daniel Bryan’s music hits to a big pop but Stephanie McMahon comes out instead… Stephanie comes out and cuts a promo that the fans don’t want to hear… Live reports say that the chants of “CM Punk” among other things were done to drown Stephanie out in the arena… Wish I could have been there so I wouldn’t have had to hear her… Stephanie has some BAD NEWS… And yes, she even says it in Barrett’s accent, or at least tries to…

Steph wants to strip Bryan of the WWE World Heavyweight Title but wants him on next week’s RAW to forfeit it himself, because that’s what’s best for business… Stephanie wonders who she’s going to award the title to, Kane? Barrett? Batista? HHH? As this continues on, I realize how much she needs to be off TV…. This certainly isn’t helping their product…

The angle continues next week… More Stephanie… Goody…

-Commercial Break-

– 3MB come out as “The Union Jacks”, the same gimmick they worked on their last UK tour… Lana comes out and talks about Russian President Vladimir Putin before bringing out Rusev. Rusev gets a massive “England” chant and some boos… Rusev says some crap in Bulgarian, or Russian, or whatever…

4. Rusev (w/Lana) vs. Heath Slater (w/3MB). Slater tries to dive on Rusev outside but Rusev catches him and dumps him. Rusev then takes out McIntyre and Mahal out on the floor. Inside the bell finally rings, Heath tries to fight back with some punches, but Rusev lays him out with the swinging Boss Man Slam thingy, and then the Accolade (Camel Clutch) gets the submission in 35 seconds…

– Backstage segment with The Shield. Rollins talks about his match with Batista later on. Roman Reigns shows off the scar above his eye.

-Commercial Break-

5. Beat the Clock Challenge: Rob Van Dam vs. Alberto Del Rio ADR says the future of the planet depends on him winning this match… Back and forth stuff, kick to Del Rio’s face and hits a crappy looking legdrop… Looks like RVD wanted to go for rolling thunder but ADR was too close so Van Dam hit a crappy looking legdrop to cover… 2:00 left to beat the clock, ADR with the Back Stabber, but RVD blocks a cross armbreaker and hits Rolling Thunder. RVD misses the 5 Star Frog Splash and Del Rio covers for 2… Alberto with the Enzuigiri in the corner to RVD. With Van Dam on his knees Del Rio charges with the superkick, but RVD ducks and school boys Alberto for the lame finish in 4:15… RVD beats Big E’s time by 47 seconds…

Well ADR lost, the future of the planet is finished. To quote Spaceballs… “Oh Shit, there goes the planet!”…47

-Commercial Break-

– Backstage segment with Renee Young, John Cena and The Usos. Cena starts off cutting the generic promo, he wants the Usos in his corner… They start humming and beating their chests… Nothing says Wyatt Family feud like a good dose of silly in the segment… Who thinks this stuff is a good idea? This is why nobody can stay invested in a good storyline, angle or allow themselves to get emotionally attached. Everything turns to comedy when Cena is involved. And the way this feud is going, they change it up every week, one week it’s serious, then it’s comedy, then Cena blames the fans, now he’s funny Cena again. This crap confuses the casual fan… Book a serious angle, and stick with what’s working… How hard is that???

– Seth Rollins vs. Batista is next. Evolution is backstage and ready…

-Commercial Break-

HHH is out to be the special ring announcer and Randy Orton is the special timekeeper. Rollins brings out Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns as special commentators.

6. Seth Rollins vs. Batista. Rollins gets the offense going, but Batista turns things around, we’re not 90 seconds into the match before it goes to commercial…

Back from break, Batista is in charge, baseball slide kick sends Rollins back outside the ring. Back inside, Orton and HHH distract the ref while Batista has his way with Rollins, choking and hammering on him before locking Seth in a sleeper and body scissors… Rollins escapes with a jawbreaker… Seth off the ropes but runs into a back elbow from Batista and Rollins takes a back flip bump. Batista all over Rollins, while HHH taunts from the floor… Batista goes for a Superplex, but Rollins knocks Batista off, Rollins off the middle rope with the Blockbuster somersault neckbreaker…

Seth tries to take over but runs into a Batista boot… Rollins still fights back, using the JTG spinning clothesline… Batista tries a German suplex, but Rollins breaks free and dropkicks Batista to the floor before hitting a suicide dive…. Seth Rollins starts to climb the ropes but Randy Orton grabs hit foot… This brings Ambrose and Reigns off commentary… Batista takes over on Rollins thanks to Orton’s interference… Batista sets up for a spear but takes a kick to the face, and then a flying knee off the top rope gets a near fall on Batista…

Rollins goes back up top, but Orton distracts the ref while HHH pushes Rollins off the top rope… It’s HHH & Orton brawling with Reigns and Ambrose outside the ring now with chairs and whatnot… Ambrose jumps off the announce table onto Orton…

Rollins tries a dive out onto Orton, but gets cracked in the head by Randy for the DQ…. Batista then spears Rollins down…. Rollins wins by DQ in 14:00….

HHH tries a pedigree on Ambrose but gets backdropped over the announce table… Back in the ring Roman Reigns spears Batista and they set him up for the Triple Powerbomb, but Randy Orton pulls Batista to safety with the Shield standing tall….

-Commercial Break-

7. WWE Divas Champion Paige vs. Alicia Fox. Non-Title match. Fox attacks Paige at the start and never let up… Fox just beats the crap out of Paige, lays some kicks into her head and gets the pin in maybe 2:00….

– Wyatt Family promo from backstage. Harper starts the interview off, Wyatt takes over… Rowan tells everybody to RUN….

-Commercial Break-

8. Beat the Clock Challenge: Mark Henry vs. Dolph Ziggler. They’ve gotta beat 4:15… Henry floors Ziggler early and often… Powerslam gets 2… Ziggler eventually rolls to the floor…RVD watches from the back… Ziggler gets back inside and manages to land the Famouser, but either Henry blows the bump or they were going for a different version of the move… Anyway, Famouser gets 2 and Dolph throws back outside.. Ziggler back in again, standing dropkick, and then a second dropkick gets 2, with 1:00 to go… Ziggler tries a high cross body, but Henry catches for a powerslam for 2… 20 seconds left… Henry goes for World Strongest Slam, Ziggler slides behind… ZIG ZAG…. TIME RUNS OUT AS ZIGGLER COVERS!!! I know they’re fighting to beat the clock, but should the match end just because he won’t beat RVD’s time?

RVD wins the Beat the Clock Challenge… RVD comes out to celebrate but gets leveled with the BULL HAMMER ELBOW from Bad News Barrett….. Barrett has some bad news for RVD… The bad news is RVD has to meet Barrett for the IC Title… BNB puts over England, and says he’s not going to lose to a bloody yank, and the British Bulldog’s theme plays…. Seriously… Davey Boy’s theme plays… Creepy…

-Commercial Break-

– They replay the Stephanie McMahon promo. Bryan is still champion but must surrender the belt on next week’s RAW.

– Renee Young brings Adam Rose and his Rosebuds out to the ring. They party some before Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger interrupt. Rose is over big
time in London. Zeb cuts a promo and wants Rose to face Swagger. Fans chant “you’re a lemon” at Zeb and Swagger.

-Commercial Break-

9. John Cena (w/Usos) vs. Luke Harper (w/Bray Wyatt & Rowan). Harper mauls on Cena to get things going… Cena makes a typical Cena comeback but misses a charge in the corner… Harper with a Pump Handle overhead throw on Cena for 2… Commercial 2:00 into the match…

Back from break, Harper still on top of Cena… Fans singing “John Cena Sucks” to the tune of Cena’s theme… John still rallies back for the 5 knuckle shuffle, but Harper counters with a German suplex for 2… Harper misses a running boot in the corner and tumbles to the floor… Luke rolls right back in but Cena starts his usual comeback spots, but Harper block and AA with an inverted side slam / faceplant slam. Cena counters a piledriver with a backdrop, but HARPER HITS A SWINGING HURACAN RANA!!!! Dropkick knocks Cena outside, and a suicide dive onto John…

Back inside Harper runs into an elbow and Cena hits a tornado DDT to recover… Cena lands a CRAPPY looking huracan rana and Harper retaliates with a Superkick…. Harper picks Cena up into a Burning Hammer position and swing it out into a neckbreaker for 2… Cena battles back and applies the STF!!!! Harper gets to the ropes…

Rowan jumps onto the apron, but the Usos makes the save and dive onto Bray and Rowan… Wyatt slides into the ring and hits Sister Abigail on BOTH Usos!!! Match still continues!!! Harper with a Michinoku Driver on Cena for 2… Cena finally lands the AA on Harper, but Rowan attacks John to draw the DQ in 13:00….

Cena fights Rowan off but runs into a SISTER ABIGAIL… The Wyatts continue their attack on Cena afterwards… Rowan with a Fallaway Slam on the ramp to Cena… Crowd loves it… And Bray with another SISTER ABIGAIL on top of the stage…

Bray Wyatt gets the fans to sing along with him to end the show…

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WWE Raw “Backstage Pass” Post Show

– The panel discusses the Bray Wyatt/Cena situation we just saw.

– Replay of Stephanie and her message about the WWE title… Panel discusses Daniel Bryan and the WWE Title and what to expect next Monday…

– We go back to Rollins vs. Batista from earlier tonight and the carnage that followed… More panel talk…

– RVD wins the beat the clock challenge. Booker puts him over… Byron Saxton interviews RVD after the attack from Bad News Barrett… RVD says the attack made it personal…

– Tomorrow on Main Event it’s Cesaro vs. Mark Henry…

– Renee Young interviews John Cena after the beat down… Cena says he has 2 weeks to prepare a strategy against Wyatt… He won’t give up…

– Friday on Smackdown, HULK HOGAN!

That’s all this week… Good night!

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