The WWE Raw Report 2/23/15


Raw Preshow Notes

– It’s Scott Stanford, David Otunga & Corey Graves in at WWE HQ. They talk the “big show” last night and Otunga assumes they mean the Oscars… Ouch…

– They talk the fallout from Fastlane, Roman Reigns vs. Daniel Bryan, and Rusev vs. John Cena…. They tease “what’s next for Cena AND Rusev?” and that we’ll find out tonight.

– Fastlane fallout continues, clip from last night’s confrontation between Sting and Trips… They be headed to Mania.

– Last night’s edition of “Let’s bury Dolph Ziggler” concludes with Ziggles doing the job to the awesome combo of Show and Kane during the 6-man tag. On the flip side, Randy Orton returned in time for Mania to feud with Seth Rollins.

– So Bray Wyatt challenged the Undertaker, will he accept? See how simple a storyline can be!

– Cesaro & Kidd beat the Usos for the tag titles. Since there’s no room for such a match on Mania, we get the rematch tonight on Raw! There’s always the preshow fellas…

– Renee Young interviews Tyson Kidd & Cesaro. As awesome as Cesaro is in the ring, he’s regressing on his promos. Ugh…. I just can’t force myself to like Kidd, though I’m cool with the team if it gives Cesaro TV time…

Aaaaand it’s time for Raw!

WWE Raw Report 2/23/15 from the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, Tennessee

– Well here we go people, the last leg of the Road to WrestleMania begins… We’ve got 5 weeks, that’s essentially 5 shows, to sell this puppy. After one of the crappiest PPV’s in recent memory, let’s see how they recover here tonight.

– We kick off the show with Randy Orton headed to the ring. Orton eats up the chants. We’re reminded of how Seth Rollins took Orton out back in November. Orton isn’t here to screw around, he wants Seth Rollins out here right now!!!! But instead, he gets…………….

The Game-uh…. Triple Schnoz, Big Show, Kane, and, sigh, Stephanie come out to the stage. All four head to the ring and they’re dressed in professional clothes…. Ugh, Stephanie starts off on the mic. She loves what she saw from Randy last night and she wants him back in their group! Orton says he’s not a part of their family and all he wants is to bash Seth Rollins’ face in.

Stephanie says Orton can find it in him to forgive Seth, because the Authority forgives Orton for what he did. Steph says that Orton forced their hand back in November, but that’s the past… Orton still refuses to rejoin…

Big Show takes his turn, he says joining the Authority was the best decision he’s ever made. He says Orton returning to the Authority would be the best decision Randy would make. Orton mocks Big Show for selling out.

Stephanie tells Randy he’s not a “good guy”. He doesn’t care about the crowd, he just wants to reap the rewards. An “RKO” chant is so loud, Stephanie has to SCREAM over the chant in order for us to hear her… Steph talks about when Orton kicked her head in, without actually mentioning it, being PG and all… Steph asks Randy to come back home.

Crowd chants “NO”. Orton never says a word, but the Authority slowly leaves the ring, with HHH slowly following the rest and eye balling Randy…

The Authority get half way up the ramp and Orton cuts them off… Orton says “I’ll be there” for a business meeting in the back. Oh that sneaky Randy.

– Orton leaves the ring and the IC Champion Bad News Barrett is now headed to the ring, to NO crowd reaction…

–Commercial Break–

– Back from break, Barrett is already cutting a promo. Make no mistake, Wade is the IC Champion… He gets cut off by Dolph Ziggler’s music.

1. IC Champion Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler

This is non-title, and R frickin’ TRUTH is on commentary…. Apparently Truth beat Barrett last week on Smackdown in a non-title match. Has Barrett defeated anyone, he’s been jobbing to jobbers? What’s this leading to, some sort of multiple man gimmick match at Mania? Barrett grabs a headlock early. What a champ. Ziggler breaks free and lands a neckbreaker and elbow for 2. BNB goes right back on top with a big kick to the chest. BNB grabs another rest hold, Ziggler tries to escape but gets driven down. Dolph eventually gets to his feet and knocks BNB to the outside as we head to break…

The action continues on the WWE App, BNB returns to the ring and plows Ziggler over with an elbow or something that knocks Ziggz to the floor… Barrett throws Ziggler into R-Truth at ringside. Both men wind up back inside and BNB grabs the “coming back from commercial” chinlock.

Back from break, Dolph breaks the hold, makes a comeback, Barrett tries Wasteland, but Ziggles counters with a spike DDT for a near fall… Barrett comes back and picks Ziggler up for a powerbomb but loses his balance and both men take a dangerous looking bump during the powerbomb. Ouch. BNB goes for the Bull Hammer, but Dolph rolls him up for 2… Ziggles misses the Famouse, BNB misses a Big Boot, BNB catches Ziggler with the Winds of Change for a near fall..

BNB tries Wasteland again, Dolph counters with a sunset flip for 2… BNB misses a charge in the corner and…. ZIGZAG!!! 1…….2………3! Dolph wins in 11:05.

Immediately following the match, Dean Ambrose comes to the ring carrying the IC Title he stole last night. Dean shows the belt off to BNB, then he mouths “Do you want this?” to Ziggler, referring to the belt. Ambrose then shoulder bumps Dolph on the way out of the ring… God, why couldn’t it just be straight up Ambrose and Ziggz at Mania… None of this Barrett, R-Truth, etc, crap… This does generate some intrigue however.

–Commercial Break–

– The announcers reconfirm HHH vs. Sting at Mania. Later tonight we’ll take a look at Sting… I’m assuming this will be some sort of video.

– Stephanie is backstage with the Authority, Randy Orton, and Seth Rollins. Seth cuts Steph off and she gets pissed. Both Rollins and Kane think Orton shouldn’t return to the Authority. Stephanie disagrees, she runs down the Authority’s roster and Orton puts them over the top. Rollins wants to know how they can trust Orton. Stephanie says if Orton can forgive Rollins, then Rollins should forgive Randy. Stephanie puts Randy on the spot, will he return to The Authority???

Orton extends his hand to Seth Rollins and the two men shake. Stephanie loves it and makes Orton & Rollins vs. Daniel Bryan & Roman Reigns. Well that makes sense. 😉

–Commercial Break–

– WWE App interview, Tom Phillips with Darren Young, he gets asked about the return of the PTPlayers. Young isn’t so sure they’re reuniting. Titus O’Neil interrupts and talks Darren into getting back on the same page. They do the “Millions of Dollars” dance.

– Sheamus Returns Video. Still no date.

2. The Prime Time Players vs. The Ascension

We get an insert promo from the Ascension, they rip apart the Bushwhackers being inducted into the HoF… The Ascension corner Young early on. Konnor with some stiff ass forearms to Young’s jaw. Both Ascension working stiff as hell with Young. They just demolish Young, refusing to let him tag. They try for a pin, but Titus breaks it up and knocks Konnor to the floor, but Viktor knocks O’Neil outside. Young surprises Viktor with an inside cradle in 3:03…. The Ascension are no longer undefeated, they’ve lost to the…. PTP’s….

The Ascension attack the Players after the match and lay Young out with the Fall of Man.

–Commercial Break–

– Tom Phillips interviews Paige on the WWE App. She talks about the Bellas playing 2 on 1, so she needs to find someone to back her up. She gets down on one knee and proposes a question to Emma. In a terrible, unwritten, corny segment, Paige asks Emma for her help and to be her partner tonight against the Bellas. Emma still has a job? Joy.

– So they hype the Rock at the Academy Awards. Shameless WWE.

– Roman Reigns on his way out to the ring. Mixed reaction, and I have no idea how this guy vs. Lesnar one-on-one is a good idea. Random screams from the women, but lots of boos as well. Reigns says he can now undoubtedly say he’s going to WrestleMania. Roman talks about the fans rooting for “the other guy”. Reigns starts to address his doubters when Daniel Bryan’s music hits…

Bryan talks about Reigns’ doubters, and his biggest doubter is Daniel Bryan. He may have won the Rumble but Bryan doubted Reigns. Bryan talks about the WWE wanting SIZE, but the big guys don’t have half the heart Daniel does. And that’s why the fans don’t like Reigns… Giant “YES” chants, lol…. SHOOT.

Bryan says that’s also why he didn’t like Reigns. Bryan says he gave it all last night, and he doesn’t regret anything, Reigns proved to Bryan last night that Roman has more heart than Daniel thought. Bryan then admits Reigns beat him and refers to him as sir. Laaaaaaame.

Bryan says congratulations and shakes the hand of Reigns. He looks forward to teaming with Roman later tonight. Laaaaaaaaame.

I KNOW they don’t think that will force the fans to like Reigns. The fans know when something is forced. Man I hope he turns on Reigns.

– Paul Heyman interrupts Reigns in the ring as Bryan leaves. Heyman is here to say congratulations to Reigns and shakes his hand. Heyman said his money would always be on Roman Reigns, vs. Bruno Sammartino, vs. Hulk Hogan AND Andre the Giant at Mania 3, vs. Steve Austin in 1998, The Rock, HHH, John Cena, his money would have always been on Reigns… This is doing NOTHING to help Reigns as the crowd is booing the shit out of him… Reigns vs. 29 guys at the Rumble, Heyman still chose Reigns. And then last night at Fastlane, his money was on Reigns.

Boy they’re doing EVERYTHING to TRY and get Reigns over…

Heyman calls Reigns the right guy, in the right place, at the wrong time…. Because he’s not fighting a man at WrestleMania, he’s fighting the beast…. Brrrrrock Lesnar. Heyman informs Reigns that he can’t slay the beast. At Mania, Paul’s money is on Lesnar.

Reigns asks Paul to come closer to tell him again that he can’t beat Brock. Roman calls all the doubting motivation. Reigns says it’s no longer just about beating Brock Lesnar… It’s about the way he’s going to beat him…. Then he ends it with some crap that doesn’t even make sense… Believe that….

As good as Heyman is, as over as Bryan is, this segment is going on wayyyyy to long AND it’s helping no one… Crowd started giving Reigns the WHAT treatment near the end… UGH. Boy that Vince, he’ll force feed you crap no matter how much you spit it out…

–Commercial Break–

– WWE App interview with Tennessee Titans Ken Whisenhunt. He says he’s out scouting talent and namedrops Big Show… PLEASE, take him….

3. WWE Tag Team Champions Cesaro & Tyson Kidd (w/Natalya) vs. The Usos (w/Naomi)

Rematch from the title change last night. Things get going and we’re out to the floor for a 4-man spot of leapfrogs and clotheslines off the steel steps… Pretty cool spot, but I’m not going to try and explain it, lol… Back inside, the heels take over. JBL & Booker T crap on the wives being at ringside. Cole reminds them of Queen Sharmell and Jillian… You go Cole! Usos take over on Tyson Kidd, diving headbutt by Jey gets 2… Kidd flings Jey to the floor and tries a somersault out onto the Usos, but they catch Tyson and drop him across the barricade… nice… Cesaro takes a backdrop on the floor as well… Usos continue control in the ring on Kidd, Jey with a flying cross body gets 2 as we take a commercial break.

WWE App footage continues. Cesaro tries to interfere which distracts Jey and Tyson knocks Jey to the floor where he gets dropped by Cesaro… The heels take over and double team and cheat away on Jey. Tyson catapults Jey into a European Uppercut from Cesaro for tw… Cesaro grabs that “coming back from commercial” headlock. It’s like he knows!!!

Back from break, Jey escapes the headlock but Kidd tags in. Tyson comes into the ring with s springboard but lands on the knees of Jey. Cesaro knocks Jimmy off the apron and the heels maintain control. Cesaro starts the GIANT SWING right into a dropkick from Kidd gets 2… The heels try for the Power & Glory finisher, but Jey spins behind Cesaro and lands an Ocean Cyclone drop… Tag to Jimmy DIVING SPLASH… But Tyson breaks up the cover with a springboard elbow!

Tyson randomly becomes the legal man without a tag…. Jimmy with a wicked looking enzuigiri but misses the butt bash in the corner… Tyson rolls him up and puts his feet on the ropes for leverage, but Naomi knocks Tyson away from the ropes to stop the count… Natalya gets into it with Naomi and shoves her down… Jimmy Uso with a Superkick on Tyson and goes up for the big splash… But Natalya climbs onto the apron and crotches Jimmy on the top rope causing the DQ in 10:26…

Naomi jerks Natalya off the apron by her feet and Nattie sells an ankle injury. I can’t tell if she’s smiling or crying, her face always looks the same… I don’t wish injuries on people, but if that’s a legit ankle injury at least we won’t get a stupid mixed tag of crap at Mania…

–Commercial Break–

– WWE App interview with Jack Swagger… Swagger is so important he’s here to talk about the Stardust & Goldust feud…. My how far we’ve fallen since two WrestleManias ago. So anyway, apparently Jack is wrestling Stardust tonight, he says he’s going to spank him and teach him a lesson… Dear God, no wonder these people have their scripts written when on TV…. We the People….

– Backstage the Miz is pissed off at Damien Sandow for getting lint on his jacket. Sandow has big news. But Miz cuts him off, he has bigger news. The Miz has won all the titles except the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. So he will go with that “prestige” this year. LOL. Okay….

Damien is excited and thanks Miz for making him relevant. Sandow’s big news is that he’s getting movie offers as a leading man from all over. He’s also slated for a commercial appearance. The Miz says “that’s great”, in a sarcastic voice, then Miz makes a jealous face as Sandow brushes the lint off Miz’s jacket.

Okay, so Sandow is eliminating Miz (and hopefully winning) at WrestleMania. After reevaluating the card and time restraints this morning, I figured as much.

– We have a look at Bray Wyatt’s promo on the Undertaker from last night. At Mania Bray promises to claim the Undertaker’s soul.

– A new Bray Wyatt promo from a dark room. Wyatt looks down into a casket as he cuts the promo. Wyatt says 21-1 signaled the end of the Undertaker’s life. Taker was left in broken bones and broken dreams. Wyatt references the evil, the devil, breathing on Taker’s neck. That evil is now Bray Wyatt and he’s coming to finish the job. It’s so much better down here (in hell). Wyatt slams the casket lid shut, laughs and dares the Undertaker to find him!

– Stardust on the way to the ring for a spanking… If Jack Swagger has anything to say about it… Oh yeah, Stardust is now from the FIFTH DIMENSION… Yikes.

–Commercial Break–

– WWE App shows footage of Goldust arriving to the arena last night to face Cody. Dusty and Dustin talk Stardust as they walk down the hall. Fast forward to Goldust putting his “war paint” on and thinking about having to

4. Stardust vs. Jack Swagger

Dusty Hill of ZZ Top is still alive and in the front row… He’s been a wrestling fan for DECADES… Since he’s not working Goldust, Stardust has his upper body suit back on and has his entire face painted. Cody chants from the fans irritate Stardust as he works over Jack. Jack with a shoulder block on Cody, but eats feet on a Swagger Bomb attempt… Stardust tries a top rope Disaster Kick, but Swagger catches him and turns it into the Ankle Lock!!! Cody gets to the ropes and drops Jack across them…

Just as Cody gets to take back over, GOLDUST’S MUSIC HITS… Goldust comes out to the stage, it distracts Cody, and Swagger locks in the Ankle Lock again… And this time Cody taps in like 2 seconds… Wow, okay… Match went about 2:00….

Swagger wins, Goldust teaches his brother another lesson, and the fans chant “Cody” to piss Stardust off…. Not really sure how this helps the angle, BUT at least the crowd enjoy chanting Cody, which is better than sitting on your hands… Cough… New Day… Cough…

– Up next, where does John Cena go from here??? The dude lost a match… Now we’re questioning where he goes????

–Commercial Break–

– WWE App shows a post match interview from last night with Rusev & Lana… Rusev did what he said he was going to do… He CRUSHED Cena.

– John Cena now on his way to the ring on Raw. Cena says hats off to Rusev, but he also had Rusev looking into the eyes of defeat. Cena calls the Accolade the “Acolyte”, lol… Cena points out that he never submitted to the ACCOLADE, well neither did Jack Swagger, or Big Show…. Cena talks about getting knocked out and losing. Rusev won. Cena can admit that. He has no problem with the loss, he has a problem with Rusev. Rusev had a chance to show that he was this big Russian hero last night, but proved to be a coward instead by low blowing Cena…

Cue Rusev & Lana to the stage… Lana uses the AMERICAN phrase “We told you so”. SHUT UP… Man she cuts a sweet promo. 😉

Lana says Cena failed, he let the fans down, he let his country down. She says Cena GAVE UP like all Americans. Cena was humbled by Rusev. Humbled by a Camel Clutch? I think she’s stealing promos now. 😀

Lana says Vladimir Putin has been sending positive messages after Rusev’s win. Rusev takes over on the mic. Rusev says he’s not a coward, he broke Cena. He says Cena embarrassed everyone, including his stupid country. It’s “RUSEV TIME” now. Rusev wants Cena to admit he is better than John. Rusev is better than Cena AND America.

Cena says Rusev can say whatever he wants about John, but he better never run down the USA when Cena’s around. Lana replies “OR WHAT?”. She calls Cena’s life a lie, because he gave up last night… Which really he didn’t….

We’re shown a picture of Cena knocked out, face down, being attended to. Cena becomes offended by the statement his life is a lie. Cena says he keeps getting back up, that’s what Americans do. You can knock us down, but we come back stronger. Cena says Russians should be embarrassed if they praise Rusev. He says American soldiers are heroes, and Rusev is garbage. It’s time to take the trash out… Cena is going to beat Rusev and bring the US Title home to America…. JOHN CENA IS GONNA BEAT YOUR ASS AT WRESTLEMANIA…..

Rusev doesn’t think Cena deserves a rematch at WrestleMania. Rusev says John WAS “The Great” John Cena, but now he’s just “QUITTER” John Cena. Rusev says his answer is no…. No rematch… The Russian flag drops over the ring and Cena is left speechless….

Not a bad promo segment. Some good lines thrown in there against Cena to build the emotion.

– Backstage, Seth Rollins wants to talk to Randy Orton in the locker room. Orton asks for Mercury & Noble to leave. Seth sends them away. Rollins knows Orton hates him… But Randy stops him, Orton is about business and is moving forward. Seth is glad Randy forgives him, but Orton doesn’t forgive him, he is just focused on tonight’s match and showing Reigns & Bryan how lucky they are that Orton wasn’t in the Rumble. The two shake hands and Orton says they will do what they have to do tonight by any means necessary. Orton has a funny look on his face as Seth walks off…. hmmmmmm

– Up next, Bellas vs. Paige & Emma, plus the Sting profile. Fun.

–Commercial Break–

– Sting Video highlights the career of the Stinger. Michael Cole says it’s “in depth”, but I don’t know that a 3 minute video covers everything…

5. Brie & Nikki Bella vs. Paige & Emma

Paige wants at Nikki before the bell. Emma and Brie start things off. Brie with a cheap shot knocks Paige off the apron to begin. Emma ends up taking Brie’s face buster immediately and this match is over in 30 SECONDS. Hey, I’m all for short Diva matches, but that was just pointless…. And poor Emma…

Paige clocks Brie Mode after the match, but then Nikki lays out Paige… Guess Paige needs to keep searching for that right partner…

–Commercial Break–

– WWE App Interview… Curtis Axel says he has a special announcement to make for WrestleMania… And he’s headed to the ring right now…. Oh boy…


– Curtis Axel is in the ring sporting a AXELMANIA shirt and pointing to WrestleMania. Axel says he’s still in the Rumble match… For 29 days now… The AxelMania movement is alive and well, and he deserves his Mania moment. Axel has entered himself into the Andre the Giant Battle Royal… Woooo, big surprise… He was never eliminated from the Rumble, and he won’t be eliminated from the Andre Battle Royal….

Ryback’s music hits…. Former tag team partners collide! Ryback cuts a promo, corny joke. He talks RYBAXEL. Greatest tag team of ALL TIME… Apparently Ryback is in the Battle Royal too… SAD…. What a waste…

6. Ryback vs. Curtis Axel

Axel all over Ryback to start, but Ryback comes back with a big clothesline, and Shellshock, and this thing is over in 46 seconds… Boy they’ve had some long matches tonight… #SarcasmMuch

–Commercial Break–

– WWE App. Apparently there’s some sort of Adam Rose & Zack Ryder feud on Twitter. Tom Phillips reads some of their Tweets. Clearly they have nothing left to fill the time with.

– Fastlane 6-Man Tag rematch on Smackdown.

– We get a video of the recent Seth Rollins/Jon Stewart “feud”.

7. Daniel Bryan & Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton & Seth Rollins (w/Kane, Big Show, Mercury & Noble)

Rollins introduces Orton as the current face of the WWE, all of the Authority members clap for Orton’s entrance. We go to break as the final introduction of Daniel Bryan is made. When we return, the match begins. Bryan & Rollins start out. Bryan hooks Rollins in the Mexican Suspended Ceiling and tags to Reigns to take over… Roman unloads on Seth, and Orton tags in. It’s Reigns & Orton, Randy early with a standing dropkick drops Roman. Orton whips Reigns around until Roman bounces out with a clothesline to drop Randy… Bryan takes over, but Orton hits his around the back backbreaker and drops Bryan across the top rope with a gourd buster…. Rollins tags back in and Bryan takes the heat. Bryan does backdrop Seth to the floor and tries a Suicide Dive, but Orton pulls Seth out of the way and Daniel puts on the brakes. The entire Authority huddle and regroup on the floor as we take our last break…

Over to the WWE App, Rollins is back in the ring and he wants Reigns… So Bryan tags in Roman. Reigns begins to work over Seth and he throws Rollins back to the floor… Reigns goes outside after Seth, but J&J Security distracts and Rollins attacks and sends Reigns into the ring announcer barricade…. And the App signs off.

Back from break, Orton & Rollins are working over Reigns in the ring. Orton really lays into Roman… Reigns finally gets a hot tag to Bryan, and Daniel is all over Rollins…. Yes kicks, YES LOCK applied, but Orton breaks it up… Reigns clotheslines Orton outside, and Reigns goes to the floor… Bryan then tosses Seth outside and hits a Suicide Dive… Bryan goes to the top rope, but J&J security distracts and Bryan ends up getting crotched, and Rollins covers for 2…

Orton tags back in on Bryan. Randy beats down Bryan and goes for the Superplex, a la his daddy Cowboy Bob. Bryan knocks Randy off but misses a diving headbutt on Orton. Hot tags to Rollins & Reigns… Reigns all over Seth, he hits him with TWELVE clotheslines…. And then Roman with a new move, a Fireman’s carry into a flapjack… Reigns sets up for a SUPERMAN PUNCH, but Mercury up on the apron and he gets nails instead…. Rollins hits the Pelé enzuigiri on Reigns and tags to Orton…. Randy hits his powerslam on Roman…

Orton sets Reigns up for the suspended DDT, but ROLLINS TAGS HIMSELF IN… Orton gets pissd and hits the DDT anyway…. Seth steps in, and Orton tries to leave ringside, but Kane & Big Show try and make peace with Randy…

Reigns with a SUPERMAN PUNCH on Rollins and sets up for the spear, but Bryan tags himself in… Reigns laughs because now they’re buddies and lets Daniel take over. Bryan lands the running knee for the win in 16:08. Bryan & Reigns get the win and are happy smiley baby faces….

After the match Orton stalks Rollins like he’s going to punt his head…. But starts to walk up to Seth… Jamie Noble grabs Orton and eats a RKO… Orton scares Mercury back into the corner and then Randy corners Seth… Orton stared down Rollins, then just pats him on the shoulder and leaves.

The Authority try to make sense of everything as Randy walks away.

Not sure this is the best way to go about their Mania match… I hope Randy doesn’t lose heat with this booking…



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